

CTNNB1 decreases the amount of CTNNB1. 168 / 205
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"Beta-catenin degradation is initiated upon amino-terminal serine/threonine phosphorylation, which is believed to be performed by glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) in complex with tumor suppressor proteins Axin and adnomatous polyposis coli (APC)"

"Consequently, beta-catenin small interfering RNA (siRNA) significantly down-regulated the level of beta-catenin expression in human melanocytes."

"Although the mechanisms of the anti-cancer activity of evodiamine have been well-studied, the precise mechanisms still remain unclear.It is known that the downregulation of WWOX leads to cytoplasmic β-catenin accumulation and the subsequent activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in HCC [4], while decreases in the activities of Akt and GSK-3β inhibit the expression of β-catenin."

"Rg1 can reduce β-catenin expression and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) phosphorylation in the cytoplasm and can further reduce the protein expression of β-catenin in the nucleus via Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) and other factors; in addition, the binding of β-catenin to the transcription factor TCF-4 in the nucleus is reduced and ultimately inhibits c-Myc gene expression, which results in the reduction of β-galactosidase expression [40] (Figure 6)."

"Our findings have demonstrated that SALL4 triggers the Wnt and beta-catenin signaling pathway and shRNA induced SALL4 inhibition can decrease Wnt3a and beta-catenin expression at both mRNA and protein levels, suggesting targeting SALL4 may be a promising new strategy to block Wnt and beta-catenin signaling pathway and EMT to prevent tumor metastasis in ESCC."

"Binding of Wnt/Wg proteins to frizzled cell surface receptors physiologically suppresses beta-catenin degradation allowing cytoplasmic and nuclear levels of beta-catenin to rise and activate transcrip[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Further, a siRNAs mediated knock-down of beta-catenin in colon cancer cell lines suppressed beta-catenin levels and concomitantly decreased L1CAM expression."

"Secretion of beta-catenin on exosomes was suggested to reduce the intracellular pool of beta-catenin and Wnt signaling levels (Chairoungdua et al., 2010)."

"Further evidence was provided by the observation that CTNNB1 siRNA reduced the beta-catenin expression and significantly blocked the radiosensitizing effect of BC-23 in H1299 cells (XREF_FIG)."

"In addition, our data demonstrated that beta-catenin mRNA expression was effectively reduced by beta-catenin siRNA, which subsequently suppressed MMC alpha-SMA and fibronectin levels."

"cyclin-CDK2 demonstrate beta-catenin phosphorylation on residues Ser(33), Ser(37), Thr(41), and Ser(45). This phosphorylation promotes rapid degradation of cytosolic beta-catenin"

"CTNNB1 shRNA dramatically reduced beta-catenin expression at mRNA and protein levels."

"MiR-214 agomir and/or beta-catenin shRNA pGPU6-beta-catenin transfection significantly reduced beta-catenin expression, declined RUNX2 level, and attenuated OB differentiation in BMSCs."

"Sulindac sulphide abrogated beta-catenin and TCF-mediated transcription in the CRC cell lines DLD1 and SW480, and decreased the levels of nonphosphorylated beta-catenin."

"Although miR-34a-5p and miR-200a-3p were not selected in the screening (fold change ratio = -0.265 and -0.093, respectively), we also evaluated their regulatory activity as they were among the first miRNAs described as beta-catenin regulators.16, 17 Nine out of 26 miRNA candidates significantly decreased beta-catenin protein expression in Huh6 cells, which carry the beta-catenin missense G34V mutation."

"UTR of CTNNB1 mRNA impedes the repressing effect of miR-214, 320a and 199a (Figure 1), increasing β-catenin expression and the stemness features of HCC cells [42]."

"BetaTrCP and HOS are closely related F-box proteins, which play key roles in ubiquitination and degradation of beta-catenin and IkappaB through associating with those phosphorylated substrates and recruiting SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase"

"Transfection of si-beta-catenin and XAV939 suppressed beta-catenin and Bcl-2 expression, and significantly enhanced ADM sensitivity and ADM induced apoptosis."

"We found that the treatment with RS-1 resulted in an increase in both the protein and mRNA expressions of β-catenin and C-myc in SGNs, while treatment with IWP-2 markedly reduced the expressions of β-catenin and C-myc in SGNs compared with the paclitaxel-only group (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01) (Figures 4(b) and 4(f))."

"And the increased expression of beta-catenin and its target gene c-Myc by DANCR was inhibited by beta-catenin siRNA in gastric cancer cells."

