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"From the reported “NF-kB signaling” pathway, the genes coding for the interacting TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 molecules form Cluster 4, marked by their enrichment in interleukin and NF-kB GO terms."

"These findings are unexpected because A20 and ABIN-1 are binding partners considered to function together, in which case the predicted outcome would be that deleting one would be sufficient to ablate the activity of the other."

"45,46 ABIN1 and A20 directly interact, and A20-mediated deubiquitination and degradation of NEMO and subsequent NF-κB inhibition are ABIN1 dependent."

"Prior studies suggested that ABIN-1 binds A20, a potent restrictor of TNF-induced NFkB signaling, and that ABIN-1 inhibits NFkB signaling ( xref , xref )."

"Possibly, ABIN-1 binding to the A20 C-terminus may exert additional effects, such as shielding the MALT1 recognition motif of A20, which could protect A20 from MALT1-catalyzed inactivation."

"Although this may seem counterintuitive given the role of MCPIP1 in restricting inflammation, it is common for feedback inhibitors like TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 to be associated with inflammation ( xref )."

"Recently a genome-wide association study (GWAS) reported association of TNIP1 (5q32-q33.1) as well as TNFAIP3 SNPs with psoriasis in the Caucasian populations [ xref ]."

"Notably, TNFAIP3, a binding partner of TNIP1, did not show significant evidence of association or interaction with TNIP1 (data not shown)."

"Collectively, these data demonstrate the importance of the ABIN1 UBD domain, which mediates the ABIN1-A20 axis, at limiting RIPK1 activation-dependent cell death during embryonic development."

"Significant gene gene interaction between TNIP1 and TNFAIP3 was detected neither in SLE nor RA."

"Via deletion analysis of ABIN-1 we obtained evidence that AHD1 is involved in the interaction of ABIN-1 with A20 ( Fig. 4A )."

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"The ability of ABIN-1 to inhibit this pathway after induction with TNF has already been shown previously. xref ABIN-1 usually interacts with the deubiquitinase A20 and binds to polyubiquitylated NEMO (IKKγ)."

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"The interaction between A20 and ABIN was not influenced by stimulation with TNF (data not shown)."

"One such protein is ABIN1 (A20-binding inhibitor of NF-κB 1; also known as TNIP1), which physically associates with A20 and functions as an adaptor to recruit A20 to its target IKKγ (Ref. xref )."

"TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3 and may play a role in NF-κB inhibition together with TNFAIP3 ."

"In addition, TNIP1 (TNFAIP3-interacting protein 1), which interacts with TNFAIP3, is also associated with psoriasis and SLE ( xref ; xref )."

"TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3 and may play a role in NF-kappaB inhibition together with TNFAIP3."

"The TNIP1-A20 complex then utilizes the ubiquitin-binding domain of ABIN and NEMO (UBAN, alias AHD2) within TNIP1 for the recognition of linear (Met1) and K62-linked polyubiquitin chains [ xref ]."

"Lack of Evidence for Genetic Interaction between TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 ."

"At the molecular level, ABIN1 interacts with A20 and polyubiquitinated NF-κB proteins NEMO, IRAK1, and RIP1."

"In the present study, we provide evidence that interaction of A20 and ABIN-1 is not essential for TNF-induced NF-κB inhibition."

"TNFAIP2 may play a pro angiogenic role, whereas TNFAIP3 interacts with TNIP1 and inhibits TNF induced NFk-B-dependent gene expression by interfering with RIP- or TRAF2 mediated transactivation signal."

"A20 Binds to a Novel NF-κB Inhibitory Protein ABIN."

"Multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms in the TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 (TNIP1) gene, which interacts with TNFAIP3 and inhibits the TNF-α–induced nuclear factor κB inflammation pathway, were associated with asthma: rs1422673 ( P = 3.44 × 10 −7 ) and rs10036748 ( P = 1.41 × 10 −6 , r 2 = 0.67). rs1422673 was also associated with asthma in the published GABRIEL ( P = ."

"Although the exact function of TNIP1 has not been defined, TNIP1 does bind TNFAIP3, which suppresses TLR-induced apoptosis by negatively regulating NF-κB xref ."

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"Overexpression of TNIP1 gene interact with TNFAIP3 to restrict NF-κB activation, then further reduced autoimmunity response by TNF-independent signals xref and prevented intestine immune and inflammatory diseases xref – xref ."

"Since ABIN1 and A20 both interact with K63/M1-Ub hybrids and with each other, xref ternary complexes formed between ABIN1, A20 and K63/M1-Ub hybrids may restrict the activation of the TAK1 and IKK complexes more effectively than either ABIN1 or A20 alone ( xref )."

