

BDNF is methylated. 1000 / 1551
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"In a recent paper, Roth and colleagues demonstrated that Bdnf methylation patterns in the hippocampus were altered following a task requiring remapping of place cells (neurons that provide a “map” by firing when the animal occupies a specific location), a change that did not endure in rats given the DNMT inhibitor zebularine ( xref )."

"Furthermore, this work provides support for the speculative notion that altered hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation is a cellular mechanism underlying the persistent cognitive deficits which are prominent features of the pathophysiology of PTSD."

"Interestingly, we found that BDNF methylation was significantly different between healthy Xinjiang Han Chinese individuals (Northwestern China) and healthy Ningbo Han Chinese individuals (Southeaste[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Associations between BDNF methylation levels and psychiatric medications were reported."

"No effect of sertraline monotherapy on BDNF methylation was found in subjects with depression."

"In sum, our results demonstrate a remarkable robustness to the experience-driven changes in BDNF DNA methylation by early-life adverse experiences."

"BDNF methylation led to a down-regulating of the corresponding mRNA [ xref ]."

"For example, increased DNA methylation in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) gene has been associated with early-life environmental toxins in the brain and blood of mice, and in human cord blood (Kundakovic et al., xref )."

"The present study suggests that high neuroticism is related to increased methylation of the BDNF gene."

"For Bdnf DNA methylation sequencing analysis, we selected a region that has been well characterized to be sensitive to activity-dependent neuronal responses ( xref , xref , xref )."

"It is difficult to say if the found difference was conditioned by only ECT since there was no information about BDNF methylation level before ECT and most patients were previously treated by antidepressants and/or antipsychotics."

"BDNF promoter 1 DNA methylation signals were also reported for unipolar major depressive disorder patients; a small number of CpG units demonstrated several fold increase or decrease in methylation in cases versus controls by mass spectrometry and subsequent hierarchical cluster analysis, generating p values smaller than 10 −11 (Fuchikami et al. xref )."

"Particularly the prefrontal and occipital cortices seem to indicate key regions in which BDNF methylation has a significant effect on structure."

"BDNF and DAT1 promoter methylation were investigated with a methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in blood samples from 75 individuals with drug addiction and 65 healthy controls."

"Gadd45b and Huwe1 may regulate the expression of BDNF via BDNF IXa methylation."

"In addition, methylation of BDNF ( xref ; xref ; xref ), the oxytocin receptor gene ( OXTR ( xref ), the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4 ( xref ; xref )) and FKBP5 ( xref ; xref ) are associated with the type of parental care experienced in childhood."

"BDNF methylation may be different in different populations and environments [ xref ]."

"Providing a direct comparison of BDNF methylation in blood and saliva of the same individuals, our results demonstrate the importance of choice of tissue for the study of DNA methylation."

"Multiple recent studies show that early adversity produces changes in BDNF methylation detectable in the brain and peripheral biosamples in both animal models ( xref – xref ) and humans ( xref , xref – xref )."

"In an experiment with adult male rats exposed to two cat encounters and 31 days of social instability, increased BDNF DNA methylation was obtained in the dorsal hippocampus, especially with regards to the dorsal CA1 subregion and decreased methylation in the ventral hippocampus (CA3) [ xref ]."

"Of particular relevance to brain health, methylation of the BDNF gene has been shown to be elevated in adults reporting ELA ( xref ; xref ), which may reduce neural plasticity in adulthood and contribute to premature declines in brain health."

"In addition, ethanol reduced Bdnf methylation in Ammon's horn CA1 and CA3 hippocampal areas."

"63 In the study where BDNF, NR3C1, MAN2C1, TLR8, SLC6A4, IL-18, and SKA2 gene methylation analyses were performed in patients suffering from PTSD, it was concluded that BDNF, NR3C1 and MAN2C1 methylations are associated with PTSD diagnosis."

"Our study supports the association between BDNF polymorphism rs6265 and SZ, as well as the relevance between rs6265 and BDNF methylation, providing further evidence to support the involvement of BDNF gene in the genesis of SZ."

"Further, not only were PFC methylation changes long-lasting in the generation that experienced the mistreatment, but the next generation showed similar bdnf methylation patterns as well [ xref ]."

"However, this study failed to find stress-related alterations in BDNF DNA methylation in the amygdala and PFC."

"Future studies should provide more exhaustive epigenetic study of the BDNF locus to better characterize the relationship between BDNF methylation differences and BD."

"In addition, there was a trend toward a difference in BDNF methylation between Uygur and Han Chinese controls ( p =0.091, Table 2 and Fig. 2 )."

"Nevertheless, examining BDNF methylation in these tissues is relevant for prenatal development as BDNF plays a role in placental and fetal growth [ xref ] and BDNF protein levels in the periphery are associated with birth outcomes [ xref – xref ]."

"Average DNA methylation of BDNF at baseline was significantly lower than that at endpoint after 8 weeks of escitalopram treatment, which was based only on a subset of cases (n = 44)."

"When comparing depression remitters versus non-remitters, there was no significant difference in BDNF methylation percentages."

"The increase in BDNF promoter methylation observed in the blood of HD patients and the correlation to psychiatric symptoms in HD may also be relevant for future biomarker utility."

"The elevation of BDNF promoter methylation in AD peripheral blood might indicate a decreased BDNF expression, although future work is needed to confirm our speculation."

"These changes were consistent with those in human umbilical cord blood of the newborns of exposed mothers, suggesting that the DNA methylation of BDNF in blood may serve as indicator for the DNA methylation of BDNF in the brain and the biomarker of behavioral vulnerability."

"In fostered animals, upbringing by a previously stressed mother interacted with offspring lineage to impact methylation of Nr3c1 and Bdnf."

"This result suggests that methyl donor supplementation as performed in our study (extra folic acid, vitamin B12, betaine and choline) could also be able to reverse the detrimental effects of early lif[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The strength of the positive relationship between BDNF methylation and the network FC was reduced when the schizotypy level increased."

"These results highlight the need to account for the temporal dynamic of epigenetic modifications associated with work-related stress, for example, BDNF methylation has been demonstrated to be unaltered following acute psychosocial stress ( xref ), while preclinical evidence proposes that chronic stress exposure leads to a glucocorticoid-dependent hypermethylation of TH , but only when combined with additional neuropsychiatric risk mutations ( xref )."

"Insufficient attention has been paid to BDNF methylation level investigations in the brain."

"In summary, we conclude that methyl supplementation with Met has profound effects on hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation, gene transcription, and cognition in a rodent model of TLE."

"The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism was not independently associated with PSA during either the acute or chronic phase after stroke, but there was a significant interactive effect between BDNF methylation and genotype on PSA at 2 weeks."

"Importantly, our results underscore the complexity of mechanisms regulating de novo bdnf methylation and their possible roles in subserving adult cognition."

"As our study strongly suggests that rs6265 is associated with SZ, mQTL findings may be used to support the role of BDNF related methylation in the etiology of SZ."

"Under the study, the degree of BDNF promoter methylation was found to be correlated with suicidal ideation across 108 patients diagnosed with MDD."

"A two-tailed Pearson correlation was performed to analyze the correlations between the extracted FA values and BDNF methylation."

"In a mouse model of early stress, Avp hypomethylation was detected at 6 weeks of age and persisted up to the last measurement at 1 year of age. xref In a similar model, Pomc hypomethylation is maintained within the same time frame. xref In contrast to these sustained marks, our lab has found developmental changes in methylation of the Bdnf gene in our adversity-exposed rats."

"Using a 3-week mouse model of chronic ethanol consumption, Stragier and colleagues ( xref ) recently reported that ethanol-induced BDNF-mediated neuroplastic changes in the HPC are controlled by combinatorial modifications of acetylated H3 and H3K4me3 around individual Bdnf gene promoters in dorsal CA3 region and the dentate gyrus and by decreased Bdnf DNA methylation in CA1–CA3 regions of the HPC."

"Their work also revealed the positive associations between changes of global efficiency and methylation of RELN and BDNF genes ( xref ), which provided an integrated macro- and microscopic perspective of the neuroplastic mechanisms underlying cognitive impairments in schizophrenic individuals, and linked the associations among DNAm, brain structural connectivity, and cognitive function in this disease."

"Furthermore, they showed that average BDNF methylation across multiple exons was significantly increased after escitalopram treatment in remitters in a subset of participants (n=44)."

"Notably, while BDNF promoter methylation was not correlated to motor and cognitive clinical symptoms, methylation at the three sites that showed increased levels in HD patients, was inversely correlated to HADS scores, which is a widely used self-report instrument for measuring anxiety and depression in somatically ill patients ( xref ; xref )."

"BDNF CpG-6 methylation was positively associated with waist-to-hip ratio (P < 0.05)."

"The results from a human study provided a direct link between BDNF methylation induced by prenatal stress and behavioural outcomes ( xref )."

"BDNF DNA methylation patterns in the prefrontal cortex incited by maltreatment are perpetuated to the next generation."

"For investigating the BDNF methylation status, DNA was extracted from venous blood using standard procedures."

"In addition, BDNF methylation could be regulated by DNMT1 according to antidepressant response to paroxetine [ xref ]."

"Unlike in the case of the MTBI-induced animals, the inhibition of DNMT activity in the control animals did not result in a decrease in BDNF promoter methylation; this was indicative of the different g[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These results are consistent with previous findings showing that BPD subjects exhibited higher methylation status in several candidate genes including NR3C1 , HTR2A , MAOA , MAOB and COMT. xref , xref They are also concordant with findings showing higher methylation of BDNF CpG exon IV in suicide victims, a phenotype closely related to BPD. xref Finally, the current data corroborate the increasing number of studies in animals and humans showing increased DNA and histone methylation of BDNF as well as of several other candidate genes in subjects who have endured early-life events such as childhood maltreatment. xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref Overall, these studies and ours strongly support the idea that maltreatment is associated with the broad epigenetic signature of genes crucially involved in brain function and development."

"To assess BDNF DNA methylation, we evaluated the region of exon IV (formerly rat exon III) encompassing the transcription start site and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element, as epigenetic regulation of this particular region continues to gain support for its pivotal role in neural activity-dependent BDNF gene expression ( xref , xref , xref , xref )."

"There was a significant positive association between depression severity, hopelessness and impulsivity and BDNF methylation status (β=0.02, P =0.0001, 95% CI 0.01–0.03; β=0.04; P =0.002, 95% CI 0.016–0.07; and β=0.02, P =2.32 × 10 −6 , 95% CI 0.01–0.025, respectively; xref )."

"This first hand evidence, regarding BDNF and DAT1 gene methylation and their expression profile with risk of schizophrenia, indicated a significant function for the BDNF gene in the development of schizophrenia."

"2015.05.022 Unternaehrer E, Meyer AH, Burkhardt SCA, et al. Childhood maternal care is associated with DNA methylation of the genes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and oxytocin receptor (OXTR) in peripheral blood cells in adult men and women."

"Given our findings of persisting maltreatment-induced changes in BDNF DNA methylation and gene expression in the prefrontal cortex, we hypothesized that adult females would display atypical maternal behavior toward their own offspring."

"For the association analysis of methylation status with prevalent depressive disorder, BDNF methylation percentages at six CpG sites and their average values were compared by any and major depressiv[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To study the potential role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) methylation in heroin addiction, we first detected the methylation level of seven CpG islands that included 106 CpG sites in the promoter regions of BDNF from 120 people addicted to heroin and 113 controls."

"Foundational studies in our lab demonstrated that rats who experienced early-life caregiver maltreatment had increased methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( bdnf ) gene in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) as a whole (Roth et al., xref )."

"For example, increased Bdnf DNA methylation at exons I, IV, and VI has been seen in the blood of adults who experienced child maltreatment (Perroud et al., xref ; Thaler et al., xref ; Unternaehrer et al., xref )."

"Gender-stratified correlation analyses were also performed between BDNF promoter methylation and the 22 phenotypes."

"There are 2 other studies on BDNF gene methylation with peripheral blood samples of schizophrenia patients – one study showed reduced BDNF promoter IV methylation, and the other one showed increased BDNF promoter I methylation in schizophrenia patients compared to controls [ xref ]."

"As expected, we found that peripheral BDNF methylation is related to a pattern of maternal brain activation that is consistent with corticolimbic dysregulation which we had also previously found to be associated with NR3C1 methylation [ xref ]."

"For example, exposure to early maltreatment induces long-lasting changes in methylation of the BDNF gene in the prefrontal cortex and increases adult anxiety levels in mice xref ."

"Interactive actions of Bdnf methylation and cell metabolism for building neural resilience under the influence of diet."

"Taken together, our findings advance our understanding of the functional distinction between the dorsal and ventral hippocampus by showing region-specific patterns of Bdnf DNA methylation in the hippocampus."

"Given our finding that maternal hippocampal activity in response to the viewing of children during separation is correlated to BDNF methylation, future studies should examine the relationship between BDNF methylation and mothers’ regulation in the face of displays of negative emotion by their toddlers during routine parent-child interactions."

"We were able to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of BDNF methylation status on the occurrence of depressive disorder in a large number of ACS patients with a prospective design."

"Though the decrease in BDNF methylation was not shown to a statistically significant level, it is possible that the level could reach significance with a larger sample size."

"Thus, alcohol-induced changes to Bdnf methylation status in the early postnatal period could inform both alterations to Bdnf gene expression at this time point, as well as modifications to activity-dependent transcriptional regulation later in life."

"Further gender-based subgroup analyses also did not find any significant results ( Table 1 and Fig. 2 , p >0.05), suggesting that BDNF methylation changes are likely to occur during the progressi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"There were no association between duration of illness and BDNF promoter methylation at CpG1 ( r  = −0.190, p  = 0.136), CpG2 ( r  = 0.020, p  = 0.879), CpG3 ( r  = −0.132, p  = 0.302), and CpG4 ( r  = 0.019, p  = 0.884)."

"Male neonates showed augmented BDNF expression when mothers were exposed to child abuse, and elevated Bdnf methylation when mothers experienced fear."

"In humans, frontocortical DNA methylation of the BDNF gene was correlated with a genotype that was associated with major psychosis in a genome-wide epigenomic study of major psychosis [ xref ]."

"In DNA from brain tissue, there were no significant differences in BDNF methylation between the study groups."

"Thus, from our behavioral assessment we found that atypical maternal behavior correlated with the aberrant BDNF DNA methylation and gene expression patterns that we had observed."

"However, despite the critical role of BDNF in determining cortical thickness, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have investigated the relationship between BDNF methylation and cortical thickness in patients with MDD."

"The methylation of BDNF gene may be a biomarker for suicidal thoughts in patients with breast cancer [ xref ]."

"Thus, we examined BDNF gene methylation as an example target gene to compare across tissues."

"These data indicate that changes in BDNF gene methylation could be associated with epilepsy; however, its role in human tissue remains to be analyzed."

"Median serum BDNF concentration was 32.6 ng/mL, and total percentage of BDNF gene methylation was 3.8%."

"To assess a causal relationship between maltreatment-induced changes in BDNF DNA methylation and BDNF mRNA expression in the adult prefrontal cortex, we chronically infused zebularine, a DNA methylation inhibitor, in male and female adults from our maltreatment regimen, and then assessed BDNF exon IV DNA methylation, as exon IV is the best-characterized target of epigenetic regulation of BDNF gene expression ( xref , xref , xref , xref )."

"Studies demonstrate altered DNA methylation of BDNF, reelin, and PP1 gene (all essential to the learning and memory process) following fear conditioning and hyper-methylation of BDNF in rodents experiencing early-life adversity ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"Association of DNA methylation in BDNF with escitalopram treatment response in depressed Chinese Han patients."

"BDNF exon IV promoter methylation and antidepressant action: a complex interplay."

"It is significant that the 5-AzaD treatment had a positive effect on behavior (reduce anxiety) which is consistent with the idea that reducing BDNF methylation is the main target for the action of 5-Azad."

"Recent studies have increasingly focused on the possible role of BDNF methylation in MDD."

"Bdnf DNA methylation."

"Similarly, newborn rats exposed to stressed caretakers for the first postnatal week display significant increases in DNA methylation at regulatory regions (exons IV and IX) of the Bdnf gene in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, and persistent BDNF downregulation, in prefrontal cortex but not hippocampus ( xref )."

"To our knowledge, no other study has investigated buccal BDNF methylation in the context of depression, and as methylation profiles can be tissue specific, this renders direct comparisons difficult."

"Secondly, although the best-scored primers harbor a fragment with 4 CpGs which might not fully represent the overall contribution of BDNF methylation to AD patients."

"Similarly, DNMT inhibition had no significant affect on Bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ), gene expression ( xref ), or BDNF protein expression ( xref ) levels in the epileptic hippocampus."

"Our results showed no significant association of BDNF methylation with the risk of MCI in either the Uygur or Han Chinese populations ( Table 1 and Fig. 2 , p >0.05)."

"Likewise, a specific effect on BDNF promoter methylation, could be extended, as exposed juvenile male mink presented with decreased global DNA methylation and reduced DNMT activity in the cortex [ xref ]."

"Further, increased Bdnf methylation has also been associated with depression ( xref ; xref ) and schizophrenia ( xref )."

"Among 927 participants, there was no strong evidence that childhood abuse/maltreatment or financial difficulties/poverty were associated with BDNF methylation in older individuals."

"Mean overall BDNF methylation correlated negatively and significantly with maternal neural activity in 5 different clusters: One comprising the right hippocampus and parahippocampus (n = 46, r = -."

"DNA methylation associated with Bdnf exon I was lower on PD10 in AE and SI animals, suggesting that the effect our FASD model on Bdnf DNA methylation and gene expression ( xref ) is transient."

"These observations were reinforced with the observations in which it was suggested that methylation of BDNF in the promoter region resulted in the conversion of amnestic mild cognitive impairment condition (a stage prior to AD) to confirmed AD development [ xref , xref ]."

"Here, we investigated sex-dependent patterns in the association between antenatal maternal trait anxiety, methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene ( BDNF DNAm ), and infant negative emotionality (NE)."

"DNA methylation of BDNF in region IV, a neurotrophin that is present in the brain which affects neurocognitive developments can be spotted in blood."

"Two independent sample t -tests were used for comparisons of BDNF methylation and other phenotypes between MCI cases and controls."

"In terms of BDNF, data from a 1-year longitudinal study demonstrated that the met/met genotype was associated with depression 1 week after mastectomy and with persistent depression 1 year after mastectomy. xref Regarding cytokines, the IL-1β-511 T/T genotype and increasing numbers of proinflammatory cytokine risk alleles are independently related to both baseline depression and persistent depression at the 1-year follow-up. xref , xref Furthermore, the methylation of the BDNF gene is related to a diagnosis of depression and severe depressive symptoms at both 1 week and 1 year after mastectomy for breast cancer. xref "

"In DNA isolated from whole blood, BDNF methylation levels did not differ significantly between BPD patients and healthy controls neither for single CpG sites, nor for the average calculated from all sites (patient average 9.0% vs. healthy controls average 8.9%, detailed data in Additional file  xref : Table S1)."

"Therefore, it may be possible to use BDNF methylation status as a biological marker of this pathway."

"BDNF methylation percentages are compared according to incident and persistent depressive disorder at follow-up in Table 3 ."

"A linear regression statistical approach ( xref ) confirmed the negative association of the INTERMED score with BDNF promoter methylation and allowed the elimination of potential confounders such as age, sex or levels of comorbidities."

"Third, we did not assess psychosocial stressors such as childhood adversity and stressful life events, all of which could influence BDNF DNA methylation ( Perroud et al., 2013; Karpova, 2014 )."

"For the mechanism on the low MANF expression in the elderly, it has been reported that there is the increased DNA methylation of BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) and GDNF (Glial Cell Derived Neurotrophic Factor) genes in the elderly, xref which may lead to the decreased BDNF and GDNF expression."

"This is consistent with findings in brain tissue of patients diagnosed postmortem with AD [ xref ] and with other studies showing that BDNF promoter methylation is related to BDNF mRNA expression [ xref ]."

"Interestingly, a recent study found a high correlation for BDNF methylation between post-mortem human peripheral and brain tissues, suggesting that peripheral DNA methylation of this gene can be used as a proxy for brain-specific alterations ( xref )."

"The effects of BDNF methylation status and genotype on PSD status were investigated using multivariate logistic regression models."

"Since our stimuli focus on stressful parenting conditions, vmPFC activity in these conditions as well as overall BDNF methylation may be associated with mothers who are at a disadvantage with respect to emotion regulation when facing stressful parenting situations."

"Studies in humans have shown changes in BDNF methylation levels differing with depression status and job strain ( xref )."

"Bdnf methylation was weakly associated with Bdnf expression in hippocampi of male and of female rats (Fig. 12 A)."

"The modifying effects of the sBDNF and average BDNF methylation levels on first composite and individual MACEs were analyzed using Cox proportional hazards models after adjusting for potential covariates."