"Wnt signalling can inhibit beta-catenin degradation and phosphorylation that is mediated by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) to increase the levels of beta-catenin, which can localize to the[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In the cytoplasm and nucleus of breast cancer cells, the Wnt and beta-catenin receptor Frizzled-1 decreases beta-catenin protein expression and increases inhibition of the Wnt and beta-catenin signaling pathway, thus decreasing drug resistance in chemotherapy."

"Beta-catenin siRNA reduced mRNA and protein expression of beta-catenin in LoVo cells."

"Cleavage of beta-catenin was found to be caspase-dependent. Five cleavage products of beta-catenin were identified in vivo and after in vitro cleavage by caspase-3 . . . Functional analysis revealed that beta-catenin deletion constructs resembling the observed proteolytic fragments show a strongly reduced transcription activation potential when analyzed in gene reporter assays."

"Although Wnts act to stabilize beta-catenin levels in the cytosol and nucleus, a multiprotein complex containing adenomatous polyposis coli, glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, and Axin1 or its homolog Axin2/Axil/conductin promotes beta-catenin phosphorylation and subsequent proteasomal degradation"

"from full text - Figure 2"

"Thus, CK2 is a positive regulator of Wnt signaling through phosphorylation of beta-catenin at Thr393, leading to proteasome resistance and increased protein and co-transcriptional activity."

"Both the extent of beta-catenin and Cx43 colocalisation (merged pictures in XREF_FIG) and the levels of both beta-catenin and Cx43 (left panel in XREF_FIG) were significantly lowered by depletion of beta-catenin."

"Our data demonstrates that ML264 in DLD-1 and HCT116 cells decreased the levels of beta-catenin phosphorylated at serine 552 and additionally in HCT116 ML264 treatment reduced the levels of total beta-catenin (XREF_FIG)."

"Indeed, hamartin and tuberin co-immunoprecipitated with glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta and Axin, components of this complex in a Wnt-1-dependent manner. Our data suggest that hamartin and tuberin negatively regulate beta-catenin stability and activity by participating in the beta-catenin degradation complex."

"Finally, our results suggest that promoting degradation and blocking production of beta-catenin synergistically reduce beta-catenin levels under pathological conditions and that a combinational therapy could be a promising approach for the treatment of cancer patients."

"The current model for the regulation of beta-catenin by APC rests on the ability of APC to bind with beta-catenin in the nucleus and export it out into the cytoplasm for targeted ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation."

"It was found that knockdown of LSINCT5 markedly inhibited the expression of β-catenin, and the enhanced β-catenin level further inactivated TCF4 and c-Myc expression."

"phosphorylated Ser37 and Ser33 are recognized by the F-box protein beta-TrCP, a component of a ubiquitin ligase complex that mediates beta-catenin degradation."

"In conclusion, we have found that the Arg(96) mutant has a dominant-negative effect on GSK-3beta-dependent phosphorylation of beta-catenin and that targeting of beta-catenin for degradation requires prior priming through phosphorylation of Ser(45)."

"The effect is more marked in RKO cells than in HCT116 cells, and we noted that in HCT116 cells, siRNA mediated CTNNB1 knock-down only partially reduced the levels of CTNNB1 (XREF_FIG), possibly due to the substantially higher levels of endogenous beta-catenin in HCT116 cells."

"Inactivation of GSK-3 has been shown to reduce the ubiquitination of beta-catenin, resulting in nuclear accumulation and transcriptional activity of beta-catenin."

"Knockdown of beta-catenin or treatment with BC2059 that disrupts binding of beta-catenin to TBL1X (TBL1) depleted nuclear beta-catenin levels."

"Furthermore, the expression levels of GSK-3 beta, the kinase that phosphorylates beta-catenin and signals its degradation, were up-regulated in WT1-transfected cells."

"Enzastaurin also blocked phosphorylation of b-catenin at S33,37 phosphorylation sites essential for PKC-regulated proteasomal degradation (Figure 1C).18,19 Indeed, inhibition of translation using cycloheximide did not abrogate enzastaurin-induced up-regulation of b-catenin. These data support the hypothesis that enzastaurin inhibits degradation of b-catenin via abrogation of ubiquitination"

"The efficacy of beta-catenin siRNA to reduce beta-catenin protein levels was initially confirmed by western blotting of lysates following transfection of wild-type MPECs."

"Fragments of APC that contained a conductin-binding domain also blocked beta-catenin degradation."

"As a positive control, the cyclin D1 gene expression, induced by beta-catenin XREF_BIBR, was downregulated 6-24 h post Zn-induction, confirming inhibition of the Wnt pathway via expression of wt-Apc and reduced beta-catenin levels."

