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"These data suggest that p53 independent apoptotic pathways may be mediated by other p53 family members.A better understanding of p53 regulated pathways could lead to improved strategies for treating p[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Changes in expression of gene p53, and also its mutations, cause variations of cellular protein p53 concentration."

"In other studies, using solid tumors, MI-219 was found to target the class II histone deacetylase SIRT 1 (which deacetylates p53 allowing HDM2 to target p53 to ubiquitination) and the Bax-Ku70 interaction [XREF_BIBR]."

"Acetylation of p53 at K164 and six C terminal lysines by p300 increases activity and stability of p53 [XREF_BIBR], while acetylation of K120 located in DNA binding domain by TIP60 promotes p53 mediated cell apoptosis [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Restoration of beta-catenin function in beta-catenin-deficient SMCs with beta-catenin S33Y, a constitutively active form XREF_BIBR, reduced p53 activity toward control levels (XREF_FIG); beta-catenin S33Y also abrogated p53 activity induced by p53 overexpression (XREF_FIG)."

"Further study revealed that MDM2 mediated monoubiquitylation of p53 promotes the recruitment of p53 to mitochondria in which p53 undergoes a rapid deubiquitylation catalyzed by mitochondrial HAUSP, generating nonubiquitylated proapoptotic p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"[XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR] Additional p53 phosphorylation enables p53 to activate the expression of proteins, which mediate apoptosis, in particular, pro apoptotic Bax, and Bak."

"The promoter region of DMPK gene contained potential p53 binding sequences and its promoter activity was increased by overexpression of the p53 family protein p73, but, unexpectedly, not of p53."

"Thus, overexpression of the p53 isoform likely increases some aspects of p53 function that reduces tissue regenerative responses which is consistent with an accelerated loss of stem cell functional ca[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The Pirh2 dependent ubiquitination and degradation of p53 suppress p53 tumor suppressor function, including transactivation and growth inhibition [XREF_BIBR]."

"Together, our results demonstrated that CDR1as, probably via its interaction with p53, up-regulates p53 expression at the protein rather than the mRNA level, thereby promoting activation of p53 signaling."

"Subsequent studies revealed that SIRT1 inhibition by DBC1 results in increased acetylation of p53 that, in turn, mediates p53 dependent apoptosis following DNA damage [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Expression of p53, increment40p53, and increment133p53 was upregulated in mutant (MT) p53 RCC compared to WT p53 RCC tissues."

"P53 phosphorylation releases MDM2 binding and promotes p53 stabilization."

"The inducible phosphorylation of p53, especially at the N-terminal serine and threonine residues, is assumed to change the conformation of this protein, thereby prevents the p53-MDM2 interaction and consequently disrupts MDM2 dependent degradation and promotes the accumulation of p53."

"The effect of PCAF acetylation on p53function remains unclear, though it has been hypothesized that by blocking PCAF mediated acetylation of p53 at K320, E4F1 ubiquitination at this position may promote a particular p53 mediated response."

"Set7/9 mediated monomethylation of p53 at lysine K372 promotes p53 activity, in particular the ability of p53 to transactivate p21."

"Considering our findings we propose that p53 expression in the presence of arsenite might accelerate the chromosomal instability and aneuploidy in p53 +/+ cells."

"Finally, in NICD and p53 -/- double mutant, other members of p53 family can not rescue the function of p53 anymore as constitutively activated Notch inhibits the activity of both p63 and p73."

"We, therefore, analyzed whether p53 absolute levels pre-damage influence the activation of p53 pulses post-damage."

"CK-1 delta seems to be tightly associated with centromeres and microtubules, and it was suggested that phosphorylation of p53 by these kinases may underlie the involvement of p53 in the control of mic[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"From our earlier studies it appears that ID4 dependent acetylation of p53 and subsequent activation of p53 dependent pathways such as apoptosis, senescence and proliferation could be one of the mechanisms [XREF_BIBR]."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR In addition, arsenite elicited up-regulation of Hdm2 and the ensuing ubiquitination of p53 promote nuclear export of p53, thereby disrupting its ability to transcriptionally activate its target genes, including p21 and NER genes."

"iASPP ( 295-828 ) preferentially inhibits p53 over NF-kappaBp65 Based on the fact that iASPP ( 295-828 ) acts as a double-edged sword in regulating apoptosis , by inhibiting either p53 or NF-kappaBp65 , we next investigated whether iASPP ( 295-828 ) preferentially regulates either of these two targets ."

"We compared the requirement for p53 protein activation of p53 target sequences in two major p53-regulated genes, p21/WAF1 (encoding a cell cycle inhibitory protein) and Mdm2 (encoding a ubiquitin ligase that targets p53 for proteolytic degradation)."

"Intriguingly, TIP60 acetylates lysine residue K120 of p53 in response to genotoxic stress and differentially modulates the transcriptional activation of p53 regulated pro apoptotic genes (Tang et al.,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Upon DNA-damage, p53 is activated by the ATM protein kinase, which phosphorylates p53 on Ser 15 residue (Banin et al., 1998; Kastan, 2007; Shiloh and Ziv, 2013)."

"Phosphorylation and acetylation of p53 often drives p53 transcriptional activation via inducing p53 stabilization, accumulation and activation in the nucleus 17."

"In contrast, SETD7 mediated p53 methylation at K372 has been shown to enhance p53 activity 22."

"It has been shown that the activation of SIRT1 by resveratrol reduced acetylation of p53 at lysine 382 and downregulated p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"In response to 15d-PGJ2, AZ 628 blocked ERK1/2 and p53 phosphorylation, thus preventing the rise in p53 and p21 proteins (Figure 5D)."

"Also in 2003, the laboratory of Tadatsugu Taniguchi reported that IFN‐I induced p53 expression and synergized with stress stimuli to activate p53 in response to DNA damage (Takaoka et al., 2003)."

"One way to reconcile this apparent discrepancy is to assume that LSD1 mediated de-methylation of p53 is important to attenuate the binding of putative negative regulators of p53."

"Upon infection of RVFV, p53 is activated as supported by the amplified phosphorylation of p53 on multiple sites and the localization of p53 within the nucleus."

"To test this possibility, we employed pifithrin-α (PFT-α), an inhibitor that suppresses the p53-dependent activation of p53 target genes xref ."

"P53 can inhibit G6PD expression by direct interaction with G6PD or can promote G6PD expression by the transcriptional activation of its target, TIGAR, suggesting important roles of p53 family members in the PPP [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Our data suggest that mild activation of p53 pathway caused by a partial stabilization (through low levels of nutlin-3) or phosphorylation of p53 (through inhibition of WIP1) is sufficient to slow down proliferation and eventually promotes cellular senescence."

"YY1 also blocks p300 mediated p53 acetylation and inhibits p53 activated transcription."

"Similarly, induction of the ARF tumor suppressor by oncogenes and other cellular signals leads to increases in p53 protein levels by ARF protein binding to HDM2 and inhibiting HDM2 mediated degradatio[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Sirt1 also promotes survival by deacetylating and suppressing the nuclear translocation of p53, which, in turn, prevents p53 from upregulating its pro apoptotic target genes."

"The p53 family proteins activate the CLCA2 promoter by binding directly to the conserved consensus p53 binding site present in the CLCA2 promoter."

"Raf phosphorylates p53 in vitro and potentiates p53 -dependent transcriptional transactivation in vivo."

"SET7 mediated mono-methylation of p53 at K372 (p53K372me1) increases p53 stability, likely through recruitment of the histone acetyltransferase Tip60 for p53 acetylation."

"In addition, there was overexpression of p53 or interference with p53 associated with a synergistic change in the expression of miR-628-3p (Figures 6A, B)."

"Recent studies have shown that, following DNA damage, the HIPK2 serine/threonine kinase binds and phosphorylates p53, inducing p53 transcriptional activity and apoptotic function."

"On the other hand, severe DNA damage activates HIPK2 that, by phosphorylating MDM2 for proteasomal degradation [XREF_BIBR], may overcome the MDM2 induced p53 inactivation restoring p53 apoptotic activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"This conclusion is based on (1) reintroduction of PTEN phosphatase dead mutants as well as the PTEN-C2 region, which lack the phosphatase domain, into Pten Deltaloxp and Deltaloxp cells partially resc[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of a C-terminal human p53 peptide does not induce p53 nuclear accumulation, indicating that the cytoplasmic localization is due to a mechanism different from that already described in cancer cell lines."

"Acetylation of p53 has been reported to increase the trans-activation capacity of p53 while at the same time reducing its trans-repression functions."

"However, at high levels or extended exposure of ROS, p53 expression is enhanced, activating pro oxidant genes and resulting in p53 dependent apoptosis."

"WithaD robustly enhanced p53 expression and also induced p53 dependent Bax and independent Bak upregulation."

"These results show that co-expression of E2F-2 and p53 enhances the anti-cancer effect of p53 in gliomas."

"Monoubiquitination of p53 by MDM2 causes nuclear export of p53, which can prevent its transactivational activity."

"The whole p53 response element sequence activation by p53 was higher than for the 1.5-fold half site ( xref )."

"Likewise, the phosphorylation of p53 by mitogen activated protein kinase 14 (Mapk14), also known as p38, activates p53 (Harris and Levine, 2005)."

"The roles of CDK7, cyclin H, and p36 mediated by p53 phosphorylation on the intracellular accumulation of wild-type and mutant-type p53 in breast carcinoma cells need further investigation in future studies."