"Altered BDNF Methylation in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and High Biopsychosocial Complexity."

"Furthermore, differential BDNF methylation has been associated with structural brain changes."

"The association of ELS and BDNF methylation is also under investigation [ xref ], making it an ideal gene to investigate its genetic and epigenetic interactions with SLC6A4 ."

"The authors of this study argued that the results supported the usefulness of peripheral BDNF methylation as a surrogate for central BDNF methylation."

"In a recent study on 209 MS patients, while the presence of Val/Met polymorphism was not linked to disability accumulation, a lower BDNF gene DNA methylation, and therefore, higher gene expression and BDNF secretion, was associated to a higher risk of reaching EDSS 6.0 ( xref )."

"HDAC4 gene was related to learning and memory-related processes and studies demonstrated that higher level methylation was observed in PTSD cases. xref In the study where BDNF , NR3C1 , MAN2C1 , TLR8 , SLC6A4 , IL-18 , and SKA2 gene methylation analyses were performed in patients suffering from PTSD, it was concluded that BDNF, NR3C1 and MAN2C1 methylations are associated with PTSD diagnosis. xref This study revealed the importance the regulation of genes involved in synaptic plasticity and the HPA axis and their association with PTSD."

"Correlations between BDNF promoter methylation and depressive symptoms."

"Higher levels of BDNF gene methylation were associated with PSD occurring at follow-up ( xref )."

"Our results also show that the association between BDNF methylation and cognition can be moderated by sex, childhood trauma or MDD diagnosis."

"To our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate BDNF methylation in a human model of CMSP."

"Perroud et al. [ xref ] found higher Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) scores in borderline personality disorder (BPD) outpatients and a greater total percentage of BDNF methylation was associated with increased childhood trauma."

"Altered BDNF methylation in the brain of the offspring from the maltreated mothers may have resulted (1) from transmission of methylation via the gametes or (2) changes in methylation elicited by the transmission of poor maternal care across generations."

"Chronic exposure was associated with differential methylation of Bdnf and Comt in the pons, Nr3c1 in the hippocampus and Il1b in the medulla oblongata (all P value < 0.05)."

"Similar, higher levels of BDNF gene promoter methylation were found in BD II and MDD patients, compared to BD I subjects (P<0.01)."

"This study aimed to investigate the association between childhood adversity and BDNF promoter methylation in adults aged 65 years and over."

"This result fits well with current research, which links BDNF promoter methylation and depression: for example, reported about significant different methylation profiles of the BDNF gene in depressiv[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"This has proven true in response to early stress exposure: neurons in the rodent medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) exhibit increased levels of Bdnf methylation in response to adverse caregiving when compared to non-neurons. xref "

"It showed that a panel of patients with pains of various natures displayed on average an increased BDNF promoter methylation as compared with controls ( xref )."

"However, little is known about BDNF methylation in other tissues."

"One possibility is that the altered BDNF promoter methylation is common to the brain and blood."

"In a cross fostering study, Roth et al. subsequently demonstrated increased bdnf methylation in the hippocampus in female rats, and decreased methylation in the amygdala in male rats exposed to an abusive caregiver; indicating both regional and sex specific differences ( xref )."

"In a recent rodent model, rodents exposed to early life stress showed increased BDNF methylation in both sexes, and decreased BDNF expression in females ( xref )."

"We did not detect significant correlations between plasma BDNF and DNA methylation levels for any of the CpGs tested (Spearman r value range = −0.06 to 0.322; uncorrected p -value range = 0.12 to 0.99)."

"This study investigated the potential modifying effects of the serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (sBDNF) level on the association between BDNF methylation status and long-term cardiovascular outcomes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients."

"At peripubertal stage, there again are prominent effects of prenatal exposure to EDCs in male rat offspring, such as changes in expression and DNA methylation of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) after prenatal bisphenol A exposure ( xref ), but gene expression changes have also been observed in female hippocampus at that stage, specifically, genes related to serotonin turnover, after the same treatment ( xref )."

"The aim of our study was to assess whether BDNF promoter methylation in peripheral blood was able to predict the risk of AD."

"DNMTs are highly expressed in telencephalic GABAergic interneurons in both humans and rodents. xref , xref In addition to the increased expression of DNMTs, the hypothesis that an epigenetic DNA methylation pathology operates in the transcriptional down-regulation of several target genes in SZ and BP disorder patients is supported by the following evidence: 1) increased SAM levels, xref 2) enrichment of 5-methylcytosine (5MC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5HMC) at RELN , xref – xref BDNF , xref , xref and GAD1 promoters, xref – xref 3) increased histone methylation at GABAergic gene promoters, xref 4) an inverse correlation between DNA-methylation of the BDNF, RELN, and GAD1 genes and the level of their expression in the PFC, xref , xref and 5) evidence of epigenetic dysregulation of several other GABAergic and glutamatergic genes. xref "

"Right medial orbitofrontal and left lingual cortices were thinned in patients with MDD and also had inverse correlations with BDNF promoter methylation at CpG2 or CpG4, which were significantly higher in patients with MDD as compared to healthy controls."

"Earlier investigations have examined BDNF methylation in affected brain tissues."

"Correlation between MADRS and DNA methylation of BDNF (r = 0.49, p = 0.07), FKBP5 (r = 0.44, p = 0.11), and CRHBP (r = 0.22, p = 0.45) genes were not significant in MDD with suicidal ideation group except NR3C1 gene which showed significant correlation with MADRS (r = 0.56, p = 0.05)."

"BDNF methylation did not differ significantly between diagnostic groups; however, individuals who had experienced trauma presented higher levels of methylation."

"We examined the extent to which BDNF methylation corresponded to bulimic or normal-eater status, and also to the presence of comorbid borderline personality disorder (BPD) and childhood abuse."

"Similarly, alterations in BDNF methylation status have been associated with major depressive disorder [ xref ], suicidal behavior [ xref , xref ] and completed suicide [ xref ] as well as borderline personality disorder and related childhood abuse history [ xref , xref ]."

"In line with these findings, animal studies exploring whether maltreatment or nurturing care is associated with differential methylation of BDNF within the medial prefrontal cortex of adult rats have demonstrated that methylation of DNA associated with exon IV is increased in female maltreated rats xref ."

"Again, we focused on associative fear conditioning because the most robust increases in bdnf DNA methylation in hippocampus were observed with associative contextual fear learning."

"While the search for biomarkers that can be used in the clinic is ongoing, epigenetic studies continue to highlight the utility of Bdnf methylation as a strong candidate."

"Although offspring of both sexes inherit lower Bdnf methylation levels, only A-sired males exhibit decreased alcohol consumption."

"Appositely, we could not find a significant association between the BDNF serum levels and the BDNF promoter methylation."

"Our previous study suggests that increased BDNF gene methylation is connected with neuroticism, xref which is most characterized by negative emotionality. xref , xref On the other hand, the present study suggests that this epigenetic change is linked with sociotropy, which is characterized by negative cognition and problems in stress coping and interpersonal relationships. xref , xref , xref Taken together, BDNF gene methylation is likely to be involved in personality vulnerabilities with different theoretical backgrounds and in broad aspects of personality construct."

"This correlation suggests that BDNF DNA methylation may contribute to structural WM changes in MDD patients."

"Though these studies were done in humans and therefore may only reflect peripheral changes in BDNF regulation, data suggest that methylation status of the BDNF promoter may be consistent across brain and peripheral tissues, reflecting the possibility that methylation of peripheral Banff gene may serve as a biomarker for Bdnf methylation status in the brain ( xref )."

"Although previous studies have found that peripheral measures correlate to BDNF methylation in post-mortem human tissue [ xref ], peripheral measures remain an imperfect proxy for central nervous system measures."

"Associations of maternal stress and BDNF methylation showed high tissue specificity."

"BDNF methylation levels from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were compared by analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni׳s post-hoc test."

"A summary of main characteristics of the sample used in this study, including sex, age, psychiatric diagnosis, toxicological findings and BDNF methylation state, is reported in ."

"The present study suggests an interrelation between increased BDNF gene methylation and high sociotropy, which is likely to be implicated in the pathogenesis of depression."

"To investigate changes in BDNF methylation and expression of four alternative BDNF transcripts for association with completed suicide."

"There was greater methylation of BDNF among offspring of maltreated rodents, even among offspring who were cross-fostered and raised by mothers who had never been maltreated."

"We have previously shown later emerging (by PN30) and age-dependent (decreased at PN30 while increased at PN90) effects of maltreatment on Bdnf DNA methylation in the female medial prefrontal cortex [ xref ]."

"We observed that the switch to a WD increased Bdnf methylation specific to exon IV, in proportion to anxiety-like behavior, in Sprague Dawley rats reared in low omega-3 fatty acid diet, and these effects were abolished by the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine."

"Considered across lineages, F3 females exhibited Pb-related alterations in behavior, striatal BDNF levels, frontal cortical Th total percentage DNA methylation levels and serum corticosterone levels, whereas F3 males showed Pb- and PS-related alterations in behavior and total percent DNA methylation of hippocampal Bdnf ."

"BDNF Methylation and Suicidal Ideation in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome."

"Adult chronic social defeat stress in C57BL/6 mice does not alter Bdnf promoter P3 methylation in NAc, although other promoters and brain regions have not been examined. xref Chronic unpredictable stress also increases Gdnf mRNA levels in NAc of C57BL/6 mice, although the effects of Gdnf methylation may be mediated by methyl-binding proteins in a complex, strain-specific manner. xref BDNF is also highly regulated in depression by histone modifications ( xref ), and is exemplar of how individual genes are regulated at multiples levels."

"This finding is in line with a previous study, which reported that the BDNF methylation status was linked with genotype, and consequently had a differential effect on major psychosis ( Mill et al., [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"This study aimed to investigate BDNF gene methylation in individuals with depression based on tobacco use."

"As such, we further assessed the relationship of the MTHFR C677T variant with antenatal mood and S LC6A4 and BDNF methylation status."

"LC-PUFA stats also modified DNA methylation of BDNF ( xref )."

"Concurrent with Bdnf DNA de methylation, we found that Bdnf mRNA levels were significantly increased in areas CA1, CA3, and the DG region of epileptic animals compared to controls ( xref )."

"Our MSP results demonstrate that early experiences trigger changes in BDNF DNA methylation within the prefrontal cortex that persist into adulthood ( xref )."

"Thus, we investigated the association between BDNF methylation status and PSA at 2 weeks and 1 year after stroke while accounting for interactions with the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism."

"Among medicated MDD group, BDNF promoter methylation at CpG4 had inverse correlations with thickness in right inferior temporal, right pericalcarine, left rostral middle frontal, and left lingual cortices ( xref )."

"The independent effects of BDNF methylation status on suicidal ideation at two points was investigated using multivariable logistic regression models."

"Although more studies are needed to investigate whether the BDNF methylation is state- or trait –dependent, several studies have supported that BDNF methylation has no association with the severity of the current depressive episode xref xref xref ."

"Frequency of the BDNF gene methylation was highlighted as a statistically significant relationship between cases and controls regarding decreased risk of disease in comparison to unmethylated patterns (OR = 0.24; 95 % CI = 1.11-0.50; P = 0.00007)."

"Effect of BME Mediated NMDA Activation on Methylation and Expression of BDNF."

"In humans, post-traumatic stress disorder in combat veterans [ xref ] and exposure to domestic violence in women [ xref ] have been associated with increased BDNF methylation in peripheral blood."

"Additionally, Kim et al. (2013, 2015) found that both the BDNF Met allele and higher BDNF gene methylation were associated with suicidal ideation in a sample of 241 breast cancer patients assessed[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our results suggest that aberrant regulation of the Bdnf gene via DNA methylation mechanisms is strongly correlated with epilepsy-related memory deficits, however, further work is needed to elucidate the direct role of Bdnf DNA methylation alone on cognitive deficits in epilepsy."

"The cognitive impairment induced by zinc deficiency in rats aged 0∼2 months related to BDNF DNA methylation changes in the hippocampus."

"Among MDD group, BDNF promoter methylation at CpG2 had inverse correlations with thickness in right pericalcarine, right inferior temporal, right medical orbitofrontal, right rostral middle frontal, left superior frontal, left superior temporal, and left lingual, and right rostral middle frontal cortices."

"This finding is highly relevant in light of previous studies showing associations between BDNF promoter methylation in psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and depression, as mentioned above, with one study specifically suggesting that BDNF promoter methylation could be used as a biomarker of depression ( xref )."

"Effects of two-way interactions between BDNF methylation percentages and genotype on suicidal ideation are estimated in Table S2 (available online)."

"Results show increased BDNF methylation for MDD subjects treated with AD medication compared to MDD subjects without AD medication and healthy controls, within groups of the same genotype for each o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In addition, recent studies have also shown differences in methylation at various sites in BDNF may also be an indicator of antidepressant treatment response; however, these studies are still preliminary [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"There were correlations between BDNF serum levels and/or methylation and cardiometabolic markers. (i) Pre-intervention: for BDNF methylation, we found positive correlations between mean methylation in fat tissue and waist-hip ratio, and negative correlations between mean methylation in buffy coat and weight. (ii) Post-intervention: we found correlations between BDNF mean methylation in buffy coat and HbA1c, BDNF methylation in buffy coat and circulating IGFBP-2, and BDNF serum and insulin."

"Recent studies have found that BDNF methylation is be required for fear memory consolidation, and can be altered in early life in mice by events such as early weaning or isolation (Lubin et al., xref ; Roth et al., xref )."

"It is not uncommon to find an absence of correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression because there are additional mechanisms that can influence gene expression ( xref ). xref displays BDNF methylation and gene expression for males and females."

"The same team then compared BDNF promoter methylation in forty-one MDD patients and forty-four controls [ xref ]."

"A two-way multivariate analysis and a moderated regression analysis were conducted to investigate the moderating effect of the OXTR gene on the relationship between CTQ and BDNF methylation."

"No measure of maternal cortisol during pregnancy predicted infant NR3C1 1F or BDNF promoter IV DNA methylation."

"Bdnf methylation was weakly associated with Bdnf expression in hippocampi of male and of female rats ( xref A)."

"In contrast, control of Hcy blocked BDNF promoter methylation and upregulated BDNF levels in the brain."

"A recent study suggested a transgenerational impact on maternal programming by showing that female offspring of traumatized mice had decreased BDNF methylation in their hippocampus and an altered reaction to predator-odor [ xref ]."

"The discussions so far made on BDNF gene methylation and sociotropy/autonomy suggest a relationship between the two factors, which is likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of depression."

"In our study, TLE patients that showed history of depression also showed lower levels of methylation in BDNF or SLC6A4 genes."

"Further studies are needed in larger well-defined cohorts to elucidate the role of BDNF methylation in the pathway of AD therapy."

"However, a recent human study documenting an association of prenatal maternal depressive symptoms with BDNF methylation in both male and female infants suggests no sex difference, at least in human peripheral tissue [ xref ]."

"Intriguingly, 4 weeks of dialectical behavior therapy decreased bdnf methylation in patients that responded positively to treatment, while non-responders still showed higher methylation."

"Methylation of BDNF gene was found to be altered in the prefrontal cortex of mice exposed to ELS [ xref ]."

"Involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor methylation in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress in male mice."

"The current study aimed to investigate how closely Bdnf methylation patterns in the blood reflect that of the PFC following aversive caregiving."

"But no study has yet examined changes in BDNF methylation levels over time."

"Studies have demonstrated an association of memory with changes in DNA methylation in the BDNF gene [ xref ]."

"Increased BDNF methylation in saliva, but not blood, of patients with borderline personality disorder."

"Therefore altered levels of plasma maternal micronutrients (folate and vitamin B 12 ), lower DHA and higher homocysteine concentrations may lead to altered methylation of BDNF and NGF."

"Similarly, increased BDNF DNA methylation in the medial PFC has also been reported in adolescent and adult rats after maltreatment during infancy ( Blaze et al., 2013 )."

"Even with taking these limitations into account, our results are an important step in the direction of understanding the myriad of symptoms in PTSD, and suggest that such changes in Bdnf DNA methylation specifically in the hippocampus could contribute to the persistent impairment of hippocampal functioning which can last for years after emotional trauma in PTSD patients ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"Less is known about the effects of stress exposure on BDNF methylation in humans."

"We also searched the literature for evidence for whether these genes were expressed in PBMCs and found data for MCHR1 [ xref ], as well as SIRT2 [ xref ] in which expression in PBMCs was modulated caloric restriction [ xref ], and BDNF in which differences in the epigenetic methylation of BDNF were detected in PBMCs in patients who lost weight in a dietary/behavioral weight loss regimen [ xref ]."

"Effect of early-life exposure to EE and BPA on methylation and expression of Bdnf in the adult rat hippocampus. (A) both males and females, (B) only females, and (C) only males Correlation analyses for hippocampal Bdnf expression. (A) Overall correlation between expression of Bdnf and percent promoter methylation of Bdnf in rats using all data points. (B) Overall correlation between expression of Bdnf and rate of sniffing the correct hole in the Barnes maze in female rats."

"In a postmortem study conducted on bipolar patients, BDNF promoter methylations in the peripheral tissues and quadriceps tissues, were positively associated with those in the hippocampus of patients with bipolar disorder xref ."

"The authors regret that, due to a submission error, they had to replace the graph depicting Bdnf methylation levels in the adolescentdorsal hippocampus, the original of which mistakenly depicted Bdnf methylation levels in the ventral hippocampus."

"Of interest is the offspring of those early life stress rodents also showed increased BDNF methylation similar to the intergenerational findings of this study ( xref )."

"In order to confirm the role of DNA methylation in MTBI-induced BDNF gene regulation and the resulting behavioral outcomes, we examined the potential of treatment with the DNMT inhibitor 5-azacytidine[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In breast cancer, methylation of the bdnf gene (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) has been studied in relation with depression in mastectomy patients (Kim et al., xref ; Kang et al., xref )."

"Mean BDNF methylation levels exhibited increased methylation in relation to EUPD ( p = 0.0159, percentage mean group difference ~3.8%)."

"Regarding BDNF promoter methylation, as expected, patients with MDD had higher methylation levels than healthy controls."

"In conclusion, previous research demonstrated that cortisol, FKBP5 and BDNF protein levels and FKBP5 and BDNF methylation status are viable biological correlates of the (change in) PTSD and BPD symptoms."

"This finding extends recent work demonstrating that DNA methylation of the genes PP1, reelin, and BDNF are dynamically regulated by contextual fear conditioning ( xref ; xref )."

"Specifically, females that experienced early-life maltreatment exhibited greater neuronal CG methylation compared to controls, while no changes were detected in Bdnf methylation in males regardless of cell type."

"BPA concentrations were positively associated with BDNF DNA methylation at CpG6 (β = 0.21; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.36) and mean CpG methylation (β = 0.10; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.18), but not with total serum or urinary BDNF protein levels."

"Given the intergenerational patterns of health and behavior, and previous links between childhood trauma and BDNF methylation and expression, this study investigated the potential for maternal history of traumatic experiences to influence development in her newborn, via changes in her newborn’s BDNF methylation and expression."

"Modifying effects of depression on the association between BDNF methylation and prognosis of acute coronary syndrome."

"Interestingly, a recent human study found that not only gestational stress but also the history of trauma suffered by the mother was associated with epigenetic regulation of Bdnf in their newborns (Bdnf methylation and BDNF protein expression measured from umbilical cord blood after birth)."

"The use of a DNA methytransferase inhibitor counteracted the Bdnf hypermethylation and cognitive decay, and blocked the WD-reducing effects on the mitochondrial transcription regulator PGC-1α suggesting that the PGC-1α action is downstream to the Bdnf methylation."

"For example, prior research using human blood showed increased BDNF methylation associated with increased suicidal thoughts and behavior, and a literature review considering research conducted with brain and blood tissue identified abnormal BDNF signaling as a biomarker for increased suicide risk ( xref ; xref )."

"The peripheral blood level of DNA methylation of BDNF in SZ were accessed previously, with more methylated alleles and lower expression levels of BDNF found in the patient group than in the control group ( xref )."

"Moreover, BPD patients had significantly higher BDNF plasma protein levels than controls, but this increase was not associated with changes in BDNF methylation status."

"Methionine (Met) administration has been shown to increase DNA methylation, and significantly affect neuronal function and behavior. xref – xref Therefore, we treated epileptic rats with Met and determined whether manipulating DNA methylation could affect Bdnf DNA methylation and mRNA levels in the epileptic brain (Fig. xref a)."

"In the second model, we investigated a possible association between serum BDNF levels and BDNF promoter methylation."

"Similarly, it has been demonstrated that maternal stress during pregnancy alters DNA methylation of the imprinted genes IGF2 and GNASXL in cord blood [93], and that maternal stress also alters DNA methylation in NR3C1 and BDNF in buccal mucosa DNA samples obtained from 2 month-old infants born to mothers with depressive symptoms during pregnancy [94,95]."

