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"Our study also provides the evidence on the interactions between USP26 and AR in mouse testis, whereby pointing to a potential mechanism."

"As an example, USP26 physically interacts with AR and influences AR ubiquitination and transcriptional activation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Usp26 can directly bind and deubiquitinate AR, acting as a co-regulator of the AR by reversing AR activation and degradation by MDM2 ubiquitination depending on cellular context highlighting the complexity of post-translational regulation [ xref ]."

"For example, USP26 physically interacts with AR and influences AR ubiquitination and transcriptional activation; xref USP12 stabilizes AR, enhances its cellular function, and thereby triggers the gene expression of PSA. xref In addition, USP10 also has been reported to bind AR, resulting in increased transcriptional activity."

"Usp26 binds to AR via nuclear receptor boxes, a hydrophobic motif (LXXLL) found in p160 coactivators."

"For example, USP26 physically interacts with AR and influences AR ubiquitination and transcriptional activation; 17 USP12 stabilizes AR, enhances its cellular function, and thereby triggers the gene expression of PSA."

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"Our study also provides the evidence on the interactions between USP26 and AR in mouse testis, whereby pointing to a potential mechanism."

"Given USP26 interaction with the androgen receptor, we conducted this study to characterize USP26 as a potential target affecting human testicular function and fertility and androgen dependent cancers."

"As an example, USP26 physically interacts with AR and influences AR ubiquitination and transcriptional activation [ xref ]."

"USP26 binds to androgen receptor through three nuclear receptor interaction motifs, and knockdown of USP26 leads to decreased receptor activity in LnCaP and HEK293 cells."

"Usp26 can directly bind and deubiquitinate AR, acting as a co-regulator of the AR by reversing AR activation and degradation by MDM2 ubiquitination depending on cellular context highlighting the complexity of post-translational regulation [XREF_BIBR]."

"With mRNA and protein expression of USP26 confirmed in breast and thyroid cancer, the interaction of USP26 and AR may play a significant role in tumorigenesis."

"With abnormal USP26 expression (both under and overexpression) identified in breast tissue, additional investigation is warranted given the known USP26 interaction with androgen receptor."

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No evidence text available