"Cyclopentenone prostaglandins such as PGA1 and PGA2 have been found to inactivate p53-dependent transcription and induce p53-independent apoptotic cell death (Lee et al., 2020)."

"In addition to MDM2 family members, other ubiquitin E3 ligases, including ubiquitin like protein containing PHD and RING domains 1 (UHRF1), can also target p53 and p73 ubiquitination, and suppress p53 dependent transactivation and cell apoptosis in response to DNA damage signals."

"STZ treatment inhibits phosphorylation of p53 on Thr 155, which is induced by COP9 signalosome (CSN) and is required for p53 degradation, and results in increased GlcNAcylation on Ser 149, thus, blocking p53 from being phosphorylated and degraded by ubiquitin-proteasomal mechanism."

"As a result, MSL2 functions as a critical ubiquitin ligase, mediating p53 ubiquitination and promoting p53 cytoplasmic localization."

"Furthermore, NPTX2 enhanced the protein expression of p53, p21 and PTEN to activate the p53 signaling pathway."

"PQ exposure increases expression of the p300 and CREB binding protein (p300 and CBP) and phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 15, which stimulates p53 dependent transactivation through increased binding with p300."

"16 It has been proposed that methylation at K370 reduces the DNA binding efficiency of p53 and subsequently prevents the transcriptional activation of p53 target genes."

"Furthermore, CP-31398 also causes marked post-transcriptional upregulation of p53 protein levels and promotes the activity of wild-type p53, leading to cell cycle arrest and promoting apoptosis by blocking its ubiquitination and degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, genistein could inhibit the activity of Cdc25C and its downstream Cdc2 [11], and Cdc2 kinase can phosphorylate mouse p53 on Ser312 and Ser389 [33], which in turn may affect the function o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"PCAF is a histone acetyl transferase that acetylates p53 and positively regulates p53."

"TIP60 acetylates p53 on lysine 120 and targets p53 to promoters of pro apoptotic genes."

"XREF_BIBR Thus, since the E3 ligase activity of MDM2 is not affected by Nutlin, the remaining low levels of complex formation between MDM2 and p53, although insufficient for mediating p53 polyubiquitination and destabilization, is sufficient for mediating p53 monoubiquitination which is known to promote p53 trafficking to mitochondria."

"The expression levels of both p19 Arf and p53 were increased in wild-type papillomas but not in p19 Arf-/- papillomas, indicating that p19 Arf regulates p53 in response to activated Ras in vivo."

"Acetylation of p53 by p300 positively regulates p53 activity, while deacetylation by SIRT1 negatively regulates p53 activity, suppresses apoptosis, and prolongs cellular survival in response to DNA damage [XREF_BIBR]."

"These results suggest that LRRK2 kinase mediated p53 phosphorylation causes accumulation of nuclear p53."

"PEPD binds to the proline rich domain in p53, which inhibits phosphorylation of nuclear p53 and MDM2 mediated mitochondrial translocation of nuclear and cytoplasmic p53."

"Besides p21, other p53 target genes involved in cell cycle arrest or metabolism are also highly induced in cells expressing mutp53 upon glutamine deprivation."

"Furthermore, deacetylation of p53 by SIRT1 inhibits the suppressive action of p53 on the transcription of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 in tissues from rats that had been placed on a calorie restricted diet."

"Likewise, phosphorylation of MDM2 at Ser 395 by ATM attenuates the capability of MDM2 in exporting nuclear p53 to cytoplasm for subsequent p53 degradation, thereby enabling p53 accumulation."

"Phosphorylation of p53 usually drives p53 transcriptional activation since these modifications stabilize p53."

"There was no overexpression of p53 in SFT."

"There was no overexpression of p53, and the proliferation rate, determined with the antibody against Ki67, showed a physiological staining pattern in the basal cell layers of the squamous epithelium."

"It has been reported that 5-FU activates p53 expression and induces p53 target genes during damaged DNA repair."

"Elimination of endogenous PA28gamma in human cancer cells has been shown to abolish MDM2 mediated p53 degradation, increase the activity of p53, and enhance apoptosis."

"There was overexpression of p53 in 16 patients (43%) and of Ki-67 in 21 patients (57%)."

"Both Mdm2 and Pirh2 have been shown to ubiquitylate p53 through their RING domains, thereby targeting p53 for proteasomal degradation."

"Expression of SPARC in melanoma cells was shown to reduce p53 expression and inhibit p53 induction in response to the cytotoxic drug actinomycin-D."

"After DNA damage, p53 is phosphorylated by ATM, an event that displaces MDM2 and allows p53 to accumulate in the nucleus where it can perform its function as transcription factor."

"It is well established that acetylation of p53 at Lys 382 enhances DNA binding of p53."

"The authors studied the expression of two p53 upregulated genes (Cdkn1a, which encodes p21, and Mdm2) and one downregulated gene (Pcna) in p53 positive tumours after irradiation and showed responses indicative of normal p53 function."

"Although Bortezomib increased the levels of p53 and increased the expression of pro apoptotic target genes in ERalpha+ breast cancer cells harboring wild-type p53, Bortezomib also exerts anti-tumoral effects on ERalpha+ breast cancer cells through suppression of ERalpha expression and inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ERK signaling independently of functional p53."

"The phosphorylated p38, in turn, phosphorylates p53 on Ser15, Ser33, Ser46 and Ser392 and increases p53 activities, including gene transcription and apoptosis [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Ectopic expression of miR-504 decreases the p53 protein level, which inhibits p53 dependent apoptosis and arrest of the cell cycle in the G1 phase [XREF_BIBR]."

"These results suggest that p53 SMWC-induced activation of endogenous p53 in cells already enriched for p53 expression is shared by both primed immune cells and tumor cells, presumably leading to their toxic response to p53 SMWC, which is likely manifested as induced senescence."

"It is known that phosphorylation of p53, among other factors, produces a p53 dependent up-regulation of Bax [36]."

"The p53 family, including p63 and p73, XREF_BIBR have redundant functions and are able to activate p53 target genes, regulate the cell cycle, and mediate apoptosis."

"HPV encoded E6 recruits p53 to a protein complex in which the cellular protein, E6 associated protein (E6-AP), polyubiquitinates p53 through K48 linkages and thereby targets p53 for proteasome dependent degradation."

"These data suggest that p68, p53 and 133p53alpha may form part of a complex feedback mechanism to regulate the expression of Delta133p53, with consequent modification of p53 mediated transcription, and may modulate the function of p53 in breast and other cancers that harbour wild-type p53."

"Variety of approaches have been developed, through which native like function of p53 can be restored, such as restoration of the native like structure of p53, activating the p53 family members, etc.."

"Overexpression of PIAS3 in the A549 wt p53 expressing cell line was found to significantly increase the half-life of p53 in the presence of cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by ATM or ATR leads to increased DNA binding and transcriptional activation of p53 target genes important for cell cycle arrest, while additional post-translational modifications of p53, including lysine acetylation, further activate genes important for apoptosis and autophagy [XREF_BIBR]."

"All these data indicate that MCF-7 cells express wild-type p53 protein and the DNA binding activity of the same is induced by curcumin.Since p53 expression was found to precede Bax expression, we hypo[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We found that eEF1A1 reduced p53 steady state levels and promoted p53 degradation in HeLa cells, but did not affect the half-life of p53 in the majority of cells tested, including other cervical cancer cell lines that, like Hela, contain human papilloma virus."

"We assume that the deactivation rate of the single gene copy is constant, and that the deactivation events are independent, so that : As far as the activation rates are concerned, we recall that the p53 protein is a transcription factor for both Mdm2 and PTEN XREF_BIBR, and that p53 phosphorylation enhances p53 activity in transcription XREF_BIBR."

"Phosphorylation of p53 not only impairs p53 induced ESC differentiation but also p53 mediated suppression of iPSC reprogramming."

"In turn, it can phosphorylate p53, thus increasing the DNA binding activity of p53, as well as its stability."

"This mechanism implies that p53 ubiquitination and Mdm2 mediated proteasomal degradation keep p53 at a low level, promoting cell survival."

"First, the coexpression of wild-type p53 (wt p53) promoted mt p53 destabilization as feedback regulation."

"MEG3 functions to suppress tumor cell growth, increase protein expression of the tumor suppressor p53, and selectively activate p53 target genes."

"A major mechanism for functional inactivation of p53 is through overexpression of two chief p53 suppressors, MDM2 and MDMX, which work together to inactivate p53 by directly interacting with p53, inhibiting its transcriptional activity and mediating its ubiquitin dependent degradation."

"We find that RTK/Ras/MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) activity induces p53 N-terminal phosphorylation, enabling the interaction of p53 with the TGF-beta-activated Smads."

"There was no difference in levels of p53 induced by nutlin-3 in the presence or absence of 3-MB-PP1, indicating that Cdk7 inhibition works downstream of p53 to switch cell fate from division arrest to death in response to nutlin-3."

"The investigators hypothesize that, by inhibiting MDM2 expression, the MDM2 oncoprotein level will be reduced and the MDM2 negative feedback inhibition of p53 will be diminished, resulting in a significant increase of functional p53 levels that will modulate p53 mediated therapeutic effects."

