

COPS5 increases the amount of RAD51. 4 / 4
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"Jab1 and CSN5 knockdown not only decreased the level of Rad51 but also affected its activity."

"Jab1 knockdown not only decreased the protein level of Rad51 but also affected its repair function, as shown on XREF_FIG, which compares a reduced Rad51 foci formation in Jab1 siRNA treated cells with the Rad51 foci in control siRNA treated cells after gamma-IR."

"Inhibition of Jab1 and COPS5 not only decreases Rad51 level but also impaired its activity, resulting in an increase in cell apoptosis after DNA stimulus."

"These results suggested that Jab1 knockdown causes reduction in Rad51 gene expression, leading to a decreased ability of cells to repair DNA lesions through a homologous recombination pathway."