

USP10 inhibits SGs. 5 / 5
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"Interestingly, the overexpression of USP10 prevents the formation of SGs by directly binding G3BP via an FGDF motif."

"Cells with an exon 3 deletion may express an FGDF containing inhibitory fragment of USP10, which would suppress SGs as does USP10 1-40 (XREF_FIG) and explain the apparent contradiction."

"Tet induced GFP-USP10 expression prevents AS and CZ induction of SGs (XREF_FIG) but does not alter stress induced polysome disassembly (XREF_FIG), indicating that GFP-USP10 inhibits the cytoplasmic condensation of mRNPs into SGs."

"Here, we have shown that overexpression of EGFP-USP10, but not a mutant lacking an intact FGDF-motif, efficiently blocks the formation of SGs (XREF_FIG)."

"When mCherry tagged USP10 is cotransfected with GFP-G3BP1, both proteins colocalize in SGs (XREF_FIG, 4), but mCherry-USP10 coexpressed with GFP-Caprin1 inhibits SGs even upon AS treatment (XREF_FIG, 5 and 6), suggesting that USP10 and Caprin1 compete for limiting G3BP."