"The findings suggest an additional mechanism underlying the regulation of spermatogonial p53 function, indicating the significance of TSPY1 in germline homeostasis maintenance and the potential of TSPY1 in regulating human spermatogonial proliferation via the USP7 mediated p53 signaling pathway."
"The data obtained from the present study did not demonstrate whether p53 upregulation is directly regulated by HAUSP activity or is dependent on the more complex BCR, ABL, HAUSP, MDM2, and p53 network, but the upregulation in p53 levels supports the assessment of HAUSP inhibitors in the clinical setting."
"From a functional perspective, we speculate that, WDR79, a scaffold protein with multiple WD-repeat domains, may form a platform to actively recruit or tether USP7 and its targets Mdm2 and/or p53 from the nucleoplasm, which facilitates the USP7 mediated stabilization of Mdm2 and p53."
"Expression of the apoptosis regulator p53 is governed by minute double minute 2 (MDM2), an E3 enzyme that targets p53 for ubiquitination and proteasomal processing, and by the deubiquitinating enzyme, herpesvirus associated ubiquitin specific protease (HAUSP), which rescues p53 by removing ubiquitin chains from it."