

COPS5 inhibits MIF. 5 / 5
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"This interaction appears indirect through CSN5 since depletion of CSN5 attenuated the association of exogenous HIF1alpha and MIF, placing CSN5 at the center of the tripartite interaction."

"Lue et al. [XREF_BIBR] reported that CSN5 functions as a molecular link that retains MIF in the intracellular pools, indicating that CSN5 negatively regulates autocrine MIF activity."

"An indirect mechanism between Jab1 and COPS5 and PI3K and AKT pathway has been identified that Jab1 and COPS5 inhibits MIF (autocrine macrophage migration inhibitory factor) secretion and its autocrine pro survival activities and subsequently controls MIF mediated activation of PI3K and AKT signaling."

"An indirect mechanism between Jab1 and COPS5 and PI3K and AKT pathway has been identified that Jab1 and COPS5 inhibits MIF (autocrine macrophage migration inhibitory factor) secretion and its autocrine pro survival activities and subsequently controls MIF mediated activation of PI3K and AKT signaling."

"It appears that a certain optimal cellular JAB1 concentration is needed to facilitate ERK activation by MIF, as a decrease in JAB1 levels, but also JAB1 overexpression, leads to impaired MIF stimulate[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"