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"Next, Kaplan-Meier's survival analysis was performed to examine the expression of five deubiquitinating enzymes in 117 NSCLC patients (GEO Submission: GSE13213) and revealed that the higher expression of OTUB1 and OTUB2 was significantly associated with poor patient prognosis (Figure xref B-EandFigure xref E)."

"OTU1 and OTU2 ( R. radiotolerans ) associated to the meteorites ( p = 0.034), as did OTU5 ( Blastococcus sp.) p = 0.034, OTU6 ( G. pulveris ) p = 0.034, OTU12 (Chloroflexi) p = 0.028, OTU15 ( B. jejuensis ) p = 0.034, OTU19 (Frankiales) p = 0.034, OTU21 ( D. navajonensis ) p = 0.034, and OTU23 ( Rubrobacter sp.) p = 0.032."

"Binding of Known Covalent SARS-CoV PLpro Inhibitors to OTUB2/OTUB1/SARS-CoV-2 PLpro."

"OTUB1 and OTUB2 interact with and deubiquitinate TRAF3 and TRAF6, which are required for virus-triggered IRF3 and NF-κB activation [ xref ]."

"On the other hand, OTU1-OTU3 comparisons showed four total upregulated and 88 downregulated genes in OTU1-dominated communities, whereas OTU1-OTU2 comparisons showed 751 total upregulated and 403 downregulated genes in OTU1-dominated communities ( xref )."