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"The c-Raf-RBD normally binds to KRas when KRas is GTP-bound (KRas GTP )."

"In other words, the Raf1 and K-Ras complexes will not lose their positioning in the cell membrane while association occurs in the cell membrane, and unless they are separated."

"The structures of the KRAS and RBDCRD complex provide atomic details of the KRAS-CRD interaction interface, which is similar in size to the KRAS-RBD interface and also consists of nine hydrogen bonds (Supplementary Fig4a-c)."

"Our simulations showed that these quaternary complexes were highly stable with confined KRas4B membrane orientation, supported by the Raf-1 interactions with both KRas4B and membrane."

"Next, we determined whether everolimus treatment enhances the interaction of mt K-Ras and c-Raf for the Ras-Raf-ERK activation."

"Cells expressing higher KRAS levels quickly convert GDP-KRAS to GTP-KRAS by increased upstream EGFR signaling and maintain the GTP-KRAS-CRAF interaction downstream by AURKA signaling, ultimately leading to cell cycle progression and escape from G0 [ xref ]."

"Together, our observations support the conclusion that KRAS D154Q does not impair the interaction between KRAS and CRAF and that KRAS dimerization is not required for CRAF-KRAS interactions.Finally, w[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Although the K-Ras/Raf-RBD interaction was readily detectable upon co-expression in a single cell line, or following lysis of co-cultured cell lines separately expressing K-Ras and RBD, bearing in mind the limitations of our assay, we were unable to detect the interaction in the intact, co-cultured cell lines or upon treatment of the Raf-RBD-expressing cells with exosomes containing K-Ras."

"Raf-1 bound KRas4B has the lowest fluctuations in α 1-L2 and interswitch regions but the highest in Switch-II region."

"We optimized DoMY-Seq by taking advantage of the well-described and high-affinity interaction between KRAS and CRAF, and we provide high resolution domain mapping on this and other protein interacting pairs, including CRAF-MEK1, RIT1-RGL3, and p53-MDM2."

"Structural alignment of MRAS (PDB : 1X1S) onto KRAS in the KRAS and RBDCRD complex suggests that among the interswitch region mutations, V45E might have the highest impact on RAF1 activation, as the glutamate side chain will likely clash with CRD."

"By phosphorylating mutant Kras-bound cRaf, growth factors can potently engage the ras-Raf signaling cascade, which deactivates slowly due to decreased GTPase activity of mutant Kras [ xref , xref ]."

"Next, we determined whether everolimus treatment enhances the interaction of mt K-Ras and c-Raf for the Ras-Raf-ERK activation."

"Extending published mutagenesis, NMR and molecular dynamic (MD) simulation studies, we propose how the KRAS-RAF1(RBDCRD) complex (hereinafter referred to as KRAS-RBDCRD) might interact with the membrane."

"The GTP-bound forms of non-modified (used as positive control in this assay) and lipid-modified K-Ras4B proteins bound Raf-1 RBD with high affinity in comparison to their GDP-bound forms (A)."

"KRAS bound to RAF-RBD was detected by western blotting using an anti-RAS antibody (Millipore #05-516, 1 : 2000)."

"Although the combination of Raf1 and K-RasC 185S in BiFC may not occur under physiological conditions, investigating this interaction under the special conditions of BiFC may provide new insights into the understanding of the cellular interaction between Raf1 and K-Ras."

"Similarly, we superposed the KRas-Raf1 RBDCRD structure (PDB: 6XI7) to the KRas dimer we observed in xref and found there is no obvious clash in the helical assembly either ()."

"This result can directly demonstrate that compound TKR15 can significantly target K-Ras protein and inhibit K-Ras protein-Raf-1 protein interaction."

"We optimized DoMY-Seq by taking advantage of the well-described and high-affinity interaction between KRAS and CRAF, and we provide high-resolution domain mapping on this and other protein-interacting pairs, including CRAF-MEK1, RIT1-RGL3, and p53-MDM2."

"A notable difference between K-RAS and K-RAS was that K-RAS was capable of binding C-RAF (Figure 5B)."

"Zhang and others described that K-RAS4A interacts with Raf-1 with higher affinity than K-RAS4B, leading to increased RAF1-1MEK-ERK signalling cascade, and that K-RAS4A showed increased anchorage-independent growth in assays that compared K-RAS4A- and K-RAS4B-transformed NIH 3T3 cells ( xref )."

