"In contrast, overexpression of CYLD caused downregulation of RIPK1 in Mel-CV and ME1007 cells, which was nevertheless reversed by the treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 (XREF_FIG), substantiating that downregulation of RIPK1 expression by CYLD is mediated by the proteasomal degradation XREF_BIBR."
"These observations strongly suggest that in ATLL cells, either viral encoded oncogenic proteins or mutations sustain the early cell death checkpoint by driving multiple IKKs to phosphorylate and suppress CYLD in order to prevent RIPK1 from becoming a death-signaling molecule (Fig. 8a)."
"Mouse RIP3, RIP1, MLKL, and CYLD siRNAs were synthesized by GenePharma : RIP3-1 (cccgacgaugucuucugucaa), RIP3-2 (cuccuuaaagucaauaaacau), RIP1-1 (ccacuagucugacugauga), RIP1-2 (ucaccaauguugcaggaua), CYLD-1 (uccauugaggauguaaauaaa), CYLD-2 (aaggguugaaccauuguuaaa), MLKL-1 (gagauccaguucaacgaua), and MLKL-2 (uaccaucaaaguauucaacaa)."