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"Attenuation of the ubiquitin conjugate DNA damage signal by the proteasomal DUB POH1."

"In addition to an influence on global Ub conjugates, we found the enzymatic activity of POH1 was also required to restrict Ub accumulation at sites of DNA damage following HU and irradiation (IR)."

"USP44, USP17L2/DUB3, USP11, ZUFSP and POH1 loss promotes the excessive spreading of Ub at DSBs and concomitant excessive accumulation of 53BP1 [57–65]."

"RAP80 and ubiquitin chains persist at the IRIF core in POH1 depleted cells, but the ubiquitin chains are removed from the IRIF core when POH1 and RAP80 are simultaneously depleted [XREF_BIBR], suggesting that DUBs but not POH1 degrade ubiquitin chains."

"Depletion of POH1, a DUB and proteasome subunit, prevents removal of ubiquitin from the core of DSB foci, whereas depletion of both POH1 and RAP80 enables ubiquitin to be removed, consistent with the model that RAP80 preserves polyubiquitin modifications on chromatin [XREF_BIBR]."