

"It has been reported that MITF downregulation is related to the suppression of the cAMP dependent melanogenic pathway stimulated by a-MSH in melanoma cells."

"Even after l h preincubation with a-MSH, subsequent washing and reintroduction of a-MSH or ACTH produces some further stimulation of cAMP accumulation."

"The incubation of a-MSH with tissues previously enriched with TBG induces a higher increase in the content of cAMP than that induced by a-MSH alone."

"The second effect is a synergic action forming cAMP induced by the aMSH."

"However, because a-MSH stimulates to a greater extent, the actual amount of cAMP in the cells is still greater in the cells treated with a-MSH."

"A-MSH in the presence of bromocriptine produced an increase in cAMP (a similar effect was obtained when the peptide was alone)."

"DISCUSSION We have examined the effects of a-MSH on intracellular cAMP levels in thin slices containing CP and Acc and we found that a-MSH stimulated cAMP production in a dose dependent fashion."

"Instead, 0.1 pM HS964 was found to completely block the cAMP increase induced by a-MSH for all the four MC receptors."

"In E15-16 rat neuronal cortical cultures ACTH (1-24), ACTH (1-17), a-MSH,, Q-MSH, ACTH (1-10), and ACTH (410) stimulate cAMP production fourfold."

"Org2766 and a-MSH increased cyclic AMP content of Schwann cells but neither stimulated DNA synthesis when applied alone."

"On other hand, in an accompanying article we describe the synergic action of gangliosides on the cyclic AMP release induced by a-MSH in rat brain slices (18)."

"XREF_BIBR In the recent study by Hur, XREF_BIBR luteolin did not inhibit tyrosinase activation directly, but it concentration-dependently inhibited tyrosinase activation and melanin generation increase by a-MSH in the B16 melanoma cell as well as cAMP generation by MSH and forskolin, which identified the action mechanism of its whitening action generation."

"A-MSH, ACTH, and P-MSH elicit a dose dependent increase in cAMP with equal potency and efficacy (47)."

"In Hepa cells transfected with the human MC, receptor low concentrations of a-MSH and ACTH increased the intracellular cAMP content and increased the inositol phosphate production."