"The relative lack of selectivity versus the KRAS G12D ::CRAF is expected due to the 5-fold weaker affinity of KRAS G12D for CRAF, while KRAS G12C and KRAS wt maintain the same affinity for the RAS binding domain of CRAF ( xref )."

"Moreover, significant co-localized signal between K-Ras and Raf1 was found in the cell membrane ( xref ), suggesting that K-Ras affects the cellular localization of Raf1, and the cellular interaction between K-Ras and Raf1 is likely to facilitate the membrane-binding ability of Raf1."

"Under conditions of serum supplementation or EGF stimulation, but not serum starvation, we observed an increase in CFP signal after YFP bleaching for both KRAS WT - and KRAS D154Q -expressing cells, s[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

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"C-RAF binding by K-RAS was more similar to wild-type K-RAS, and K-RAS failed to interact with C-RAF-RBD at all (Figure 4F)."

"We optimized DoMY-Seq by taking advantage of the well-described and high-affinity interaction between KRAS and CRAF, and we provide high resolution domain mapping on this and other protein interacting pairs, including CRAF-MEK1, RIT1-RGL3, and p53-MDM2."

"Results above show that the BiFC system composed of Raf1 and K-Ras is sensitive for EGF stimulation, and the trend of BiFC fluorescence change is consistent with previous report on the K-Ras response to EGF stimulation [XREF_BIBR], indicating that the activation of K-Ras can promote its complex formation with Raf1, and the Raf1 and K-Ras interaction in BiFC system has not been interfered by the fluorescent protein fragments they connected, and this system is suitable for further studies of Raf1 and K-Ras interaction."

"Measurement of binding affinities by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) showed high-affinity interaction ( K D ~ 356 nM) between KRAS and RAF1(RBD), as shown previously xref ."

"Finally, our results suggest that the combination and translocation of Raf1 and K-Ras to the membrane occurs as follows : the combination between Raf1 and K-Ras on the membrane alters the conformation of Raf1 and K-Ras complexes, and enhances its membrane binding capacity."

"However, there are still some unresolved issues regarding their interactions such as where and how the activation of Raf1 and K-Ras occurs in cells, whether K-Ras and Raf1 simply traffic together or are part of a larger multicomponent signaling complexes, as well as whether the ultimate cellular localization of the K-Ras and Raf1 complexes is independent of the original Raf1 and K-Ras locations."

"In contrast to [ xref ], EWAK * accurately predicted that these mutations decrease binding of c-Raf-RBD to KRas GTP ."

"Concomitantly, Ras dimerization further increases the affinity of KRas4B interaction with Raf-1 RBD-CRD."

"Although most of these investigations studied the interaction of KRAS with CRAF, it is plausible that RAS nanoclusters also regulate the interaction with other effectors in the PM."

"We found decreased binding to the Raf1 RBD by KRAS G12D/K104Q and reduced cell growth, invasion and migration."

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No evidence text available

"The relatively modest effect of mutations at the KRAS-CRD interaction interface suggests that, overall, the interactions between KRAS and RBD play a more significant role in the formation of the KRAS and RBDCRD complex."

"It also resembles one of the two observed conformations of KRas:Raf1 RBD-CRD on nanodiscs using PRE-NMR by Fang et al. ( xref B, left) [ xref ], although the folding of Raf1 CRD differs significantly between the two."

"Thus, evaluation of KRAS(G12D):CRAF interactions with endogenous proteins may be warranted to more accurately query the kinetics of pathway inhibition."

"Oncogenic KRAS binds and activates CRAF more efficiently and mediates KRAS signaling to ERK kinase in lung cancer cells, thus fulfilling an important role as an anti-apoptotic protein independent of BRAF ( xref , xref )."

"After washing the agarose beads three times with Pierce IP Lysis Buffer, the activated KRAS (GTP-RAS) bound to RAF-1 RBD-agarose beads was released by the addition of SDS lysis buffer."

"To investigate the role of the farnesyl group in the interaction between KRAS and RAF1 CRD/RBDCRD, we carried out SPR binding analysis using active fully processed KRAS-FMe and non-processed KRAS (G-domain) on the chip surface and flowed CRD and RBDCRD over them."

