

Modified MDM2 increases the amount of MDM2. 5 / 5
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"Increase of MDM2 and ARF levels by DNA damage, recombinant ARF adenovirus infection, or inducible MDM2 expression leads to proteasome mediated down-regulation of MDMX levels."

"Transcription of mdm2 is induced in a p53 dependent manner following gamma irradiation, indicating that p53 regulates mdm2 expression in vivo following a stimulus."

"When wild-type p53 was overexpressed in estrogen receptor negative tumor cells containing a mutant or no endogenous p53, MDM2 mRNA levels increased significantly, indicating that wild-type p53 positively influences MDM2 mRNA levels in these tumor cells."

"Recently, MDM2 expression in the basal layer of the epidermis has been shown to induce hyperplasia and premalignant lesions and expression of MDM2 at an early stage of differentiation has been propose[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Although Mdm2 protein decreases p53 levels by promoting its protein degradation, increased Mdm2 mRNA expression does not necessarily lead to higher Mdm2 protein levels."