"In vitro deubiquitination assays revealed that, while USP9X was able to remove ubiquitins of CEP131 and K504R, but not that of CEP131 and K254R (XREF_FIG), favouring the argument that USP9X targets K254 of CEP131 for deubiquitination, although polyubiquitin chains conjugated onto CEP131 and K254R and CEP131 and K504R were both dramatically reduced (XREF_FIG)."
"Combining the findings that mildly disrupted centrosomal localization of PCM1 has minimal effect on CEP131 recruitment and the observations that USP9X directly interacts with CEP131 and opposes its polyubiquitin linkages in vitro, we get the conclusion that the effect of USP9X on CEP131 stabilization is attributed to the interplay between these two molecules but not through USP9X targeting other substrates like PCM1, and USP9X regulated PCM1 stabilization on centrosome activity, if it does so, seems to be independent of USP9X promoted CEP131 stabilization."
"To investigate whether and how other substrates of USP9X might affect the cellular function of USP9X promoted CEP131 stabilization, we analysed by WB analysis the expression of IPO5, PRMT5 and PPM1B, which were also identified as interactors of USP9X (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), and the results indicate that the protein abundance of these proteins was essentially unchanged upon USP9X knockdown (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."