"Phosphorylation of p53 in response to stress disrupts its binding with HDM2, blocks ubiquitination and proteolysis, and results in a rapid increase in p53 protein levels, allowing p53 to enter the nucleus, bind to DNA, and induce expression of genes controlling cell cycle, apoptosis, DNA repair, and cellular senescence [XREF_BIBR]."

"Methylation and demethylation of p53 has been previously shown to modulate p53 stability and function XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Yet, phosphorylation of p53 by kinases of the ATM and ATR pathway induces the dissociation of p53 from MDM2, and the subsequent reduction in p53 ubiquitinylation leads to a deceleration of proteasome mediated degradation and hence a stabilization of p53."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR Altogether, p53 isoforms can modulate the response to cellular stress either indirectly by regulating transcriptional activity of p53 family proteins or directly by binding to gene promoters implicated in apoptosis (Bax) or cell-cycle arrest (p21 and miR34a)."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by CK2 on its penultimate amino acid has been shown to activate sequence specific DNA binding of p53 at least in vitro [39]."

"Casein kinase 1 (CK1) also plays a role in PML mediated p53 protection by phosphorylating p53 at Thr18 in response to DNA damage and causing its localization to the PML nuclear bodies, thus protecting it from MDM2 mediated degradation XREF_BIBR."

"Therefore, we summarized the results revealing that low-dose and long-term treatment with SAHA in GBM spheroids induces p53 phosphorylation at Ser33 causing an increase in cell cycle checkpoint activation, but SAHA in high-dose and short-term treatment induces p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 leading to p53 dependent apoptosis in U87MG spheroids, and even induces p53 independent apoptosis in U373MG spheroids."

"The p53 family members p63 and p73, similarly modulate p53 activity through binding to p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"It has been reported that disruption of p53-MDM2 binding can prevent the sequestration and subsequent ubiquitination of p53 by MDM2 and result in accumulation and reactivation of p53."

"Dmp1-p53 binding antagonizes the ubiquitination of p53 byMDM-2 and promotes the nuclear translocation of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Despite the complex regulation of p53 in CML cells, our studies show that enhanced p53 acetylation following SIRT1 inhibition is sufficient to increase p53 transcriptional activity in CML progenitor cells, that p53 deacetylation is an important protective mechanism for CML LSC following TKI treatment."

"Furthermore, acetylation of p53 K120 by the MOF and MSL1v1 complex greatly enhanced the transcription activity of p53 (XREF_FIG)."

"RITA induced HIPK2 stabilization and consequent phosphorylation of p53 on Ser46 (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) and caused p53 dependent cytotoxicity (XREF_FIG, and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) through both transcription dependent and -independent pathways (XREF_FIG)."

"Firstly , it may downregulate p53 by inhibiting the p14-MDM2 interaction , which allows MDM2 , the negative regulator of p53 , to degrade p53 ."

"Activation of p53 upon acute deletion of Pten involved increased p53 phosphorylation at S15, which increases p53 stability and its half-life (XREF_FIG)."

"Conceivably, phosphorylation of p53 and/or mdm2 prevents the degradation of p53 by mdm2."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 15 and Ser 20 promotes accumulation and activation of p53 and DNA repair, while p53 phosphorylation at Ser 46 closely regulates apoptosis following DNA damage [XREF_BIBR]."

"Subsequent phosphorylation of p53 by ATM and ATM induced CHK2 results in p53 stabilization, ultimately intensifying transcription of p53 responsive genes involved in DNA repair, cell-cycle checkpoint control and apoptosis."

"This primarily results in phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 12/20, which then partially activates p53 and induces pro arrest genes for damage repair."

"Co-expression of p53 and activated v-Raf-1 in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts potentiates p53 activation of a reporter gene construct (Jamal & Ziff, 1995)."

"In addition, acetylation of p53 by TIP60 directs the p53 response toward induction of apoptosis."

"We have shown that massive apoptosis occurs when wild-type p53 expression is induced in glioma cells carrying a p53 gene mutation."

"Phosphorylation of p53 serine 106 was shown to inhibit the interaction of p53 with MDM2 and prolong the half-life of p53 protein."

"It is well established that p53 is induced by DNA-damage via consequent activation of ATM and ATR and Chk1 and Chk2 kinases which phosphorylate p53 on N-terminus, causing p53 stabilization and activation."

"Another p53 binding protein is Pin1, which upon DNA damage induced phosphorylation of p53, binds to p53 and mediates a conformational change of p53 resulting in enhanced p53 transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR."

"This review focuses on the posttranscriptional regulation of p53, and p53 family members, by RNA binding proteins and the reciprocal feedback pathways between several RNA biding proteins modulating p53, and p53 family members."

"In particular, ATM regulates phosphorylation of p53 protein, thereby allowing p53 to accumulate."

"HIPK2 phosphorylates MDM2 for proteasomal degradation, and may overcome the MDM2 induced p53 inactivation restoring p53 apoptotic activity."

"In neither of the groups were morphological changes seen in other organs, nor was there any overexpression of the tumor suppressor gene p53 found."

"It has been reported that ADR activates p53 expression and induces p53 target genes during damaged DNA repair."

"For instance, acetylation of p53 has been shown to stimulate DNA binding of p53, while phosphorylation promotes coactivator binding [28,29]."

"P53 dependent cell cycle arrest is enhanced by methylation of p53 by PRMT5 [XREF_BIBR], while reduced expression of p53 during the DNA damage response is triggered by PRMT5-deficiency [XREF_BIBR]."

"subunit, including decreased expression of NF-kappaB target genes involved in cell survival (BCL-XL) and cell cycle progression (CCND1), while increasing expression of TP53 family genes known to promote growth arrest and apoptosis (p53 and TAp63, XREF_FIG, upper two panels)."

"While investigating the effect of NF-kappaB signaling on p53 stability, Xia et al. discovered that IkappaB kinase 2 (IKK2 and IKKbeta) phosphorylates p53 on Ser362 and Ser366 to stimulate SCF beta-TRCP -mediated p53 degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"The former response may induce pathways preventing other stimuli from activating p53, as heat induced activation of p53 is dominant over activation of p53 by DNA damage in combined-treatment experiments."

"In contrast, phosphorylation of p53 at its carboxyl terminus often promotes p53 degradation XREF_BIBR."

"We have previously shown that homeodomain interacting protein kinase-2 (HIPK2) phosphorylates p53 at N-terminal Ser46 enhancing p53 apoptotic [XREF_BIBR]."

"Whereas, there is overexpression of p53 in T47D breast cancer cells, as ER positive cancer cells, containing wild-type p53 and normal expression of PTEN."

"Nutlin is not genotoxic and does not cause p53 phosphorylation [XREF_BIBR] but effectively activates the two major p53 functions : cell cycle arrest and apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"Moreover, it has become evident that Mdm2- dependent mono-ubiquitination of p53 promotes the localization of p53 to the mitochondria, where stress induced HAUSP-p53 complexes result in nonubiquitinated, apoptotically active p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, p53 protein overexpression in cancer tissues has been found to induce serum p53 antibodies (p53-Abs)."

"In normal conditions, p53 levels are low due to continuous Mdm2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation, and the activation of Mdm2 by p53 is required to reverse the inhibitory effects of p53 on cell cycle progression [XREF_BIBR]."

"The phosphorylated p38 can in turn phosphorylate p53 on Ser 33 and Ser 46 and increase p53 activity (Bulavin et al., 1999)."

"mTORC1 inhibition reduced p53 levels in these cells, supporting the idea that mTORC1 promotes p53 synthesis."

"In vivo expression of p53 in the sensorimotor cortex rescued and enhanced the sprouting potential of the CST in p53 (-/-) mice, while, similarly, p53 expression in p53 (-/-) cultured cortical neurons rescued a defect in neurite outgrowth, suggesting a direct role for p53 in regulating the intrinsic sprouting ability of CNS neurons."

"Consistently, KLF4 depletion from breast cancer cells restores p53 levels and causes p53 dependent apoptosis."

"In addition, endogenous p53 level was time-dependently increased in PBK knockdown cells upon paclitaxel treatment, implying correlation between PBK and p53 on paclitaxel exposure."

"The BAG2-mutp53 interaction in the nucleus inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of mutp53 mediated by MDM2, and thereby promotes mutp53 accumulation and mutp53 GOF in tumorigenesis."

"However, one wt p53 expressing EFT cell line was completely refractory to irradiation stimulated cell death despite high apoptotic responsiveness to ectopic p53."

"We have previously found that doxorubicin increased the p53 levels in cells containing p53 binding HBx protein and restored the p53 mediated transcriptional activity that was suppressed by HBx."

"This implies that such a heterozygous state of p53 is often transient during cancer progression and there is a selective force driving the inactivation of the remaining wild-type p53 allele in cancers, and also suggests that the dominant negative effect of mutp53 is not sufficient to completely inactivate the remaining wild-type p53 allele in majority of cancers."

"In our study, after ECCA treatment, p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 increased significantly in melanoma cells with wild-type p53, suggesting that ECCA induces the activation of p53 mainly by increasing its phosphorylation at Ser15."

"Nutlin-3 treatment reactivated p53 function in E/R expressing leukemic cell lines, leading to cell cycle arrest, enhanced apoptosis, and increased expression of p53 direct targets p21, MDM2, and the pro apoptotic BAX and PUMA."

"P21 CIP/Waf1 is a direct target gene of P53 which is activated by stabilized P53 in response to repairable DNA-damage to reversibly arrest the cell cycle, thus allowing safe completion of the DNA repair process [ xref ]."

