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"To determine if the interaction of PHLPP and USP46 is required for USP46-mediated increase of PHLPP expression, the full-length PHLPP1 or the USP46 binding-deficient Δ1139 mutant was co-expressed with USP46."

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"To determine if the interaction of PHLPP and USP46 is required for USP46 mediated increase of PHLPP expression, the full-length PHLPP1 or the USP46 binding deficient Delta1139 mutant was co-expressed with USP46."

"Hence, we checked physical interaction between USP46 and PHLPP1 by coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP)."

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"Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that only USP46 specifically interacted with PHLPP1 in transfected 293T cells whereas other DUBs including USP7 and USP16 failed to binding PHLPP1, thus, demonstrating the specificity of USP46-mediated interaction ( xref )."

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"To further determine the functional interaction between USP46 and PHLPP, we generated four stable HCT116 cell lines expressing control vector, USP46 alone, PHLPP1 alone, or PHLPP1 plus USP46."

"We found that PHLPP1 precipitated with USP46 and vice versa (Figures xref ) demonstrating that USP46 and PHLPP1 physically interact with each other."

"Furthermore, downregulation of both PHLPP1 and USP46 expression is highly associated in human colorectal cancer specimens."

"USP46 interacts with PHLPP in cells."

"USP46 binds to PHLPP and directly removes the polyubiquitin chains from PHLPP in vitro and in cells."

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"To further determine the functional interaction between USP46 and PHLPP, we generated four stable HCT116 cell lines expressing control vector, USP46 alone, PHLPP1 alone, or PHLPP1 plus USP46."

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"In CRC, a mutation in the protein WD repeat domain 48, required for interaction between PHLPP1 and USP12, resulted in PHLPP1 downregulation and consequent increase in AKT signaling ( Gangula and Maddi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Furthermore, the interaction between both endogenous PHLPP isoforms and USP46 was readily detected in DLD1 cells ( xref )."

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"USP46 interacts with PHLPP in cells."

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