"Here we only measured DNA methylation at one time point (adulthood, about 3 months past our experimental manipulations), thus it is possible that Bdnf methylation patterns in neurons and glia would be different at a time point closer to the insult and earlier in development."

"In this study we investigated alterations in the methylation of the BDNF gene during alcohol withdrawal (day 1, 7 and 14) in 99 male alcohol-dependent patients compared to age matched healthy males (n=33)."

"Our findings suggest that methylation of BDNF may contribute to the persistent cognitive deficits observed in MDD patients."

"However, our findings support and extend previous results that have principally used blood samples, indicating elevated BDNF promoter methylation in depression. xref , xref , xref "

"Our study suggests that the percentage of methylation of the BDNF gene could be used as a prognostic factor for disease progression toward a high disability in MS patient."

"Bdnf methylation regulated by dietary intervention."

"Effect of I-DBT on BDNF methylation status."

"The same group had already demonstrated that increased expression of BDNF promoter/exon IV and decreased methylation of H3K27 in the prefrontal cortex was associated with a history of antidepressant treatment. xref These studies thus suggest that BDNF methylation, at least in histones, is a dynamic process underlying the cognitive changes observed during treatment."

"Our results also document that traumatic stress differentially affected Bdnf gene methylation within dorsal and ventral hippocampus."

"Contextual fear learning induced differential regulation of exon-specific bdnf mRNAs (I, IV, VI, IX) that was associated with changes in bdnf DNA methylation and altered local chromatin structure."

"For example, when compared with controls, a significant increase in DNA methylation at BDNF promoter IV was found in the Wernicke area from suicide subjects and, interestingly, this higher methylation pattern correlated with lower mRNA levels for BDNF transcript IV. xref An increase in DNA methylation levels of this BDNF promoter region was reported in association with lower BDNF protein levels in the prefrontal cortex of elderly people. xref Furthermore, higher DNA methylation levels were also found in the prefrontal cortex of valine/valine homozygous subjects, as compared with metionine (Met) carriers, suggesting an association between BDNF genotype and DNA methylation. xref The notion that epigenetic changes are associated with variations in DNA sequence may underlie, at least in part, the inconsistencies of genetic-association studies in psychiatric disorders."

"There was also no correlation between BDNF methylation and maternal depressive symptom severity."

"Inhibition of DNMT activity blocked the effect of methyl supplementation with Met on Bdnf DNA methylation and mRNA levels in the epileptic hippocampus, and prevented the effects on memory enhancements."

"We found association between the mean BDNF methylation and total CTQ score in FEP, as well as between individual CpG sites and subtypes of trauma."

"However, the patients treated by valproate and lithium demonstrated a significantly decreased BDNF methylation level, in comparison with the control level."

"Differential methylation of BDNF during memory consolidation ( xref ), and altered DNA methylation of Fkbp5 in response to chronic corticosterone exposure (R. S. xref ) has been observed."

"In the G-OXTR type, the high CTQ group showed a greater BDNF methylation level."

"These findings indicate that group trends in Bdnf methylation between blood and the brain are comparable, but variation exists among individual subjects."

"Following behavioral testing, in a subset of offspring, brains were dissected (prefrontal cortex and hippocampus) for analyses of gene expression and DNA methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor ( Nr3c1 ) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) genes."

"Similarly, the experience of abusive caregiving can have transgenerational effects on DNA methylation of the BDNF gene in female offspring that may account for the emergence of abusive behavior in these offspring."

"Summing up, our study illustrates changes in BDNF methylation in alcohol-dependent patients during alcohol withdrawal, which are associated with withdrawal symptoms as depression and anxiety."

"Intriguingly, the observed decrease in Bdnf DNA methylation in the epileptic hippocampus was not affected by DNMT inhibition."

"Similarly, one study showed that BDNF methylation was specifically associated with suicidal ideation among breast cancer patients, controlling for other depressive symptoms ( Kim et al., 2013 )."

"Previous studies found lifelong and transgenerational perpetuation of changes in BDNF methylation after early-life adversity. xref Fuchikami et al. xref recently suggested DNA methylation of BDNF in peripheral blood as a diagnostic biomarker of major depression."

"These results are in sharp contrast to our prior findings indicating that DNMT inhibition can alter Bdnf DNA methylation and gene expression in the normal hippocampus ( xref )."

"A difference between the samples from admission and discharge from hospital of both BDNF gene methylation and serum levels could not be detected in the present study and no influence of the BDNF val66met genotype on neither methylation nor BDNF serum level."

"In a study performed by Gutierrez et al. DNA methylation of the BDNF gene was measured along with BDNF protein levels in blood plasma samples from control, premanifest and manifest HD patients [ xref ]."

"BDNF gene methylation (downstream form gene transcription start site −21157 to −20858 bp with 15 CpG loci) was assessed by Sequenom MassArray (MassARRAY Compact Analyzer, Sequenom, CA, USA)."

"Abnormally regulated BDNF DNA methylation was explored in a rodent temporal lobe epilepsy model, and was shown to have a dual role in modulating both epileptiform abnormalities and memory impairments. xref , xref Memory consolidation is an important mechanism supporting long-term memory that may also be disrupted by epileptiform activity."

"Specifically, rats with the novel spatial experience exhibited decreased Bdnf DNA methylation in the dentate gyrus and increased Bdnf DNA methylation in CA3."

"Given the results of previous studies along with our study, we speculate that BDNF methylation might substantially damage the occipital cortex, in which GABA concentrations are the heist in the brain."

"Whether changes in BDNF DNA methylation contribute to altered BDNF expression observed in ASD patients has yet to be determined."

"BDNF exon IV promoter methylation has been of interest in various psychiatric illnesses including MDD xref however, no data in BD patients is available to date, although pre-clinical data suggests an involvement of mood stabilizers in BDNF promoter IV methylation."

"However, the INTERMED score was moderately correlated with low levels of BDNF promoter methylation."

"Specifically, females that experienced early-life maltreatment exhibited greater neuronal cytosine-guanine methylation compared to controls, while no changes were detected in Bdnf methylation in males regardless of cell type."

"The extent of the methylation of BDNF may also indicate the severity of symptoms seen in psychiatric problems [ xref ]."

"BDNF and Fkbp5 are differentially methylated during memory consolidation ( xref ) and in response to chronic corticosterone exposure ( xref ), respectively."

"These results suggested that childhood traumatic experience showed a significant impact on BDNF methylation, and OXTR genes have a moderating effect on this epigenetic mechanism in people who have experienced the childhood traumatic episodes."

"Thus, BDNF methylation might result in decreased GABAergic neurotransmission."

"The BDNF DNA methylation was analyzed as previously described using the bisulfite pyrosequencing method ( Kang et al., 2013 )."

"The present study suggests two scenarios regarding interrelations among BDNF gene methylation, sociotropy and maternal protection."

"During contextual long-term memory formation brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression changes in conjunction with alterations of DNA methylation in the Bdnf gene."

"We find that females exhibit changes in Bdnf methylation that very rarely match male patterns. xref , xref , xref We also observe significant, brain-region specific differences in genome-wide DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in adversity-exposed adolescent males, an effect not observed in females. xref These alterations are accompanied by sex-specific deficits in select behavioral tasks, xref data which support the hypothesis that altered epigenetic patterns are behaviorally functional."

"Rats that were continually exposed to caregiver maltreatment outside the home cage during their first 7 days of life showed increased methylation of the Bdnf gene in the amygdala, during both infancy and adulthood [ xref ]."

"BDNF expression has also been increasingly tied to promoter DNA methylation in various models of neurological disease, indicating that even under normal developmental conditions, BDNF promoter methylation may be significantly responsible for neurotrophic levels ( xref )."

"We found that behaviorally driven Bdnf DNA methylation was associated with hippocampus-dependent memory deficits."

"Rodent studies show that early life stress, including prenatal stress, broadly alters BDNF methylation, with presumed changes in gene expression."

"Moreover, we found that PCMS decreased DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene at exons IV and VI and elevated the mRNA levels of Bdnf in the IL."

"We have previously reported sex-specific effects of maltreatment on various realms of behavior (Doherty, Keller, xref ), deficits that we hypothesize are related to altered methylation of Bdnf ."

"The purpose of this study was to determine whether the level of BDNF promoter methylation was associated with MCI."

"Lower mean BDNF DNA methylation was associated with impaired antidepressant response."

"Since our stimuli focus on stressful parenting conditions, these data suggest that the correlation between vmPFC/ACC activity and BDNF methylation may be linked to mothers who are at a disadvantage with respect to emotion regulation when facing stressful parenting situations."

"However, the relationship between BDNF DNA methylation and white matter (WM) integrity in MDD has not yet been investigated."

"BDNF methylation and OXTR genotyping (A vs. G allele) were conducted through blood sampling."

"Another confounder for epidemiologic studies of BDNF methylation is smoking."

"The dynamic nature of experience-dependent Bdnf methylation has been established in previous studies (for review see ( xref ))."

"DNA methylation of BDNF in psychiatric disorders."

"Changes in DNA methylation and expression of hippocampal Bdnf are also associated with object recognition memory ( xref ) and the memory of traumatic experiences ( xref )."

"Interestingly BDNF methylation status was not affected by antenatal maternal mood, MTHFR C677T genotype or SRI exposure."

"Our current observation of altered BDNF methylation in PBMCs from MDD patients with serious suicidal ideation and a previous study ( xref ) showing decreased BDNF expression in post-mortem brain tissue from MDD patients who died by suicide support a strong relationship of DNA modification and reduced expression of BDNF with suicidal behavior in MDD patients."

"BDNF DNA methylation changes as a biomarker of psychiatric disorders: literature review and open access database analysis."

"We observed no change in exon IV methylation in area CA1 of hippocampus from MK801-treated animals, indicating that NMDA receptor blockade during fear conditioning training prevented decreased bdnf methylation ( xref )."

"A longitudinal study of BDNF promoter methylation and genotype with poststroke depression."

"DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism whereby gene expression can be altered, and peripheral blood cell BDNF methylation has been associated with MDD ( xref )."

"Several possible explanations may account for the significant association between the BDNF methylation status and suicidal behavior."

"It showed ( xref ) that the BPI score, i.e. the severity of pain, was not correlated with BDNF promoter methylation."

"To our knowledge, these results are the first to examine Bdnf mRNA and Bdnf DNA methylation within one model of alcohol exposure."

"The correlation coefficients of HAMD scores and BDNF methylation status were not substantially different ( r =0.198 and p -value=0.152 for HAMD scores of ≤20, and r =0.168 and p -value=0.224 for HA[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"BDNF promoter methylation and genetic variation in late-life depression."

"The action of these metabolic sensors on BDNF regulation is further emphasized by the positive correlation observed between the NAD/NADH ratio and Bdnf methylation."

"Univariate analysis revealed that low NKX2-3 and BDNF methylation levels were associated to a shorter disease-free survival (Additional file xref : Figure S4C and D, respectively)."

"The BDNF methylation level in brain tissue needs to be further studied."

"Differences in Bdnf methylation at exons I and IV in the adolescent dorsal hippocampus; n = 8–9/group; error bars represent SEM."

"Interplay of Val66Met and BDNF methylation: effect on reward learning and cognitive performance in major depression."

"The fact that BPS complexity influences methylation of BDNF gene opens a new perspective for the clinician to diagnose or cure these patients."

"Similarly, Nagata et al . [ xref ] found that DNA methylation of the BDNF promoter in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with AD was significantly higher than that of age-matched cognitively normal controls."

"DNA methylation of BDNF as a biomarker of early-life adversity."

"As BDNF activity modulates various aspects of mental function including neurocognition and stress sensitivity, xref , xref it is not surprising if methylation of the BDNF gene causing altered BDNF activity xref affects the formation of these personality vulnerabilities in cognitive theory."

"The principal finding of this study of major depressive patients was that greater BDNF methylation was significantly associated with a previous suicidal attempt history as well as with suicidal ideati[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Indeed, animal evidence directs us to where we should be looking in this context, with the corticolimbic BDNF DNA methylation a candidate, particularly in the mPFC, hippocampus and amygdala, and detectable in adolescents xref , xref – xref ."

"BDNF methylation may be involved in regulating the process of recognition memory, particularly in the hippocampus ( Munoz et al., 2010 )."

"Similarly, Roth and colleagues found that administration of a DNMTi successfully reversed Bdnf methylation and gene expression changes found in adult rats that had experienced maltreatment in infancy ( xref )."

"Fluoxetine and Bdnf promoter methylation."

"Kundakovic et al. found that DNA methylation of BDNF could be a predictor for early life adversity, and changes in DNA methylation in blood could be a predictor of changes in the brain ( xref )."

"For instance, novel biomarkers, such as BDNF promoter methylation, are found to predict mood disorder patient’s response to treatment in some studies (D’Addario et al., xref ; Lopez et al., xref ; Tadić et al., xref )."

"A significant negative association between disadvantage and BDNF DNA methylation at a specific site of the exon IV promoter was identified."

"F3 offspring were generated from each of these lineages and examined for outcomes previously found to be altered by Pb, PS, or combined Pb and PS in F1 offspring: behavioral performance [fixed-interval (FI) schedule of food reward, locomotor activity, and anxiety-like behavior], dopamine function [striatal expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (Th)], glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and plasma corticosterone, as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and total percent DNA methylation of Th and Bdnf genes in the frontal cortex and hippocampus."

"Based on this, the study of BDNF methylation in BD will need to systematically take those features into account before we actually have an established picture of how it acts in determining clinical features in different populations."

"In rodents, the same experimental stressor may differentially impact BDNF methylation, in terms of the significance and direction of effect, depending on whether the stressor occurs early in life vs. adulthood, the age at testing, the specific tissue source, and the BDNF loci targeted [ xref , xref , xref , xref ]."

"Oxytocin receptor genes moderate BDNF epigenetic methylation by childhood trauma."

"In one study, no relation of depressed mood to BDNF methylation was observed in neonatal cord blood [ xref ]."

"Aim: We investigated DNA methylation of BDNF  in methamphetamine (METH) dependence in humans and an animal model."

"It is hypothesized that cortisol, FKBP5 and BDNF protein levels and FKBP5 and BDNF methylation status predict and mediate the individual response to integrated EMDR-DBT and EMDR-only, in adults with PTSD and comorbid (sub)clinical BPD."

"BDNF methylation was estimated in 11 CpG sites in DNA from mothers' buccal cells."

"Indeed, in human PBMCs, treatment with valproate led to a significant reduction of ~24% in BDNF promoter methylation ( xref ; xref ), whereas it was also shown to decrease the methylation of p21 ( xref ), RELN ( xref ), and glutamate type I transporter ( GLT-1 ) genes ( xref ), as well as induce a significantly altered methylation signature in BD patients ( xref )."

"In a previous study, a strong correlation between gestational bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) DNA methylation in the umbilical cord blood was observed in the children from Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health cohort ( xref )."

"Considering the total methylation status of each CpG sites could not reflect the amount of BDNF DNA methylation in a specific brain region, the correlation between BDNF methylation and microstructural[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"With regards FM pathophysiology, serum brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) were found at higher levels in FM patients while BDNF methylation in exon 9 accounted for the regulation of protein expression."

"Our results indicate that different levels of BDNF methylation may be present in different populations and environments."

"The moderate number of samples may have influenced the results of our study, especially for the gender-stratified association test of BDNF methylation with AD."

"In this study, we also investigated the role of Huwe1-Gadd45b mediated pathway in BDNF methylation."

"This straightforward concept was supported by early studies demonstrating that depolarization of neurons in vitro results in a reduction of DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene and an increase in gene transcription [ xref ]."

"Methylation of the BDNF gene has been associated with BPD [ xref ], particularly given this disorder's high rate of childhood abuse."

"There was no significant interactive effect of BDNF methylation percentages and genotype on the prevalence or incidence of suicidal ideation in the multivariate logistic regression models."

"BDNF promoter methylation at CpG2 and CpG4, which were higher in patients with MDD than healthy controls, were used for the correlation analysis."

"The effect of clozapine on DNA methylation of Bdnf- ix gene has some specificity for the promoter region because in these same animals, methylation of the Bdnf- ix gene body region, was not influenced by prenatal stress, and the level of methylation was not modified by clozapine. (The % 5MC within the Bdnf -ix body region from +312 bp to +415 bp was: 2.74±0.75 in NS mice receiving vehicle, 2.1±0.080 in NS mice receiving clozapine, 2.86±0.38 in PRS mice receiving vehicle, and 3.0±0.75 in PRS mice receiving clozapine."

"For example, Roth and colleagues reported that early maltreatment of rat pups produced increased methylation of BDNF that resulted in persistent decreases in gene expression in the adult prefrontal cortex ( xref ) while Smith and colleagues reported increased methylation of a CpG site in BDNF and peripheral blood of adults with PTSD ( xref )."

"p. injected and at the administered dose, has been previously reported to alter behavior, DNA methylation, and BDNF expression in the hippocampus. xref DNMT inhibition with 5-AZA blocked the effect of methyl supplementation via Met on Bdnf DNA methylation, specifically at CpG sites 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 12 within the Bdnf gene (Fig. xref b)."

"BDNF promoter methylation was detected by bisulfite-PCR amplification and pyrosequencing."

"Alcohol exposure additionally predicted increased and decreased sperm Peg3 and Bdnf methylation, respectively, both of which are involved in fetal brain development and whose methylation patterns were inherited to the F1 brain ( xref ; Liang et al., 2014)."

"Additionally, since increased BDNF methylation might reduce bioavailability of serum BDNF levels, there is a possibility that BDNF methylation and serum BDNF levels are inversely correlated."

"Taken as a whole, our findings suggest an effect of BDNF gene promoter methylation and neurocognitive performance."

"This SNP is thought to alter BDNF methylation levels and has been widely implicated in vulnerability to mental health disorders xref , xref , xref ."

"Analysis of BDNF methylation status and IL-18 levels may help identify ACS patients who are most likely to have adverse clinical outcomes."

"Our results showed that BDNF promoter methylation in the Xinjiang Han elderly is significantly higher than in the Ningbo Han elderly."

"This genetic and epigenetic study demonstrated blood BDNF promoter methylation to be a potential biomarker of prolonged nocturnal awakenings in older people."

"Patients treated by lithium and valproate tend to demonstrate BDNF methylation levels close to controls in comparison with patients treated by other antidepressant agents such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and atypical antipsychotics."

"Methylation of BDNF in women with bulimic eating syndromes: associations with childhood abuse and borderline personality disorder."

"Scatter plots for the associations between average BDNF methylation percentage and MADRS scores at both baseline and follow-up are presented in xref (in the online-only Data Supplement)."

"Lower BDNF promoter methylation was associated with reduced SI following antidepressant treatment [ xref ]."

"BDNF promoter methylation was detected by bisulfite-PCR amplification and pyrosequencing."

"Those who responded to treatment showed a decrease in the percentage of exon I and IV BDNF DNA methylation."

"In addition, we assessed whether DNA methylation of Bdnf gene could be involved in mediation of fear erasure caused by ketamine in combination with extinction training."

"For the association analysis with depressive disorder at one-year follow-up, BDNF methylation percentages were compared between those with/without incident and persistent depressive disorder using [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Is this higher DNA BDNF methylation in BPD subjects linked to child maltreatment?"

"However, one study [ xref ] did not find a difference in DNA methylation of BDNF gene in AD brain compared to healthy controls."

"Third, some researches have demonstrated that methylation of the BDNF gene close to promoters can promote BDNF silencing and downregulates BDNF mRNA due to early life adverse experiences ( Roth et al.[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Overall, these results indicate that our psychosocial stress regimen differentially affected Bdnf DNA methylation in the dorsal versus ventral hippocampus."

"At PND 30, abuse-exposed male rats have elevated Bdnf promoter IV DNA methylation in the prefrontal cortex whereas in females there is decreased DNA methylation in this genomic region."

"Although no significant changes in the BDNF methylation levels at M3 in chicks after thermal conditioning and folic acid treatment were detected (left panel; P >0.05), there were significant effects of both treatments and interaction on the levels of BDNF methylation at M9 (right panel; P <0.05)."

"In logistic regression models, higher BDNF methylation status was independently associated with prevalent depressive disorder at baseline and with its persistence at follow-up."

"It should be mentioned that BDNF methylation levels were correlated to anxiety symptoms and childhood trauma, but not to IPV-PTSD or depression symptoms."

"Our finding that BDNF methylation levels are correlated to hippocampal activity in response to a stressor (child separation) is consistent with animal data indicating that stress affects hippocampal BDNF methylation [ xref ]."

"However, in a 2010 study from the same sample, the group demonstrated that suicide completers had higher rates of methylation at BDNF promoter IV than non-suicide controls, and that BDNF promoter IV methylation was predictive of lower BDNF mRNA expression in cases relative to controls [ xref ]."

