

USP24 activates ubiquitinated DDB2. 2 / 2
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"To examine if USP24 can target ubiquitinated DDB2 in vitro, we treated HeLa cells expressing Hig tagged DDB2 with MG132, a proteosome inhibitor, XREF_BIBR for 1 h and exposed HeLa cells to UVC (10 J/m 2) to stimulate DDB2 uniquitination for another hour, Ni-NTA beads were then used to pulldown modified His DDB2."

"Our group previously reported that ubiquitinated DDB2 can be targeted by USP24, and in this study, we demonstrate that USP24 is a p53 deubiquitinase, required for p53 stabilization in unstressed cells, as well as for p53 stabilization and PUMA activation after DNA damage."