"Importantly, a mechanistic study revealed that JOSD2 binds to and decreases the ubiquitination level of catenin beta 1 (CTNNB1), a key component of Wnt signaling, thereby augmenting Wnt pathway transduction."

"A novel pathway for beta-catenin degradation was discovered involving mammalian homologs of Drosophila Sina (Siah), which bind ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, and Ebi, an F box protein that binds beta-catenin independent of the phosphorylation sites recognized by beta-TrCP. A series of protein interactions were identified in which Siah is physically linked to Ebi by association with a novel Sgt1 homolog SIP that binds Skp1, a central component of Skp1-Cullin-F box complexes."

"Moreover, the degradation rate of beta-catenin was slowed down in the presence of CREPT after cycloheximide treatment, implying that CREPT affected the level of beta-catenin via a post-translational mode due to enhanced beta-catenin acetylation."

"Beta-catenin ubiquitination is preceded by phosphorylation of its N-terminal region by the glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta)/Axin kinase complex."

"We observed that beta-catenin siRNA reduced beta-catenin expression in the airways of mice with asthma (XREF_FIG)."

"This was shown by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy whereby the addition of Pf-2545920 inhibited the translocation of beta-catenin to the nucleus at 10 muM, and at a higher concentration of 25 muM reduced the amount of total beta-catenin."

"In addition, MA treatment elevated the protein expression levels of beta-catenin and its target proteins, including Cyclin D1, c-Myc and Survivin, as well as the gene expression levels of ZO-1, beta-catenin, Survivin and TCF-4, all of which could be down-regulated by the Wnt and beta-catenin pathway inhibitor XAV-939."

"Conductin is a major negative regulator of Wnt signal transduction by virtue of its ability to promote degradation of ß-catenin. Our experiments suggest that upregulation of conductin constitutes a novel mechanism of negative feedback regulation in the Wnt pathway. (from full text)"

"Wnt ligand activation of beta-catenin inhibits adipogenesis by inducing nuclear beta-catenin expression and preventing the induction of C/EBPbeta, C/EBPalpha, and PPARgamma."

"It was observed that the beta-catenin siRNA was not able to completely abolish beta-catenin mRNA expression, leaving enough beta-catenin and reduced Wnt signaling to assist the beta-catenin : E and cadherin complex mediated homotypic cell aggregation."

"Non-sequestered, free beta-catenin and gamma-catenin are rapidly phosphorylated by glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK-3beta) in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)-axin-GSK-3beta complex and are subsequently degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway."

"Inhibition of CK2 reduces the level of ß-catenin and blocks proliferation of Wnt-transfected cells, suggesting that ß-catenin phosphorylated by CK2 escapes ubiquitination and degradation."

"To evaluate the role of the canonical Wnt pathway in DC differentiation, we regulated the level beta-catenin in HPC using two GFP expressing vectors : beta-catenin shRNA to block the expression of beta-catenin (XREF_FIG); and a vector containing mutant beta catenin, which is resistant to ubiquitination and degradation and thus induces activation of the Wnt pathway."

"The beta-catenin siRNA2 remarkably inhibited the expression of beta-catenin at mRNA and proteins levels in the human keloid fibroblasts."

"in the colon cancer cell line SW480, which contains wild-type beta-catenin but no APC activity, expression of Wnt-5a did not lead to inhibition of TOPFLAH activity or beta-catenin degradation (Fig. 6 D)."

"The activation of GSK3beta leads to the degradation of beta-catenin, which reduces the expression of beta-catenin [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"PKC isoforms have been reported to contribute to the phosphorylation and degradation of b-catenin. Consequently, a marked accumulation of b-catenin has been seen after treatment with bisindoylmaleimide inhibitors of PKC (eg, BIM I)."

"We also showed that activation of the Wnt and beta-catenin signal pathway by using lithium chloride (LiCl) significantly attenuated arginine induced upregulation of PPARgamma and increased the phospho-beta-catenin level."

"To explore the possible role of beta-catenin, which normally is responsible for activation of LEF1 transcription, in palatogenesis, we treated normal palates undergoing EMT with sense and antisense (AS) beta-catenin oligonucleotide and found that AS beta-catenin significantly reduces beta-catenin protein levels compared with sense (XREF_FIG)."

"In the absence of a Wnt signal, the beta-catenin level is constitutively decreased by a beta-catenin degradation complex, including axin, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), casein kinase I and GSK-3beta [XREF_BIBR]."