"Effects of compound TKR15Blocking K-Ras protein-Raf-1 protein interaction."

"Recent data on the binary KRas4B–Raf-1 complex suggested that Raf-1 CRD not only executes membrane anchorage, but also supports the high-affinity interaction of Raf-1 RBD with KRas4B catalytic domain."

"To investigate the role of the farnesyl group in the interaction between KRAS and RAF1 CRD and RBDCRD, we carried out SPR binding analysis using active fully processed KRAS-FMe and non processed KRAS (G-domain) on the chip surface and flowed CRD and RBDCRD over them."

"Although the combination of Raf1/K-RasC185S in BiFC may not occur under physiological conditions, investigating this interaction under the special conditions of BiFC may provide new insights into the understanding of the cellular interaction between Raf1 and K-Ras."

"Although the K-Ras and Raf-RBD interaction was readily detectable upon co-expression in a single cell line, or following lysis of co-cultured cell lines separately expressing K-Ras and RBD, bearing in mind the limitations of our assay, we were unable to detect the interaction in the intact, co-cultured cell lines or upon treatment of the Raf-RBD-expressing cells with exosomes containing K-Ras."

"Furthermore, the KRAS and RBDCRD complex may undergo further reorganization driven by membrane association 31."

"The KRAS-RBD interface plays a dominant role in the formation of the KRAS-RAF1 complex, but the CRD is essential for RAS-dependent RAF activation xref ."

"RAF1 (CRD) interacts with KRAS primarily via the inter-switch region and C-terminal helix alpha5."

"Unexpectedly, in tumors induced by the K12D oncogene, the K-Ras mutant protein does not interact with Raf-1 nor activates the Erk canonical pathway."

"Structural superposition of KRAS-RAF1(RBD) (hereinafter referred to as KRAS-RBD) with KRAS-RBDCRD using KRAS residues shows no significant differences at the KRAS-RBD interaction interface in the two structures (Fig.  xref )."

"A recent structural and molecular dynamics simulation study of KRas4B-Raf1 RBDCRD (CRD, cysteine-rich domain) showed that monomeric KRas-Raf1 RBDCRD complex could use α4 and α5 to interact with membrane ( xref xref – xref )."

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"These studies revealed a dynamic picture of the assembly of the KRAS and CRAF complex via multivalent and dynamic interactions between KRAS, CRAF RBD-CRD, and the membrane."

"Recently, detailed interactions between K-Ras and Raf1 have been elucidated including the specifics of the conformational change which Raf1 undergoes upon binding to K-Ras [XREF_BIBR]."

"Notably, BHP interfered the interaction of KRAS with Raf-1 in concentration-dependent manner, thereby blocking the downstream effectors of KRAS signaling that is PI3K/AKT and ERK."

"The membrane localization of Raf1 is not entirely dependent on K-Ras, whereas the K-Ras and Raf1 complexes formation plays a key role in this process."

"Using both oncogenic and wild type NanoLuc-KRAS as donors, this assay can identify increased association of oncogenic KRAS molecules with RAF1."

"KRAS interaction with RBD plays a major role in the high-affinity KRAS-RAF1 complex formation."

"While in the first two minutes after TCR activation, recruitment of Raf-1 to either N-Ras or K-Ras in the cytoplasmic membrane was not different in RA patients and healthy controls, a sustained Raf-1 recruitment was characteristic for patients."

No evidence text available

"We optimized DoMY-Seq by taking advantage of the well described and high-affinity interaction between KRAS and CRAF, and we provide high-resolution domain mapping on this and other protein interacting pairs, including CRAF-MEK1, RIT1-RGL3, and p53-MDM2."

"Thus, the comparison of the effect of K-Ras and CAAX mutated K-Ras protein K-RasC185S on the cellular localization of Raf1 may provide useful information regarding the cellular interaction between K-Ras and Raf1."

"Since the GTP-bound, active form of KRAS can interact with RAF-1, KRAS activation was assessed by quantifying the amount of KRAS that interacts with RAF-1."

"In summary, the intercellular interaction of Raf1 and K-Ras was investigated using BiFC assay and a co-expression system with fluorescent protein fusions."