"DUSP26 inhibits doxorubicin induced p53 phosphorylation at Ser 20 and Ser 37, and consequently inhibits p53 mediated downstream activity XREF_BIBR."

"During normal cell development, the p53 protein, produced by the expression of the p53 gene, is not required."

"Expression of wild type p53 or a DNA binding mutant R273H in p53-null cells enabled p53 retrieval of DINO, but a C-terminal deletion truncating a RNA binding region of p53 decreased DINO interaction (XREF_FIG)."

"Plasmid encoded expression of OPN C-terminal cleavage fragment increases p53 protein level and induces apoptosis of wild-type mouse embryonic fibroblast cells, but not p53 (-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblast cells."

"The expression of USP7/HAUSP prevents p53 ubiquitination from Mdm2 as a p53-specific E3 ligase and increases the p53 protein stability [25]."

"In addition, the study also demonstrated that overexpression of LINC00346 indirectly inhibited the expression of p53 and p21 proteins by promoting CDK1 and CCNB1 expressions, thereby blocking the p53 signaling pathway."

"Multi-site phosphorylation of p53 blocks binding of the negative regulator MDM2, protects p53 from proteasome mediated degradation and initiates p53 dependent regulation of multiple effector genes."

"Recent studies have revealed that stop-gained mutations in exon 6 of TP53 produce a truncated p53 isoform that seems to partially escape nonsense-mediated decay."

"As shown, etoposide induced p53 phosphorylation at Ser 15 and increased p53 protein (XREF_FIG B-C), but not gene expression (XREF_FIG D) in control cells (XREF_FIG B, C)."

"Both p38 and JNK can phosphorylate and stabilize p53, enhancing p53 dependent apoptosis or growth arrest (XREF_FIG) [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Acetylation of p53 leads to stabilization and activation of p53, which triggers apoptotic cell death and cell cycle arrest."

"Moreover, soluble Abeta oligomers increase p53 amount and activity promoting downstream p53 effects."

"Expression of constitutively active Akt promotes nuclear entry of Mdm2, diminishes cellular levels of p53, and decreases p53 transcriptional activity."

"APG115 stabilizes p53 and induces an increase in the expression of p53 downstream targets in p53 wild-type DePTC cells."

"The phosphorylation of p53 at S392 can activate p53 and lead to its stabilization and nuclear localization to bind to its target genes (Dai and Gu, 2010)."

"Elimination of endogenous PA28gamma in human cancer cells abrogates MDM2 mediated p53 degradation, increases the activity of p53, and enhances apoptosis."

"Despite little evidence that p53 contributes to normal mammalian development, enforced p53 expression triggers differentiation in certain p53 deficient tumor cells and, conversely, p53 loss has been described as a factor that promotes de-differentiation during glioblastoma development in mice."

"A recent advance, in addition to these approaches, was the discovery that suppression of GCS could restore wild-type p53 expression and induce p53 dependent apoptosis in p53-mutant cancer cells."

"Acetylation of p53 C-terminal lysine residues can neutralize its positive charge and lead to p53 activation by blocking the interactions of p53 with SET without affecting p53 stability (Figure 5.B), reminiscent of the “anti-repression” model proposed previously (80)."

"Overexpression of Pirh2 decreases p53 levels in the cell and represses p53 dependent transactivation and growth inhibition."

"We showed that JMJD6 antagonizes p53 acetylation, promotes the association of p53 with its negative regulator MDMX, and represses transcriptional activity of p53."

"IR-induced p53 wild-type sarcomas exhibited higher number of genes affected by CNVs compared to MCA-induced p53 wild-type sarcomas."

"As described earlier, the addition of exogenous human p53 activates human p53-REs in yeast."

"In particular, p53-Ser46 phosphorylation by kinase HIPK2 is able to neutralize MDM2 mediated p53 inhibition rescuing p53 transcriptional activity of pro apoptotic factors such as p53AIP1, PIG3, Bax, Noxa, Puma and Killer and DR5 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at S15, S20, and S46 drives the p53 response towards apoptosis, and phosphorylation of S46 and T55 promotes p53 dependent transcription of cell-cycle arrest genes XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Furthermore, our result also demonstrated that knockdown of NR5A2 decreased the expression of p53-related genes (e.g., GADD45A, DDB2, SERPINE1, SHISA5, STEAP3, BAX, RRM2B, CD82) associated with p53 pathway (14), which could be attenuated by TP53 silencing in FaDu cells ( Supplementary Figure 3C )."

"Overall, these results demonstrated that apigenin not only increased p53 protein level but also functionally activated p53 and its downstream transcriptional targets."

"MDM2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation of the tumor suppressor p53 is then blocked, resulting in p53 accumulation and the induction of p53 dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis."

"Furthermore, IKKalpha, but not IKKbeta, suppressed p53- and p21 dependent promoter activities induced by enhanced expression of p53."

"Mechanistically, AR-42 treatment increased the acetylation of the p53 protein and prolonged the half-life of the p53 protein; furthermore, AR-42 treatment upregulated p21 and PUMA expression."

"With regard to the impact of p53 and c-Jun on the C3 mediated anti-apoptotic effect, a prior study in primary hepatocytes demonstrated that c-Jun not only represses the p53 expression via the PF-1 site but also antagonizes p53 activity after apoptosis induction by TNFalpha."

"For example, MDA-MB-231 cells contain a TP53 hotspot mutation (R280K)( xref ) obfuscating if putative TP53 binding peptides are activating WT TP53 functions, or inhibiting oncogenic mutant TP53 functions( xref )."

"These include the homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) that, by phosphorylating p53 at Ser46 modulates p53 response to DNA damage by inducing pro apoptotic transcription."

"In contrast, depletion of endogenous USP22 by RNA interference destabilizes Sirt1, inhibits Sirt1 mediated deacetylation of p53 and elevates p53 dependent apoptosis."

"Persistent activation of AMPK increases p53 expression and phosphorylation, upregulates p21 CIP1 and WAF1 and p27 expression, and promotes a p53 dependent senescence."

"Interestingly, p85alpha is also required for the autoacetylation of p53 associated p300 (XREF_FIG), which events may be helpful to upregulate HATs activity of p300 and then increase p53 transcriptional activity by promoting histone acetylation in the vicinity of p53-RE, and therefore altering the chromatin structure for the access of p53."

"Interestingly, the potentials of ATRA to upregulate p53 levels and thereby activate the p53 dependent apoptotic pathway were severely impaired in the presence of HCV Core."

"Rephosphorylation of p53 by certain kinases can restore p53 recognition of Holliday junctions and 3-cytosine bulges."

"Importantly, there are interactions between Aurora-A and p53, where Aurora-A directly phosphorylates p53 to augment p53 protein turnover and transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"Both CREBBP and EP300 can acetylate p53 and activate p53 transcriptional activity."

"Activated CK2 phosphorylates p53 (at serine 392) to drive p53 for interaction with FACT."

"ATM phosphorylate p53 at serine 15, which eventually leads to the activation of p53 80."

"In response to DNA damage, DNA PK phosphorylates p53 and triggers p53 dependent apoptosis."

"In addition, upregulation of p53 and p21 expression caused by MIR675 depletion can be reversed by only MIR675-5p but not MIR675-3p rescue expression (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), suggesting MIR675-3p does not target p53."

"In this study, we systematically examined this hypothesis, demonstrating that phosphorylation of p53 at different positions modulates distinct DNA repair related functions of p53."

"P53 acetylation by p300 impairs the interaction of p53 with H1.2 and triggers a rapid activation of p53 dependent transcription."

"Our results showed that TRIM72 enhances the overall ubiquitination activity of RLE cells that is linked to bleo induced p53 upregulation as well as Ser 15 phosphorylation of p53, suggesting that these post-translational modifications are the target mechanisms of TRIM72 modulation of p53, collectively leading to suppressed transcription of p53 target genes."

"Various non-genotoxic molecules have been recognised for the treatment of cancers retaining wild type p53 which activates p53 and induces tumor cell death."

"Conversely, the class III histone deacetylase SIRT1 inhibits p53 transcriptional activation by deacetylating p53 following DNA damage."

"A number of TP53 missense mutations produce full-length p53 proteins that frequently have a prolonged half-life with accumulation of inactive protein, whereas frameshift mutations do not usually lead to accumulation of p53, and nonsense mutations generally result in an unstable protein."

"Therefore, those findings confirm that Tip60 mediates the acetylation of p53 at K120, which stimulate the p53 activity in inducing a proapoptotic target gene PUMA."

"P53 acetylation and H1.2 phosphorylation promote p53 dependent apoptotic cell death."

"Lys / K-372 monomethylation of p53 / TP53 stabilizes p53 / TP53 and increases p53 / TP53-mediated transcriptional activation [ 44-46 ] ."

"Expression of MEG3 in tumor cells results in growth suppression, p53 protein increase, and activation of p53 downstream targets."

"It also has been shown that MDMX can promote p53 phosphorylation at S46 (p53-S46P) [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] and this phosphorylation promotes p53 function to induce apoptosis [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by protein kinases (such as ATM, ATR, and other DNA protein kinases (DNA-PKs)) prevents the binding of Mdm2 and increases the activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Activation of AKT-1 and its other isoforms have been implicated in cell survival pathways in human cancer cells through its phosphorylation of the ubiquitin ligase MDM2, which in turn promotes the MDM2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation of p53, which disrupts the p53 intrinsic apoptotic program."

