

STAMBP activates ATF2. 10 / 10
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"Thus the involvement of EPACs in α-MSH-induced CRE activation is not a HEK-293 cell specific phenomenon, but rather a common feature of the MC4R. In contrast to HEK-293 cells, the EPAC-2 specific inhibitor ESI-05 also blocked α-MSH-induced CRE activation in GT1-7 cells underscoring cell-type specific roles of EPAC-1 and -2 in this process."

"In contrast, both EPAC-1/2 inhibitors blunted α-MSH-induced CRE activation, compatible with the notion that EPAC-1/2 activity is required."

"As shown in xref ( xref ), both EPAC-1/2 inhibitors blocked ~80% of α-MSH-induced CRE activation in mHypoA-2/10-CRE cells, in accord with our data obtained in HEK-293 and GT1-7 cells."

"EPAC requirement for α-MSH-induced CRE activation is not restricted to the MC4R subtype."

"Next, we transfected the CRE reporter into GT1-7 cells and analysed the effects of PKA and EPAC-1/2 inhibitors on α-MSH-induced CRE activation ( xref , and xref )."

"As shown in xref , substantial inhibition of Rap-1a protein expression (~50%) was obtained, accompanied by significant inhibition of α-MSH-induced CRE activation (~30%)."

"In contrast to HEK-293 and GT1-7 cells, PKA blockers significantly inhibited α-MSH-induced CRE activation in mHypoA-2/10-CRE cells."

"To clarify this issue, we employed the B16F10 mouse melanoma cell line endogenously expressing MC1R and investigated the contribution of PKA and EPAC to α-MSH-induced CRE activation ( xref )."

"Pivotal role of EPACs for α-MSH-induced CRE activation."

"As shown in xref , ERK-1/2 inhibition significantly decreased α-MSH-induced CRE activation in both cell lines, lending further credence to the concept that MC4R-induced CRE activation requires EPAC and ERK-1/2 activity."