"The KRAS-RBD interface plays a dominant role in the formation of the KRAS and RAF1 complex, but the CRD is essential for RAS dependent RAF activation 10."

"We believe that, in the case of the complex of Raf-1 with K-Ras4B, this is the primary role of this Raf CRD domain."

No evidence text available

"Differential binding of Raf-1 domains to KRas4B can explain the reduced flexibility of the KRas4B interface residues."

"Using this BEVL-BiFC system, we provided direct evidence in individual cells that post-translational modification of K-Ras and its PM localization were not essential for the interaction between K-Ras and Raf-1, while the interaction of Grb2 and K-Ras depended on PM localization of K-Ras."

"RAF1(CRD) interacts with KRAS primarily via the inter-switch region and C-terminal helix α5."

"Of those, point mutants R67L, N71R, and V88I were predicted to improve the intermolecular interactions between c-Raf-RBD and KRas GTP ."

"This study sheds light on the interaction between K-Ras and Raf1 and provides a practical method to elucidate the mechanism underlying K-Ras and Raf1 binding to the cell membrane."

"This study sheds light on the interaction between K-Ras and Raf1 and provides a practical method to elucidate the mechanism underlying K-Ras and Raf1 binding to the cell membrane."

"The results also provide direct evidence in individual cells that post-translational modification of K-Ras and its localization at the plasma membrane (PM) were not essential for the interaction of K-Ras and Raf-1, whereas the interaction of Grb2 and K-Ras did depend on the PM localization of K-Ras."

"Thus, the comparison of the effect of K-Ras and CAAX mutated K-Ras protein K-RasC185S on the cellular localization of Raf1 may provide useful information regarding the cellular interaction between K-Ras and Raf1."

"It is a mitotic serine/threonine kinase that exerts its inhibitory effect by blocking the interactions between CRAF and KRAS, suppressing ERK signalling, and inhibiting cell growth [54]."

"Here, we report NMR studies of the KRAS:CRAF RBD-CRD complex."

"These studies revealed a dynamic picture of the assembly of the KRAS-CRAF complex via multivalent and dynamic interactions between KRAS, CRAF RBD-CRD, and the membrane."

"Oncogenic KRAS binds and activates CRAF more efficiently and mediates KRAS signaling to ERK kinase in lung cancer cells, thus fulfilling an important role as an anti-apoptotic protein independent of BRAF."

No evidence text available

"We optimized DoMY-Seq by taking advantage of the well described and high-affinity interaction between KRAS and CRAF, and we provide high resolution domain mapping on this and other protein interacting pairs, including CRAF-MEK1, RIT1-RGL3, and p53-MDM2."

"In contrast, an apparent cytosolic distribution pattern was observed in cells co-transfected with mcerulean-Raf1 and EGFP-K-RasC185S, suggesting that the membrane localization of K-Ras and Raf1 complexes is not entirely dependent on K-Ras, and that other factors, such as the irreversible conformation formed between K-Ras and Raf1 may play a role."

"The quaternary assembly of KRas4B with Raf-1 at the membrane."

"Following the transition to late endosomes, Raf1-bound K-Ras activates the protein complex that include adaptors p14 and MP1 ( xref ) that in turn recruits and binds MEK1, thereby facilitating ERK1/2 entry into the nucleus ( xref )."

"In the BiFC system, the K-Ras and Raf1 complexes were mainly located in the cell membrane, while the Raf1 control was uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm."

"Consistent with the strong interactions between KRas G12D and CRaf, the BiFC system yielded a clear signal when expressed in cells ( xref ; top panel)."

"Interestingly, the authors pointed out that this dimer model is present in the crystal (between two-unit cells) from which the KRas-GTP:Raf1 RBD-CRD structure was obtained [ xref ] ( xref D)."

"C-RAF binding by K-RAS A59T was more similar to wild-type K-RAS, and K-RAS A59Tp failed to interact with C-RAF-RBD at all ( xref )."

"It is a mitotic serine/threonine kinase that exerts its inhibitory effect by blocking the interactions between CRAF and KRAS, suppressing ERK signalling, and inhibiting cell growth [ xref ]."

"KRAS interaction with RBD plays a major role in the high-affinity KRAS and RAF1 complex formation."