"The role of ABIN1 in IL-17 signaling (e.g. whether and how ABIN1 and A20 cooperatively interact to inhibit NFκB activation as in TNF signaling) is less well defined; however, ABIN1 can inhibit IL-17 signaling independent of A20 ( xref )."

"A previous study performed in Japanese did not find significant multiplicative interaction between TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 (Kawasaki et al., 2010a, b), and this result was consistent with our interaction an[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The interaction of ABIN with A20 was confirmed in human cells and shown to map to the functional COOH-terminal zinc finger–containing domain of A20."

"TNIP1 binds to TNFAIP3, a ubiquitin editing enzyme, and together they inhibit RIPK dependent NF-kappaB signaling [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

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"XREF_BIBR TNIP1 may interact with TNFAIP3 and inhibit TNFalpha induced NFkappaB inflammation pathway."

"Furthermore, we demonstrate that increased interaction of ABIN-1 and A20 with prolonged poly(I:C) stimulation of WT cells leads to A20-dependent reduction of ABIN-1 protein."

"At this moment, the biological significance of the interaction of A20 with ABIN-1 remains unknown."

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"Hence, ABIN1 binds to A20 in cells, and ABIN1 deficiency resembles A20 deficiency in several regards."

"In view of these observations, it is speculated that the risk allele of TNIP1 may also be associated with reduced inhibitory activity of TNFAIP3-TNIP1 pathway."

"Also, full-length ABIN(1-647) and ABIN(54-647) bound A20 in a yeast two-hybrid assay, confirming the original interaction found with the 3′ COOH-terminal fragments ABIN(390-599), ABIN(249-647), and ABIN(312-647)."

"Significant gene-gene interaction between TNIP1 and TNFAIP3 was detected neither in SLE nor RA."

"Because A20 and ABIN-1 are binding partners ( xref ), and because they function in similar pathways, a prevailing model depicts ABIN-1 functioning as an adaptor for A20."

"A20 binds to ABIN-1, a protein encoded by the TNIP1 gene, which, interestingly, is also associated with psoriasis ( xref ) and SLE ( xref ; xref )."

"Thus, we conclude that ABIN-1 is a suppressor of innate immune response and the interaction of ABIN-1 with A20 controls innate immunity response through the NF-κB pathway and in both RIPK1 kinase activity-independent and dependent manner."

"Multiple SNPs in TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 ( TNIP1 ) on chromosome 5q32-q33.1 were associated with asthma in STAMPEED: rs1422673 ( P = 3.44 × 10 −7 ) and rs10036748 ( P = 1.41 × 10 −6 ). rs1422673 was weakly associated with asthma in the published GABRIEL study ( P = 0.018 for meta-analysis) xref but not in the TENOR study ( P = 0.18 but same trend). xref TNIP1 may interact with TNFAIP3 and inhibit TNFα -induced NFκB inflammation pathway."

"Although TNIP1 interacts with A20 and shares a common role in repressing NF-κB activity [ xref , xref ], TNIP1 can function independently of A20 [ xref , xref – xref ]."

"ABIN1 has been described as an NF- κ B suppressor through interacting with A20 [ xref ]; to further verify the interaction between A20 and ABIN1 in the peri-infarct cortex, the immunofluorescence staining and coimmunoprecipitation were performed."

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"Since TNIP1 is a negative regulator of the NF-κB pathway, so when the TNIP1-TNFAIP3 complex inhibits NF-κB, anti-apoptotic genes are not activated by NF-κB and hence apoptosis happens."

"It is therefore possible that competition between NEMO and ABIN1 for binding to ubiquitin oligomers is enhanced when ABIN1 and A20 form a complex ( xref )."

"In the present study, single-marker analysis reproduced the association of TNFAIP3 rs2230926 and TNIP1 rs10036748."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3 and inhibits the TNF-alpha-induced nuclear factor kappaB inflammatory pathway."

"The coimmunoprecipitation results further suggested that ABIN1 and A20 bind to each other in the peri-infarct cortex at 24 h after reperfusion ( xref )."

"ABIN-1 inhibits caspase 8 recruitment to Fas-associated death domain-containing protein (FADD) ( xref ), and it is possible that the combination of A20 and ABIN-1 deficiency further increases caspase-8/FADD interaction."

"JAZF1 and UHRF1BP1 are transcription factors, while TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3, its function in regulating TNFAIP3 is not known."

"Only the ubiquitin-binding function of the protein is disabled in ABIN1[D485N] mice, but the interaction of ABIN1 with A20 (the product of the tnfaip3 gene) and other, as yet unidentified, functions of ABIN1 will also be lost in ABIN1 KO mice."

