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"TRE2 in vivo , we carried out ChIP assay on intestinal Analysis of the ChIP DNA by using a primer pair chromatin extracted from premetamorphic tadpoles flanking TRE2 showed that TR was bound to TRE2 in premetamorphic tadpole intestine and T3 treatment enhanced TR binding to TRE2 ( xref )."

"TRE2 in vivo, we carried out ChIP assay on intestinal Analysis of the ChIP DNA by using a primer pair chromatin extracted from premetamorphic tadpoles flanking TRE2 showed that TR was bound to TRE2 in premetamorphic tadpole intestine and T3 treatment enhanced TR binding to TRE2 (Figure 5)."

"To determine if the strong binding of TRE2 to the TR/RXR heterodimer was sequence-specific, we mutated the putative TRE2 at the positions known to be important for binding to TR/RXR heterodimer (Figure 3B) and determined the effect in the mobility shift assay."

"More importantly, TRE2 is bound by TR in the tadpole intestine and T3 treatment of premetamorphic tadpoles leads to increased level of the activation histone mark H3K79 methylation and recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the TRE2 in the tadpole intestine."

"More importantly, TRE2 is bound by TR in the tadpole intestine and T3 treatment of premetamorphic tadpoles leads to increased level of the activation histone mark H3K79 methylation and recruitment of RNA polymerase II to the TRE2 in the tadpole intestine."