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"Previous structural studies have clearly shown how the BRISC subunit Abro1 binds to and allosterically activates the DUB activity of BRCC36 and how this heterodimer further self-associates to form a " superdimeric " assembly."

"We pursued crystallization of BRCC36-KIAA0157 subcomplexes from different species (H. sapiens, G. gallus, X. tropicalis, D. rerio, C. floridanus and A. thaliana) to determine the structural basis for (1) how KIAA0157 supports the catalytic function of BRCC36, and (2) how super dimerization of the minimally active BRCC36 and KIAA0157 heterodimer is mediated."

"Mechanism by which KIAA0157 supports BRCC36 catalytic function."

"Interestingly, although CCDC98 functions as an adaptor of BRCC36 and regulates BRCC36 activity in the nucleus, KIAA0157 mainly localizes in cytosol and activates BRCC36 in the cytoplasm."

"This likely reflects the fact that the mechanism by which KIAA0157 and Abraxas support BRCC36 will differ from how CSN6 and RPN8 support and regulate the function of CSN5 and RPN11."

"To understand how KIAA0157 supports the catalytic function of BRCC36, we set out to solve an inactive-state structure of BRCC36 in isolation."