"Reduction of p53 Hydroxylation Reduces p53 Signaling."

"Finally, overexpression of AURKA results in phosphorylation of the cell cycle regulator p53, which targets p53 for degradation and permits cell cycle progression."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by this kinase complex enhanced the ability of p53 to bind to the sequence specific p53 responsive DNA element as shown by gel mobility shift assays."

"Interestingly, the combined expression of oppositely charged p53 RR and p53 EE was shown to enable the formation of mixed p53 tetramers that engage in cooperative, wild-type-like H1 helix interactions[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Silencing SEPW1 decreased ubiquitination of p53 and increased p53 half-life."

"Expression of Dmp1 antagonized ubiquitination of p53 by Mdm2 and promoted nuclear localization of p53."

"Experiments presented here demonstrate that overexpression of miR-504 reduces p53 protein levels, and impairs p53 functions, including p53 mediated transcriptional activation of its target genes, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest."

"Furthermore, astrocytes display p53 expression in HIV associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) as do viral infected astrocytes in models of spongiform encephalomyelopathy, suggesting viral infections may promote a common route of p53 accumulation in astrocytes."

"Mechanistically, ZMAT1 up-regulated p53 expression and inhibition of p53 abrogated the effect of ZMAT1 over-expression on pancreatic cancer cell, indicating the role of ZMAT1 in PDAC was dependent on p53."

"Interestingly, while MDH1 does not interfere with the p53 and MDM2 interaction, overexpression and depletion experiments show that MDH1 inhibits p53 ubiquitylation and prevents MDM2 dependent cytoplasmic retention of p53, thereby promoting apoptosis in response to glucose starvation 61."

"It was shown before that phosphorylation of WT p53 at S269 induces mutant conformation of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"The acetylation of p53 changes its affinity for the promoters of its target genes; for example, the acetylation of p53 at K320 leads it to bind only strong p53 promoters, thus increasing cell survival after DNA damage 60."

"23 Acetylation of p53 activates its sequence specific DNA binding and its transcriptional activity, as well as enhances the stability of the p53 protein, owing to the mutual exclusion of acetylation and ubiquitination, 25 therefore, resulting in p53 dependent gene activation in response to cellular stress."

"It has been reported in many cell types that p53 acetylation increases p53 protein stability and p53 dependent activation of apoptosis and senescence [XREF_BIBR]."

"crRNA was designed using MIT CRISPR ( ) to target exon 2 of the TP53 gene to create the TP53 - / - cell line and the polymerase domain of the POLQ gene to create the TP53 - / - POLQ - / - cell line ."

"However, its mouse homolog has been shown to translocate to the nucleus during DNA damage and play an active role in ATM/ATR mediated p53 activation (The haploinsufficient tumor suppressor p18 upregulates p53 via interactions with ATM/ATR (13)."

"Serine 15 phosphorylation of p53 leads to decreased affinity for the negative regulator Mdm2, and increases p53 protein stability."

"(42) The biological dominance of TP53 missense variants in AML supports the ongoing therapeutic search for new compositions with therapeutic potential to revert aberrant p53 protein function to normal."

"This wide heterogeneity in p53 levels six hours after infection could be interpreted in at least two ways : i. only a subset of the infected cells activate p53 during the infection; ii."

"In agreement with these observations, we show that in those same p53 -WT A549 cells acute (24 hr) activation of p53 by doxorubicin or MDM2 inhibition suffices to down regulate hnRNPA0 in a p53/p21-dependent manner."

"There was no overexpression of p53 or p16."

"Our results showed that expression of NICD2 increased p53 levels in the absence of radiation, and enhanced p53 activation induced by radiation (XREF_FIG)."

"MDM2 binds to p53, inactivates p53 transcription function, inhibits p53 acetylation, and promotes p53 degradation."

"48 The acetylation of p53 prevents its ubiquitination 79 and promotes p53 transcriptional activity through enhancing p53-DNA interaction."

"Deacetylated NPM leaves the nucleoli, strongly binds to MDM2 and inhibits MDM2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation of p53, thus promoting p53 accumulation."

"In human p53, two glutamate residues (Glu258 and Glu271) within the DNA binding domain are the poly-ADP-ribosylation target of PARP1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Conversely, the melanoma lines with 4 highest levels of p53 expression stimulated p53 :264 TCR Td T cells to produce little IFN-gamma (average 606 pg/ml)."

"Increased levels of p53 and release of its sequence specific DNA binding and transactivation functions result in induction of the p53 downstream genes involved in cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"NRF3 reduces Rb and p53 protein levels and abrogates p53 mediated tumor suppression signals."

"Our data strongly suggest that p53 cellular distribution and function is modulated by direct JMJD3 dependent demethylation of p53 during neurogenesis."

"To assess the physiological role of CCAR1 and CoCoA as p53 coactivators, we examined the p53 target gene , which is activated by p53 in response to DNA damage."

"In conclusion, the p53 pathway is inhibited during infection by influenza A, either by the control over the expression of key p53 stabilizing factors, as is the case with H3N2, H5N1, H5N2 and H7N1, or by the decrease in p53 mRNA levels as is the case with H5N1."

"Second, while previous studies have produced a correlation between Sirt1 and p53 in promoting the differentiation of hESCs [XREF_BIBR], our studies provide the first physiological evidence to prove that the acetylation of p53 at K120 and K164, which is inhibited by Sirt1, is required to activate p53 response to induce hESC differentiation."

"Loss of ATM or Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) that phosphorylates and activates p53, was not only able to steer clear of the p53 dependent senescence related growth arrest but also prevent p53 independent secretion of SASP factors."

"This indicates that there is a clear overexpression of p53 in the cells transfected with pSG5-p53."

"In response to IR, rapid phosphorylation of p53 by the ATM-CHK2 pathway on serines 15 and 20 leads to release of Mdm2 and stabilization of p53 (Meek 1999, and references therein)."

"In addition to being hydroxylated, lysine 382 of p53 can also be acetylated by the acetyl transferase p300/CBP, which has been reported to enhance the transcriptional activity of p53."

"Atm has long been known to phosphorylate p53 at Ser15, promoting p53 accumulation and activation in response to DNA damage XREF_BIBR."

"Jones et al (2005) [XREF_BIBR] suggested in cancer cells that glucose deprivation stimulates AMPK that in-turn phosphorylates p53 on Ser15, leading to increase in p53 activity [XREF_BIBR] and stabilization of the molecule [XREF_BIBR]."

"These other drugs are cytotoxic – that is, their intended mechanism is DNA damage that upregulates the transcription factor p53 (TP53) and its downstream apoptosis transcriptional programs (reviewed in(1))."

"In response to DNA damage, p53 transactivation activity is enhanced by the acetylation of p53 that increases p53 DNA binding affinity."

"Quantification of these experiments showed that TFEB-S211A expression significantly increased the relative p53 levels at all cycloheximide chase time points from 15 min to 90 min, while TFE3-S321A expression significantly increased the relative p53 after 30 min cycloheximide chase (Figure 5E)."

"(3) p53 phosphorylation activates p53, and DNA-bound p53, and then recruits transcriptional machinery to activate transcription of p53-targeted lipid anabolism genes.LSH encodes a lymphoid-specific helicase and plays a role in histone modification [43]."

"NAMPT overexpression also reduced the fraction of p53 that was acetylated on lysine 382 (a target of SIRT1), suppressed an age related increase in p53 expression, and increased the rate of p53 degradation."

"The concurrent loss of TP53, RPL26 and KDM6B may perturb p53 signaling to a greater degree than anticipated in tumors with hemizygous 17p13 deletions."

"Regarding the potential mechanism, we elucidated that aspirin acetylates p53 at lysine 382 in EOC cells and subsequently activates p53 target genes, which regulate cell cycle arrest, migration and apoptosis."

"For example, p53 phosphorylation and thus transcriptional activity can be inhibited by S100A4 and S100B, compromising p53 tumor-suppressor activity [16]."

"Key phosphorylation events within TAD, including those at Ser15, Thr18, and Ser20 destabilize the p53-TAD:HDM2 complex, inhibit the HDM2-mediated poly-ubiquitination of p53, and prevent p53 degradation ."

"Immunohistochemistry was performed in all patients and in two patients there was an overexpression of p53, indicating p53 mutation and in three cases the ki67 proliferation index was greater than 5%."

"Tip60, in turn, acetylates p53, thereby restoring p53 mediated transactivation of proapoptotic genes to ensure apoptosis."

"This conclusion is also supported by the fact that in gliomas there was an increase in MDM2, which is a protein responsible for degrading p53, XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR while in adenocarcinomas there was an increase in the level of p53, which would be likely to trigger p53 dependent apoptosis in these cells."

"PGAM1 activity has been reported to be upregulated in many cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal cancer XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, probably due to increased PGAM1 gene expression resulting from loss of TP53, as PGAM1 is a negative transcription target of TP53 XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR."

"Serine15 residue of p53 is phosphorylated allowing p53 to be released from its normal physiological function [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Here, we systematically identified a crucial lncRNA, p53-induced long non-coding RNA TP53 target 1 (TP53TG1), which was the dysregulated hub gene in IPF regulatory network and one of the top degree genes and down-regulated in IPF-drived fibroblasts."