"The data showed that the mRNA expression of beta-catenin and CCND1 were effectively decreased by the beta-catenin siRNA, as compared with cells transfected with control siRNA in presence or absence of TSN."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, beta-catenin specific siRNA, but not the scrambled control, reduced the expression of beta-catenin by> 50% in both PC and PC-PTC cells."

"Beta-catenin siRNA effectively inhibits beta-catenin expression in HSC-T6 cells."

"In human colon carcinoma SW480 cells, activation of the Gq pathway inhibits beta-catenin signaling as determined by transcriptional reporter and cell proliferation assays. Ca(2+) release from internal stores results in nuclear export and calpain-mediated degradation of beta-catenin in the cytoplasm"

"GSK-3 is constitutively active in unstimulated cells where it phosphorylates beta-catenin, targeting beta-catenin for rapid degradation"

"Prevention of β-catenin degradation allows the cytoplasmic level of β-catenin to increase, causing increased translocation of β-catenin into the nucleus, which allows interaction with the TCF/LEF transcription factors leading to enhanced canonical Wnt target gene transcription [99]."

"We found that transfection of beta-catenin siRNA into DIXDC1 overexpressing cells significantly decreased the expression of beta-catenin and blocked the promotional effect of DIXDC1 overexpression on [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"RT-PCR results also showed that beta-catenin mRNA levels were inhibited by CTNNB1 shRNA compared with those in the mock group and NS shRNA group."

"This seems contradictory, since ectopic APC expression causes a phenotype resembling the one caused by overexpressed beta-catenin rather than reduced levels of beta-catenin."

"We found that the additional administration of the Wnt and beta-catenin pathway inhibitor XAV939 further inhibited the expression of beta-catenin and c-Myc."

"Axin, a Wnt signal negative regulator, enhances glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3beta-dependent phosphorylation of beta-catenin and stimulates the degradation of beta-catenin."

"Finally, this meta-analysis, including 6238 cases from 34 studies, revealed that beta-catenin overexpression in the nucleus (HR : 1.50 [95% CI : 1.08-2.10]) or reduced expression of beta-catenin in the membrane (HR : 1.33 [95% CI : 1.15-1.54]) significantly correlated with lower 5-year overall survival (OS)."

"beta-TRCP is a versatile F-box protein that recognizes several cell-cycle regulators EMI1-2, WEE1A and CDC25A-B in addition to its classical substrates, beta-catenin and IkappaB. In some cancers, beta-TRCP mutation or overexpression is found."

"Three small molecules -- Inhibitor of beta-Catenin And TCF4 (ICAT), niclosamide, and XAV939 -- have been shown to strongly and specifically reduce levels of active beta-catenin in vitro by inhibiting beta-catenin stabilization and downstream beta-catenin signaling (TCF/LEF reporter activity)."

"E2F1 is a potent and specific inhibitor of beta-catenin and T-cell factor (TCF)-dependent transcription, and E2F1 deregulation suppresses beta-catenin activity in an adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)/GSK3-independent manner, reducing the expression of key beta-catenin targets XREF_BIBR."

"Axam induced the degradation of beta-catenin in SW480 cells"

"Pharmacological inhibition of GSK3 or beta-catenin knockdown with shRNAs decreased the levels of phosphorylated-beta-catenin, ankyrinG, and voltage gated sodium channels at the AIS, both " in vitro " and " in vivo ", therefore diminishing neuronal excitability as evaluated via sodium current amplitude and action potential number."

"In addition, PTX at doses of 0.8 and 1.2 micromol/L significantly increased beta-catenin protein expression and FH535 significantly decreased beta-catenin protein expression in SW620 cells."

"The beta-catenin protein level in both the AR-39-infected and normal uninfected cells was significantly reduced by the beta-catenin SiRNA treatment."

"Here we show that in HCT116 colon carcinoma cells, 10 mM sodium salicylate induces caspase-3 activation and degradation of its substrates, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), beta-catenin, and retinoblastoma (Rb)."

"More importantly, in ΔN and floxed ΔN mice the truncated form of the NF-κB inhibitor IκBα (ΔN) was integrated in-frame into the β-catenin (Ctnnb1) locus, which does not impair expression and activity of the β-catenin protein (Fig. S1B,C; Schmidt-Ullrich et al., 2001)."

"It is therefore conceivable that GFI1B can also sequester these inhibitors, thereby liberating beta-catenin from their inhibitory effect, leading to increased beta-catenin target gene expression."

"Depletion of RAD6B decreases beta-catenin polyubiquitnation and stability limiting beta-catenin transcription."

"from full text - Figure 1"

"11 As shown in XREF_FIG, the beta-catenin siRNA (sibeta-cat) decreased beta-catenin expression by 65.6% compared with the levels in the scramble siRNA (siScr)-transfected islets."

