

USP22 deubiquitinates EGFR. 4 / 4
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"Additionally, USP22 sustained the activation of multiple EGFR downstream signaling pathways, including STAT3, AKT/mTOR and MEK/ERK pathways, in lung ADC cell lines H1975 and PC9."

"In this model, late endosome localized USP22 deubiquitinates EGFR and impedes sorting of EGFR to the lysosome, thus sustaining the trafficking of EGFR to the plasma membrane (Figs. 6 and 9)."

"Similarly, shRNA knockdown of USP22 resulted in accumulated Ubn-EGFR, which further confirmed that USP22 antagonizes EGFR ubiquitination."

"Mechanistically, USP22 deubiquitinates EGFR localized on late endosomes, prevents ubiquitination mediated EGFR degradation and enhances recycling of EGFR after EGF stimulation."