

SOS1 binds EGFR and GRB2. 3 / 3
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"Upon EGF stimulation, SOS1 binds to phosphorylated EGFR through the adaptor protein GRB2, which then triggers RAS activation at the plasma membrane ."

"Although the low-copy-number vector pBT(L) was the best in the case of EGFR-Grb2-Sos1 Y3H interaction, it may also cause reduced bait expression and lowered sensitivity for the detection of weaker protein interactions."

"In response to stimulation with epidermal growth factor (EGF), the guanine nucleotide exchange factor human SOS1 (hSOS1) promotes the activation of Ras by forming a complex with Grb2 and the human EGF receptor (hEGFR)"