"Numerous studies have demonstrated that phosphorylation of p53 at specific N-terminal serines in response to DNA damage contributes to increase the stability and activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Studies by Mayo et al reported that S46 phosphorylation not only increases the apoptotic function of p53 but can also increase p53 protein stability."

"The co-expression of wild type p53 with Ankrd2 leads to an enhancement of p53 mediated transactivation of the both the BAX (XREF_FIG) and MDM2 (XREF_FIG) promoters."

"Acetylation of p53 activates sequence specific DNA binding of p53 and is mediated by promoting tetramerization."

"Conversely, parkin depletion enhanced p53 expression and mRNA levels in fibroblasts and mouse brains, and increased cellular p53 activity and promoter transactivation in cells."

"We found that the presence of the heterozygous R273H allele led to inadequate levels (or even complete lack of appearance) of the p53 responsive proteins p21, Bax and Puma, which are normally induced in response to p53 after DNA damage."

"Overexpression of apoptosis stimulating protein 2 of p53 (ASPP2) induces apoptotic cell death in hepatoma cells (e.g. HepG2 cells) by enhancing the transactivation activity of p53, but long-term ASPP2 overexpression fails to induce more apoptosis since activation of the epidermal growth factor and epidermal growth factor receptor and SOS1 pathway impairs the pro apoptotic role of ASPP2."

"CDC42 also negatively regulates the expression of p53 and knockdown of CDC42 via hsa-miR-29 family increased p53-dependent apoptosis in cervical carcinoma cells [45]."

"Induction of p53 Phosphorylation at Serine 20 by Resveratrol Is Required to Activate p53 Target Genes, Restoring Apoptosis in MCF-7 Cells Resistant to Cisplatin."

"Treatment of wild-type or Atg7 -/- MEFs with NAC reduced the number of cells with DNA damage foci and starvation induced phosphorylation of p53 Ser 20 (XREF_FIG)."

"GSK2830371 increases the levels of total and phosphorylated p53 and activates wild-type p53 signaling in MCL cells."

"Correlatively, Hoxa2 alters the RCHY1 mediated ubiquitination of p53 and promotes p53 stabilization."

"Knockdown of PACT significantly attenuates the p53-Hdm2 interaction, reduces p53 polyubiquitination, and enhances p53 accumulation, leading to both apoptosis and cell growth retardation."

"PIASgamma mediated SUMOylation of p53 can induce cytoplasmic sequestration of p53."

"Recently, it has been proposed that phosphorylation of serine 15 in human p53 by ATM (mutated in ataxia telangiectasia) kinase induces p53 activity by interfering with the Mdm2 and p53 complex formation and inhibiting Mdm2 mediated destabilization of p53."

"OATP1B3 significantly decreased the levels of p53 and substantially inactivated well-known p53 downstream target genes (NOXA, PUMA, and P21WAF1) in chemotherapy-treated cancer cells."

"On the other hand, Ad-delE1B55 also augmented endogenous p53 levels and subsequently activated the p53 functions in p53 wild-type mesothelioma, which was evidenced by p53 phosphorylation, pRb dephosphorylation and cleavage of caspases [XREF_BIBR]."

"Feng et al. has reported that miRNAs can control P53 protein expression via either direct inhibition of P53 or positively regulate P53 function through the inhibition of several other oncogenes (Feng [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"About 2% of the neoplastic cells were positive for Ki-67; there was no overexpression of p53."

"As a cellular stress related transcription factor, p53 expression can be induced by ROS to selectively activate p53 target genes for protecting the genome stability."

"Thus, Tip60 is an essential component of p53 signaling that activates p53 through direct association on target promoters as well as acetylation of p53 at K120."

"There was overexpression of p53 at the deep tumor invasive front of OSCC associated with different histologic grades of malignancy."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by kinases, caused by DNA damage, leads to p53 activation [XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, acetylation of p53 by P300 and CBP can activate the sequence specific DNA binding activity of p53, which mediates its antiproliferative effects [XREF_BIBR]."

"Additionally, the disruption of the interaction between p53 and Hdm2 inhibited the Dex-mediated ubiquitination of GRα and p53 within human umbilical endothelial cells, suggesting that the Dex-mediated downregulation of GRα requires the association of GRα with p53, the association of p53 with Hdm2 and the ligase activity of Hdm2."

"This leads to cautious assumption that by increasing p53 levels Complex can initiate p53-dependent signalling pathways."

"Sumoylation of p53 Lys386 does not directly protect it from ubiquitination, but enhances p53 transcriptional activity through a mechanism that remains unclear (Rodriguez et al., 1999; Gostissa et al.,[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Human DYRK2 is a critical component in the Hedgehog signaling pathway XREF_BIBR; acts as an molecular assembler of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, which plays a crucial role in regulating normal mitotic progression XREF_BIBR; and functions in the DNA damage signaling pathway by phosphorylating p53 thereby initiating a p53 apoptotic response XREF_BIBR."

"Further, overactive p53 activities caused by the expression of the p53 isoform DeltaN-p53 (p44) also resulted in a similar premature aging phenotype XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Mutant mice had a mutation in TP53 gene by which P53 was activated rather than inactivated."

"Moreover, MALAT1 up-regulates the deacetylation activity of SIRT1, decreases the acetylation of p53, and reduces the transcription levels of p53 target genes."

"The suppression of SIRT1 by a specific inhibitor like EX-527 could induce p53 hyperacetylation and enhance p53 dependent transcriptional activity."

"Phosphorylation of p53 on serine 15, a key phosphorylation target during the p53 activation process, is critical for p53 dependent transactivation and promotes the accumulation of p53 [32]."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at this site has been shown to enhance the sequence specific DNA binding activity of p53 protein in vitro (Fuchs et al."

"It has been reported that SMYD2 monomethylates p53 at Lys370, which led to p53 inactivation by decreasing the binding activity of p53 to its target genes[22]."

"Suramin increases p53 protein levels but does not activate the p53 dependent G1 checkpoint."

"44 However, massive expansion of the many copies of TP53 identified in elephants was suggested to increase cellular sensitivity to DNA damage by triggering p53-dependent apoptosis, which leads to efficient removal of mutant cells.14Previous studies have also shown that many genes related to cancer control (including DNA damage and repair, immune response, and tumor suppression) evolved under positive selection, duplication, and amino acid changes in several long-lived lineages, suggesting that they share a mechanism."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by ATM allows p53 to accumulate and activate its sequence specific DNA binding activity promoting induction XREF_BIBR or repression XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR of expression of target genes."

"This mechanism implies ubiquitination of p53 and Mdm2 mediated proteasomal degradation thus keeping p53 at low levels to facilitate cell survival."

"JNJ-26854165 (Fig. 3, compound 13) is one of the first compounds found to induce p53 levels in tumour cell lines and activate p53 transcriptional activity (Ref."

"Thus, p53 induces Parkin gene transcription, in humans and mice, to mediate the p53 effects on glucose metabolism and antioxidant defence."

"We considered two main possible mechanisms : p53 binding might be enhanched by the increase in p53 levels due to cooperative binding, or p53 PTMs and in particular p53-CTD acetylation might render p53 binding to REs more stable, since we measured p53 acetylation levels at Lysine 382 that correlate well with the observed modulation in p53 binding kinetics (more stable 2h post IR than in basal conditions and 4h post IR)."

"By binding within the p53 interaction site on MDM2, Nutlin3a inhibits p53 ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation, thereby promoting stabilization and activation of p53, with consequent induction o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"MEL23 and MEL24 increase levels of Mdm2, p53, and MdmX and activate p53."

"Other members of the p53 family (p63 and p73) are able to activate promoters of p53 targets such as p21 XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR and these p53 family proteins can also contribute to the regulation of metabolic gene expression."

"Acetylation of p53 induced by cellular stress stimulates the DNA binding capacity of p53 and enhances its biological functions."

"On one hand, p53 is kept at low levels in the absence of stresses through ubiquitination and proteasome mediated degradation; on the other hand, p53 is acetylated to enhance p53 transcriptional activities."

"As a result, enhanced p53 phosphorylation at Ser 33 and -46 leads to p53 activation and subsequent induction of p21 [XREF_BIBR]."

"These results implicate a role for PERP in amplifying functional p53 levels that promote p53 dependent apoptosis, and reveal a potential target for exploitation in enhancing p53 activity."

"In drosophila, male and female flies exhibited different responses to stress-induced p53 activation, and upregulation of p53 promoted a longer life in male flies, while reducing lifespan in females [ xref ]."

"As expected, the levels of total and phospho-Ser15 p53 increased during the four hours following exposure to 5 Gy IR, indicating increased stability and activation of p53 (XREF_FIG)."

"Chk2 is an immediate upstream activator of p53 during DNA damage response since Chk2 mediated phosphorylation of p53 promotes the association of p53 with p300 and positively regulates its transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"MDM2 isoform B (MDM2-B), the MDM2 isoform most frequently over-expressed in human tumors, interacts with full-length MDM2 to inhibit MDM2 mediated mutp53 degradation, promoting mutp53 accumulation and GOF in tumorigenesis."

"Nutlin 3a treatment of wild type p53 expressing cultured cancer cells increases p53 levels and causes p53 mediated transactivation, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"To further confirm the contribution of the p85alpha dependent p53-p300 interaction and p53 acetylation (Lys370) to UVB induced p53 transactivation, we next analyzed the recruitment of p300 and p53 to the p53 responsive element (p53-RE) within the promoter region of p53 target genes in response to UVB irradiation in the presence or absence of p85alpha expression."

