

MALAT1 decreases the amount of TSC2. 7 / 7
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"These findings implied that MALAT1 might epigenetically repress TSC2 transcription via recruiting EZH2 to TSC2 promoter regions, and thereby induce mTOR activation and subsequent autophagy inhibition.In this study, we investigated the role of TSC2-mTOR-autophagy signaling in the MALAT1-mediated attenuation of myocardial apoptosis."

"Moreover, MALAT1 overexpression recruited EZH2 to TSC2 promoter regions to elevate H3K27me3 and epigenetically inhibited TSC2 transcription."

"We then investigated the mechanism whereby MALAT1 inhibited TSC2 protein level."

"Furthermore, MALAT1 epigenetically repress TSC2 transcription via recruiting EZH2 to TSC2 promoter regions."

"Our results showed that MALAT1 overexpression decreased protein levels of TSC2, whereas increased phosphorylation level of mTOR (p-mTOR)."

"In this study, we provided first evidence that MALAT1 epigenetically repress TSC2 transcription via recruiting EZH2 to TSC2 promoter regions to induce H3K27me3, and thereby induce mTOR activation and subsequent autophagy inhibition.Autophagy can be activated as a stress response shortly after AMI; however, sustained ischemia impaired cardiomyocyte autophagy flux, which exacerbated the post-infarct adverse cardiac modeling [27]."

"Furthermore, we elucidated whether MALAT1 epigenetically repress TSC2 transcription via recruiting EZH2 to TSC2 promoter regions."