

TP53 activates USP7. 15 / 15
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"To determine whether there was increased apoptosis due to p53 activation in hausp knockout embryos, a TUNEL (TdT mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling) assay was performed on wild-type and hausp knockout embryos of both days E6.5 (XREF_FIG) and E7.5 (XREF_FIG)."

"Interestingly, the level of Mdm4 showed slight increase in hausp knockout MEFs (XREF_FIG, lane 6 versus lane 5), suggesting p53 activation in hausp knockout MEFs was mainly because of downregulation of Mdm2."

"The results showed that knockout of p53 did not rescue the lethality of the hausp knockout."

"10, 13, 14 The identification of these substrates indicates that USP7 controls additional vital cellular functions beyond those mediated by p53 stability."

"We therefore observed p53 independent induction of p21 protein that was followed by cell-cycle arrest in G1 phase, as previously described."

"Once again, the current study demonstrated the essential roles of p53 independent functions of HAUSP, indicated by the inability to rescue the neonatal lethality of hausp FL/FL; nes-cre mice by concomitant deletion of p53."

"Hdm2 is preferentially targeted by USP7 over p53 under normal unstressed conditions; however, USP7 targets p53 in response to DNA damage."

"Hausp knockout was partially rescued by p53 knockout."

"Although deletion of p53 did not completely rescue the embryonic lethality of the hausp knockout, embryonic development was extended in both hausp and p53 double knockout embryos."

"Owing to the observation of p53 activation in hausp knockout embryos, we attempted to rescue the lethality of hausp knockout mice by generating hausp and p53 double knockout mice."

"The concurrent loss of TP53 effectively rescued the cytotoxic effect of USP7 knockout, as also observed for PPM1D knockout (XREF_FIG)."

"Knockout of Usp7 in mice results in early embryonic lethality that can not be rescued by p53 knockout, suggesting additional roles of Usp7."

"Loss of TP53 rescues the effects of MDM2, MDM4, PPM1D, and USP7 inhibition."

"HAUSP plays pivotal roles in the stability of p53 and MDM2, raising HAUSP as a potential therapeutic target for tuning p53 mediated anti-tumor activity."

"Knockout of Usp7 in mice results in early embryonic lethality that can not be rescued by p53 knockout, suggesting additional roles of Usp7 (Kon et al., 2010)."