

EGF increases the amount of EGF. 35 / 42
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"Both epithelialization stimulants, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), significantly stimulated vascular EGF expression in gastric epithelial cells."

"In conjunction with this, molecules that enhance the gene expression of IL-1alpha epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) were also shown to enhance the expression of IL-1RI, but IL-1alpha did not increase the gene expression of IL-1RI."

"In contrast, intestinal EGF levels increased following CLP, and were further augmented by exogenous EGF treatment."

"Presence of EGF +61 A> G polymorphism in Brazilian subjects was associated with glioma risk and increased circulating EGF levels."

"Infusion of EGF from Alzet minipumps raised circulating EGF levels."

"The generation of mature EGF involves pro EGF gene transcription, translation of pro EGF mRNA to synthesize the EGF precursor and the posttranstational process of pro EGF to release mature EGF (2)."

"Furthermore, the area of EGF receptor positive cells in the wound surface of the EGF nanogroup was higher than that of the EGF group, with the results demonstrating that EGF nanoparticles upregulated the expression of EGF receptors in wound surface cells, promoted wound surface healing, and had better efficacy than EGF."

"Moreover, A431 cells express a high level of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) activated by EGF, a nonheparin binding growth factor, which does not interact with CMDB7 (Bagheri-Yarmand et al, 1998b)."

"In contrast, intestinal EGF levels increased after CLP and were further augmented by exogenous EGF treatment."

"The immunofluorescence staining of EGF in mice corneal epithelium showed that the immunofluorescence luminance of EGF in diabetic group were weaker than normal group and netrin-1 treatment can effectively increase the expression of EGF in diabetic mice."

"Indeed, EGF levels in the brain were increased by EGF treatment, however to a lesser extent than in the plasma."

"In conclusion, EGF may accelerate the healing of DFU, and exogenous EGF treatment may upregulate the expression of EGF mRNA in newly generated tissues."

"Animals fed the EGF deficient diet RMS had markedly increased EGF and TGF-alpha mRNA levels in duodenum and ileum compared with dam fed controls and significantly elevated total intestinal content of TGF-alpha peptide."

"EGF given i.d. did not affect gastric or pancreatic secretion and failed to raise significantly plasma EGF level."

"Infusion of EGF from alzet minipumps raised circulating EGF levels, however, A431 tumor growth was not significantly changed."

"EGF and Notch null mutations are recessive, thatis, a half-dosage is sufficient for patterning (+/-labels); this and an EGF overexpression line with known EGF levels (JU1107 label; see XREF_TABLE for a list of the experimental lines referred in this study) delimit the central wild-type region."

"However, this same EGF treatment failed to restore mucosal Egf mRNA expression in TPN treated mice (XREF_FIG B)."

"Preliminary studies confirmed that sialoadenectomy reduced circulating EGF levels in nude mice (from 0.17 +/- 0.02 to 0.09 +/- 0.02 ng/ml), and that ip injection of 5 micrograms EGF raised EGF levels (the peak level of 91.7 +/- 3.3 ng/ml was achieved at 30 min, with a subsequent half-life of about 1 h)."

"Epidermal growth factor and insulin like growth factor I upregulate the expression of the epidermal growth factor system in rat liver."

"Polymorphisms in the EGF gene modulate EGF levels."

"EGF promoter polymorphisms are observed to modulate EGF levels and thought to have effect on susceptibility to various carcinomas but the results are inconsistent."

"Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is synthesized in the pancreas and diabetic animals have low levels of EGF."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR The ligands that activate EGFR, especially EGF, therefore increase HCV cellular entry, XREF_BIBR and the EGF SNP is known to increase liver EGF levels."

"Mechanisms by which the EGF gene polymorphism modulates EGF levels and associations among EGF gene polymorphism, EGF levels, and hepatocellular carcinoma."

"Surprisingly, we also found that the amount of EGF mRNA is increased in old cells and that EGF modulates the expression of both EGF and EGF-receptor mRNAs."

"Overexpression of the HSP70 gene had no effect on the accumulation of EGF in the offspring whereas EGF knockout significantly decreased the EGF level."

"Both drugs increased EGF concentrations and activity dose-dependently IT-066 specifically increased total amount and activity of EGF."

"Thus, it can be suggested that EGF G/G homozygotes producing high levels of EGF may have aberrant glutamatergic neurotransmission, which sensitizes them to the development of schizophrenic psychosis.W[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The addition of exogenous EGF treatment after the onset of sepsis further augmented intestinal EGF mRNA levels to 2.5 times greater than sham mice (XREF_FIG)."

"EGF Treatment Upregulates EGF Expression in MED Rats."

"EGF administration increased levels of crypt proliferation, as alcohol+ EGF mice had higher levels of S-phase cells than alcohol mice; however, EGF was unable to restore crypt proliferation in alcohol+ EGF levels to levels seen in water mice."

"Polymorphisms in the EGF gene modulate EGF levels."

"We previously determined that the urine of interstitial cystitis (IC) patients specifically contains a factor (antiproliferative factor [APF]) that inhibits primary bladder epithelial cell proliferation, and that it has significantly decreased levels of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) and increased levels of epidermal growth factor (EGF) compared with urine from asymptomatic controls and patients with bacterial cystitis."

"A SNP is found in the EGF gene 61G> A, which leads to upregulated EGF levels for the transcriptionally more active G allele."

"The addition of exogenous EGF treatment after the onset of sepsis did not increase serum levels of EGF (30.4 pg/ml +/- 10.2), with animals having similar systemic levels to untreated septic mice (XREF_FIG, n = 12/group)."