

USP12 binds WDR48 and F219. 3 / 3
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"While the Pinky Finger of USP12 in the UAF1-USP12-WDR20 complex adopts the same b strand conformation as seen in the UAF1-USP12 complex, F219 on the PK Helix becomes embedded in the pocket formed between the Fingers and the Palm domains, instead of being tucked underneath the Fingers domain ( Figures 3D, 5B , and 5C)."

"While the Pinky Finger of USP12 in the UAF1, USP12, and WDR20 complex adopts the same beta-strand conformation as seen in the UAF1 and USP12 complex, F219 on the PK Helix becomes embedded in its pocket formed between the Fingers and Palm domains, instead of being tucked underneath the Fingers domain (XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG)."

"While the Pinky Finger of USP12 in the UAF1, USP12, and WDR20 complex adopts the same beta strand conformation as seen in the UAF1 and USP12 complex, F219 on the PK Helix becomes embedded in the pocke[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"