"Signalling initiated by secreted WNT, through Frizzled receptors, leads to phosphorylation of the protein Dishevelled (DSH), which inhibits phosphorylation of ?-Cat by GSK3?.GSK3? activity can also be inhibited by direct interaction with the glycogen-synthase-kinase-3-binding protein (GBP).As a consequence, ?-Cat is not phosphorylated, avoids destruction and enters the nucleus where it heterodimerizes with members of the TCF/LEF transcription factor family to activate downstream target genes."

"The mechanism involved 4 aspects : 1,25 (OH) 2D3 and VDR suppress transcriptional activity of beta-catenin and TCF, 1,25 (OH) 2D3 represses mRNA expression of the beta-catenin target gene of Gli1 but induces the beta-catenin target gene PADI1 in vitro, VDR ablation reduces beta-catenin target genes involved in hair differentiation in vivo, and 1,25 (OH) 2D3/VDR suppresses the transcriptional activity of beta-catenin and represses the mRNA expression of Gli1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"The beta-catenin siRNA suppressed the expression of total and active beta-catenin (XREF_FIG)."

"Data supporting formation of this ternary complex in vivo include the observation that the CH3 domain alone, or a beta-catenin fragment consisting of arm repeats 11 and 12 and the CT, can inhibit beta[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Beta-catenin siRNA was used to knockdown beta-catenin expression in AM-P cells and AM-L cells stimulated with IL-8."

"n the absence of Wnt stimulation, the level of beta-catenin is reduced via glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3beta-mediated phosphorylation and subsequent proteasome-dependent degradation."

"The inhibition of TNKS sustained the life of axin and surged the extent of the devastation complex of β-catenin, which led decrease levels of β-catenin and increased the levels of phosphorylated β–catenin triggering inhibition of the Wnt/β-catenin driven proliferation of cancer cells ."

"We found that the treatment with Wnt agonist RS-1 resulted in an increase in both the protein and mRNA expressions of β-catenin and C-myc in SGNs, while treatment with Wnt antagonist IWP-2 markedly reduced the expressions of β-catenin and C-myc in SGNs compared with the paclitaxel-only group."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, beta-catenin siRNA decreased beta-catenin mRNA levels (XREF_FIG, A) as well as protein levels (XREF_FIG, B) significantly."

"Immunostaining for β-catenin and phosphor-S6 showed that niclosamide suppressed β-catenin expression while the metformin suppressed mTOR activity in cancer tissue (Figure 6E,F)."

"An antisense construct of beta-catenin that decreases the cellular level of beta-catenin can reduce IGF-1 receptor mediated enhancement of AR activity."

"Various beta-catenin and TCF inhibitors, most of them belonging to low molecular-weight inhibitors, downregulate the expression of beta-catenin and TCF-responsive genes and disrupt the interaction of element binding protein (CBP) with beta-catenin [XREF_BIBR] or disrupt beta-catenin and TCF complexes directly [XREF_BIBR]."

"In vitro, WIF1 suppresses beta-catenin expression in osteosarcoma cell lines and induces differentiation of primary human osteoblasts, and in primary human osteosarcoma samples, silencing of WIF1 is associated with increased proliferation, increased beta-catenin expression, and loss of differentiation, implying that de-repression of Wnt signaling plays a positive role in osteosarcoma pathogenesis."

"As shown in Figure XREF_FIG, the increased expression of beta-catenin and its target gene c-Myc by DANCR was inhibited by beta-catenin siRNA in GC cells."

"The systemic administration of beta-catenin antisense oligonucleotides down-regulates beta-catenin expression in vivo in human colon cancer xenografts in nude mice."

"Moreover, we show that the repression of AR activity by LY294002 is mediated through phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK3beta, a downstream substrate of PI3K/Akt, which results in the nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin The activation of Akt results in the phosphorylation of a number of downstream substrates such as glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3) It has been shown that GSK3 plays an important role in the Wnt pathway by regulating the degradation of -catenin Recently, a specific protein-protein interaction between -catenin and AR was identified by us and others (22, 23). Through this interaction, -catenin augments the ligand-dependent activity of AR in prostate cancer cells."

"Therefore, HDAC3 could be a key positive regulator of β-catenin stability in leukemic cells.There is evidence that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit the immunomodulatory enzymes cyclooxygenase-1/cyclooxygenase-2 (COX1/COX2), antagonize β-catenin expression and the stemness of leukemic cells [31,32,33,34]."