"For example, Okada ( xref ) found in depressed individuals that the level of promoter methylation of the 5-HTT gene ( SLC6A ) predicted magnitude of response to therapy, and BDNF methylation status could be a proxy marker for previous suicidal attempts and a clinical biomarker for poor treatment outcomes of suicidal ideation in depression ( xref )."

"Unternaehrer E, Meyer AH, Burkhardt SCA, et al. Childhood maternal care is associated with DNA methylation of the genes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and oxytocin receptor (OXTR) in peripheral blood cells in adult men and women."

"More interestingly, after antidepressive treatment, BDNF methylation decreased, and serum BDNF levels increased [ xref , xref ]."

"Interestingly, in the study by Januar and colleagues xref , only major homozygous patients showed an association between BDNF promoter methylation and depression, and for CpG site 7.8.9, a trend association was observed with depression, with rs908867 significantly modifying this relationship."

"For example, alcohol lowers methylation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf) gene in sire sperm that is maintained in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of offspring xref ."

"Subsequently, abnormal DNA methylation of BDNF was proposed as an epigenomic blood marker for the individuals with major depression [ xref ]."

"Thus, the current study examines Bdnf exon IX methylation in the male and female PFC of developing animals following exposure to nurturing or adverse care during the first week of life, and the ability of the HDACi sodium butyrate to prevent the previously reported, adversity-induced increase in methylation at this locus."

"So far only Keller’s study and our analysis indicate a partial correlation of the BDNF methylation level in the brain to the development of psychiatric disorders."

"Therefore, to reliably examine the possible effects of BDNF promoter methylation on neurodegenerative changes as represented by cortical thickness, we recruited only patients with recurrent MDD."

"As for the HC group, the interaction effect of the CTQ and OXTR genotype was significant on BDNF methylation, and the moderation model showed that CTQ and OXTR group are significant predictors of BDNF methylation."

"Rodent studies indicated that caregiver ill-treatment caused an increased methylation of BDNF in the prefrontal cortex [ xref ]."

"In sum, the results add to previous findings that BDNF, BDNF promoter methylation and the combination of clinical and biological markers may be interesting candidates for therapy response prediction which has to be confirmed in further studies."

"Regarding question (1) we found significantly increased methylation rates in the alcohol-dependent patients in the beginning of alcohol withdrawal (day 1 and day 7) as well as a significant decrease i[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Bdnf methylation tended to correlate with its gene expression pattern in female hippocampi."

"This study has several limitations that may, in part, explain the striking results showing no correlation between BDNF protein levels and BDNF DNA methylation."

"NaBut denoted antidepressant-like effects by promoting a decrease of methylation in BDNF, therefore supporting its upregulation, and then having effects in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity [ xref ]."

"A significantly higher level of BDNF promoter methylation was observed in AD cases than in controls in a previous study ( Chang et al., 2014 )."

"There are several possible explanations for the significant association between BDNF methylation status and depression in patients with breast cancer."

"In response to a learning experience methyl supplementation with Met significantly increased hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation and reduced chronic overexpression of Bdnf mRNA levels observed in the hippocampus of epileptic animals during memory consolidation."

"Based on the results, the authors suggested that BDNF DNA methylation in the blood can predict early life adversity-induced epigenetic changes in the brain and may be a novel clinical epigenetic biomarker to predict the risk for psychopathology [ xref ]."

"BDNF methylation percentages were estimated using leukocyte DNA, and a range of demographic and clinical characteristics were evaluated as covariates."

"Several studies additionally support the notion that caregiver maltreatment history is associated with increased BDNF methylation in the amygdala and hippocampus of female rats [ xref ] and that adaptive maternal care is associated with higher BDNF protein levels in the brain of the offspring [ xref , xref ]."

"In addition to the increased expression of DNMT1 and DNMT3a, which is associated with a decrease of reelin and GAD 67 expression in a selected population of GABAergic interneurons of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the hypothesis that an epigenetic pathology of GABAergic promoters is operative in the transcriptional downregulation of several genes in SZ or BP disorder patients is supported by the following evidence: 1) increased S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) in the PFC ( xref ), 2) hypermethylation of cytosines in CpG islands of reelin ( xref , xref , xref ) and other selected promoters ( xref ) and the associated downregulation of cognate protein expression in the PFC of psychotic patients, although negative findings for reelin have also been reported ( xref )., 3) decreased histone methylation at GABAergic gene promoters ( xref ), 4) increased histone deacetylase expression in the PFC ( xref ; xref ), 5) an inverse correlation between DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and the level of its expression in the PFC ( xref ), and 6) evidence of epigenetic dysregulation of several other GABAergic and glutamatergic genes in major psychosis ( xref )."

"This suggests that increased levels of peripheral BDNF promoter methylation may be an epigenetic biomarker indicating the transformation of aMCI to AD ( xref ). xref examined the DNA methylation levels of the COASY and SPINT gene promoter regions and found that DNA methylation in the two regions was significantly increased in AD and aMCI as compared to controls. xref found that global DNA methylation in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of LOAD patients was higher compared to healthy controls, and higher DNA methylation levels were associated with the presence of APOE ᵰ04 allele ( p = 0.0043) and APOE ᵰ03 carriers ( p = 0.05) in the global population."

"Therefore, a complex analysis of several factors determining BDNF expression is necessary to make the conclusion of whether the small changes in the BDNF methylation level may affect the BDNF expression changes both on transcript and protein levels."

"LTF and BDNF methylation did not associate in females ( p  = ."

"So far, differential BDNF methylation initially found in blood [ xref , xref ], was confirmed to be also present in saliva for bipolar disorder [ xref ], anxiety and depression [ xref , xref ], but has not been investigated for BPD yet."

"Finally, further studies are needed in order to understand if psychotherapeutic intervention can modify BDNF methylation status and/or neural activity patterns that might also be associated with perceptual and behavioral change that is related to maternal care."

"Following exposure to maltreatment, animals of both sexes exhibit increased DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) gene in whole prefrontal cortex as well as altered levels of various epigenetic regulators in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) ( xref ; xref )."

"Studies comparing the effects of Li and VPA, alone or in combination with other medications, on DNA methylation of BDNF gene of subjects with BD or MDD were similar."

"How to cite this article : Na, K.-S. et al. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promoter methylation and cortical thickness in recurrent major depressive disorder."

"Individual BDNF methylation profiles were ascertained and associated with several BDNF single nucleotide polymorphisms surrounding the BDNF-Val 66 Met, amygdala reactivity, novelty seeking and harm avoidance."

"Another study in animals showed that clozapine reduces BDNF methylation and that this increases social interaction [ xref , xref ]."

"Elevation of Peripheral BDNF Promoter Methylation Predicts Conversion from Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study."

"In light of this, we investigated how a lifestyle intervention influenced serum levels and DNA methylation of BDNF gene in fat tissue and buffy coat of NDH individuals."

"BDNF DNA methylation epigenetically encodes the effects of childhood adversity on neurodevelopment."

"In the high-IL-18 group, but not in the low-IL-18 group, a higher average BDNF methylation level was associated with increases in composite MACEs (HR (95% CI) = 2.15 (1.42-3.26)), all-cause mortality (HR (95% CI) = 1.89 (1.11-3.22)), myocardial infarction (HR (95% CI) = 1.98 (1.07-3.67)), and percutaneous coronary intervention (HR (95% CI) = 1.81 (1.01-3.23)), independent of confounding variables."

"Association between BDNF DNA methylation and sBDNF levels."

"The metabolic sensor NAD/NADH and SIRT1 metabolic regulator appeared to act as an intermediate step between the diet and Bdnf methylation."

"The influence of BDNF DNA methylation on predisposition to MDD may be exerted by regulating neuronal development and activity-dependent neuronal plasticity through the epigenetic regulation of the g[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The subjects with higher neuroticism scores had higher levels of BDNF gene methylation compared with those with lower neuroticism scores."

"Although it might be argued that methylation studied in peripheral blood cells could be different than methylation in the brain, recent studies suggest that peripheral BDNF methylation closely reflects that of brain tissues xref ."

"In BDNF exon I, higher degree of methylation of BDNF and lower mRNA level were found in the blood of patients with bipolar II diorder, but not of patients with bipolar I disorder [ xref ]."

"No studies have assessed prenatal exposure to maternal traumatic stress and BDNF methylation in humans."

"Second, further increases in methylation of the BDNF gene resulting from high neuroticism may be implicated in the process from high neuroticism to the onset of depression."

"Association of BDNF promoter methylation and genotype with suicidal ideation in elderly Koreans."

"Correlations of BDNF methylation to maternal brain activity."

"The Illumina 450K Beadchip includes 16 CpG sites in SLC6A4 , 77 sites in BDNF , 41 sites in NR3C1 and 34 sites in FKBP5 , and xref , available online contains the results of analyses examining methylation in candidate genes SLC6A4 , BDNF , NR3C1 , and FKBP5 as predictors of children’s depression scores."

"The authors show that remission rates for antidepressant treatments are associated with methylation of the CpG-87 site of the BDNF gene."

"Zinc deficiency induced cognitive impairment is also associated with altered BDNF methylation in the hippocampus [ xref ]."

"Adolescents exposed in utero to maternal smoking show an increased DNA methylation of the BDNF gene promoter with previous studies indicating that a methylated BDNF gene acts as a diagnostic biomarker of depression [ xref , xref ]."

"However, it is still unclear how BDNF methylation status influences BDNF secretion, but taking into account that the SNP rs908867 lies within the BDNF promoter region, genotype–methylation interac[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The measures of BDNF methylation reported in this paper were taken peripherally."

"The study provides first insights into the relationship among BDNF methylation, BDNF genotype, amygdala reactivity and personality traits in humans, highlighting the multidimensional relations among genetics, epigenetics, and neuronal functions."

"In the present study, we report data on the association among pandemic-related stress during pregnancy, maternal BDNF methylation, and postnatal anxiety symptoms."

"This study investigated the interaction effect of childhood traumatic experience and epigenetic methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a possible moderating effect of oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene rs53576."

"This might be related to the methylation of BDNF gene in association with childhood maltreatment reported in schizophrenia patients by Barker et al. ( xref )."

"This finding was partly consistent with our recent study in a post-stroke cohort, in which no interaction was identified between BDNF methylation and its genotype in post-stroke depression."

"Decreased BDNF levels and increased BDNF methylation status, especially in the promoter regions of exons I and IV, were identified in patients with depression [ xref , xref ]."

"These observations reinforce the view that DNA methylation remains an active process in the mature CNS that is modifiable by the environment, and indicate that changes in Bdnf DNA methylation are an important aspect in potentially understanding how traumatic stress affects the hippocampus."

"Thus, in the second model BDNF serum levels were set as dependent variable, whereas BDNF methylation status (mean and the methylation of individual CpG islands) served as fixed factors."

"Specifically, in the studies conducted by xref and xref the relationship between early life stress, brain structures and functions was, at least partially, explained by FBBP5 and BDNF methylation status, respectively."

"In the central nervous system (CNS), DNA methylation of cytosines in cytosine-guanine (CpG) dinucleotides is regarded as a representative component of broader epigenetic modification at a given locus. xref An increase in CpG methylation at promoter regions on the BDNF gene was reported to be correlated with decreased synthesis of BDNF in the neurons. xref Furthermore, increased BDNF methylation status was correlated with depression in the general population xref and in stroke patients. xref Based on these findings, we hypothesized that BDNF hypermethylation is associated with depression in patients with breast cancer."

"However, it is not known how BDNF methylation status influences BDNF secretion over time after stroke, and it is important to bear in mind that there were no significant genotype-methylation interactions ( xref ) and no direct associations between BDNF genotype and methylation percentages ( xref ) in our sample."

"In our own research where we found enhanced levels of DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene in the PFC and hippocampus in female rats with a history of maltreatment, we found this same change in the next generation of offspring [ xref ]."

"Several animal experimental studies also reported that prenatal BPA-induced DNA methylation in the BDNF gene altered the expression of genes encoding the estrogen-related receptors γ, ER-α, and ER-β in the cortex and hypothalamus [ xref , xref ]."

"Bdnf methylation and mRNA changes in VTA associate with lower sensitivity to alcohol-induced anxiolysis and lower alcohol consumption in male offspring [ xref ]."

"Two studies reported significant associations between BDNF methylation and PFC functional connectivity ( xref ; xref )."

"There is additional evidence that BDNF methylation is associated with hippocampal activity, fear-conditioned behavior, memory consolidation and retrieval [ xref ]."

"However, in either case a vicious cycle between hypermethylation of the BDNF gene and high sociotropy leading to the marked decrease in BDNF secretion observed in depression may be formed. xref In the former scenario once high sociotropy is formed, it may further increase BDNF gene methylation by creating interpersonal stresses, xref while in the latter scenario once hypermethylation of the BDNF gene is formed, it may further increase sociotropy by producing negative self-images through the hippocampal mechanism. xref Recently, we proposed a similar vicious cycle between high methylation of the BDNF gene and high neuroticism, xref another personality vulnerability factor for depression."

"Still, a growing number of analyses based on leukocyte-derived DNA methylation in psychiatric disorders exist, including a study of the DRD2 5′-regulatory region in sib pairs discordant for schizophrenia (Zhang et al. xref ), a functional study of the SLC12A6 promoter (Moser et al. xref ), and a methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis of lymphoblastoid cells derived from monozygotic twins noted above (Kuratomi et al. xref ), the report on BDNF methylation in unipolar depression noted above (Fuchikami et al. xref ), and the investigation of BD (D'Addario et al. xref )."

"Two independent studies in MDD patients found a significantly enriched methylation of BDNF promoter, which represses gene transcription, along with impaired BDNF expression in PBMCs. xref , xref The same correlations between BDNF methylation and prevalence of MDD, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia were found in multiple other studies. xref , xref , xref xref xref xref – xref Methylation of the BDNF gene was found to be sex-dependent with a higher degree in male subjects in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. xref , xref Moreover, an elevated BDNF methylation was observed in parallel in the PFC and peripheral muscle tissue of deceased BD patients, which correlated with the values measured in PBMCs of living patients. xref "

"Right medial orbitofrontal and left lingual cortices were inversely correlated with BDNF promoter methylation both at CpG2 and CpG4."

"Age is an important factor for AD, however, our correlation tests showed a lack of association between BDNF methylation and age ( xref )."

"An overview of BDNF methylation of promoter I (region Ia and Ib) is displayed in Fig. xref ."

"In turn, results are consistent a central role of Bdnf methylation in the mechanisms that preserve the effects of diet on plasticity and behavior ( xref )."

"Importance of BDNF DNA Methylation to Memory formation."

"Based on these findings, it can be postulated that BDNF DNA methylation is associated with suicidal behaviors."

"However, increased BDNF promoter methylation after antidepressant treatment correlated with depression remission [ xref , xref ]."

"In remitters, BDNF promoter methylation was significantly increased after eight weeks of escitalopram treatment, while in the non-remitter group, there was no significant increase in methylation post-treatment [ xref ]."

"Importantly, BPD patients who positively responded to DBT showed a decrease in BDNF methylation over time, whereas non-responders showed an increase in BDNF methylation status [ xref ]."

"A schizophrenia animal model induced by prenatal stress showed increased DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and reduced BDNF transcription [ xref ]."

"The fact that CMSP, taking into account its BPS complexity, is associated with a decrease in BDNF promoter methylation suggests that it has an epigenetic impact opposite of that of other psychosocial stressors. xref , xref A similar result was obtained by Sosanya et al, xref who reported an increase in BDNF expression in the rat prefrontal cortex due to stress-induced post-injury pain."

"Psychiatric disorders have also been shown to involve systemic effects. xref Previous research has made a case for BDNF methylation in blood as a biomarker for depression. xref , xref However, buccal tissue may prove more informative as a surrogate tissue than blood. xref Unlike blood that is of mesodermal origin, buccal tissue has the same germ cell layer of origin (that is, ectodermal) as neural tissue, and thus has been speculated to be a more relevant peripheral tissue for epigenetic analysis in psychiatric disorders. xref Buccal biomarkers also confer several advantages to blood-based markers, including being less invasive, xref and buccal cells are a more uniform cell population, reducing the problematic issue of cell heterogeneity in epigenetic studies. xref In addition to significant differences in individual methylation sites, our findings highlight a general pattern of BDNF hypermethylation in the buccal tissue of depressed individuals."

"In addition to TPH2, there is also evidence that methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, which is key in neuronal maturation and synaptic plasticity, increases susceptibility to PSD and predicts response to treatment [ xref , xref ]."

"In patients after acute coronary syndrome, increased BDNF methylation was associated with the finding that escitalopram was more effective than placebo for treating depressive disorder, and this effect leads to prevent persistent depressive disorder [ xref ]."

"We expect that the correlation of BDNF methylation status and plasma BDNF levels with the microstructural change of WM would be elucidated in future studies on this issue."

"A Longitudinal Study of BDNF Promoter Methylation and Depression in Breast Cancer."

"Changes in bdnf gene methylation were observed in the prefrontal cortex of abused pups."

"Suppression of DNMT activity has been found to limit the long-term potentiation of hippocampal regions, resulting in reduced promoter methylation of the BDNF gene, which is implicated in synapse formation [ xref ]."

"However, we did not assess prenatal exposure to smoking, though it is reported to have an effect on BDNF methylation, as well as promote vulnerability to BPD later in life [ xref ]."

"The correlation of vmPFC and OFC activity and BDNF methylation levels when mothers watch children during separation vs play suggests that differential BDNF methylation and gene expression may occur in these brain regions and impact their function."

"There was a significant positive association between BDNF methylation levels and depression severity, impulsivity and child trauma, however no association was found between BDNF protein levels and DNA methylation levels ( xref )."

"BDNF methylation has been established as a biomarker of early life adversity, particularly bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and maternal maltreatment, in rodents and its expression is decreased in the brains of human suicide victims [ xref ]."

"To define the role of BDNF concentration in serum, or in plasma, and BDNF promoter gene methylation in saliva or leucocytes, in psychotherapy, an extensive literature search was conducted in the PubMed and Web of Science databases."

"Analysis of DNA Methylation of CRF, GR, and BDNF genes."

"While methylation of the Bdnf gene promoter region has been associated with the development of PTSD (Kim et al., xref ; Voisey et al., xref ), a recent report suggests that maternal trauma exposure may be linked to high Bdnf methylation levels in offspring (Kertes et al., xref )."

"To our knowledge, this is the first study to observe changes in DNA methylation of the BDNF gene in a burnout sample and therefore these findings are of added value for understanding epigenetic mechanisms occurring in burnout."

"Future clinical studies should further explore the impact of rTMS with different frequencies and locations on MDD and the correlation between BDNF gene polymorphism [ xref ], methylated BDNF gene [ xref ], the BDNF-Tkrb signaling system and rTMS [ xref ]."

"Subjects with the best response achieved the level of BDNF methylation found in control subjects."

"This study investigated whether DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF, which plays a key role in synaptic plasticity), mediated the association between neighborhood disadvantage and thickness of the PFC in adolescents."

"DNA methyltransferase may contribute to the methylation of BDNF, which is involved in neuroprotection in AD."

"The current study investigates the methylation level of the BDNF exon I promoter in combination with 12 BDNF single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; rs11030096, rs925946, rs10501087, rs6265, rs1103[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Together, these findings do not support a long-term association between adverse childhood events and BDNF methylation in older age, but further large prospective studies are needed, which do not target specific genes, but consider DNA methylation across the genome."

"Lastly, cord blood samples from human mothers with high exposure to BPA during pregnancy likewise show hypermethylation of Bdnf DNA methylation, providing direct translational relevance of the rodent data."

"Methylation of Bdnf is altered in timing- and exon-specific manner following a variety of early life experiences (reviewed in xref )."

"However, the role of abnormal methylation of BDNF induced by stress during adolescence due to depression has not yet been clarified."

"In particular, as described in the Results section, prefrontal and occipital cortices which were found to be thinner in patients with MDD also had inverse correlations with BDNF promoter methylation."

"Other factors that have been observed to influence BDNF methylation are tobacco consumption xref , age xref , and pharmacological treatment, with higher methylation levels of BDNF promoter I in patients under treatment with antidepressants xref ."

"Univariate analysis revealed that low BDNF methylation was associated with lymph node metastasis and a shorter disease-free survival."

"Impairment in growth factors such as BDNF may lead to MDD, and BDNF Met/Val variants have been associated with MDD. xref Interestingly, major traumas early in life can directly affect methylation and expression of BDNF. xref Also, serotonin transporter function can be modulated by BDNF. xref BDNF genetic variants may also influence GR sensitivity xref and interact with stress to influence vulnerability. xref Consequently, both the BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism and polymorphisms in its receptor have been associated with late-life MDD, xref along with increased suicidal ideation. xref "

"Numerous studies showed that elevated BDNF DNA methylation alone sufficiently reflects the gene-environmental interactions involved with psychosocial stress, including childhood adversity ( Karpova, 2[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The presence of PSA were determined using the anxiety subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the effects of BDNF methylation status and polymorphisms on PSA status were assessed with multivariate logistic regression models."