"Additionally, Chk1 and Chk2 are believed to phosphorylate Ser20 of p53 (32, 33) causing activation of the p53 pathway, including the downstream target p21, which indicates a key role for these checkpo[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Mechanistically, we found that co-treatment with BI2536 and metformin induced p53 dependent apoptosis and further activated the p53 and Redd -1 pathway."

"Acetylation of p53 at six lysine residues, including K320, K373, and K382 by CBP increases the stability of p53."

"It has been shown that p53 (Ser15) phosphorylation can stimulate p53 activity."

"These data confirm that co-expression of p53 25,26 and wild-type p53 can be used to trigger higher levels of p53 activity than co-expression of p53 25,26,53,54 and wild-type p53 or heterozygous Mdm2 and Mdm4 deletion."

"It has been found that p53 directly upregulates lncRNA Tp53-regulated inhibitor of necrosis (TRINGS) in multiple tumor cells after glucose deprivation."

"Hu et al. [XREF_BIBR] reported that SNPs in the MDM2 gene decreases p53 levels and decrease the efficiency of the p53 pathway."

"On the other hand, depletion of RNF20 and reduction in H2B ubiquitylation reduced the expression of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and impaired the activation of p53 in response to DNA damage."

"MDM2 isoform B (MDM2-B), the MDM2 isoform most frequently over-expressed in human tumours, interacts with full-length MDM2 to inhibit MDM2 mediated mutp53 degradation, promoting mutp53 accumulation and GOF in tumorigenesis."

"The deregulation of proteins linked to DNA replication in trisomic cells likely depends on TP53—while p53 proficient trisomic cell lines downregulate DNA replication factors , the p53 deficient trisomic cell lines analyzed so far upregulated these factors ."

"These results were consistent with previous reports of IR induced cell cycle stage-specificity of ATM activation and p53 at Ser 15 phosphorylation."

"Other members of the p53 family, p63 and p73, can activate promoters of several p53 target genes such as p21 and Bax [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], and could, therefore, also be capable of regulating TIGAR expression."

"Recently, the function of p53 after DNA damage was explicitly summarized [32]; a few p53 pulses evoke cell cycle arrest by inducing p21 WAF1 expression and promotes cell survival phenotype i.e., senes[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"PML promotes p53 K382 acetylation, which increases p53 mediated transcriptional activation, in response to oncogenic Ras 49 or ultraviolet (UV) irradiation."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by CK2 stimulates DNA binding and transactivation functions of p53 whereas binding of the regulatory beta-subunit of CK2 to p53 seems to have the opposite effect, i.e. the CK2 b[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"YY1 inhibits p300 mediated p53 acetylation and reduces p53 activated transcription."

"However, loss of p53 did not completely restore cell viability suggesting that these compounds targeted both p53 dependent and p53 independent pathways."

"Because phosphorylation of p53 and Mdm2 inhibits ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of p53 by Mdm2, our results suggest that Dox promotes p53 up-regulation in ventricles by RGS6 dependent ATM activation."

"Amino-terminal phosphorylation of p53 promotes interactions with acetyl transferases that in turn acetylate p53, promote sequence specific DNA binding of p53 and contribute to DNA-damage-induced activ[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We treated 2 months oldSesn2 +/− andSesn2 −/− mice with DEN, which upon metabolic activation in zone 3 hepatocytes becomes a potent alkylating agent ( xref ; xref ) that causes p53 activation and induction of p53 target genes, such as Sesn1 , Sesn2 andp21 Waf1 ( xref )."

"We demonstrated that apigenin treatment did not increase p53 transcription, mRNA stability or exportation of more p53 mRNA from nucleus to cytoplasm, but rather enhanced nascent p53 protein synthesis."

"Moreover, it induces transcription of ATM, which phosphorylates and stabilizes p53 XREF_BIBR, and can also upregulate the p53 binding partners, ASPP1/2, JMY, TP53INP1, which elevate p53 pro apoptotic activity XREF_BIBR."

"Furthermore, the acetylation of p53 following SIRT inhibition may cause a reduction in p53 degradation as well as accelerating the p53 activity [22,32]."

"HDM2 overexpressed alone in the cells effected a reduction in p53 levels, whereas the addition of WNVCp prevented the HDM2-mediated depletion of p53 (Fig. 2C, lane 3) ."

"Interestingly, early-onset tumor formation did not occur in animals carrying either mutation, suggesting that the combined loss of p53 dependent cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and senescence was inadequate to abolish the p53 mediated tumor suppression."

"In addition, our results of p53 expression also suggest that phosphorylation on Ser15 and Thr55 sites of p53 may cooperatively regulate the stability of p53 and thereby more effectively activate p53 in response to DOX and LMB treatment."

"Homeodomain interacting protein kinase-2 (HIPK2) is an important regulator of p53 apoptotic function, thus we have previously shown that HIPK2 phosphorylates p53 at serine 46 (Ser46) after severe DNA damage, inducing p53 specific apoptotic transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR."

"Furthermore, using purified DNA dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), we demonstrate that phosphorylation of p53 at serines 15 and 37 impairs the ability of MDM2 to inhibit p53 dependent transactivation."

"Neurons treated with EPO or cEPO display an upregulation of E1A binding protein (p300) and p300 mediated p53 acetylation, possibly increasing the transactivation activity of p53 on growth associated protein 43 (GAP43)."

"Furthermore, isoflurane promoted p53 Ser15 phosphorylation and increased the binding of p53 to the p21 promoter."

"We show that the C-terminal sequence of PEPD binds to the PRD in p53, which allows PEPD to accomplish two important tasks : (1) to prevent nuclear p53 phosphorylation in its transactivation domain andto reduce free nuclear p53 level, leading to inhibition of p53 trans-activation and trans-suppression activities, and (2) to prevent mitochondrial translocation of nuclear and cytosolic p53 by preventing p53 from binding to MDM2 (Figs."

"Furthermore, the ability of LA-12 to disrupt cellular proliferation is greatly enhanced by the expression of p53 and p53/47 indicating both p53 dependent and p53 independent effects of LA-12."

"While the phosphorylation of p53 by CK2 increases p53 activity (Keller et al., 2001), which could lead to either increased apoptosis or cell cycle arrest, the phosphorylation of IkappaBalpha by CK2 re[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"HN30 maintains a wild-type TP53 background and functional p53 activation in response to DNA damage [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"XREF_BIBR We postulate that caspase-8 overactivity induces TP53 gene transcription to produce p53."

"As a methyltransferase, SET8 methylates lysine 382 of p53 to modulates p53 activity so as to change its transcriptional activity for downstream targets, furthermore, SET8 knockdown has been shown to upregulate cells ' sensitivity to cell death and cell cycle arrest following DNA damage by suppressing the biological function of p53 XREF_BIBR."

"TP53 exon 1 encodes the 5′ untranslated-region (UTR) shown to be critical for RPL26-mediated translation of p53 mRNA upon DNA damage."

"To determine whether the upregulation of p53 protein expression, and p53 phosphorylation at Ser15, in GADD45beta-/- cells could mediate p53 regulated gene expression, we also evaluated expression of GADD45alpha, Bax and PUMA in both GADD45beta +/+ and GADD45beta-/- cells."

"Cells pretreated with nutlin-3 to stabilize p53 levels showed a dose dependent increase in p53 acetylation after TV6 treatment, with minimal change in total p53 levels, indicating that increased p53 acetylation was independent of increase in total p53 (XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"For example, Mdm2 mediated ubiquitination of p53 's C-terminal lysine residues targets p53 to degradation."

"More specifically, SMYD3 expression downregulated p53 protein levels and promoted translocation of p53 from the nucleus to cytoplasm [XREF_BIBR]."

"The phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 increases p53 transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"Synergism between CDDP and ZOL was greater than that between Ad-p53 and ZOL probably because CDDP mediated p53 up-regulation and over-expression of p53 with Ad-p53 are not equal from the standpoint of signal transduction systems."

"At first glance, this might also be consistent with DNA damage induced activation of p53 by pathways that involve ATM and ATR dependent phosphorylation of p53."

"Deletion of ATXN3 resulted in destabilization of p53, whereas ectopic expression of ATXN3 induced expression of p53 target genes and promoted p53-dependent apoptosis."

"In this report, we show that doxycycline increased superoxide generation and subsequently activated NF-kappaB, which in turn up-regulated p53 expression and increased the stability and DNA binding activity of p53."

"There was a significant overexpression of p53 in both cases with HER2 amplification and unamplified polysomy 17 compared with cases with neither amplification nor polysomy (7% of N, 25% of P, and 37% of A group were p53 positive)."

"HIPK2 (serine/threonine homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2) can phosphorylate p53 at ser46 to activate p53."

"In mechanistic studies, S100B was found to bind directly to the p53 tumor suppressor protein in primary human malignant melanoma cells, reduce p53 protein levels, and inhibit wild-type p53 functions."

"These data suggest that p68, p53 and Delta133p53alpha may form part of a complex feedback mechanism to regulate the expression of Delta133p53, with consequent modification of p53 mediated transcription, and may modulate the function of p53 in breast and other cancers that harbour wild type p53."

"The follow genetic alterations in KRAS, SMAD4, and TP53 further promoted the transition of adenoma to CRC by activating EGFR, P53 and TGF-β pathways (Drost et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016)."

