

CDK2 activates USP37. 8 / 9
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"Deubiquitinase USP37 is activated by CDK2 to antagonize APC (CDH1) and promote S phase entry [XREF_BIBR]."

"Deubiquitinase USP37 is activated by CDK2 to antagonize APC (CDH1) and promote S phase entry."

"Since USP37 S 628 exists within a minimum CDK phosphorylation motif (S/T-P) (Dephoure et al., 2008), CDK2 interacts with USP37, and CDK2 is active in G1/S, we investigated whether CDK2 phosphorylates [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Overexpression of CDK2 activating cyclin A or E increased USP37 activity toward HA-Ubi-VS, whereas cyclins B and D were without effect, suggesting that USP37 is one of several CDK2 substrates that int[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We found this interesting because USP37 has been implicated in cell proliferation and transformation [ 6, 7 ] as well as in cell-cycle regulation, where during the G1/S transition, CDK2 phosphorylates[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The role of cysteine 350 in USP37 was first illustrated by Huang et al. in 2011, in which they found that CDK2 activates USP37 to antagonize APC (CDH1) and promote S phase entry and that USP37 deubiquitinates CDT1 [ xref ]."

"There is positive reinforcement of this signaling mechanism because phosphorylation of Ser 628 by CDK2 and cyclin E and CDK2 and cyclin A complexes produces maximal USP37 activity, and USP37 activates[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Deubiquitinase USP37 is activated by CDK2 to antagonize APC(CDH1) and promote S phase entry [ xref ]."