"Changes in Bdnf methylation following early-life stress in our rodent model include an increase in methylation in the whole prefrontal cortex ( xref ) as well as within the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) ( xref ; xref )."

"For example candidate gene approaches in this fashion have revealed concomitant changes in hippocampal Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) DNA methylation and gene expression that facilitate plasticity and memory formation ( xref ; xref )."

"Previous research found evidence that CHD-related depression is associated with BDNF gene polymorphism ( Bozzini et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2014 ) and a longitudinal study demonstrated that both the BD[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our study suggested that there was a significant contribution of BDNF promoter methylation to the risk of AD."

"There were no BDNF promoter methylation and genotypes on cortical thickness at any CpG sites among MDD and healthy controls, respectively."

"The relationships between BDNF methylation level and other parameters in the healthy subsample were assessed by Pearson correlation coefficients."

"Moreover, depression persistence associated with baseline higher BDNF methylation was not found in the escitalopram-receiving group, but was found in those receiving placebo or medical treatment onl[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The genome-wide methylation pattern was measured by the Illumina EPIC BeadChip and analyzed by robust linear regression models to investigate mean BDNF methylation levels in a targeted analysis conditioned upon severity of suicide attempt."

"The two-way interaction between BDNF methylation and the val66met polymorphism on depression was also evaluated using multivariate logistic regression models."

"For example, maternal depression during the prenatal period is linked to altered methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [ xref ]."

"Thus, this study shows a functional change in offspring of sires exposed to alcohol, which may be due to an inherited change in methylation on the BDNF gene that was transmitted across the male germline."

"Thus, the bisulfite DNA sequencing data reiterate active regulation of DNA methylation within the bdnf gene, and furthermore demonstrate that bdnf methylation is regulated in response to fear conditioning or context exposure."

"We found that Met administration significantly increased DNA methylation levels in area CA1 of epileptic CFC-trained animals, and elevated Bdnf DNA methylation to levels similar to the nonepileptic CFC-trained group (Fig. xref e)."

"Specifically, alcohol-exposed sires display lower DNA Bdnf methylation levels in the NAc and higher levels in the mPFC."

"We propose, however, that BDNF DNA methylation and the Val66Met polymorphism modulate predisposition to MDD via different mechanisms."

"Results suggest that direct exposure to ELS leads to sex-specific effects on gene regulation and HPA functioning in adulthood, with maternal separation leading to increases in Bdnf methylation in both sexes, decreases in Bdnf expression in females, and decreases in Nr3c1 methylation in males, as well as blunted CORT and less anxiety-like behavior in females."

"A recent study demonstrated that BDNF DNA methylation was related to depression and could be used as a blood biomarker for MDD ( xref )."

"At baseline, the IL-18 level and BDNF methylation status were evaluated in 969 patients who were followed for major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) for 5-12 years, until 2017 or death."

"Cross- fostering these pups with mothers with a history of normal treatment during early development failed to completely block the increase in BDNF gene methylation."

"Because we found no association between BDNF methylation status and HAMD scores, additional analyses were performed to investigate whether the strengths of association differed by depression severity [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Yoga decreases methylation of the BDNF gene, augmenting its activity and in turn enhancing neuroplasticity and cortical growth."

"After applying Bonferroni correction, the associations of depression persistence with a higher BDNF methylation at CpG site 1 and a higher average methylation percentage remained significant in plac[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Like many studies performed in the field of epigenetics, our protocol is mainly limited by its cross-sectional design that does not allow to exclude the possibility that the level of BDNF methylation may evolve over time."

"Additionally, the prefrontal and occipital cortices had more frequent and significant associations with BDNF promoter methylation than other cortical areas."

"Within the hypothalamus, early prenatal stress associates with elevated DNA methylation at CpG sites in the NGF1-A binding region of the Gr promoter exon 1 7 , and decreased methylation at CpG sites within the Crf promoter, with no changes in Bdnf methylation xref ."

"This extinction resistance is accompanied by increased DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and decreased BDNF mRNA expression within the mPFC."

"Interestingly, decreased BDNF methylation was observed in response to treatment with antidepressants [39, 40] . erefore, DNA methylation is a potential biomarker to predict depression and the response to antidepressants."

"The goals of this study were (a) to assess the association between pandemic-related stress and postnatal anxiety and (b) to investigate the potential role of maternal BDNF methylation as a significant mediator of this association."

"BDNF methylation levels at M9 significantly decreased following thermal conditioning, while folic acid suppressed demethylation in both male and female chicks."

"G-712A and promoter methylation of BDNF were independent risk factors for PTSD."

"In utero Females have more primordial germ cells; effect on fertility of the female reproductive systemCo-factor for TET group of enzymes; increases demethylation for germline specific genes to increase their expression during germline reprogramming[19] Lipids High lipid content in maternal dietIn utero Increase of leptin in cord blood, increases risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes, cholesterol and insulin levels, neurocognitive functions disrupted The DNA methylation and other histone modification marks remain as epigenetic memory for several genes predisposing the offspring to riskPost-partum Tendency of obesity in adulthood is lower Exposure to mother's milk cause a progressive demethylation of Fgf21 and other fatty acid metabolism genes in the offspring liver, reducing the chances of obesity in the offspring[92] Environmental pollutants Diesel exhaustIn utero Heart related diseases like cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and heart failure Altered methylation of regulatory regions of the DNA leading to aberrant expression of several genes related to heart development[32] Bisphenol A from plastic bottlesIn utero Predisposition to neurocognitive disabilities Exposure leads to an aberrant methylation of BDNF gene and affects Bdnf expression levels"

"In addition, our results showed that there was no significant interaction between AD drugs and BDNF methylation or individual CpG sites ( p >0.05, xref and xref )."

"Paternal alcohol exposure reduces acquisition of operant alcohol self-administration and affects Bdnf DNA methylation in male and female offspring."

"Toledo-Rodriguez and colleagues investigated whether prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking is associated with promoter methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) in blood samples from adolescents whose mothers smoked during pregnancy."

"Elevated BDNF promoter methylation has been shown to be associated with the risk of AD ( Chang et al., 2014 )."

"There were no significant differences in BDNF methylation based on CAb in either sex (cg16257091- ."

"To our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the correlation between BDNF DNA methylation and structural brain changes."

"This study investigated the potential modifying effects of the level of the serum interleukin-18 (IL-18) on the association between BDNF methylation status and long-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS)."

"While this article researches maternal behavior and biology that other studies have linked to child behavior within the same sample, testing for a direct transgenerational link of BDNF methylation to maternal and/or child behavior was not within the scope of this paper."

"Interrelation Between Increased BDNF Gene Methylation and High Sociotropy, a Personality Vulnerability Factor in Cognitive Model of Depression."

"DNA methylation of BDNF from the saliva BDNF changes in the human brain ( xref )."

"BDNF genotype and promoter methylation by stroke outcome status."

"While adolescent males exposed to maltreatment showed no significant alterations in bdnf DNA methylation, maltreated-males had significantly higher 5-mC levels in the dorsal hippocampus and lower 5-hmC levels in the amygdala."

"Regarding the influence of external factors on gene regulation through DNA methylation, there is evidence that DNA methylation of the BDNF gene is modified by early life negative stressors xref , xref ."

"In addition, a positive association between BDNF methylation status and level of depression, hopelessness, and impulsivity was found."

"Evaluation of DNA methylation in BDNF, SLC6A4, NR3C1 and FKBP5 before and after treatment with selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor in major depressive disorder."

"To date, there are no published reports examining prenatal exposure to maternal traumatic stress and BDNF gene methylation in humans."

"In addition, 5-Aza treatment decreased promoter methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene and significantly increased BDNF mRNA and protein abundance in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of female rats in a sex-dependent manner."

"For example, methylation of specific promoters can be increased in the absence of changes in the levels of DNA-methylating enzymes by increasing brain SAM levels, possibly by administering methionine. xref , xref An example of a nonlinear cause-effect relationship between BER (base excision repair) protein levels and promoter methylation is that increased expression of Gadd45 β in psychosis is not followed by a decrease of BDNF promoter methylation. xref One explanation for these unexpected results is suggested by chromatin immune precipitation experiments."

"BDNF methylation status and protein levels were re-assessed at the end of treatment."

"In adulthood, these rats showed increased DNA methylation of the BDNF gene in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and decreased BDNF expression."

"Although our data show a significant association between BDNF promoter methylation and duration of abstinence before relapse on day 14 of alcohol withdrawal (see ), they do not support the hypothesis [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Considerable evidence suggests a crucial role for BDNF promoter methylation in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia xref , xref , bipolar disorder xref , depression xref , xref and anxiety xref , xref ."

"Roth et al. xref reported that chronic stress in adult male Sprague-Dawly rats results in PTSD-like behavioral changes that are associated with an increase in hippocampal (CA1-DG) BDNF promoter methylation and a decrease in BDNF exon IV mRNA."

"In addition to BDNF methylation, DNA methylation of APBA3 (amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3) and MCF2 (oncogene MCF2) has recently been proposed as blood-based biomarker for BPD patients."

"Similarly, Ikegame et al. reported increased BDNF gene methylation in patient lymphocytes at a different location within the gene ( Ikegame et al., 2013 )."

"This study aimed to investigate whether brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) methylation status is associated with occurrence and treatment response of depressive disorder in ACS."

"Additionally, bipolar patients undergoing dialectical behavioral therapy displayed decreased Bdnf methylation over time if they were responding to treatment ( xref )."

"Utilizing enriched EO-BD samples, studying BDNF (i.e., Val66Met variant) gene–environment interactions, as well as the correlation with BDNF methylation patterns is warranted."

"A better response was associated with higher BDNF methylation in the escitalorpram group but in those who were randomized to receive placebo, which support previous findings (D’Addario et al., 2013;[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These results are in line with post mortem studies since increased BDNF promoter methylation has been found in the brain of suicide subjects (Keller et al., xref )."

"Our data suggest that BDNF DNA methylation in the blood may be used as a predictor of brain BDNF DNA methylation and gene expression as well as behavioral vulnerability induced by early-life environmental exposure."

"The authors reported significantly higher methylation status in both CpG regions in patients than in controls, with the number of childhood trauma exposures associated with the high levels of BDNF methylation."

"We observed that a behavioral protocol (spatial exploration of a novel environment) known to induce hippocampal place cell remapping resulted in alterations of hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation."

"Consistent with the existing literature, the present study found that maternal BDNF methylation was associated with maternal anxiety levels and also with childhood exposure to domestic violence [ xref , xref ]."

"Increased methylation of the BDNF and oxytocin receptor genes in whole blood has been observed in adults who report low maternal care provision during the first 16 years of life [ xref ]."

"Studies report imprinted genes such as H19-IGF2 showing altered methylation due to ethanol (Ouko et al. xref ; Liang et al. xref ), and paternal alcohol exposure appears to affect brain derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) DNA methylation in offspring (Nieto et al. xref )."

"In the other, exposure to prenatal depressive symptoms significantly predicted decreased methylation of BDNF in buccal cells at 2 months of age [ xref ]."

"The two-way interactions of BDNF methylation status and val66met polymorphism on suicidal ideation were assessed using the same models."

"Exploring the role of BDNF DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder."

"The expression and promoter methylation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) were measured using RT-qPCR, Western blot, methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)."

"In a study of a Japanese sample of depressed patients and non-depressed controls recruited from four academic medical centers, Fuchikami and colleagues assessed the relation between BDNF promoter methylation in white blood cells and depression [ xref ]."

"These results suggest that methyl supplementation with Met can decrease Bdnf gene transcription and increase Bdnf DNA methylation in the epileptic hippocampus."

"Recently, Lopez et al. xref showed in a convincing study that changes in BDNF H3K27 methylation were associated with antidepressant response."

"Changes of BDNF exon IV DNA methylation are associated with methamphetamine dependence."

"A recent study suggested that attenuated BDNF protein levels, which are associated with enhanced BDNF methylation, might contribute to the onset and maintenance of both PTSD and BPD within the same individual [ xref ]."

"In a rat study, Bdnf methylation resulted in decreased Bdnf mRNA expression in the prefrontal region xref ."

"Human studies have demonstrated decreased brain levels of BDNF in untreated MDD, and increased brain BDNF in those treated with antidepressants [ xref , xref ], possibly through alterations of DNA methylation. xref summarizes the included studies of the relationship between BDNF DNA methylation and antidepressant medication use."

"Relation of high neuroticism with increased methylation of the BDNF gene."

"It may suggest that the 9–15 % difference of the BDNF methylation level is functionally relevant and can induce changes in the BDNF transcripts level."

"The aim of the current study was to characterize Bdnf DNA methylation in specific cell populations within the mPFC."

"In particular, we aimed to investigate a possible association between the BDNF promoter methylation and the self-reported duration of alcohol abstinence before relapse."

"For example, stress downregulates bdnf gene methylation [ xref ]."

"We found a significantly higher BDNF methylation level in Han MCI cases than in Uygur MCI cases in males from Xinjiang province (p=0.022)."

"Bdnf methylation levels varied in proportion with the time spent in the open arms of the EPM, suggesting that regulation of BDNF transcription may have behavioral consequences."

"Finally, for the association analysis with persistent depressive disorder by treatment status, BDNF methylation percentages were compared in escitalopram, placebo, and medical treatment only groups [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Furthermore, unlike bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ), the methylation state of the Zif268 gene has not been previously characterized in hippocampus during memory formation."

"In addition, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor blockade prevented memory-associated alterations in bdnf DNA methylation, resulting in a block of altered bdnf gene expression in hippocampus and a deficit in memory formation."

"In addition, Thaler et al. and Perroud et al. [ xref ] had found an association of BDNF methylation with childhood trauma."

"Second, it has been reported that the BDNF methylation status was changed by antidepressant treatment in an animal depression model ( Tsankova et al., 2006 )."

"The TET1 upregulation was also associated with an increase of hydroxymethylation and a decrease of methylation in brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ), a gene associated with neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity."

"Changes to DNA methylation in Bdnf , an important synaptic plasticity gene, have been shown to regulate Bdnf expression [ xref ], and remodel chromatin after Bdnf stimulation [ xref ], a stimulus known to evoke synaptic plasticity."

"Roth et al. demonstrated that maternal abusive behavior resulted in increased DNA methylation of the bdnf gene and associated decreased bdnf mRNA in the PFC ( xref )."

"The study strengthens the previously reported association between antidepressant treatment and BDNF exon IV promoter methylation as well as hints toward the mechanism of action."

"Our work suggested that peripheral BDNF promoter methylation might be a diagnostic marker of AD risk, although its underlying function remains to be elaborated in the future."

"Altered brain Bdnf DNA methylation has been suggested as a cellular mechanism underlying the persistent cognitive deficits that are associated with the pathophysiology of post-traumatic stress disorder ( xref )."

"Increased 2 nd trimester maternal depressed mood (EPDS scores) was associated with decreased maternal and infant SLC6A4 promoter methylation (p<0.05), but had no effect on BDNF promoter methylation."

"As one of the largest studies investigating methylation in depression, our findings add further support for the role of differential BDNF methylation, and suggest that genetic variation in BDNF mediates these associations."

"These findings are consistent with our observations of maltreatment-induced increases in CNS Bdnf methylation ( xref ; xref ; xref )."

"This study was designed to illustrate whether H 2 can mediate SAE by alter the BDNF promoter IV methylation mediated by DNMTs."

"Correlations Between BDNF Promoter IV Methylation and Clinical Data."

"We postulated that Bdnf methylation levels will be lower in sperm and NAc and greater in the mPFC, brain regions involved in reward-related processes, in alcohol-exposed sires and that this epigenetic profile would be maintained in sperm and brains of offspring."

"Higher DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene has been associated with the improved antidepressant response, with escitalopram treatment increasing methylation after 8 weeks ( xref )."

"However, the comparison of BDNF methylation status with peripheral serum protein levels of BDNF revealed no significant association ( xref )."

"In the current study, we used DTI and TBSS to study the relationship of epigenetic BDNF DNA methylation with structural alterations in the WM tracts of MDD patients."

"Exploratory analyses on the associations between antidepressant type and suicidal outcomes and the effects of antidepressant type on the associations between BDNF methylation status and suicidal outco[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"BDNF methylation and mRNA expression in brain and blood of completed suicides in Slovenia."

"Because BDNF expression and DNA methylation are altered in several psychiatric disorders that are associated with early-life adversity, including depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism, BDNF DNA methylation in the blood may represent a novel biomarker for the early detection of psychopathology."

"For example, Boersma and colleagues discovered higher Bdnf methylation (accompanied by lower gene expression) and increased expression of Dnmt1 and 3a in the amygdala and hippocampus of adult rats that had been exposed to variable stress during gestation in comparison to controls ( xref )."

"This review addresses the question of whether BDNF methylation changes might be regarded as suitable biomarkers of a specific disorder."

"There was also a significant correlation between TG levels and BDNF methylation in the Uygur controls (r=0.494, p =3.54E−04, Table 5 )."

"Consistent with our hypotheses, prenatal PAH exposure was associated with altered behavioral indices of anxiety and cognition, reductions in gene expression, and increased Bdnf DNA methylation within the cortex in adulthood."

"Thus, evaluation of BDNF methylation levels may have relevance in predicting response to treatment."

"In addition, BDNF methylation and expression has increasingly been scrutinized as a factor in broader behavioral outcomes including depression and several psychiatric disorders, highlighting the importance of its fetal regulation in later life outcomes [ xref , xref ]."

"BDNF promoter methylation was not correlated with motor or cognitive scores in HD patients, and was not associated with sex or age in neither disease nor control groups."

"Lastly, we found that PCMS exposure in adolescence decreased the levels of DNA methylation of Bdnf at exons IV and VI."

"Furthermore we found a negative correlation of BDNF methylation with the activity of the right hippocampus."

"An example for a methylation mark keeping the gene in a silent but in a transcriptionally poised state is the promoter methylation of the Bdnf gene that is quite well investigated in the context of synaptic plasticity and learning (Miller and Sweatt, xref ; Lubin et al., xref )."

"001), and increased BDNF methylation with greater maternal fear ( p  = ."

"To our knowledge, no investigation of the role of BDNF promoter methylation and its interaction with BDNF polymorphism in depressed patients with cancer has been conducted."

"In a naturalistic study of 108 patients with MDD, Kang et al. 2013 measured PBMC BDNF promoter methylation and suicidal ideation (SI) severity over a twelve week treatment period with one of nine antidepressants (amitriptyline, bupropion, escitalopram, fluoxetine, imipramine, mirtazapine, paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine) chosen clinically [ xref ]."

"BDNF methylation was measured in leucocyte DNA, and multiple demographic and clinical characteristics including interleukin 6 were evaluated as covariates at baseline."

"As evidence of the ability of early-life adversity to produce multigenerational effects on DNA methylation, we have shown that offspring born to females that were maltreated (in their infancy) likewise showed altered Bdnf DNA methylation patterns ( xref )."

"Thus, this study intended to determine which psychosocial and cognitive variables (including early life adversity and maladaptive schema domains) and epigenetic marks (BDNF methylation levels at five CpG sites in promoter IV) could be useful to establish a multivariate model to differentiate individuals diagnosed with MDD from healthy controls."

"This result suggests a close linkage between neuroticism and increased BDNF gene methylation and sheds some light on the biological mechanism of neuroticism as a predisposing factor for depression."

"A comprehensive study assessing the whole BDNF methylation levels in a large cohort of CC, CT and TT carriers will be necessary to elucidate the impact of rs6265 on the methylation level of distal BDNF regions."

"A low level of maternal care in childhood, measured with the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), is associated with increased methylation of the OXTR and BDNF genes in adult life ( xref )."

"Resistance to cued fear extinction in females, compared to males, was found to be related to reduced BDNF expression in mPFC involving increased methylation of the BDNF gene in this area."

"Mendelian randomization analyses suggest a potential causal effect of seizures on DNA methylation in the BDNF gene."

"Bdnf methylation was not significantly different between groups in either brain region."

"Furthermore, there was no significant association between BDNF methylation and genotype and no methylation–genotype interaction."

"In fact, chromatin remodeling may be one way in which early environmental conditions can have prolonged influences on vulnerability to MDD. xref Alternatively, maternal effects on pups can influence HPA reactivity later in life via effects on DNA methylation of the GR gene. xref This is also possible in humans whereby early adversity may have prolonged influences on brain GR. xref Thus, events in childhood could lead to enhanced sensitivity to ‘stress’ later in life, as well as enhanced sensitivity of the inflammatory pathways. xref Also, just as BDNF variants may interact with stress to influence MDD vulnerability, increased methylation of BDNF has also been found in the brains of suicidal subjects. xref And there appears to be a role for early traumas in increasing the level of BDNF methylation. xref "

"One study revealed that BDNF methylation had no association with baseline severity of depression, but had an inverse relationship with 1-year follow up severity of depression xref , raising a possibility that BDNF methylation would influence the longitudinal prognosis of depressive disorder, rather than the current state of depression."

