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"The results showed that USP25-WT remarkably inhibited SEV induced activation of IFN-beta (XREF_FIG), IRF3 (XREF_FIG), NF-kappaB (XREF_FIG) and ISRE (XREF_FIG) in a dose dependent manner."

"The deubiquitinases (DUBs) A20 and USP25 negatively regulate IL-17-induced NF-kappaB and MAPK activation by removing ubiquitin modifications on TRAF6."

"USP21 was reported to target RIPK1 and inhibit NF-kappaB activity 96, however mice lacking USP21 show no defect in NF-kappaB signalling 93."

"Interestingly, we found that overexpression of USP21 WT but not C221A mutant inhibited IFN-beta, NF-kappaB, and ISRE reporter activities in HEK293T cells in response to transfected poly (I : C), which was known to be mediated by MDA5 (unpublished data), suggesting that USP21 might also target MDA5."

"We observed that overexpression of USP25 significantly inhibited SEV induced activation of IRF3 and NF-kappaB (XREF_FIG)."

"To better understand the effects of USP25 in SEV induced type I IFN signaling, we assessed whether expression of USP25 disrupts SEV induced activation of IRF3 and NF-kappaB, the two important transcriptional factors in type I IFN signaling."

"USP21 inhibits NF-kB activation through the deubiquitylation of RIPK1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Because USP25 negatively regulates IL-17-induced activation of NF-kappaB and stabilization of chemokine mRNA, which involves TRAF6 and TRAF5, respectively 26, we examined whether USP25 interacts with these TRAF proteins."

"The analysis suggested that reconstitution of USP25 almost completely inhibited IL-17-induced activation of NF-kappaB compared to USP25 (C178S) (0.89 v.s 1.8 at 15 min, 0.61 v.s. 8.3 at 30 min, respectively) (XREF_FIG)."

"Because IFN-beta reporter activity is dependent on both NF-kappaB and IRF3, we further tested the inhibitory effect of USP21 on SeV-, RIG-I-CARD-, and TBK1 induced NF-kappaB and ISRE reporter activities."