

"First and foremost is the ob- servation that a-MSH stimulates corticosterone pro- duction in glomerulosa cells from normal animals at levels at least three orders of magnitude lower than in fasciculat[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Other workers [33] have found that a-MSH at the levels we have used stimulates aldoster- one but not corticosterone in cells from normal rats."

"They nevertheless show comparable changes in steroid profile with sodium restriction, and in tissue from control animals, a-MSH stimulated corticosterone, 18- hydroxycorticosterone and aldosterone (cf[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Aldosterone, on the other hand, is only stimulated in normal glomerulosa cells at levels of a-MSH which also stimulate corticosterone in fasciculata cells."

"As can be seen there was a tendency for animals treated with corticosterone and those treated with a-MSH to have a lower efficiency as compared to animals treated with a placebo."

"These two sets of data strongly suggest that a-MSH stimulates corticosterone production in glomerulosa 100 [y " 50 Glomerulosa corticosterone 100 r% maximal response 50 / / Glomerulosa aldosterone> ' [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Corticosterone production is stimulated by a-MSH in cells from normal animals at concentrations within the normal range for circulating plasma (~ 3 x lO ^ ^ mol/l), while aldosterone is stimulated by [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"