

USP12 activates AR. 8 / 10
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"Cell lines used in this study express low levels of endogenous Usp12 and Uaf-1, consequently even without the addition of Uaf-1 overexpression of WDR20 alone was enough to significantly enhance the AR activity."

"Deubiquitinating enzyme Usp12 is a novel co-activator of the androgen receptor."

"Our previous observations for the LNCaP cell line that express AR FL but not AR Vs have demonstrated that USP12 silencing causes a decrease in transcript expression of all the AR target genes [XREF_BIBR] supporting our data that AR Vs are not targeted by USP12 in the AR V expressing CWR22Rv1 cell line."

"Interestingly, Usp12 and WDR20 alone significantly increased AR activity but this effect was greatest when Usp12, Uaf-1 and WDR20 were overexpressed simultaneously."

"Also, USP12 co-localizes with AR in the cytoplasm and promotes AR transcriptional activity by confronting the ubiquitin dependent degradation of AR [XREF_BIBR]."

"This data suggests that AR co-activation by Usp12 and Uaf-1 is largely driven through negating AR phosphorylation by Akt inactivation."

"This further confirms that each complex member alone has a limited effect on AR activity but in combination the Usp12 complex significantly increases AR transcriptional activity implying that targeting any of the binding partners should offer the same efficacy as targeting Usp12 alone."

"We have recently reported that Usp12, in combination with Uaf-1, can increase the transcriptional activity of AR [XREF_BIBR], and hence we wanted to analyse the importance of Akt phosphorylation sites in this process."