"As a result, NF‐κB is liberated from suppressive conditions and is translocated into cellular nuclei for transcription of targeted genes. xref , xref Furthermore, TNIP1 also interacts with A20 (also known as TNFAIP3) and mediates the interaction of A20 with polyubiquitinated IKK‐γ. xref Previous studies have demonstrated that NF‐κB activity is inhibited by TNIP1 complexed with A20 and IKK through polyubiquitin binding, removing this polyubiquitin binding release NF‐κB and activating NF‐κB‐mediated signalling in pro‐inflammatory signalling pathways. xref , xref "

"Although the exact function of TNIP1 has not been defined, TNIP1 does bind TNFAIP3, which suppresses TLR induced apoptosis by negatively regulating NF-kappaB 58."

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"TNIP1 and TNFAIP3 are interacting proteins xref , but the precise role of TNIP1 in regulating TNFAIP3 is unknown."

"A previous study performed in Japanese did not find significant multiplicative interaction between TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 ( Kawasaki et al., 2010a,b ), and this result was consistent with our interacti[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Interestingly, interaction of ABIN with A20 required the COOH-terminal, zinc finger–containing part of A20 [A20(369-775)]."

"However, recent evidence suggests that the interaction of ABIN-1 with A20 may not be required for NFκB inhibition by either protein, in vitro [26] ."

"The binding of the encoded ABIN1 protein to the ligand A20 is involved in the inhibition of NF-κB. Overexpression of TNIP1 gene could also inhibit the activities of NF-κB by inhibiting TNF-α."

"To directly test if ABIN-1 might be able to interact with phosphorylated A20, we immunoprecipitated ABIN-1 from TNFα stimulated cells and found that A20 interacting with ABIN-1 was effectively phosphorylated and furthermore, the binding of ABIN-1 with S381A mutant was significantly reduced ( xref ), suggesting that a critical function of S381 phosphorylation of A20 is to promote its recruitment into TNF-RSC by interacting with ABIN-1."

"TNIP1 interacts with the deubiquitylase A20 [ xref ] and inhibits NF-κB transcriptional activity [ xref – xref ]."

"In addition, ABIN also interacted with A20 in mammalian cells since ABIN was able to coimmunoprecipitate with A20 in 293T cells that were transiently transfected with an expression plasmid for chimeric GFP-A20 protein and ABIN with an NH 2 -terminal E-tag (Fig. xref )."

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"To further explore the underlying mechanisms of the interaction of TNFAIP3 and TNIP1, the HaploReg 4.1 online database was used to predict the functions of the two loci in silico."

"ABIN1 deletions lacking AHD1 no longer interact with A20, yet still inhibit NF-κB activity. xref UBAN mutants also demonstrate a dominant-negative effect on the NF-κB inhibitory function of wild type ABIN1, but not of A20."

"Since TNIP1 is a negative regulator of the NF-kappaB pathway, so when the TNIP1 and TNFAIP3 complex inhibits NF-kappaB, anti-apoptotic genes are not activated by NF-kappaB and hence apoptosis happens."

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"TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3 and is involved in several signal transduction pathways."

"TNFAIP2 may play a pro-angiogenic role, whereas TNFAIP3 interacts with TNIP1 and inhibits TNF-induced NFk-B-dependent gene expression by interfering with RIP- or TRAF2-mediated transactivation signal."

"TNIP1 binds to TNFAIP3, a ubiquitin-editing enzyme, and together they inhibit RIPK dependent NF-κB signaling [ xref , xref ]."

"JAZF1 and UHRF1BP1 are transcription factors, while TNIP1 interacts with TNFAIP3 , its function in regulating TNFAIP3 is not known."

"TNF-α induces TNFAIP3, tumor necrosis factor-α-induced-protein 3 which is also known as A20, TNFAIP3 interacts with TNIP1 gene-encoded TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 (TNIP1 protein), TNFAIP3 and TNIP1 then in conjunction regulate NF-κB dependent gene expression negatively ( xref )."

"For clinical application in necroptosis-based cancer therapy, there are three potential strategies to suppress ABIN-1: (1) develop small molecule inhibitors to block the interaction of ABIN-1 and A20, as this interaction is important for the recruitment of A20 to TNF-RSC to deubiquitinate RIPK1 and suppress necroptosis xref ; (2) develop folate-, hyaluronic acid-, or antibody-conjugated targeted nanoparticles to specifically deliver Abin-1 siRNA/miRNA to tumor sites xref ; and (3) Investigate small molecules capable of suppressing ABIN-1 expression."