

TP53 inhibits USP7. 7 / 8
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"However, whether any of these mechanisms contribute to USP7 inhibition‐induced SnC apoptosis has yet to be determined.The results from our studies also suggest that p53 may mediate USP7 inhibition‐induced SnC apoptosis via both transcriptional and post‐transcriptional mechanisms."

"These results suggested that although deletion of p53 failed to rescue the neonatal lethality of hausp FL/FL; nes-cre mice, survival of neural cells and brain development were largely restored in the absence of p53."

"To determine whether p53 mediates USP7 inhibition‐induced SnC apoptosis by upregulating pro‐apoptotic genes, we compared BBC3, PMAIP1, and FAS mRNA levels in non‐SnCs and IR‐induced SnCs with or without P5091 treatment."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR The p53 staining was weak but was detectable in some of the cells in hausp FL/FL; nes-cre cortex at day E12.5 (data not shown), indicating the onset of the accumulation of p53 following depletion of HAUSP protein."

"P53 levels were increased by compound 4 in all three cell lines, confirming its inhibition of USP7."

"Concomitant deletion of p53 partially rescued the developmental defects in hausp nes-cre conditional knockout mice, providing direct evidences for p53 dependent functions of HAUSP."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, both p53 and Mdm2 had decreased half-lives in hausp heterozygote MEF cells (lanes 5-8) compared with that in wild-type MEF cells (lanes 1-4)."