

USP14 increases the amount of FASN. 4 / 4
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"We, therefore, screened a panel of DUBs by transfecting the cDNA plasmids of 36 DUBs into 293T cells, and found USP2, USP14, USP22, and USP30 upregulated FASN levels (Fig. S2A)."

"Contrary to what we saw in the hippocampi, loss of USP14 reduced the levels of FASN, RELA, and CTNNB1 but did not alter the level of SNAP23 in the livers of the ax mice (Figure 7c,d)."

"Inhibition of USP14 by IU1 or siRNAs targeting USP14 did not reduce FASN levels but rather increased FASN levels and activity in cancer cells."

"As the previous proteomics study used shRNA knockdown of USP14 in the liver to show that USP14 deficiency decreased the level of FASN (Liu et al., 2018), we also examined the level of these potential USP14 substrates in the liver of the ax mice as a control for these studies."