"The results also provide direct evidence in individual cells that post-translational modification of K-Ras and its localization at the plasma membrane (PM) were not essential for the interaction of K-Ras and Raf-1, whereas the interaction of Grb2 and K-Ras did depend on the PM localization of K-Ras."

"KRAS interaction with RAF1 RAS-binding domain and cysteine-rich domain provides insights into RAS-mediated RAF activation."

No evidence text available

"In summary, the intercellular interaction of Raf1 and K-Ras was investigated using BiFC assay and a co-expression system with fluorescent protein fusions."

"To this end, we treated MiaPaCa2 cells with FGTI-2734 as described above, and processed the cells for RAF-1 immunoprecipitation, followed by immunoblotting of KRAS and KSR, a scaffolding protein that binds RAF-1 and mediates RAS activation of RAF-1. xref shows that in the absence or presence of FGTI-2734, RAF-1 was able to bind KRAS, suggesting that both membrane and cytosolic KRAS are able to bind RAF-1."

"Therefore, Ub likely occludes and thereby prevents C-RAF RBD binding to KRAS, consistent with experiments."

"To obtain a complete mechanistic picture of the Ras–Raf interaction, we model the farnesylated/methylated KRas4B-GTP dimer interacting with two Raf-1 conserved region 1 segments at both sides of the KRas4B dimer."

"Next, we used fries / EWAK * for prospective design and discovered a novel point mutation that improves binding of c-Raf-RBD to KRas in its active, GTP-bound state (KRas GTP )."

"Furthermore, the BRET interaction signal between KRAS G12D and either PI3K (α or γ) or RALGDS was inhibited by Ch-3 ( xref ), demonstrating that the BRET data are not restricted to KRAS-CRAF interaction."

"We also used SPR to confirm that RRSP processing of KRAS reduced the interaction between RAF-RBD (residues 55–131) and KRAS."

"In this study, we compared the localization of K-Ras and Raf1 complexes, and co-expressed K-Ras and Raf1 in living COS-7 cells."

"Mapping the KRAS interaction interface on the RBDCRD surface shows that both RBD and CRD contribute significantly to RAF1 interaction with KRAS (Fig.  xref , lower panel)."

"While interaction based on Venus signal between K-Ras4B G12D and C-Raf in membrane was observed at 81.60 ± 13.24 of the cells, interaction between K-Ras4B G12D/K101D/R102E and C-Raf was observed at 28.63 ± 8.97 and interaction between K-Ras4B G12D/R41E/K42D and C-Raf was observed at 5.63 ± 1.43 of the transfected cells. ( xref – xref )."

"Among other effectors, active ras binds and activates the raf kinase, iniziating a kinase cascade involving serine phosporylation of mek1/2 (mapkk) and tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation of erk1/2. the raf family of proteins (raf-1, a-raf, and b-raf) is serine/threonine kinases that bind to the effector region of ras-gtp, thus inducing translocation of the protein to the plasma membrane. Once there, raf proteins are activated and phosphorylated by different protein kinases.. Association of ras with the mapk kinase kinase, raf, initiates the raf mek erk map kinase cascade."

"This suggests that the Raf1 and K-Ras interaction in BiFC system has not been destructed by their respectively connected fluorescent protein, and such system is well suited for the study of Raf1 and K-Ras interaction."

"However, in contrast to the dominant active mutant of Ki-Ras, which interacts with Raf-1, recruits it to the plasma membrane from the cytosol, and activates it, MAGUIN-1 neither activates Raf-1 nor recruits it to the plasma membrane."

"Oncogenic mutants at G12, G13, and Q61 do not affect KRAS-RAF1(RBDCRD) interaction."

"This suggests that in addition to the high-affinity binding of RAF1 to KRAS provided by RBD, proper CRD association with KRAS is required for robust RAF1 activation."

No evidence text available

"Supporting the validity of these predictions, many indirect targets uncovered in our networks have already demonstrated success in pre-clinical models (e.g., HIF1A-EGLN1, KRAS-RAF1, and MYC-CDK7)."

"The structural superposition of the two crystal forms of the KRAS and RBDCRD complex shows conformational differences in the linker region, partly due to differentcrystal packing interactions."

