

BAP1 activates INO80. 6 / 7
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"One reason for this could be that the simultaneous knockdown of CHIP and BAP1 decreased Ino80 only marginally compared to the individual knockdown, which is likely due to a limitation of siRNA knockdown."

"Ino80 is downregulated in BAP1 defective mesothelioma, owing to the lack of a BAP1 mediated Ino80 stabilization mechanism, thus raising the possibility of a tumorigenic role for INO80 in this cancer."

"Conversely, knockdown of CHIP, BAP1, or both decreased Ino80 preferentially in the chromatin fractions (XREF_FIG)."

"Importantly, Ino80 levels are often reduced in BAP1-null mesothelioma cells, which lack a BAP1 mediated Ino80 stabilization mechanism, and downregulated in BAP1 defective cancer cells in mesothelioma patients [XREF_BIBR]."

"By recruiting INO80 to the stalled forks, BAP1 allows stress induced stalled replication forks to restart, a mechanism that suppresses genome instability and thus cancer development."

"While individual expression of CHIP and BAP1 increased Ino80, as expected, coexpression of these proteins increased endogenous Ino80 (XREF_FIG) and transfected Flag-Ino80 beyond the levels achieved by individual expression of either protein (XREF_FIG)."