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"Our data indicate that Hax-1 interacts with the C-terminal domain of Kv3.3 and becomes enriched at the cell cortex."

"Here, the authors show that the known Kv3.3 channel complex with Hax1, which affects spinal cerebellar ataxia, regulates the enzyme Tank Binding Kinase 1, modulating survival of cerebellar neurons."

"Accordingly, the binding of Hax-1 to Kv3.3 directly triggers the formation of a stable channel-associated subcortical actin cytoskeleton that acts to prevent inactivation of Kv3.3 during depolarization [8]."

"These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that TBK1-dependent association of Kv3.3 with Hax-1 regulates its rate of inactivation (Fig.  xref ) and the finding that inactivation of G592R Kv3.3 channels is slower than that of wild type channels (Fig.  xref )."

"Accordingly, the binding of Hax-1 to Kv3.3 directly triggers the formation of a stable channel-associated subcortical actin cytoskeleton that acts to prevent inactivation of Kv3.3 during depolarization [ xref ]."

"Moreover, effects of cortical Kv3.3-Hax-1 interactions are likely to be abolished in disease-causing mutations that prevent trafficking of Kv3.3 to the plasma membrane ( Gallego-Iradi et al., 2014 )."

"Because the binding of Hax-1 to Kv3.3 prevents rapid inactivation of the channels xref , we tested the effects of the TBK1 inhibitor on the characteristics of Kv3.3 currents using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique."

"The interaction between Kv3.3 and Hax-1 provides potential links between SCA13 mutations and degeneration of neurons such as cerebellar Purkinje cells."

"The effects of Kv3.3 on the actin cytoskeleton are mediated by the binding of the cytoplasmic C-terminus of Kv3.3 to Hax-1, an anti-apoptotic protein that regulates actin nucleation through Arp2/3."

"A recent study has shown that the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of Kv3.3 channels binds Hax-1, an anti-apoptotic protein required for the survival of cerebellar neurons [8]."

"The binding of Hax-1 to Kv3.3 is also required to prevent the channel from inactivating rapidly during sustained depolarization xref ."

"The Kv3.3 channel directly binds Hax-1, a cell survival protein."

"To probe further how an abnormal interaction between Kv3.3 and Hax-1 leads to cerebellar degeneration, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to generate homozygous G592R Kv3.3 knock-in mice (Supplementary Fig.  xref )."

"TBK1 activity is required for the binding of Kv3.3 to its auxiliary subunit Hax-1, which prevents channel inactivation with depolarization."

"Although Hax-1 binds G592R Kv3.3, its ability to trigger Arp2/3-dependent actin nucleation and to link N-type inactivation to the cytoskeleton is impaired when bound to this mutant channel."

"Thus, the interaction of Kv3.3 with Hax-1 leads to formation of a stable subcortical actin cytoskeleton under the plasma membrane where Kv3.3 is expressed."

"The binding of Hax-1 to the C-terminus of Kv3.3 channels also prevents rapid inactivation of the channel during depolarization."