"We investigated the independent and interactive effects of BDNF methylation status and val66met polymorphisms on late-life suicidal ideation."

"Next, we assessed the effects of methyl supplementation with Met on Bdnf DNA methylation and mRNA levels during memory consolidation (Fig. xref d)."

"BDNF methylation percentages by remission and treatment drug are summarized in Table 2 ."

"Rats that experienced abusive behavior during development by stressed mothers showed increased DNA methylation of BDNF in the prefrontal cortex at exons IV and IX ( xref )."

"In view of the previous findings, we hypothesized that BDNF promoter methylation might contribute to the risk of MCI."

"In addition, methylation of the BDNF gene, which also alters its epigenetic programming, has linked BDNF to anxiety and mood disorders, aging, cognitive and neurodegenerative diseases [ xref - xref ]."

"Thus, demonstrating a possible role for BDNF epigenetics in mediating neurobehavioral outcomes will identify BDNF methylation as a possible target for the development of medical therapeutics."

"More importantly, authors investigated differential blood cell distribution as a potential factor in connection with maternal care and DNA methylation of BDNF ."

"This is discordant with a previous study which reported the BDNF methylation status was dependent on genotype, and consequently had a differential effect on major psychosis (Mill et al. 2008) xref ."

"We measured DNA methylation in the Bdnf, Comt, Crhr1, Mc2r, and Snca genes in tissue from four brain regions of the rats (hippocampus, frontal lobe, medulla oblongata, and inferior colliculus)."

"Although the aim of our study was not to analyze differences in BDNF methylation between diagnostic groups, we observed significantly higher methylation levels at specific promoter regions of the BDNF gene in HCs compared to MDD patients, results which contrast with previous findings showing greater methylation in patients xref , xref ."

"BDNF promoter methylation at CpG4 had also inverse correlations with thickness in right rostral middle frontal, right medial orbitofrontal, right cuneus, right precuneus, right postcentral, left lingual, left superior frontal, left superior temporal, and left frontal pole cortices ( xref , xref and xref )."

"Taken together, studies in rodents and patients highlight the possibility that altered BDNF DNA methylation patterns might negatively impact behavior."

"Thus, we assessed the effect of blocking DNMT activity with Zebularine on the levels of bdnf gene methylation in area CA1 2 h after training in fear conditioned animals."

"BDNF DNA methylation and gene expression analysis was performed in a sample of 96 male Vietnam veterans."

"Another study showed that BDNF promoter methylation was significantly higher in AD cases ( Chang et al., 2014 ), and that APOE variants may differentially bind to and regulate BDNF promoter regions."

"Despite a relatively large number of studies, the use of the BDNF methylation level as a biomarker of psychiatric disorders still needs considerable further research to become reality."

"No differences were found in BDNF serum levels, but buffy coat mean BDNF gene methylation decreased post-intervention."

"Similar to its effect on BDNF methylation status, melatonin treatment resulted in a varied response of methylation status changes in the SOX10 and MBP promoters."

"Butyrate, an SCFA, can decrease BDNF methylation and consequently cause an overexpression of BDNF by decreasing ten-eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase 1, which is the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the conversion of DNA methylation to hydroxymethylation ( xref )."

"Nevertheless, DNA methylation alterations might be underlying the differences in BDNF expression that seem to play an important role in BD; thus targeting BDNF methylation might be beneficial for BD treatment."

"Thus, the possibility that the association between neuroticism and BDNF gene methylation observed was due to genome-wide effects rather than a BDNF-specific effect cannot be excluded."

"In this study, BDNF methylation in combination with the met/met BDNF polymorphism (Val66Met polymorphism) was associated with PSA."

"Moreover, increased levels of peripheral BDNF promoter methylation was proposed to be an epigenetic biomarker indicating the transformation of MCI to AD [ xref ]."

"Early-life stress effects on BDNF DNA methylation in first-episode psychosis and in rats reared in isolation."

"As noted in the xref , several of the cortical regions thinned in patients with MDD were also inversely correlated with BDNF promoter methylation."

"This finding is consistent with another study that similarly reported an over-representation of significant associations at TFB sites when examining links between BDNF methylation and history of childhood maltreatment among adult psychiatric patients [ xref ]."

"The percentage BDNF DNA methylation at CPGs #5 and the mean percentage CpG methylation increased across As tertiles (p-trend = 0.04 and 0.03, respectively), while 2nd tertile and 3rd tertile of Cd concentrations were associated with lower serum BDNF and higher CpG3 methylation percentage."

"D’Addario et al. 2012 examined antidepressant effects on BDNF DNA methylation using PBMC from forty-nine human subjects diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1 (BD1), forty-five subjects with bipolar disorder type 2 (BD2), and fifty-two healthy controls (HC) [ xref ]."

"To our knowledge no previous study has investigated the relationship of BDNF methylation and maternal brain activity using parent-child stimuli in the MRI scanner."

"Altered Bdnf methylation patterns occur in A-sired females at CpG sites −24 and 141 (AliBaba2.1), both of which are Sp1 transcription factor binding sites."

"One study found that after a 4-week intensive DBT program, BDNF methylation significantly increased across all BPD patients ( xref )."

"The rescue effect of Met treatment on learning-induced Bdnf DNA methylation, Bdnf gene expression, and hippocampus-dependent memory, were attenuated by DNA methyltransferase blockade."

"If BDNF methylation influences the development and clinical course of MDD, the effects of this methylation may be reflected in brain structures."

"Furthermore, identifying a role for DNMTs in the methylation of the bdnf gene in the adult hippocampus expands the current understanding of the regulation of epigenetic marks after cellular differentiation in this brain region ( xref ; xref )."

"Pain seemed to be associated with increased levels of BDNF promoter methylation and, inside the CMSP group, the patient complexity, assessed by the INTERMED score, was associated with decreased levels of BDNF promoter methylation."

"In line with the preceding, there are few recent studies relating BPD and the potential epigenetic effect of psychotherapeutic treatments, specifically on BDNF gene DNA methylation (Perroud et al., xref ; Thomas et al., xref ) and APBA3 and MCF2 genes DNA methylation (Knoblich et al., xref )."

"Analyses of Nr3c1 and Bdnf (IV and IX) CpG methylation indicated increased hippocampal Nr3c1 methylation in maternally separated C57BL/6J males and increased hippocampal Bdnf IX methylation in male and female maternally separated Balb/c mice."

"D’Addario et al. suggested that patients with MDD had lower BDNF gene expression and higher BDNF methylation compared to healthy controls xref ."

"Aberrant BDNF methylation in peripheral blood could serve as a surrogate for the diagnosis of AD."

"Partial correlations of BDNF methylation percentages with baseline scores and changes at follow-up for stroke assessment scales adjustment for age and HAMD score are summarised in xref ."

"Further, our data appear to indicate a reversal of disease-specific alterations in BDNF methylation in response to psychotherapy, though further experiments are necessary to validate these results and determine the specificity of the effect."

"Results: BDNF methylation was increased in human METH dependence, greatest in subjects with psychosis and in prefrontal cortex of METH-administered rats; rat hippocampus showed reduced Bdnf methylation and increased gene expression."

"For example, activity-dependent transcription of BDNF is controlled by at least 9 distinct promoters, partially mediated by dynamic changes in DNA methylation ( xref ; xref ). xref have found evidence of reduced BDNF expression in response to increased methylation of BDNF at the exon IV in both the amygdala and the hippocampus of prenatally stressed rat’s offspring."

"Our initial work using this paradigm showed that adults exposed to maltreatment displayed significant alterations in Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) mRNA and DNA methylation in the prefrontal cortex [ xref , xref ]."

"Yet, there is likely a capacity for chronic changes in somatic Ca 2+ to mediate epigenetic changes at the Bdnf gene as acute, strongly depolarizing stimuli can lead to changes in Bdnf promoter methylation, and these changes are partly mediated through the Ca 2+ -dependent phosphorylation and unbinding of a repressive MeCP2 complex ( xref ; xref )."

"CpG-specific BDNF methylation was significantly associated with both prenatal pandemic-related stress, r = 0.21, p < 0.05, and postnatal maternal anxious symptoms, r = 0.25, p = 0.01."

"The BDNF DNA methylation in the blood can be used as a predictor of BDNF DNA methylation and gene expression in the brain, which can be used to predict behavioral susceptibility caused by early life environmental exposure."

"Among healthy controls, BDNF promoter methylation at CpG2 (r = −0.264, p = 0.038) and CpG3 (r = −0.433, p < 0.001) had inverse correlations with serum BDNF levels ( xref )."

"The fact that these stressor-induced changes in Bdnf DNA methylation are selective for specific brain regions that are physiologically relevant to the environmental exposure suggests they could contribute to the BDNF-dependent brain plasticities underlying behavioral responses to these stressors."

"Multivariable logistic regression analyses determined the association between BDNF methylation and both prevalent and incident dementia."

"This suggests that BDNF methylation changes might be relevant for treatment response prediction."

"Regardless of current mood state, patients treated with SSRI or SNRI had increased BDNF promoter methylation relative to MDD patients taking SSRI/SNRI plus mood stabilizer."

"In summary, our data here of the neuronal-specific nature of Bdnf methylation changes contribute to a growing understanding of the capacity of maltreatment to have long-term consequences at the molecular and cellular levels."

"We showed that a 3-week chronic free-choice ethanol consumption in C57BL/6J mice led to a decrease in DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene within the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus, and upregulated hippocampal BDNF signaling pathways mediated by ERK, AKT and CREB."

"Heat exposure significantly decreased BDNF methylation levels at M9, while folic acid treatment suppressed demethylation in both male and female chicks."

"In particular, it has been reported that Bdnf methylation in the human frontal cortex changes proportionally to age ( xref )."

"Our results suggest that BDNF promoter methylation is associated with drug addiction, although further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms by which BDNF promoter methylation contributes to the pathophysiology of drug addiction."

"Interestingly, during antidepressant treatment, a trend of decreasing BDNF methylation was observed [ xref ]."

"For example, increased miR-16 expression ( xref ) and increased promoter DNA methylation of BDNF ( xref ) were found in separate studies, but both changes result in a reduction in brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression, suggesting BDNF may play a role in regulating offspring behavior in response to prenatal stress exposure."

"The present study suggests a possible involvement of epigenetic BDNF modifications in psychiatric disorders and related brain functions, whereby high BDNF methylation might reduce BDNF mRNA expression and upregulate amygdala reactivity."

"Changes in BDNF gene methylation and its protein level in hippocampus was also measured at latent stage (2-weeks) to explore underlying pathways involved in increasing neurogenesis."

"Within the amygdala, abuse-exposure is associated with decreased BDNF promoter I DNA methylation in females and decreased Bdnf promoter IV DNA methylation in males."

"To clarify this point, a longitudinal study examining changes in sociotropy scores among subjects with different levels of BDNF gene methylation is warranted."

"However, as previous literature suggests that blood Bdnf methylation increases following early-life adversity (Perroud et al., xref ; Thaler et al., xref ; Kundakovic et al., xref ; Unternaehrer et al., xref ), it is likely that the increase in methylation seen in the maltreatment group is, at least partially, a result of the aversive environment."

"In fact, we recently found out that elevated BDNF gene methylation produces high neuroticism, xref another personality vulnerability factor for depression. xref Neuroticism is a dimension in the five-factor personality model derived from factor analysis of personality adjectives in dictionaries and questionnaires, assuming that they cover all meaningful personality descriptions. xref , xref Sociotropy/autonomy and neuroticism correlate to each other, xref but they stand on different personality theories as mentioned above, postulate different core features, ie, negative cognition in the former xref , xref while negative emotionality in the latter, xref , xref also the former refers to coping and interpersonal styles more than the latter does. xref If methylation of the BDNF gene is involved in personality vulnerabilities proposed in different theories and in different aspects of personality construct, it further supports the implication of this epigenetic mechanism in the pathogenesis of depression, especially in the formation of premorbid personalities."

"These findings suggest that mechanisms underlying treatment of fear symptoms in the murine model of PTSD by ketamine in combination with extinction training involve normalization of methylation of Bdnf gene."

"For example, in a mouse model of prenatal BPA exposure, Bdnf methylation is altered after exposure in both brain (hippocampus) and blood ( xref )."

"Methyl supplementation via methionine (Met) increased Bdnf DNA methylation and reduced Bdnf mRNA levels in the epileptic hippocampus during memory consolidation."

"However, these changes were not significantly associated with changes in BDNF methylation status (β=−0.57, P =0.387, 95% CI −1.88 to 0.73)."

"Pain chronicization is a progressive mechanism and is associated with several other health-related disorders that might appear in a time-dependent manner (ie, anxiety, depression …) and could influence the BDNF methylation pattern."

"Our observations expand the current scope of knowledge linking BDNF methylation with various MDD-related phenotypes."

"A complex network involving amygdala and neurotrophin regulation emerges from studies in mice where changes in Bdnf methylation pattern were found during contextual fear learning (Suri et al , xref ), and from studies showing dysfunctions in amygdala and neurotrophin levels in neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression (Nurjono & Chong, xref ; Kuhn et al , xref )."

"In support of D’Addario et al. 2012, the subset of 140 MDD patients treated with antidepressants had higher BDNF promoter methylation than the 25 MDD patients not treated with antidepressants ( p = 0.0019) and to controls ( p < 0.0001) [ xref ]."

"Preliminary evidence suggests that BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) rs6265 genetic polymorphism, BDNF gene promotor methylation and BDNF serum levels might play an important role in the pathogenesis of affective disorders."

"Although previous studies have reported sex differences in BDNF methylation potentially mediated by estrogen signaling ( xref ), we did not observe significant differences in methylation between females and males, however, we did see trends toward increased levels methylation at certain loci in female controls."

"In the dorsal hippocampus, males but not females have reduced Bdnf methylation, while both males and females showed reduced Bdnf methylation in the amygdala ( xref )."

"Higher hippocampal Bdnf DNA methylation in single-sex males may have contributed to decreased BDNF levels that, in turn, facilitated elevated anxiety levels."

"Isolation rearing resulted in increased BDNF methylation in both brain regions compared to group-housed animals, a correlate of previously reported changes in gene expression."

"We assessed BDNF promoter methylation using leukocyte DNA."

"Peripheral blood cell BDNF methylation could be altered by psychosocial stress xref ."

"We asked whether BDNF methylation status is associated with a major adverse cardiac event (MACE), inflammation, and the association with depression comorbidity and its treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS)."

"Meanwhile, other personality traits were not associated with BDNF gene methylation."

"As shown in xref and xref , BDNF promoter methylation was significantly elevated in the AD cases as opposed to the controls (CpG1: p  = 0.021; CpG2: p  = 0.002; CpG3: p  = 0.007; CpG4: p  = 0.005; average methylation: p  = 0.004)."

"There were no association between BDNF promoter methylation and serum BDNF levels at CpG1 and CpG4."

"Our results are in line with recent data revealing that FKBK51 reduces methylation of bdnf gene's promoter in cell culture and showing a positive correlation between FKBP51 expression levels and plasma BDNF in humans ( xref )."

"The 5-AzaD treatments also elevated BDNF at the mRNA (p<0.01) and protein (Low-n-3/WD/5-AzaD Vs Low-n-3/WD/VEH, p<0.05; xref ) levels, which corroborates the repressive action of Bdnf methylation on BDNF."

"We thus detected the role of fluoxetine in regulating Bdnf promoter IV methylation in PSD mice."

"Such studies have suggested that BDNF promoter methylation might be a useful peripheral biomarker of disease symptoms observed in these disorders."

"Remarkably, we found that while fear conditioning resulted in decreased BDNF Promoter 4 DNA methylation relative to controls ( t (4) = 3.039, p < 0.05), this did not occur in c-rel −/− mice ( t (5) = 0.454, p = 0.668; Figure xref )."

"A previous suicidal attempt history and suicidal ideation during treatment and at the last evaluation were significantly associated with a higher BDNF methylation status even after adjustment for gend[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Another study investigating the behavioural and epigenetic outcomes following administration of probiotics in Zebrafish reported changes in DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tryptophan 5-monooxygenase (Tph1A) genes [ xref ] which are implicated in behaviour, mood and cognition in humans [ xref , xref ]."

"In contrast to the result on sociotropy, there was no interrelation between BDNF gene methylation and autonomy."

"These results suggest that elevation of peripheral BDNF promoter methylation might be used as potential epigenetic biomarkers for predicting the conversion from aMCI to AD."

"Additionally, we examined Bdnf DNA methylation in the adult (PD72) and infant (PD10) hippocampus, as DNA methylation status can be dynamic across the lifespan."

"Another example of somatic inheritance of epigenetic marks on DNA acquired from the environment is BDNF gene methylation regulated by early-life adversity [ xref ]."

"Indeed, the association between depression and BDNF methylation may be useful for identifying patients who are at high risk for depression and for suggesting directions for promising drug research."

"We have therefore investigated whether there are changes in Bdnf DNA methylation and mRNA expression in an animal model of PTSD which incorporates psychosocial factors known to contribute to the development and expression of PTSD in humans ( xref )."

"In the low sBDNF group, a higher average BDNF methylation level was linked to an increase in composite MACEs independent of confounding variables, but not in the high sBDNF group [HR (95 percent CI) = 1.04 (0.76-1.44)]."

"Altered BDNF gene expression has also been seen in the adult prefrontal cortex, resulting from the long-term effect of early life stress on BDNF DNA methylation ( xref )."

"In these patients the combined marker of early improvement and methylation status at CpG-87 decreased the sensitivity (87–60%), but increased the specificity of treatment prediction from 23 to 63% (Chi 2 = 6.9; df = 3; OR = 2.631; CI = 1.181–7.404; p = 0.031); resulting in a slightly lower OR as the single marker BDNF promoter methylation (OR: 2.96)."

"The second scenario is that maternal overprotection contributes to high sociotropy which then contributes to high methylation of the BDNF gene."

"BDNF transcription is regulated by DNA methylation [ xref , xref ] and altered patterns of BDNF DNA methylation has been found in patients with cognitive impairments [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"BDNF promoter methylation and suicidal behavior in depressive patients."

"Odds ratios (ORs) for depressive disorder outcomes by BDNF methylation percentages were estimated using logistic regression models, adjusting for baseline covariates."

"In addition to regulation of gene expression changes supporting synaptic plasticity and memory formation, BDNF DNA methylation has also been shown to play a role in altered gene expression in response to environmental influences, such as social experiences [ xref ]."

"Increased BDNF methylation was significantly associated with suicidal ideation and depression 1 year after breast surgery, and this association was independent of potential covariates, including previous depression, current depressive symptoms, and BDNF genotype."

"There have been increasing evidences more directly supporting the association between peripheral BDNF methylation and depression."

"However, analyzing BDNF methylation and expression in umbilical cord blood does not permit the knowledge of what is manifested in brain tissue, but it does allow identification of associations with predictors and outcomes."

"DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) gene has for instance been linked to early life adversity, including autism xref ."

"Methionine increases BDNF DNA methylation and improves memory in epilepsy."

"Furthermore, novelty seeking was negatively associated with BDNF methylation (r = -."

"In the current study, we found there was significant difference of BDNF methylation between Xinjiang Han Chinese and Xinjiang Uyghur Chinese."

"Thus, we assessed whether PCMS exposure triggered prolonged changes in the DNA methylation of Bdnf ."

"Cumulative evidence also suggests the potential of BDNF DNA methylation to influence the interplay between genetic variants and environmental factors in the development of MDD ( Boulle et al., 2012 [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Patients with BPD had significantly greater methylation of bdnf in peripheral blood leukocytes compared to controls, and the number of maltreatment episodes in childhood positively correlated with methylation levels."

"In light of our BDNF methylation results, we reasoned that if the observed gene deficits were due to DNA methylation, then a drug capable of reversing DNA methylation levels should reverse the deficits in BDNF gene expression."

"Some studies have investigated the relationship between BDNF methylation and treatment response."

"LTF did not reach statistical significance as a mediator of IPT/NIPT or CAb with BDNF methylation and expression in the full cohort."

"Following previous investigation in the field, we further investigated differences in BDNF promoter gene methylation in patients with mood disorders, comparing unipolar and bipolar subjects, on the basis of illness phase, gender, age and psychotropic prescription."

"In conclusion, prenatal PAH exposure induced multiple alterations in behavioral indices of anxiety and cognition, cortical Bdnf and Grin2b gene expression, and Bdnf DNA methylation in adult mice."

"Furthermore, despite the critical role of underlying genetic variation in determining the methylation status of many genomic loci, xref , xref only two studies of BDNF have considered both epigenetic and genetic variation, albeit at just a single SNP. xref , xref Thus the role of BDNF methylation in depression remains inconclusive and further large studies are needed."

"Despite these contrasting findings when reporting BDNF methylation in MDD, what seems clear is that ELA, including childhood maltreatment and neglect, is a key predictor for major depressive disorder, as it has been found to epigenetically affect critical behavioral systems ( xref )."