"We found that doxycycline mediated induction of the two CTNNB1 shRNAs in TOV112D cells reduced CTNNB1 levels to about 50% of baseline (XREF_FIG), but no statistically significant effect on MYC transcript levels was seen."

"To confirm the role of beta-catenin and Wnt signaling in mediating myoblast phenotype induced by inhibition of GSK-3beta activity, we treated the cells either with beta-catenin RNAi to inhibit beta-catenin expression, or with DKK-1 (Dickkopf related protein-1), an established antagonist of canonical Wnt signaling."

"By western blotting RGD treatment increased levels of active β-catenin, which was blocked by ILK inhibition, thus supporting a role for the regulation of active β-catenin levels via ILK in primary human MSCs (Fig. 2B).3.3 EGF-induced activation of beta-catenin may be unique to MSCs."

"Three small molecules—inhibitor of β-catenin and TCF4 (ICAT), niclosamide, and XAV939—have been shown to strongly and specifically reduce levels of active β-catenin in vitro by inhibiting β-catenin stabilization and downstream β-catenin signaling (TCF/LEF reporter activity)."

"More importantly, in ΔN and floxed ΔN mice the truncated form of the NF-κB inhibitor IκBα (ΔN) was integrated in-frame into the β-catenin (Ctnnb1) locus, which does not impair expression and activity of the β-catenin protein (Fig. S1B,C; Schmidt-Ullrich et al., 2001)."

"Additionally, after CTNNB1 siRNA applied to reduce the beta-catenin expression, we found the EMT like morphology induced by heat treatment disappeared, and the differences in migration, EMT markers and transcription factors between heated and non heated SUM-1315 and ZR-75-1 cells also diminished."

"Immunoblot analysis revealed that beta-catenin expression was repressed by beta-catenin shRNAs, and that expression of cyclin D1 was reduced."

"Β-catenin ECKO reduced the levels of active β-catenin and the mRNA levels of Wnt target genes in mice, indicating downregulation of endothelial Wnt/β-catenin signaling."

"Beta-Catenin siRNA significantly altered the adherens junction complex and decreased beta-catenin protein levels."

"However, unlike colon cancer, increased beta-catenin in breast cancer does not seem to deregulate the beta-catenin and TCF-driven transcription in the canonical Wnt pathway XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."

"In colon and other cancers, mutations of beta-catenin or the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor appear to stabilize beta-catenin and enhance its interaction with T cell factor (TCF) or lymphoid enhancer factor (Lef) transcription factors."

"In early attempts to identify the function of APC, it was found that APC could directly interact with beta-catenin and decrease levels of cytoplasmic beta-catenin [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR], whereas mutations of APC found in human colorectal cancer lead to accumulation of beta-catenin [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"The exogenous V5 tagged beta-catenin was detectable in BCAS2 knockdown cells and restored the decreased beta-catenin expression (XREF_FIG, lanes 4-6)."

"Relative to the control, beta-catenin shRNA substantially decreased the expression of beta-catenin."

"In the present study, beta-catenin knockdown by small interfering RNA in MDA-MB-468, a highly metastatic breast cancer cell line, inhibited the expression of beta-catenin, Oct3/4 (stemness), survivin (anti-apoptosis) and BCRP (drug resistance)."

"We confirmed that CTNNB1 shRNA could diminish the expression of beta-catenin and c-myc in IHC analyses."

"Our work has found that the expression of FRAT1 and β-catenin was reduced in glioma tissues of tumor-bearing mice and there was a positive correlation between FRAT1 and β-catenin protein expression, which suggested that low FRAT1 inhibited the expression of β-catenin."

"Beta-catenin antisense treatment decreases beta-catenin expression and tumor growth rate in colon carcinoma xenografts."

"One other possible cause of beta-catenin accumulation is overexpression of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), as both IGF-I and IGF-II have been shown to stabilize beta-catenin."

"Additionally, beta-catenin siRNA molecules were successfully transfected into HSCs and induced inhibition of beta-catenin expression in a time dependent manner."

"miR-21 enhances colon cancer by directly inhibiting a negative regulator of the Wnt and beta-catenin pathway, TGFbeta-R2, which indirectly causes decreased levels of beta-catenin, c-Myc, and CyclinD1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Whereas deregulated beta-catenin can lead to Mdm2 inactivation and p53 accumulation, active p53 can promote the degradation and down-regulation of beta-catenin."

