

SRC inhibits RAS. 9 / 11
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"Differential antagonism of Ras biological activity by catalytic and Src homology domains of Ras GTPase activation protein."

"Ras activation was inhibited by a Grb2 dominant negative form (P49L), by PI3K inhibitors, including wortmannin, LY294002, the N-SH2 domain of p85alpha PI3K and by the SH2 domain of Src."

"However, as mentioned in Section 2.3.2, SRC negatively regulates RAS by phosphorylation at Y32, therefore SRC inhibition leads to increased RAS activity."

"Moreover, we provide evidence that the inhibition of SRC may activate RAS, AKT and ERK1/2 in the cancer cells analysed."

"Differential antagonism of Ras biological activity by catalytic and Src homology domains of Ras GTPase activation protein."

"In stark contrast to a previous model in which Src promotes Golgi Ras activity, we showed that Src negatively regulates Ras activity at the Golgi compartment, but not at the plasma membrane (Fig. 3)."

"The Src kinase inhibitor PP1 also reduced bFGF activation of Ras p21 and cell proliferation in PR1 cells."

"SRC phosphorylates SHC, promoting its ability to activate RAS [XREF_BIBR]; downstream of RAS, SRC phosphorylates and activates RAF kinases [XREF_BIBR]; conversely, SRC phosphorylation also can inhibit RAS, by promoting its GTPase activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"To explain why dasatinib and PP2 induced the phosphorylation of AKT and ERK1/2, we speculate that a negative regulatory RAS protein or upstream to RAS protein (likely a phosphatase of EGFR) might be activated by SRC kinases."