

PAX inhibits KCNMA1. 6 / 6
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"PAX blocked the BK channel and attenuated the BK-channel-derived inward currents (Fig. 4E, F)."

"The selective membrane permeable BK channel blocker PAX also induced G2 accumulation and S contraction, and additionally, a G1-phase accumulation at 10 -4 M. Finally, the selective external membrane impermanent BK channel blocker IbTX at 10 -6 M concentration induced a G2-phase accumulation along with a slight contraction of G1 cells."

"In our experiments we used the high affinity BK channel blockers PAX and IbTX to investigate on the relationship between their blocking mechanisms and biological effects such as cell cycle progression and the associated intracellular signaling, the morphological changes, and cell proliferation after a short incubation time."

"PAX at 100 nM blocks efficiently and specifically SLO1 channels in human spermatozoa [2]."

"The capacity of the IbTX and PAX used in the killing and phospholipase degradation assays to inhibit BK channel currents was confirmed in cells expressing native BK channels and in COS-7 cells transfected with BK channels."

"We can also hypothesize that the ability of PAX to inhibit SLO1 channels could be reduced when added together with progesterone."