

PTEN phosphorylates AKT on S473. 11 / 11
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"Downregulation of PTEN increases phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473, activating a pathway that leads to increased cell migration."

"Here, we report that Pten (-/-) mouse blood contains 25% more platelets than Pten (+/+) blood and that PTEN deficiency significantly shortened the bleeding time, increased the sensitivity of platelets to collagen induced activation and aggregation, and enhanced phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473 in response to collagen."

"PTEN upregulation impaired Akt recruitment to the plasma membrane and suppressed Akt phosphorylation at Ser473, thereby inhibiting Akt/GSK3beta/beta-catenin signaling and the expression of COL1 and OCN in BMSCs in vitro and in vivo."

"To verify the proposed signaling mechanisms for spiral ganglion defects in Pax2 Cre/+; Pten loxP and loxP mice, we examined whether Pten deficiency (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) upregulates Ser473 phosphorylation of Akt and triggers Ser9 phosphorylation of GSK3beta (pGSK3beta) in the PI3K signaling cascade."

"In stimulated macrophages, PTEN oxidation led to the temporary inhibition of its phosphatase activity and in the phosphorylation of Akt on Serine 473."

"Apart from acting as tumour suppressor, PTEN can negatively regulate the activity of AKT through its lipid phosphatase function by dephosphorylating AKT at Ser473 [XREF_BIBR]."

"The data in XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY (repeat experiments) also show that the extent of Akt S473 phosphorylation induced in the cells upon rescue by P110 * or Pten ablation is moderate and closer to that seen in resting mature B cells than B cells activated by BCR engagement or even just exposed to serum containing culture medium."

"As expected, Pten -/- mice had increased AKT S473 phosphorylation, a signature activity of mTORC2 activity in mature thymocytes (XREF_FIG)."

"Immunohistochemical staining of dorsolateral prostate lobes indicated that deletion of Sox4 reduced the PTEN loss-induced phosphorylation of AKT at serine 473 ( xref )."

"Pten deficiency induced increased phosphorylation of Akt at Ser473."

"Levels of PTEN protein modulate Akt phosphorylation on serine 473, but not on threonine 308, in IGF-II-overexpressing rhabdomyosarcomas cells."