

USP39 increases the amount of ZEB1. 6 / 6
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"Our results revealed that the silencing of USP39 expression significantly suppressed ZEB1 protein expression in SK-hep-1 and HepG2 cells (Fig. 3A)."

"Accordingly, the protein level of ZEB1 could be increased by USP39 overexpression in SK-hep-1 cell (Fig. 3B)."

"It is interesting to speculate that whether E3 ligase TRIM26 with ubiquitin function has a common foothold with USP39, that is, TRIM26 affects the stability of ZEB1 through ubiquitination, while USP39 promotes the abnormality of ZEB1 level through deubiquitination, which orchestrates the occurrence of EMT and determines the progression of HCC.This study uncovers the elaborate ubiquitination and deubiquitination modifications of ZEB1 in HCC."

"Since ubiquitination and stability play important roles in ZEB1 regulation, hypothetically, USP39 with the function of deubiquitination could promote HCC progression through regulating the level of ZEB1 ubiquitination.The tripartite motif (TRIM) family proteins possess one or two B-boxes along with its domain structure, and a more diverse domain at the C terminus [20, 21], which are considered key regulators of protein degradation through ubiquitylation."

"Collectively, these results revealed a functional significance of USP39 on the ZEB1 induced EMT progression in HCC at protein levels.Interestingly, the ZEB1 mRNA level showed no significant difference in HepG2 cells transduced with shUSP39 (Fig. S2), which indicated that USP39 may mediate ZEB1 expression via posttranslational regulation (i.e., protein deubiquitination)."

"In our study, similarly, USP39 can modulate the level of ZEB1 protein via deubiquitination."