"We investigated BDNF methylation levels at two CpG islands within promoters I and IV, using DNA derived from buccal tissue, and determined whether there was an association with clinical levels of depression at baseline, as well as chronic depression."

"At least 20 studies have now examined the association between DNA methylation of BDNF in human blood or saliva samples and depression in humans."

"Another point relating to BDNF protein levels is the fact that, contrary to the results obtained by Lopez et al. xref showing that BDNF H3K27 methylation correlated with BDNF protein levels, we were unable to find any correlation between DNA methylation at CpG exons I and IV and BDNF protein levels."

"Physical exercise can induce neurogenesis, and during this process, an association with changes in the promoter methylation of the neurotrophic factor BDNF [ xref ] were described."

"Finally, to cross-verify our results, we used direct-bisulfite sequencing to assess bdnf methylation alterations at individual cytosine sites of exon IV DNA in the ventral hippocampus ( xref ; no main effect of CG site)."

"Odd ratios (ORs) for suicidal behaviors by BDNF methylation status were estimated using a multivariate logistic regression model after adjustment for baseline sociodemographic and clinical characteris[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"To our knowledge, this is the first report of an association of BDNF promoter methylation and genotype with late-life suicidal behavior, although several conceptual issues should be considered in in[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"However, BDNF methylation has revealed an especially complex pattern of influences."

"We measured BDNF plasma levels and BDNF promoter methylation in 49 smokers and 51 non-smokers at baseline, day 7, and day 14 of smoking cessation."

"The interaction effect between the IL-18 and average BDNF methylation levels on composite MACEs ( p = 0.019) and myocardial infarction ( p = 0.027) was significant after adjusting for covariates."

"38 There are several possible explanations for the significant association of higher BDNF methylation status with prevalence and incidence of suicidal ideation in elders."

"It is suggested that increased methylation of the BDNF gene resulting in decreased BDNF activity is associated with depression."

"In addition, preclinical studies have shown that early life stress induces changes in gene expression and structural abnormalities in the mPFC [ xref ], as well as alterations in DNA methylation in the Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) gene, reelin gene, and genes involved in the DNA methylation regulation in the mPFC [ xref ]."

"Bdnf methylation was weakly associated with Bdnf expression in hippocampi of female rats."

"Here we examined whether there is a link between traumatic stress and alterations of Bdnf DNA methylation."

"Additionally, xref ; xref found that both the BDNF Met allele and higher BDNF gene methylation were associated with suicidal ideation in a sample of 241 breast cancer patients assessed at one year after surgery, though inflammation was not directly measured in these studies."

"This reduction in BDNF H3K27 methylation was not only associated with increased BDNF levels but also with depression response."

"Thus, among depressive patients, those with a higher BDNF methylation status are at a greater risk of suicidal behavior [ xref ]."

"These results and our finding implicate that BDNF methylation has a long-term, rather than a short-term, role in stress adaptation."

"DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and its relevance to psychiatric disorders."

"Thus, we sought to determine if early maltreatment might trigger lasting changes in BDNF DNA methylation as a transcription-regulating mechanism for BDNF gene expression changes."

"The underlying mechanisms concerning BDNF signaling and DNA methylation of Bdnf were also explored."

"A 5-year longitudinal study also revealed BDNF promoter methylation as a significant independent predictor of aMCI to AD transformation ( xref )."

"These include the fact that we did not assess p11 or BDNF methylation or mRNA in the peripheral circulation of rats."

"Because of this heterogeneity, we do not assume that BDNF methylation in peripheral tissues is the same as in a particular brain region."

"They found decrease in BDNF methylation level at exon I and IV but increase at exon VI in CA1 region of hippocampus 2 h after contextual fear conditioning."

"Thus, among depressive patients, those with a higher BDNF methylation status are at greater risk of suicidal behavior than are those with a lower status."

"BDNF exon IV promoter methylation."

"However, in adulthood the direction of effect of abusive care on Bdnf DNA methylation in the hippocampus and amygdala suggests dynamic epigenetic changes occurring across the lifespan [ xref ]."

"The 34 studies showed that AD cases, compared to controls, have a higher degree of methylation of OPRK1 , UQCRC1 , AR , BDNF and HTERT in blood cells, BDNF , synaptophysin gene, CREB promoters, APOE , TREM 2 , TBX2AR , SORBS3 and SPTBN4 in the brain, and lower methylation levels of 2-5a-synthetase gene in skin fibroblasts, PIN1 , FAAH , ALOX5 and DR4 gene in blood cells, TNFA , COX-2 , NF-kβ gene and S100A2 and CRTC1 in the brain tissue."

"Notably, manipulation of ELA impacted methylation of the ESR1, CRH, BDNF , and AVP genes, providing strong evidence for the impact of ELA on gene methylation xref – xref ."

"In a study recently discussed [ xref ], reduced BDNF mRNA expression in the PFC of adult rats exposed to maternal abuse during childhood was explained by the fact that in maltreated rats, BDNF DNA methylation (specifically, increases in BDNF exons IX and IV) lasted from infancy into adulthood."

"While the results require replication in larger and racially diverse independent samples, BDNF DNA methylation may serve as an early postinjury biomarker helping to explain outcome heterogeneity following TBI."

"Maternal depression in the prenatal period can affect DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and maternal anxiety can induce loss of methylation in the IGF2/H19 locus [ xref ]."

"In humans, associations between methylation of BDNF gene and psychiatric disorders remain controversial."

"Although posttranslational modifications of histones have been shown to be an important correlate of environmental epigenetic modifications, DNA methylation status at CpG sites within the promoter/exon IV has also been extensively studied and found to be an important correlate of the impact of early developmental stress. xref , xref , xref Roth et al. xref , xref found that psychosocial stress in rats increased BDNF DNA methylation at promoter/exon IV, suggesting that there may be a mechanism underlying cognitive deficits found in adult subjects maltreated in their childhood."

"Using this model, we have characterized multiple long-term epigenetic effects of early-life stress on methylation of bdnf ."

"Altered levels of Dnmt mRNA ( xref ) and Bdnf DNA methylation have likewise been found in peripheral measures in patients with major depression ( xref ; xref )."

"In leukocyte-adjusted analyses of loci in 32 obesity-related candidate genes ( xref ), significant associations were found between BDNF gene-wide methylation and group ( xref ; p=5.3E-5, significance passing Bonferroni threshold of α=0.05/32, or p<0.0016, accounting for 32 genes)."

"In our 2013 study, we found sex-specific alterations in methylation of the Brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( Bdnf ) gene in the mPFC of adolescent and adult rats that experienced early-life maltreatment."

"Epigenetic alterations as DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs are considered to be strongly associated with pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders (reviewed in [ xref , xref ]) with a large number of studies having examined the association between the BDNF methylation level and certain psychological diagnoses."

"As studies testing the BDNF system across molecular levels are sparse, this study aimed at investigating the BDNF val66met genotype, BDNF DNA methylation changes and peripheral BDNF serum levels in acute and remitted phases of MDD (major depressive disorder) and BD (bipolar disorder) and healthy controls."

"Furthermore, we observed altered BDNF DNA methylation in offspring of females that had previously experienced the maltreatment regimen."

"This may have modulated BDNF DNA methylation or directly affected the structural integrity of WM."

"Maternal vmPFC activity (which extended to the OFC and ventral ACC) was associated with BDNF methylation."

"This study reported serum BDNF levels and BDNF methylation to be inversely correlated with total methylation rates, whereas there was no association with each CpG site."

"BDNF Methylation and Maternal Brain Activity in a Violence-Related Sample."

"In addition to animal studies, clinical studies have also linked the effect of BDNF DNA methylation patterns to psychiatric phenotypes."

"Higher BDNF methylation was associated with higher amygdala reactivity (x = 34, y = 0, z = -26, t (166) = 3.00, TFCE = 42.39, p (FWE) = ."

"Multidimensional Analysis of Major Depression: Association Between BDNF Methylation, Psychosocial and Cognitive Domains."

"These studies suggest divergent action of mood stabilizing and antidepressant drugs on BDNF promoter methylation."

"The average value of the BDNF methylation percentages at the seven CpG sites was dichotomized into higher and lower groups according to the median value."

"The met/met BDNF genotype has been associated with PSD in both a community setting xref and a hospital setting. xref Not only the IL-4+33 C/C and IL-10-1082 A/A cytokine genotypes but also the increasing risk alleles of these two anti-inflammatory cytokine genotypes are associated with PSD. xref Higher methylation of the 5-HTTLPR gene is associated with depression at 2 weeks and 1 year after stroke as well as with the exacerbation of depressive symptoms after 1 year. xref Likewise, higher methylation of the BDNF gene is associated with baseline, persistent, and, in particular, incident depression as well as the exacerbation of depressive symptoms after 1 year. xref "

"In rat, distinct patterns of maternal care resulted in differences in histone acetylation and DNA methylation in stress-regulating targets[ xref ] and BDNF methylation has been identified as a marker of early life adversity[ xref ]."

"Munoz et al . [ xref ] incubated the rat hippocampal slices with methylation inhibitor agent 5-Aza and observed reduced methylation of BDNF gene as compared to untreated slices."

"Whereas BDNF methylation and cortical thickness consistently showed inverse correlations, serum BDNF levels and HRSD scores did not have significant relationships with BDNF methylation and/or cortical thickness."

"Since treatment with L. rhamnosus was previously shown to increase BDNF mRNA expression [ xref ] in the gut and brain of Zebrafish models, we analyzed BDNF promoter methylation in both tissues of treated samples (PROBIO), compared with the methylation state observed in untreated Zebrafish samples (CTRL)."

"The sBDNF level and BDNF methylation status were assessed at baseline in 969 patients who were followed up for major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) over 5-12 years, until 2017 or death."

"Significant negative associations between EDS and BDNF methylation were also observed."

"Thus, we suggest that HPC may upregulate BDNF by inhibiting DNMTs and decreasing DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and then activate BDNF/TrkB signaling to improve learning and memory in mice."

"Epigenetic mechanisms have been reported to control the transcription of the BDNF gene, and DNA methylation seems to participate in the regulation."

"Also, childhood maltreatment induces alterations in BDNF promoter methylation ( xref )."

"Consequently, increased BDNF promoter methylation by its inhibitor DNMT3 possibly leads to downregulated protein expression."

"Furthermore, the degree of anxiety, depression, kinesiophobia, pain catastrophizing and the time since injury also were not associated with BDNF promoter methylation."

"BDNF DNA methylation was mediated by the Val66Met (rs6265) polymorphism."

"Also, the extinction-resistant female mice were found to exhibit increased DNA methylation of Bdnf (Baker-Andresen et al., xref )."

"Indeed, different forms of maternal stress during pregnancy are associated with DNA methylation of BDNF in the cerebral cortex in rodents ( xref ), in the umbilical cord blood and placental tissue ( xref ), as well as in the DNA of buccal cells in humans ( xref )."

"BDNF methylation levels were significantly (Student t -test; p = 0.003) higher in gut compared to brain ( xref B)."

"We were thus unable to further separate this population to identify if Bdnf methylation was altered in certain glial subtypes, and some studies have shown distinct methylation patterns within glial subtypes for certain gene loci ( xref ; xref )."

"Tai chi improves depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older persons by mediating BDNF methylation: A preliminary study."

"The maltreated pups in this study were reported as having reduced BDNF expression and increased BDNF methylation in the prefrontal cortex as adults."

"Although no concrete biomarker has been identified for bone disorders in adulthood, reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations in cord blood and BDNF DNA methylation might predict schizophrenia and possibly depression, bipolar disorder and autism."

"The data showed that TET1-expressing viral injection into the hippocampus inhibited BDNF promoter methylation and significantly mitigated the cognitive decline in HHcy rats."

"43,44 Considering these results, further research into the relationships between BDNF methylation and genotype is indicated over a broader range of outcomes and in more diverse populations."

"An increased level of BDNF promoter methylation and a decreased level of BDNF mRNA were simultaneously observed in the AD brain xref ."

"The methylation inhibitor did not block the effects of WD on the mitochondrial transcription regulator PGC-1α suggesting that PGC1α action is downstream to Bdnf methylation."

"The latter suggests that BDNF methylation changes induced by environmental stress could contribute to brain plasticity and determine different behavioral responses to stressors [ xref ]."

"In line with this, Perroud et al. [ xref ] found enhanced BDNF methylation baseline levels in BPD compared to controls, and even higher BDNF methylation baseline levels in patients who experienced a higher number of childhood trauma [ xref ]."

"In addition, serum BDNF levels in these individuals showed a negative correlation with BDNF methylation rate [ xref ]."

"These findings complement findings from a longitudinal study with ACS patients which showed that the presence of the BDNF met allele and BDNF methylation percentages were significantly higher in persi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Preliminary evidence suggests that BDNF DNA methylation may be a diagnostic biomarker of dementia, but the potential pre-clinical utility remains unclear."

"A comprehensive reference analysis demonstrated NR3C1 gene methylation, FKBP5 DNA methylation, BDNF DNA methylation, and KITLG methylation have been hot spots in epigenetic studies in the field of childhood trauma in recent years."

"Pups of female rodents exposed to maltreatment (e.g., who were stomped on, dropped during transport, dragged, rejected, roughly handled, and neglected) had greater methylation of BDNF, a gene involved in regulating neural plasticity in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus."

"Only the AD showed a significantly negative correlation with BDNF DNA methylation."

"Alterations in bdnf methylation were subsequently detected in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), amygdala, and hippocampus, demonstrating the brain region-specific nature of stress-induced changes in bdnf methylation [ xref - xref ]."

"Female, but not male, rats subjected to maltreatment show increased DNA methylation of the Bdnf gene that is concomitant with reduced histone 3 lysine 9/14 acetylation at the Bdnf exon IV promoter in the mPFC ( xref ; xref )."

"The aim of our work was to evaluate the role of BDNF promoter methylation in drug addiction."

"Moreover, the BDNF CpG-6 site methylation is in positive association with fat distribution and hyper-methylation was associated with insulin resistance and leptin resistance in T2DM."

"No significant differences were found in the methylation of BDNF and DAT1 between patients and controls, but the relative levels of expression of BDNF and DAT1 mRNA differed significantly in the patients compared to controls (p < 0.0001)."

"sBDNF is higher in patients with CFS/FM and BDNF methylation in exon IX accounts for regulating protein expression."

"Up to date, our previous study on BDNF methylation xref is the only investigation on epigenetic alterations of a candidate gene as a possible biomarker for response to ECT."

"Our data are consistent with this previous research, though it is notable that we observed decreased Bdnf expression in hippocampal tissue of B6 MS-reared females whereas increased Bdnf DNA methylation was only observed in MS-reared Balb/c mice."

"The results of multivariate logistic regression analyses examining the effects of BDNF promoter methylation on depression in patients with breast cancer are presented in xref ."

"Our investigation of a gene-specific response to spinal transection, however, revealed significant group differences in Bdnf methylation that were exon-dependent."

"In BPD subjects, BDNF methylation significantly increased after I-DBT."

"In humans, Perroud et al. demonstrated overlapping alterations in BDNF methylation in peripheral blood in patients with a history of maltreatment and borderline personality disorder ( xref )."

"This study aimed to investigate the degree of DNA methylation at the promoter region of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, as one of the candidate genes associated with major psychoses, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from 94 patients with BD (BD I=49, BD II=45) and 52 healthy controls."

"In this study, associations between greater BDNF methylation and suicidal behaviors were evaluated in patients with major depression who were at high risk of suicide."

"Thus, this study investigated the influence of maternal trauma history and associated fear on newborn BDNF methylation and expression in umbilical cord blood."

"Altered levels of Dnmt mRNA ( xref ) and Bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ) have likewise been found in peripheral measures in patients with major depression."

"To tease apart these questions would require a study of BDNF methylation of subjects with acute and chronic depressive episodes, at baseline, during treatment, after depression remission, and after antidepressant cessation."

"In summary, we have shown using direct molecular techniques that differential bdnf DNA methylation is dynamically regulated in the adult hippocampus during consolidation of fear memories."

"We investigated the association between BDNF promoter methylation and depression following mastectomy for breast cancer."

"At baseline (T0), the percentage of BDNF methylation was significantly different between GG (44.6 ± 1.1%), GA (39.5 ± 2.8%) and AA (28.5 ± 1.7%) alleles ( p < 0.001)."

"Escitalopram may mitigate the deleterious effect of higher BDNF methylation in depressive patients with ACS."

"For example, several studies report differential methylation in the promoter region of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene ( BDNF ) in blood."

"Though a number of studies have examined other genes [see ( xref ) for review], only study to our knowledge directly examined effects of maternal prenatal smoking on offspring BDNF methylation."

"For example, Roth et al. [ xref ] report increased methylation of the BDNF gene in the prefrontal cortex of rats exposed to abusive mothers."

"Cat exposure increases methylation of the BDNF gene in the dorsal hippocampus in rats although this stressor decreases methylation of the BDNF gene in the ventral hippocampus, with no change in the basolateral amygdala or the prefrontal cortex ( xref )."

"Similarly, BDNF methylation can be affected by other factors that are not measured in our study, including alcohol and drug exposure, diet, and exercise."

"It also activates alters BDNF DNA methylation ( xref ), potentially through inducing activation of the stress axis hormones."

"The findings indicated that the activities of DNA methyltransferase (DNMT), methylated reelin and BDNF genes were up-regulated, whereas, the activities of histone acetylases (HAT), the levels of global acetylated histone 3 (H3) and global acetylated histone 4 (H4), and acetylated H3, acetylated H4 at reelin promoter and at BDNF gene promoter for exon II were down-regulated in the hippocampus at the developmental stage of the hypothyroid animals."

"This change in BDNF methylation was also accompanied by increased VTA BDNF expression in F1 offspring, as well as decreased preference for and consumption of alcohol but increased sensitivity to the behavioral effects of alcohol."

"Correlations between BDNF methylation and maternal PTSD severity, however, did not remain significant after the Bonferroni correction."

"With regard to the comparison of BDNF promoter methylation between medication-naïve and on-medication patients with MDD, there were no differences ( xref )."

"Dunn's post hoc test showed that individuals with depression and tobacco use compared to those with or without depression who did not use tobacco had lower levels of BDNF methylation in CpG 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and mean 5-11."

"To elucidate the relationships between global increased DNMT1 and TET1 expressions and elevated Bdnf promoter methylation and hydroxymethylation, we performed ChIP assays with DNMT1 and TET1 specific antibodies in selected Bdnf transcripts: III, IV, VI and IX which were significantly decreased in the FC and HP of PRS offspring."

"Development of a new drug regulating BDNF methylation might also be worth considering as a treatment option ( Plazas-Mayorca and Vrana, 2011 )."

"Previous work in mice shows that alcohol exposure decreases Bdnf methylation in sperm and in VTA xref , a reward region that contains dopaminergic cell bodies that project to the NAc and mPFC, in sires."

"Across sex, ELS lineage led to decreased methylation of Nr3c1, and increased methylation of Bdnf."

"Differential BDNF methylation was associated with exercise, with active exercise associated with lower methylation levels at three CpG sites (cg04481212 P = 0.005; cg01546433 P = 0.025 and cg00298481 P = 0.035)."

"The role of BDNF methylation and Val"

"BDNF methylation has been extensively investigated in depression, but not in cardiac diseases."

"Correlations of BDNF methylation and behavior."

"Yu et al. ( xref ) demonstrated that molecular hydrogen may be a promising agent for alleviating SAE and that 2% H2 inhalation can protect against sepsis-induced neuroinflammation by decreasing DNMT1- and DNMT3a-mediated BDNF promoter IV methylation, enhancing BDNF levels and improving the cognitive dysfunction in septic mice."

"These findings suggest that in exposure to a stressor, sex differences in BDNF methylation may be root cause of decreased BDNF levels in females and may underlie susceptibility to pathology development."

"BDNF methylation may potentially serve as a screening, diagnostic as well as disease activity biomarker to determine treatment effects for depression."

"Furthermore, p11 promoter methylation was increased in PFC of ECS responders, whereas BDNF promoter methylation was not altered."

"Prenatal maternal chronic stress and war trauma is associated with BDNF methylation in cord blood at birth xref and prenatal depression has been associated with DNA methylation at the BDNF promoter region in buccal cells at 2 months of age xref ."

"Adequate antidepressants treatment may effective particularly in those with higher BDNF methylation and then can overcome epigenetic vulnerability for depression persistence in ACS patients."

"Next, we considered whether DNMT inhibition would block outcomes of methyl supplementation with Met including Bdnf DNA methylation and mRNA expression, and reversal of memory deficits (Fig. xref a)."

"This vicious circle may lead to marked increases in BDNF gene methylation and decreased blood levels of BDNF observed in depressed patients. xref , xref It is noteworthy that one study suggests that an interaction between altered BDNF function by the Val66Met genotype and neuroticism levels predicts future life stressors. xref This study at least partly supports our contention that there is a vicious circle among altered BDNF function by methylation, neuroticism and stress."

