

"This indicates that DHA may interact with KCa1.1 [ xref , xref ] and/or K 2P channels [ xref ] directly in the smooth muscle layers and is not strictly dependent on endothelial function to cause vasorelaxation."

"This indicates that DHA may interact with KCa1.1 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] and/or K 2P channels [XREF_BIBR] directly in the smooth muscle layers and is not strictly dependent on endothelial function to cause vasorelaxation."

"When DHA is applied to Slo1 BK channels without heterologously expressed auxiliary subunits, a small current-enhancing effect of DHA is observed, strongly indicating that the presence of β1 or β4 potentiates the functional consequence of DHA binding to the Slo1 subunit ( xref )."

"The results are collectively consistent with the idea that the functional consequence of the interaction of DHA with the Slo1 protein is amplified by the presence of β1 ( xref )."