No evidence text available

"We chose homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) as an initial biochemical screening assay since it has previously been shown to be a suitable format for the measurement of active KRAS/CRAF-RBD binding interactions xref ."

"For example, KRAS G12D binds to the RAF1-RBD approximately fivefold less strongly than wild-type RAS does xref ."

"Among other effectors, active ras binds and activates the raf kinase, iniziating a kinase cascade involving serine phosporylation of mek1/2 (mapkk) and tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation of erk1/2. the raf family of proteins (raf-1, a-raf, and b-raf) is serine/threonine kinases that bind to the effector region of ras-gtp, thus inducing translocation of the protein to the plasma membrane. Once there, raf proteins are activated and phosphorylated by different protein kinases.. Association of ras with the mapk kinase kinase, raf, initiates the raf mek erk map kinase cascade."

"To understand how the tandem domains, RBD and CRD, in the N-terminal regulatory part of RAF1 interact with KRAS, and their roles in RAS-mediated RAF activation, we attempted to crystallize and solve the structure of KRAS in complex with the RBDCRD region of RAF1 (Fig.  xref )."

"Our pharmacological and genetic approaches show that cytosolic KRAS is still able to bind one of its major effectors RAF-1 but is not able to activate it, possibly due to inhibition of binding to the scaffolding protein KSR (see xref ) which plays a major role in RAS activation of Raf ( xref )."

"Although the main role of Raf-1 CRD is membrane anchorage, their study showed it is also important for the KRasRaf-1 interaction."

"Using pharmacologic and genetic approaches, it has been shown that the cytosolic KRAS is still able to bind RAF-1 but cannot activate it, possibly due to inhibition of binding to the scaffold protein KSR, which plays an important role in RAS activation of RAF [29]."

"Following the transition to late endosomes, Raf1 bound K-Ras activates the protein complex that include adaptors p14 and MP1 that in turn recruits and binds MEK1, thereby facilitating ERK1/2 entry into the nucleus."

"Also, phloroglucinol effectively decreased the active form of KRAS that could interact with RAF-1 (Fig. xref )."

"Binding of prenylated KRAS to nanodisc, and subsequent binding of the CRAF-RBD to KRAS, was shown to be dependent on PS [ xref ] and interfering with the PS content of the plasma membrane was shown to mislocalize KRAS and impact signaling [ xref , xref ]."

"Analysis of the binding affinity shows that R59A, N64A, and Q66A mutants in RBDCRD resulted in a 3–12-fold reduction in the binding affinity with KRAS, whereas mutation of R89L resulted in almost complete loss of interaction between RBDCRD and KRAS."

"Among KRAS family proteins and mutants, both ITC and enzymatic assays demonstrate the selectivity of the inhibitors for KRAS(G12D); and the inhibitors disrupt the KRAS-CRAF interaction."

"In our simulation, the distinctive characteristics of the pKRAS-RAF1 complex can be attributed to the dynamics of the pKRAS switch regions."

"We also analyzed the potential impact of ubiquitination at K147 on the interaction of KRAS with C-RAF CRD ( xref and xref , xref ). xref and shows that CRD-interacting residues of KRAS do not make direct contact with ubiquitin, suggesting that they are available for interaction with RAF CRD in mUbKRAS 147 ."

"We determined that c-Raf-RBD(RKY) binds to KRas GTP roughly 36 times more tightly than wild-type c-Raf-RBD, making it the tightest known c-Raf-RBD variant binding partner of KRas GTP ."

"MRTX-EX185 demonstrated time- and dose-dependent inhibition of the KRAS(G12D):CRAF(RBD) interaction ( xref ), providing support for functional disruption of MAPK signaling."

"This finding is similar with previous reports on the interactions between Raf1 and K-Ras [ xref , xref ]."

"Recruitment of Grb2 and Raf1 to KRas positive LEs."

"Interestingly, 1 demonstrates a 10-fold selectivity of binding to GCP-KRAS wt () which translates to a 4-fold selectivity of inhibition biochemically (inhibition of KRAS wt versus KRAS G12C binding to CRAF) ()."

"The crystal structure of the KRAS and RBDCRD complex and structural information obtained by comparing it with the autoinhibited structure of BRAF in complex with 14-3-3/MEK provide insights into the process of RAS mediated RAF activation."

