

EGFR activates ELK1. 4 / 4
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"Even in this case, the effects were specific, as they were not observed after knockdown of other AP-1 family members like JunB, Jun D and Fra1, nor of Elk-1, a transcription factor which is activated by EGFR activation though a separate mechanism from AP1 XREF_BIBR (XREF_FIG)."

"However, activated EGFR is unable to activate ERK1/2 and their downstream substrates RSK and Elk-1."

"However, activated EGFR is unable to activate ERK1/2 and their downstream substrates RSK and Elk-1."

"These results indicate that EGF-R mediated transcriptional activation of Elk occurs primarily through the classical p42/44 MAP kinase cascade.We next used this assay system to test the hypothesis that[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"