

"USP15 modulates various signal transduction pathways, including the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), NF-kappaB, and Wnt-beta-catenin pathways; however, a role for USP15 in the IFN mediated antiviral innate immune response has not yet been described."

"[180] In addition to preventing signaling proteins from degradation by removing K48 linked polyubiquitin chains, USP15 was shown to upregulate RLR signal transduction by indirectly attaching K63 linked polyubiquitin chains on RIG-I."

"] In addition to preventing signaling proteins from degradation by removing K48-linked polyubiquitin chains , USP15 was shown to upregulate RLR signal transduction by indirectly attaching K63-linked polyubiquitin chains on RIG-I ."

"These observations shed light on the function and mechanisms of USP15 mediated modulation of the TGF-beta signalling pathway during wound healing, thus providing a novel potential target for the treatment of refractory wounds."