"Importantly, mutations of FBW7 were found in three out of ten ovarian cancer cell lines analysed, indicating that mutations of FBW7 might be responsible for elevated levels of Cyclin E in this tumor The mammalian SCFb-Trcp (b-transducin repeat-containing protein) has been implicated in the regulation of at least two different signal transduction pathways, Wnt/Wingless and NF-kB, by mediating the ubiquitinylation and degradation of the transcriptional coactivator bcatenin and the NF-kB inhib itor IkB, respectively"

"Mechanistically, Acp5 selectively bound and dephosphorylated β-catenin at serine (Ser) 33 and threonine (Thr) 41 in the cytoplasm, and then reduced the degradation of β-catenin, which enhanced the levels of β-catenin in the nucleus to promote fibroblast differentiation, proliferation and migration."

"Serine-33 and -37 of beta-catenin are GSK3 phosphorylation sites that serve as recognition sites for the beta-TRCP-ubiquitin ligase complex, which ultimately triggers beta-catenin degradation."

"As shown in Fig. 4b, β-catenin knockdown effectively suppressed the expressions of β-catenin, c-Myc, and cyclin D1."

"More importantly, pharmacological activation of Wnt and beta-catenin signaling restored the shear stress suppressed beta-catenin expression in LCSCs, and abolished the shear stress altered sphere forming ability, chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity, cancer stem cell marker expression, Young 's modulus and in vivo tumorigenicity potential of LCSCs."

"These results suggest that FENDRR-mediated inhibition of fibroblast proliferation is likely via a reduction in β-catenin protein level.miR-214 is known to reduce the β-catenin expression in cancer cells [58,59,60]."

"XREF_FIG, beta-catenin shRNA inhibited the expression of beta-catenin as measured by qRT-PCR."

"Differential alterations of positive and negative regulators of beta catenin enhance endogenous expression and activity of beta catenin in A549 non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells."

"Axin, a negative regulator of Wnt, forms a complex with glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, beta-catenin, and adenomatous polyposis coli and promotes GSK3beta-dependent phosphorylation of beta-catenin, thereby stimulating degradation of the beta-catenin"

"Inhibition of beta-catenin degradation blocked chondrogenesis [XREF_BIBR] and expression of stabilized beta-catenin in chondrocytes led to severe chondrodysplasia and dramatic inhibition of chondrocyte differentiation [XREF_BIBR], suggesting that Wnt and beta-catenin signaling is under strict regulation during chondrocyte differentiation and excessive signaling activity caused chondrogenesis defects."

"NGF acted as an autocrine or paracrine regulator of beta-catenin which can decrease beta-catenin expression and affect the activation status of beta-catenin in ovarian cancer cells."

"Beta-catenin or Gli1 siRNA was used to reduce beta-catenin or Gli1 levels and thereby inhibited Wnt and beta-catenin or Hedgehog and Gli1 pathway in DLD1 cells."

"Inducible overexpression of PS1 led to increased association of beta-catenin with glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta), a negative regulator of beta-catenin, and accelerated the turnover of endogenous beta-catenin."

"Collectively, beta-catenin siRNA effectively diminished beta-catenin expression in the chronic asthma mouse model."

"That is nuclear beta-catenin is related high drug resistance and decreased expression of total beta-catenin."

"Moreover, VDR activation caused concomitant changes of expression levels and subcellular distribution of both FOXM1 and beta-catenin, i.e., predominantly reduced expression levels of nuclear FOXM1 and beta-catenin."

"Conditional knockout of the gene encoding β-catenin, a critical component of the canonical WNT pathway, specifically from PV GABAergic neurons, causes ASD-like behaviour in mice , whereas Apc-knockout mice show increased β-catenin levels but also show ASD-like behaviours ."

"Stabilization of -catenin by PKA. PKA-dependent phosphorylation of -catenin at Ser675 inhibits the ubiquitination of -catenin, although GSK-3 -dependent phosphorylation of -catenin is not affected."

"We identified a human F-box/WD40 repeats protein (HOS), which is homologous to Slimb/h betaTrCP. Being a part of SCF complex with Skp1 and Cullin1, HOS specifically interacted with the phosphorylated IkappaB and beta-catenin, targeting these proteins for proteasome-dependent degradation in vivo."

"In all cell lines tested, two beta-catenin siRNAs used in this study were able to reduce beta-catenin levels by 80-90%."

"However in U251 cells, beta-catenin could not be regulated by mutant p53 and the downstream ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation of beta-catenin was activated, which promoted p-beta-catenin Y333 expression in U251 cells."

"Results demonstrated beta-catenin knock-down not only inhibited beta-catenin expression under high-glucose conditions (P < 0.01) but also resulted in a further degree of MALAT1 down-regulation (P < 0.01), suggesting that nuclear translocated beta-catenin might be involved in the progression of MALAT1 expression."

