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"Release of the CYLD mediated inhibition of TBK1 during this phase results in enhanced IFN and ISG signaling pathway, independently of viral infection."

"For example, the DUB enzyme cylindromatosis (CYLD) was shown to directly bind RIG-I and mediate the removal of K63-ub and limit IFN induction [XREF_BIBR]."

"It was initially believed that CYLD inhibited IFN signaling by deubiquitinating the PRR, RIG-1, and downstream kinases TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK-1) and inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase Epsilon (IKKEpsilon) 44; but, surprisingly, IFN response to vesicular stomatitis virus in CYLD knockout mice or cells from these mice was abrogated.45 On the basis of these reports, TRAF3 and CYLD may serve similar functions after viral infection, namely, to inhibit NF-kappaB and activate IFN."

"For example, the DUB enzyme cylindromatosis (CYLD) was shown to directly bind RIG-I and mediate the removal of K63-ub and limit IFN induction [45]."

"Based on these reports, TRAF3 and CYLD may serve similar functions after viral infection, namely to inhibit NF-kappaB and activate IFN."