"Exposure to adverse caregiving environments induced long-lasting changes in cortical DNA methylation and expression of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene."

"The strength of the associations between BDNF methylation status and suicidal outcomes did not substantially change according to the antidepressant type (data not shown)."

"Among these genes, SLC6A4, BDNF, and NR3C1 have been the most studied, with BDNF methylation having the most consistent data concerning associations between DNA methylation and depressive symptoms/antidepressant response ( xref )."

"Interestingly, the most significant DNA methylation of Bdnf occurred at CpG sites 5, 8, and 12, showing the importance of these sites in Bdnf transcription ( xref )."

"Rodent research has found an intergenerational link between childhood trauma and DNA methylation of BDNF and GR genes ( xref ; xref ). xref identified differential GR methylation in newborn cord blood according to maternal depressed mood during pregnancy."

"Methylation in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter (SLC6A4) gene determined from peripheral DNA has been reported to interact with SLC6A4 genotype to predict depressive symptoms in adolescents; xref brain derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) methylation profiles derived from peripheral blood cells have been found to correctly classify patients with major depressive disorder, xref and preliminary data suggest promoter associated methylation of the FK506 binding protein 5 ( FKBP5 ) gene mediates the combined effect of genetic (e.g., FKBP5 high-risk polymorphisms) and environmental (e.g., child abuse) risk for stress related psychiatric disorders. xref Increased promoter associated glucocorticoid receptor ( NR3C1) gene methylation in the hippocampus has also been associated with suicide completion in individuals with a history of early child abuse in two independent studies. xref , xref Suicide completers without a history of childhood abuse did not have increased methylation of the NR3C1 gene when compared to controls, suggesting depression-associated methylation profiles may be different in depressed individuals with and without a history of early adversity. xref , xref "

"In this study, we measured BDNF promoter methylations levels in DNA from the blood."

"Animal studies have also demonstrated that early life adversity produces persistent changes in DNA methylation of BDNF that cause altered BDNF gene expression in the adult prefrontal cortex xref ."

"Exposure to low levels of maternal care in childhood is associated with increased DNA methylation of the BDNF and OXTR genes ( xref ), and physical neglect and child abuse are associated with decreased plasma BDNF ( xref ; xref )."

"The results suggest that peripheral BDNF promoter methylation could reflect molecular abnormalities in the CNS, particularly in areas where a lot of BDNF receptors are present, such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex."

"Conclusion: BDNF methylation is abnormal in human METH dependence, especially METH-dependent psychosis, and in METH-administered rats."

"In light of previous findings, we aimed to test whether BDNF methylation contributed to the risk of MCI, an intermediate state in the development of AD."

"Similarly, one study showed that BDNF methylation was specifically associated with suicidal ideation among breast cancer patients, controlling for other depressive symptoms ( xref )."

"Previous studies have shown a reduced expression of BDNF in relation to anxiety disorders and OCD ( xref ), which could be caused by a possible differential methylation in the BDNF gene."

"A systematic review of stress-associated epigenetic changes and depression found differential methylation of NRC31, SLCA4, BDNF, FKBP5, SKA2, OXTR, LINGO3, POU3F1 and ITGB1, associated with altered glucocorticoid signaling (NR3C1, FKBP5), serotonergic signaling (SLC6A4), and neurotrophin genes (BDNF)( xref )."

"The objectives of the present study were to: (1) define the average level of serum BDNF in a healthy Chinese population and evaluate levels across different glucose metabolic states; (2) assess the as[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Caramaschi and colleagues speculate that BDNF DNA methylation in blood samples might be linked to epigenetic changes in brain regions impacted by seizure/epilepsy episodes."

"The combined marker also led to an increase of Odd's ratios (BDNF exon IV promoter methylation as single marker OR: 0.92, combined with early improvement OR: 1.62)."

"Each ROI was separately tested at p <0.05/4=0.0125 (CpG1, CpG2, CpG3, and CpG4) after a Bonferroni correction for the CpG4 sites in the correlation analysis of BDNF methylation."

"Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) has a strong evidence base for treating this condition, and the effects of DBT on BDNF gene methylation have been assessed (DBT will be described in greater detail later) [ xref ]."

"Similarly, no significant differences in methylation of BDNF (p = 0.16), FKBP5 (p = 0.30), NR3C1 (p = 0.17), CRHBP (p = 0.18), and CRHR1 (p = 0.36) genes were noted between MDD-non-suicide versus healthy controls."

"In human studies, BDNF methylation in DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells has been widely used as a surrogate for measuring central BDNF methylation levels."

"Antidepressants elevated BDNF promoter methylation compared to controls."

"Bdnf DNA methylation levels were significantly reduced in area CA1 of epileptic CFC-trained animals compared to all groups assessed, suggesting that Bdnf DNA methylation was abnormally regulated during memory consolidation with epilepsy (Fig. xref e)."

"Among 24 mothers and newborns in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a region with extreme conflict and violence to women, maternal experiences of war trauma and chronic stress were associated with BDNF methylation in umbilical cord blood, placental tissue, and maternal venous blood."

"Using Pearson’s correlation analysis, associations between BDNF methylation and the metabolic characteristics of MCI subjects were assessed."

"In addition, a previous study demonstrated that methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor was correlated with heroin and METH addiction ( xref ), suggesting that the blockade of drug effects on epigenetic markers may be useful in the treatment of drug addiction."

"Further, since Perroud et al. [ xref ] had reported that dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), one of the most frequently applied psychotherapeutic intervention for BPD patients [ xref ], leads to a decrease of previously elevated BDNF methylation levels in BPD patients, we sought to replicate this finding by reassessing the blood and salivary BDNF methylation in a subsample of patients after a 12-week DBT."

"BDNF exon IV promoter methylation has been of interest in various psychiatric illnesses including MDD; xref however, no data in BD patients are available to date, although preclinical data suggest an involvement of mood stabilizers in BDNF promoter IV methylation."

"It is noteworthy that measures of higher BDNF methylation status were more strongly associated with longterm stroke outcomes, while the BDNF met allele was associated with both acute and longterm outcomes."

"Our finding is in keeping with recent studies on the relationship between methylation status, such as that of BDNF and SLC6A4 , and post-stroke depression, which have consistently reported an association between higher methylation status and depression, although the strength of these associations differs slightly according to the time elapsed after stroke. xref xref However, it is not known whether the influence of BDNF methylation differs according to the time elapsed after breast surgery, and this issue may require further research."

"Adding even further to the difficulty of studying BPD-specific effects, BDNF methylation was also found associated with a broad range of psychiatric symptoms and disorders other than BPD, such as bipolar disorder [ xref , xref ], depression [ xref ], schizophrenia [ xref ], and suicidality [ xref , xref ] (reviewed in [ xref , xref ])."

"Genotyping was performed for seven BDNF single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 355 community-dwelling older adults (aged ≥65 years) and BDNF exon 1 promoter methylation was measured in blood samples at baseline (n = 153)."

"In turn, the fact that the methyltransferase inhibitor blocks the WD-reducing effects on the mitochondrial transcription regulator PGC-1α suggests that PGC-1α action is downstream to the Bdnf methylation."

"In our study, we found maternal fear positively associated with BDNF methylation in male newborns."

"Higher BDNF promoter methylation was significantly associated with male gender and lower scores on the SOFAS and WHOQOL-BREF."

"However, there was no effect of BDE-47 exposure on overall Bdnf promoter methylation."

"As mentioned previously, each of increased BDNF gene methylation and neuroticism has been reported to be closely associated with depression."

"BDNF methylation percentages were not significantly associated with incidence of depressive disorder."

"Some shared factor between maltreatment and cross-foster conditions, such as exposure to a novel environment or increased handling, may increase blood Bdnf methylation."

"fMRI results showed a positive correlation of BDNF methylation with maternal brain activity in the anterior cingulate (ACC), and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), regions generally credited with a regulatory function toward brain areas that are generating emotions."

"Some of the shared changes in these animals included a gain of methylation in Bdnf (promoter), Igsf9b (exon), Nkx2-9 (downstream), Lhfpl4 (exon), Elavl4 (intron), and Trhde (promoter)."

"For the role of BDNF methylation in BPD, support is already available from a study conducted by Thaler et al. [ xref ], showing that increased BDNF methylation in patients with bulimic eating behavior is particularly prominent when associated with comorbid BPD."

"Through these methods, Mills et al. found, by using 35 brain samples, stronger evidence that the methylation of BDNF in schizophrenic brains was correlated to the presence of non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that were previously associated with schizophrenia [ xref ], establishing a genetic-epigenetic bridge in mental illness research."

"Which better reflects the methylation status of the CNS with regard to BDNF methylation remains to be discovered because the blood and buccal tissue types are almost equally concordant with the brain [ xref ]."

"When comparing BDNF methylation in BPD patients and healthy controls, we unexpectedly did not find differences in DNA extracted from blood, as had previously been reported [ xref ] (Table  xref )."

"Of the eight studies examining methylation specifically in the BDNF gene, six found BDNF hypermethylation to be implicated across a range of SITB outcomes, while one study of SI found no group differences ( xref ), and an SD study found hypomethylation ( xref )."

"A limitation of our study is the undefined positive predictive power of our findings, since only a limited amount of data on effect sizes for differential BDNF methylation in BPD was available a priori."

"It is hypothesized that neurobiological variables (hair cortisol, FKBP5 and BDNF protein levels and FKBP5 and BDNF methylation status) predict and mediate the individual response to treatment in adults with PTSD and comorbid (sub)clinical BPD."

"A study by Kim and colleagues looked into the relationship of BDNF methylation status and PSD and has shown that increased burden of the former is associated with higher incidence of PSD and worse symptoms [ xref ]."

"Thus, PolyQ Htt reduces BDNF levels through a combination of sequestration of the REST transcription factor in the cytoplasm and stronger repression at the methylated BDNF gene."

"However, we did not investigate the sub-elements of the BDNF level; therefore, the presence of a direct association between BDNF promoter methylation and BDNF level cannot be confirmed."

"Within individuals with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, maltreatment experienced during childhood was positively correlated with BDNF methylation ( xref )."

"Is Peripheral BDNF Promoter Methylation a Preclinical Biomarker of Dementia?"

"Bdnf methylation is a pivotal point for the regulation of brain plasticity and behavior."

"The associations between air pollution and BDNF promoter methylation showed nonlinear curves with threshold effects."

"Furthermore, recent studies reported an increased BDNF methylation is associated with depression in animal models [ xref ] and in humans [ xref ]."

"Both exercise and EC have been reported as altering Bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ; xref )."

"Our results showed that the methylation levels of the four CpG sites were closely related to each other ( r >0.821, p <0.01); therefore, the mean values of the four CpGs were used to represent BDNF [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Our results suggest that BDNF promoter methylation might influence the pathophysiology of AD through its influence on those factors."

"The present study suggests an interrelation between increased BDNF gene methylation and high sociotropy."

"BDNF DNA methylation is higher in cord blood from boys whose mother had higher levels of BPA during pregnancy [ xref ]."

"Besides epigenetic alternations of the NR3C1 gene, an association of BDNF genotype and promoter methylation with acute and long-term stroke outcomes was also found in an East Asian cohort.[ xref ] Many studies suggested that BDNF plays an important role in regulating energy homeostasis and body weight.[ xref , xref ] Pereira and colleagues found that FKBP5 gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue was correlated to markers of insulin resistance.[ xref ] These studies provide an important illustration that expression of HPA axis related genes altered by an epigenetic mechanism may contribute to susceptibility to cardiometabolic disease, and posit a possible mechanism underlying the link between childhood adversity and cardiometabolic risk."

"Though functionally significant and experience-dependent epigenetic regulation of Bdnf has been established in the brain and in some peripheral tissue ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ), this is the first report to our knowledge that examines the relationship between Bdnf methylation in the developing spinal cord and motor behavior."

"The most consistently significant finding was an increase in BDNF methylation in individuals with AD compared to controls, in two studies of Asian populations (n = 40, 5.08 6 5.52% vs. 2.09 6 0.81%, P = ."

"Given the documented role of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor activation in long-term memory formation and hippocampal chromatin remodeling ( xref ; xref ), we determined whether or not NMDA receptor activation was necessary for bdnf DNA methylation and altered gene expression in contextual fear conditioning."

"Similarly, another study showed that in rats BDNF methylation levels are modified by fear conditioning [ xref ] and extinction [ xref , xref ]."

"A further check of the frequency of BDNF val66Met polymorphism in the tested samples will be intrigue to explore the interaction of BDNF val66Met polymorphism with BDNF methylation."

"Lower Bdnf methylation levels in VTA are recapitulated in A-sired male and female offspring xref ."

"None of these SNPs were associated with average BDNF methylation across promoters I and IV; however, three were found to modify the previously observed association between depression and CpG unit 3.4.5 methylation levels ( P -values for interaction term: rs6265 , P =0.022, rs7103411 , P =0.023 and rs908867 , P =0.094)."

"However, a significant inverse correlation between the FA values of the right ACR and BDNF methylation at CpG4 was found (Pearson correlation: r =−0.347, p =0.007; See Fig. 2 and Table 3 )."

"Increased Bdnf methylation was found to be specific to neuronal, rather than glial, cells ( xref )."

"Interestingly, the authors showed, that BD patients on antidepressant treatment revealed a higher BDNF methylation level compared with antidepressants-free patients."

"Some studies have shown an association between BDNF gene methylation and an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders xref , xref , but the results were not replicated in others xref ."

"Thus, it was difficult to discern whether BDNF promoter methylation interacted with diagnosis in terms of its power to predict the development of sub-sequent depression."

"For instance, the association with BDNF methylation was specific to the adolescence time point, while in Generation R data was limited to childhood."

"Only two studies have investigated BDNF methylation in relation to prenatal emotional state, both of which examined maternal depressive symptoms with methylation levels quantified at the exon 4 promotor."

"Val66Met showed no influence on serum BDNF levels and BDNF methylation levels in patients with MDD [ xref ]."

"Akira Sawa (Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Centre, Baltimore, USA) showed altered tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression, methylation of TH promoters, selective increase of DNA methylation in the mesocortical dopamine projection, methylation of BDNF and methylation of glucocorticoid receptors in DISC-1-DN-Tg-PrP stressed mice with reduced locomotor activity,."

"There was no association between IPT/NIPT and newborn BDNF methylation or expression ( p  > ."

"Results: Maternal gestational weight gain correlated with BDNF methylation levels (Bonferroni-corrected p = 0.034), and lack of folic acid supplementation at periconception resulted in higher disease severity in the ASD children (Bonferroni-corrected p = 0.048)."

"Several studies have reported that higher levels of DNA methylation in the BDNF gene are related to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and depression ( xref , xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ). xref , by using high-resolution melt analysis, found that hypermethylation at promoters I and IV was also detected in patients with borderline personality disorder."

"In 113 of the participants, information was also collected on blood BDNF DNA methylation at six CpGs."

"The study by Roth et al. found that caregiver ill-treatment was associated with increased methylation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the prefrontal cortex of rodents ( xref )."

"The fall in buffy coat mean BDNF methylation plus the association between lower BDNF methylation (so potentially higher BDNF) and higher HbA1c and serum IGFBP-2 (as a marker of insulin sensitivity) and between lower serum BDNF and higher circulating insulin are evidence for the degree of BDNF gene methylation being implicated in insulinisation and glucose homeostasis, particularly after lifestyle change in NDH individuals."

"The objective of the study was to find out a possible connection between BDNF promoter methylation with the prevalence and incidence of suicidal ideation in late life."

"This issue has been investigated in depression research in that higher BDNF methylation was associated with increased risk of depression ( Fuchikami et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2013 ) and with better [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Dnmt mRNA alterations ( xref ), increased Bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ), and altered methylation patterns of numerous genes that play a role in neuronal growth, development, and cholinergic transmission ( xref ) have been found in the brains (within the frontal cortex, amygdala, and PVN) of individuals who committed suicide and/or had been diagnosed with major depression."

"However, there were no significant two- or three-way interaction between suicidal measures and depression and anxiety on BDNF methylation status in the adjusted model (all p -values >0.2)."

"Thus, the data indicated the persistent effects of trauma on BDNF promoter methylation."

"BDNF gene methylation was significantly higher in the CAD group than in the non-CAD group."

"BDNF methylation was significantly associated with prognosis of ACS."

"Recent studies of BDNF gene methylation in relation to maternal care have linked high BDNF methylation levels in the blood of adults to lower quality of received maternal care measured via self-report."

"Our results partially replicate and extent our previous findings regarding a role of BDNF exon IV promoter methylation for treatment response prediction in patients with MDD ( xref )."

"Consequently, we cannot exclude the influence of prenatal exposure to smoking on the observed differences in the saliva BDNF methylation of BPD patients."

"But our results showed no significant association of BDNF methylation with MCI in either the Uygur or Han Chinese populations (p>0.05)."

"Several studies have already demonstrated that change in BDNF methylation with intervention is possible [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"As BDNF methylation status was not measured after the treatment in this study, it is not possible to conclude if treatment outcomes might be reflected by DNA methylation status."

"Here we report that early exposure to dietary omega-3 fatty acids orchestrates key interactions between metabolic signals and Bdnf methylation creating a reservoir of neuroplasticity that can protect the brain against the deleterious effects of switching to a western diet (WD)."

"Modifying Effect of the Interleukin-18 Level on the Association between BDNF Methylation and Long-Term Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome."

"Here we examined whether there was a link between an established rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Bdnf DNA methylation."

"In infancy, we find that adversity-exposed females exhibit a brain region-specific decrease in methylation of Bdnf exon I alongside increased methylation of exon IV, the reverse of which is then found in adulthood. xref In males, the only developmental change detected in Bdnf methylation is at exon I in adolescence. xref Not only is that mark found to be reversed (i.e. opposite direction in methylation) in adulthood, six additional alterations in Bdnf methylation emerge at this time point. xref , xref Additionally we find several significant, maltreatment-specific alterations in epigenetic regulators in the mPFC of our adult animals that are not detected in infancy. xref Taken together, these data underline the importance of longitudinal studies of environmental effects upon the epigenome, a type of study that is somewhat lacking in the field at present."

"It is unclear why we were only able to show the predictive role of BDNF exon IV promoter methylation for antidepressant response in the subgroup of severely depressed patients."

"However, their BDNF methylation levels were not significant different from baseline, or to compare with controls."

"Animal models also show that early life stress exposure induces changes in BDNF methylation, though the direction of effects varied by developmental timing of exposure, age at testing, tissue source, and BDNF loci tested [ xref , xref – xref ]."

"The Effects of PFOS on the BDNF Promoter Methylation in SK-N-SH Cells."

"Dnmt mRNA alterations ( xref ), increased Bdnf DNA methylation ( xref ), and altered methylation patterns of numerous genes that play a role in neuronal growth, development, and plasticity ( xref ) have been found in the brains (within the frontal cortex, amygdala, and PVN) of individuals who committed suicide and/or had been diagnosed with major depression."

"The analysis showed significant hypermethylation of CpG sites in the MDD-suicide group compared with healthy control group for BDNF (p = 0.039), FKBP5 (p = 0.035), NR3C1 (p = 0.025), and CRHBP (p = 0.[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It has been demonstrated that increased DNA methylation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) gene, encoding the protein responsible for neuronal growth, differentiation and plasticity, is connected with depression in the human population [ xref ]."

"Though, our results can only partly confirm a possible link between BDNF promoter methylation and alcohol consumption."

"There has been little investigation into whether BDNF DNA methylation is altered in schizophrenia."

"The patients with the best response achieved the level of BDNF methylation found in healthy control patients ( xref )."

"Bdnf methylation weakly associated with Bdnf expression in hippocampi of female rats."

"Associations between the BDNF methylation and suicidal behaviors during the treatment period are presented in Table 2 ."

"An additional study of the influence of childhood maternal care on BDNF methylation level was performed by Unternaehrer and colleagues [ xref ]."

"However, the 5-AzaC treatment did not affect the BDNF promoter methylation in the control animals ( Fig. 4 B)."

"Of note, a significant correlation has been found between BDNF promoter methylation in blood samples and brain of MDD patients ( xref )."

"Finally, we found that NMDA receptor activation plays a pivotal role in the regulation of bdnf DNA methylation and altered bdnf gene expression during memory consolidation."

"The effects of BDNF methylation levels and clinical variables on the diagnosis of PTSD were tested using binary logistic regression analysis."

"Furthermore, no association was found between protein levels and BDNF methylation status in the whole sample (controls and BPD; β=0.35, P =0.634, 95% CI −1.10 to 1.79)."

"Kim et al. 2015 hypothesized that antidepressants may be more active on BDNF that is hypermethylated because BDNF methylation may be required for binding of methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) [ xref ]."

"BDNF methylation percentages for persistent depressive disorder status by treatment groups are summarized in Table 4 ."