

USP8 deubiquitinates EGFR. 16 / 16
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"USP8 (also known as UBPY) deubiquitylates EGFR on early endosomes, rescuing EGFR from degradation 107, 108 ."

"Before incorporation into MVBs, the EGFR is deubiquitinated by Usp8."

"However, we can not fully exclude the other possibility that the UBPY S680A expression resulted in a reduction in the cellular Ub conjugating activity toward activated EGFR in some way.The fact that U[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Based on these studies, we propose a model whereby the concerted recruitment of CHMP4B and UBPY to HD-PTP and the engagement of UBPY by STAM2 displaces ESCRT-0 from HD-PTP, deubiquitinates EGFR, and releases ESCRT-0 from cargo in favor of ESCRT-III."

"Some studies showed that AMSH [31] and UBPY [32, 33] prevent EGFR down-regulation by deubiquitinating EGFR."

"While AMSH is required for sorting of EGFR into MVEs and degradation in lysosomes XREF_BIBR, deubiquitination of EGFR by USP8 protects it from lysosomal degradation XREF_BIBR."

"If USP8 deubiquitylates EGFR at the MVB, this facilitates EGFR 's progression toward degradation in the lysosome and, thus, aids receptor down-regulation."

"Immunopurified UBPY deubiquitinated EGFR in vitro."

"Gain-of-function mutations in USP8 increase the deubiquitination of EGFR, which inhibits its degradation, leading to the activation of EGFR signaling."

"Loss of UBPY function enhances EGFR ubiquitination, but studies differ in their conclusions about how this affects EGFR trafficking [19, 23-29]."

"USP8 (also known as UBPY) deubiquitylates EGFR on early endosomes, rescuing EGFR from degradation ."

"Although still a matter of debate, EGFR deubiquitination by the ESCRTassociated deubiquitinating (DUB) enzyme UBPY (ubiquitinspecific protease 8) appears to facilitate the transfer of activated EGFRs from early ubiquitin-binding ESCRT complexes (ESCRT-0, -I, -II) to ESCRT-III (Mizuno et al., 2005; Row et al., 2006; Alwan and van Leeuwen, 2007) ."

"In an elegant and comprehensive analysis of corticotroph adenoma, Reincke et al demonstrated that heterozygous somatic USP8 single nucleotide mutation or deletions at or adjacent to the 14-3-3 protein binding domain make USP8 resistant to 14-3-3 protein binding and more prone to proteolytic cleavage, which, in turn, leads to higher rate of USP8 induced EGFR deubiquitination activity upon binding of EGF to its receptor."

"Although USP8 promotes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) deubiquitination, its role in ESCRT-mediated endosomal sorting of RTKs remains controversial."

"Furthermore we demonstrated that both EGFR and EGFR-ErbB2 TM are deubiquitinated by the deubiquitination enzyme Usp8, although deubiquitination of ErbB2 was less efficient than that of EGFR [10]."