

Modified RAS increases the amount of TP53. 4 / 4
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"It has been shown that expression of Ras or activation of the MAPK pathway increases wild-type p53 levels and can cause permanent growth arrest."

"RAS can activate mRNA transcription and translation of Mdm2 and p53, as well as induce ARF, a tumor-suppressor protein that binds MDM2 and blocks MDM2 mediated p53 degradation in a cell-type dependent manner."

"Conversely, continuous overexpression of oncogenic Ras and its various effectors can lead to irreversible cell cycle arrest by upregulating the levels of p16 Ink4a, p19 Arf, and p53."

"We found that over-expression of ras in normal haemocytes did not lead to a higher expression of p53 or Mdm as found in vertebrates."