"The overall structure of CRD within the tandem RBDCRD present in the crystal structures of the KRAS and RBDCRD complex resembles the previously reported NMR structure of the CRD domain 20."

"Because K-RAS A59E binds C-RAF-RBD, but K-RAS A59Tp does not, we examined the dynamics of MAPK signaling in more detail."

"Taken together, these findings indicate that C-Raf and K-Ras can bind with high affinity to all Ras or Raf family members respectively, whereas H-Ras displays preferential binding to C-Raf, and B-Raf exhibits a striking selectivity for K-Ras."

"In contrast, KRAS G12C binds RAF1 with affinities close to wild‐type KRAS."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, sub-cellular localization of the K-Ras and Raf1 complexes which was mainly distributed in the cell membrane (XREF_FIG) varied from the K-Ras-C185S and Raf1, which was mainly localized in the cytoplasm (XREF_FIG), and these distinct subcellular localizations were further confirmed in different imaging depth (XREF_FIG), indicating that the C-terminal CAAX site is the determinant for sub-cellular localization of K-Ras and Raf1 complexes, which is consistent with previous reports [XREF_BIBR]."

"Moreover, significant co-localized signal between K-Ras and Raf1 was found in the cell membrane (XREF_FIG), suggesting that K-Ras affects the cellular localization of Raf1, and the cellular interaction between K-Ras and Raf1 is likely to facilitate the membrane binding ability of Raf1."

"The everolimus treated and untreated K- Ras mt PANC-1 cells were immunoprecipitated using c-Raf antibody and western blotting using K-Ras antibody revealed the increased interaction of mt K-Ras and c-Raf protein in the everolimus treated PANC-1 cells ( xref )."

"We focused on the role of CRD in the interaction of Raf-1 with K-Ras4B, the most oncogenic among the Ras isoforms, at the membrane."

"It is a mitotic serine/threonine kinase that exerts its inhibitory effect by blocking the interactions between CRAF and KRAS, suppressing ERK signalling, and inhibiting cell growth [54]."

"This allowed us to quickly obtain a qualitative probe of c-Raf-RBD variant binding to KRas."

"Moreover, aurora kinase A (AURKA) was shown to promote drug inhibition escape by interacting with KRAS G12C and c-Raf ( xref )."

"Consistent with this report, when cells were treated with the RAF inhibitor SB590885, the interaction between Halo-KRAS Q61R and Nano-CRAF WT was increased approximately 35% ( xref )."

"Co-precipitation of Kras with GST-Raf1-RBD was significantly decreased in cells expressing STAND-Y13-259 when compared to those expressing STAND-A36 or the mock vector control (Fig.  xref ), indicating that intracellular STAND-Y13-259 interferes with the interaction of activated Kras and Raf1 by binding to Kras."

"Recently, detailed interactions between K-Ras and Raf1 have been elucidated including the specifics of the conformational change which Raf1 undergoes upon binding to K-Ras [ xref ]."

"These mutants showed no significant changes in KRAS-RAF1 binding (Fig.  xref )."

"In cells coexpressing KRAS G12D and wild-type full-length cRaf, quenching of GFP fluorescence lifetime and hence KRAS G12D –cRaf interaction is significantly reduced upon compound treatment ( xref C)."

"Modeling KRAS and RBDCRD complex at the membrane."

"For example, KRAS binds to the RAF1-RBD approximately fivefold less strongly than wild-type RAS does ."

"To perform these computational designs, we first made a homology model of c-Raf-RBD bound to KRas GTP (see xref for details)."

"Using this BEVL-BiFC system, we provided direct evidence in individual cells that post-translational modification of K-Ras and its PM localization were not essential for the interaction between K-Ras and Raf-1, while the interaction of Grb2 and K-Ras depended on PM localization of K-Ras."

"These data confirm that the BiFC signal was due to specific interactions between KRas G12D and CRaf RBD."

"Model showing the KRAS-RAF1(RBDCRD) complex at the membrane."

"Further, BRET analysis revealed that NS1 disrupts CRAF interaction with K-RAS(G12V) but not N-RAS(G12V) ( xref )."

"AURKA binds newly produced KRAS-G12C, which in turn stabilizes the interaction between CRAF and KRAS and subsequently mediates ERK effectors."