

"In this study, we used three NPC cell lines (CNE1, CNE2, and HONE1) to investigate the hypothesis that Jab1 positively regulates the DNA repair protein Rad51 and, in turn, cellular response to treatment with DNA damaging agents such as cisplatin, ionizing radiation (IR) and ultraviolet (UV)."

"In this study, we used three NPC cell lines (CNE1, CNE2 and HONE1) to investigate the hypothesis that Jab1 positively regulates the DNA repair protein Rad51 and, in turn, cellular response to treatment with DNA damaging agents such as cisplatin, ionizing radiation (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation."

"In the current study, we investigate the hypothesis that Jab1 positively regulates the DNA repair protein Rad51 and, in turn, the cellular response of breast cancer to chemotherapy with adriamycin and cisplatin."