

MDM2-C462A activates TP53. 3 / 3
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"While both Mdm2 Y487A and Mdm2 C462A disrupt p53 degradation and maintain Mdm2 degradation, the location of the Y487 residue, C-terminal of the Mdm2 RING finger domain, should not disrupt zinc coordination, thus proper folding and the structure of the RING domain should remain intact (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Mdm2 C462A enhances p53 transcriptional activity."

"Here, we show in vivo that the Mdm2 C462A protein not only fails to suppress p53, but compared to the complete absence of Mdm2, Mdm2 C462A actually enhances p53 transcriptional activity toward p53 target genes p21 and CDKN1A, MDM2, BAX, NOXA, and 14-3-3sigma."