"The present study extends those previous findings by showing that the activation of PKCalpha by a novel agonist, CGK062, promotes beta-catenin degradation in three cancer cell lines - PC3 (prostate cancer), SNU475 (hepatoma), and SW480 (colon cancer) -which display aberrant up-regulation of the intracellular beta-catenin level."

"The beta-catenin siRNA used in the present study was able to reduce beta-catenin mRNA expression levels in HSC-T6 cells compared with the levels in the NG and CG (XREF_FIG)."

"In the absence of activated Wnt signaling, beta-catenin is degraded, which ensures the maintenance of low levels of beta-catenin in the cytosol."

"Destabilization of membrane bound beta-catenin reduces beta-catenin levels, likely due to the action of a functional beta-catenin destruction complex."

"In contrast, beta-catenin knockdown inhibited mMSCs differentiation by decreasing beta-catenin expression, ALP activity, Runx2, Osterix, OCN expression and ARS staining density."

"Binding of extracellular Wnt ligands to frizzled and LDL receptor related protein 5/6 (Lrp5/6) receptor pairs inhibits beta-catenin degradation thereby activating transcription of beta-catenin target genes [XREF_BIBR]."

"Mechanistic experiments show that Acp5 is upregulated by TGF-β1 in a TGFβR1/Smad3-dependent manner, after which Acp5 selectively dephosphorylates p-β-catenin at Ser33 and Thr41 in the cytoplasm, reducing the degradation of β-catenin, by which the levels of β-catenin in the nucleus are enhanced, promoting fibroblast differentiation, proliferation and migration."

"It also associates specifically with phosphorylated IkappaBalpha and beta-catenin destruction motifs, probably functioning in multiple transcriptional programs by activating the NF-kappaB pathway and inhibiting the beta-catenin pathway."

"These results suggested that 5HHMF upregulates E-cadherin that anchors beta-catenin in plasma membrane and cytoplasm, which in turn leads to decreased levels of beta-catenin in the nucleus of colon cancer cells."

"First, inhibition of beta-catenin expression by transient transfection of beta-catenin siRNAs in 293 cells (expressing high levels of UCH L1) : XREF_FIG shows that a reduction of beta-catenin expression by both siRNAs resulted in decreased levels of endogenous UCH L1 protein."

"For both the lung and liver B16F10 tumors, a single dose of EnCore-R and CTNNB1 DsiRNA effectively reduced CTNNB1 mRNA levels."

"Meanwhile, AGE (100 microg/ml) activated GSK3beta kinase at 8-48 h. AGE (100 microg/ml) dose-dependently (75-100 microg/ml) decreased beta-catenin protein expression but AGE did not decrease beta-catenin protein expression until 48 h. SB216763 (a GSK3beta inhibitor) and GSK3beta shRNA attenuated AGE (100 microg/ml)-inhibited cell proliferation and protein expression of beta-catenin and cyclin D1 at 48 h. SB216763 also attenuated AGE induced type IV collagen."

"It was found that si-CTNNB1 could reduce the expression levels of beta-catenin and N-cadherin but increase that of E-cadherin."

"XREF_FIG shows that CTNNB1 siRNA significantly reduced the beta-catenin expression compared with control siRNA."

"Potassium induced dendrite branching of hippocampal neurons in culture is enhanced by expression of dominant active beta-catenin, inhibited by the sequestration of beta-catenin, and, importantly, also inhibited by addition of a Wnt antagonist."

"Then, three pairs of si-beta-catenin were individually transfected into hADSCs; qPCR (XREF_FIG) and western blot (XREF_FIG) analyses showed that both the mRNA and protein levels of beta-catenin were significantly decreased by the transfection of three pairs of si-beta-catenin."

"Phosphorylation of the S100A6-binding domain of Sgt1 by casein kinase II was inhibited by S100A6, a result suggesting that the role of S100A6 binding is to regulate the phosphorylation of Sgt1. These findings suggest that protein ubiquitination via Sgt1-dependent pathway can be regulated by S100 proteins. Because S100A6 and some other S100 proteins can interact with CacyBP/SIP and Sgt1, these S100 proteins could regulate both pathways in a similar fashion. The defects in ubiquitination and degradation of -catenin"

"Then, we found that the increased expression of active beta-catenin, but not p-GSK3beta, in HPP DPSCs with LiCl treatment was inhibited by beta-catenin siRNA."

"Semi-quantitative analysis of the qPCR and western blotting results (XREF_FIG) also revealed that beta-catenin siRNA reduced the expression levels of beta-catenin in HSC-T6 cells comapared with those in the NG or CG."