

"Overexpression of OTUB1, but not the OTUB1 (C91S) mutant, significantly enhanced the cell proliferation as well as the viability of WT MEFs in response to epirubicin (XREF_FIG)."

"Our data show that WT OTUB1, but not the OTUB1 (C91S) catalytic dead mutant, can enhance the stability of FOXM1 in response to epirubicin in MCF-7 cells, suggesting that the deubiquitinase activity is required for the degradation of FOXM1."

"In addition, proliferative and clonogenic assays also show that OTUB1 can enhance the proliferative rate and epirubicin resistance through targeting FOXM1, as OTUB1 has little effect on FOXM1 deficient cells."

"Furthermore, we also found that OTUB1 overexpression enhanced the resistance of MCF-7 cells to epirubicin (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"OTUB1 promotes cell proliferation and epirubicin resistance through targeting FOXM1."

"18 In here, we not only show that the potent oncogene FOXM1 is a target of OTUB1 but also present evidence to demonstrate that the oncogenic and genotoxic functions of OTUB1 depend on the expression of a functional FOXM1, suggesting that OTUB1 promotes cell proliferation and epirubicin resistance predominantly through targeting FOXM1."