"Recently, hyperglycemia has been shown to reduce p53 phosphorylation at serine 46 (Ser46), the target residue of HIPK2, thus impairing p53 apoptotic function."

"Mechanistically, Meg3 silencing reduces the interaction of p53 with Mdm2, induces p53 expression, and promotes the association of p53 with the promoters of a subset of p53 target genes."

"Upon DNA damage induction, SMG1 phosphorylates p53 and induces p53 dependent cell cycle arrest."

"The expression levels of p53 and p21 and WAF1 increased in all cell lines expressing wt p53."

"The regulation of p53 phosphorylation by combined treatment of curcumin and resveratrol resulted in activation of p53 that caused induction of apoptosis enzymes."

"WWP1 mediated p53 ubiqitination causes stabilization of p53 but inactivates p53 transactivation XREF_BIBR."

"Inhibition of p53–PUMA feedback loop activation by p53 inhibitors and PUMA siRNA can reduce neuronal apoptosis and inflammation induced by ischemia–reperfusion [ xref ]."

"Furthermore, Strap prevents Mdm2 mediated down-regulation of p53 levels and increases p53 dependent apoptosis, providing further evidence of an important role for Strap in regulating the p53 response [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Phosphorylation of p53 on Serine 20 by CHK2 leads to a reduction in binding affinity of the E3 ubiquitin ligase MDM2 to p53, leading to an increase in p53 levels."

"S18 phosphorylation of p53 is mediated by Ataxia-Telangiesctasia Mutated (ATM)/Ataxia Telangiectasia And Rad3 Related Protein (ATR) in response to DNA damage XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR and contributes to p53 stabilization and enhances p53 dependent transactivation 57."

"There were overexpressions of all the proteasome related proteins p53, p21 (waf1) and p27 (kip1) at 4 hr after proteasome inhibition which was identified by the accumulation of ubiquitin tagged proteins."

"However , herein we demonstrate that TP53 induces TPRKB degradation in a concentration-dependent manner that can be alleviated either through PRPK expression or proteosomal inhibition ( Fig 7A ) , providing a potential mechanism for TPRKB dependency only in the presence of TP53 alterations ( Fig 7B ) ."

"The relatively high expression of TP53 in stem cells provided sufficient read depth for allelic counting and allowed us to identify nine instances of eight distinct point mutations in TP53, three of which we had independently seen by WES."

"The apoptosis stimulating protein of p53 family (ASPP) stimulates the apoptotic function of p53 upon DNA damage and functions as tumor suppressors."

"Melatonin is known to induce phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 15 XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, thus activating p53."

"This suggests that PI-3-kinases regulate MDM2 on a pretranslational level.As p53 is not efficiently phosphorylated on its PI-3-kinase sites after proteasome inhibition, it seems that direct PI-3-kinas[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"For example, in ovarian cancer cells, expression of p53 is depleted, but increased O GlcNAcylation can induce p53 stabilization."

"Mechanistic investigations in this setting revealed that PAK4 directly phosphorylated p53 at S215, which not only attenuated transcriptional transactivation activity but also inhibited p53 mediated suppression of HCC cell invasion."

"Notably, SLMP53-2 induced p53 stabilization by disrupting the p53-MDM2 interaction, enhancing p53 transcriptional activity."

"We also demonstrated that MOF-MSL1v1 mediated p53 acetylation enhanced the p53 transcription activity on DNA template in vitro."

"DNA damage from the IR lead to lower MDM2 levels that stabilized p53 levels, which, in turn, allowed p53 activity to increase and, consequently, MDM2 expression to also increase."

"208 DNA damage signals also cause the acetylation of p53 at specific lysine residues, which activates p53 by preventing MDM2 facilitated p53 degradation."

"Multiple studies demonstrate that MDMx : MDM2 heterodimers bind and ubiquitinate p53, targeting p53 for degradation by the proteasome, and thus, allowing cells to maintain a low basal level of this pro apoptotic protein under normal conditions."

"These observations demonstrate that SETD8 silencing decreased p53 K382me1 levels and rescued the proapoptotic and growth arrest functions of p53 through activation of the p53 canonical pathway."

"In response to genotoxic damage, phosphorylation of P53 (serine 15 residue) by ataxia telangiectasia mutated kinase (ATM) and ATM-related kinase (ATR) mediates the activation and stabilization of P53 [70,71]."

"In parallel experiments, treatment of HepG2 cells with 250 and 500 mug/ml fucoidan increased the protein expression of p53 and p21, which are involved in the activation of tumor suppressors (XREF_FIG), and upregulated p53 mRNA."

"Mono-methylation of p53 at K372 (p53-K372me1) mediated by Set9 histone-lysine N-methyltransferase has been reported to activate and stabilize the p53 protein."

"Thus, transient overexpression of wt p53 from an adenoviral vector was used to induce a wt p53 response and the level of p53 expression was consistent with a physiological stress response."

"Inhibition of p53 ubiquitination by DNA damage not only prevents p53 from degradation but also promotes its nuclear accumulation leading to transactivation of a number of downstream genes that are essential for the control of cell cycle progression, cell survival, and cellular senescence."

"Employing SKH-1 hairless mice that were p53 sufficient (WT) or deficient (p53+/−), our findings demonstrated that p53 is an essential mediator of NM-induced apoptosis in mouse skin, and that p53 deficiency/decreased p53 activation significantly reduces early apoptotic cell death and neutrophilic infiltration induced by NM."

"This special issue compiles emerging non canonical functions and regulation of p53, including (1) novel mechanisms regulating the expression and activities of p53 and its family members, p63 and p73; (2) p53 proteoforms and binding potential of p53 to local DNA structures; (3) novel oncogenic pathways and stemness regulated by p53; (4) roles of p53 in non canonical cell death; (5) roles of p53 in glucose, lipid, and nucleotide metabolism, and (6) roles of p53 in immunity."

"Notably, SLMP53-2 induced p53 stabilization by disrupting the p53-MDM2 interaction, enhancing p53 transcriptional activity."

"26 Hence, the increased level of p53 in patients with advance liver disease underlines the importance of p53 in directing metabolic remodeling and metabolic disorders."

"Under stress conditions, p53 is phosphorylated by various sensor kinases, promoting the dissociation of the p53 and MDM2 complex and p53 stabilization and activation."

"In the Naidu et al. study, sumoylation of both p53 and Tip60 by PIASy was shown to augment p53 K120 acetylation, promoting p53 cytoplasmic accumulation and induction of PUMA independent autophagic cell death [XREF_BIBR]."

"Mechanistically, depletion of nucleolin up-regulates the p53 protein level and activates the p53 dependent pathway, at least in part, via increasing p53 protein stability."

"The results shown in Figure 6 indicate that knockdown of p53 further reduced the expression of p53 , but did not affect TGF-beta expression in heteronemin-treated cholangiocarcinoma cells ."

"ATM also phosphorylates p53 at Ser392 to enhance the transcriptional activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"It is known that caspase cleaved c-Abl can phosphorylate the p53 E3 ligase, Mdm2, to inhibit Mdm2 dependent degradation of p53 and allow it to accumulate XREF_BIBR."

"BCL6 represses TP53 transcription and also appears to inactivate p53 at the protein level, and additional findings have suggested negative mutual regulation between BCL6 and p53."

"Subsequent studies indicated that MDM2 overexpression decreased p53 levels in the cell, leading to the speculation that MDM2 is a negative regulator of p53."

"Induction of DNA damage initiates a cascade of signaling leading to p53 activation and subsequent transcriptional activation of p53 response genes (including p21, Bax, PUMA, and Noxa), thus provoking cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis [ xref ]."

"Upon doxorubicin treatment, the lncRNA SNHG1 is retained in the nucleus through its binding with nucleolin and it competes with p53 for hnRNPC binding, which upregulates p53 levels and promotes p53 dependent apoptosis by impairing hnRNPC regulation of p53 activity."

"XREF_BIBR Inhibiting HDAC1 and SIRT1 leads to enhancement of p53 acetylation, which increases p53 dependent senescence and apoptosis in many cancer cell types."

"In addition, the expression of p53 protein was induced by 2 mug/ml cisplatin in the AGS and MKN-45 cells, leading to increased p21 expression, indicating a possible p53 mediated growth-inhibition pathway (XREF_FIG)."

"Curcumin alone can induce the expression of p53 gene (Trp53) restoring the level as well as function of p53 (Das and Vinayak, 2015)."

"P53 DNA binding activity is mainly driven by p53 protein level while its transcriptional activity is regulated not only by p53 protein level but also by post-translational modifications like phosphorylation and acetylation."

"Reactivating p53 and Inducing Tumor Apoptosis ( RITA ) has been reported to increase the p53 activity and to trigger p53-dependent apoptosis in cancer cells with wild-type p53 ."

"We reasoned that the induction of p53 levels alone may not be sufficient to activate p53 in infected cells, and that DNA damage is also required."

"The results of our previous study showed that FATS mediated polyubiquitination of p53 promotes the activation of p53 in response to DNA damage; however, little is known about the role of FATS in metabolic reprogramming in NSCLC."

"Several small molecules have been tested for p53 reactivation in mutp53 carrying cells [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] while studies exploiting the effect of natural compounds are limited."

"It has been reported that acetylation of p53 by p300 and CBP on multiple lysine residues leads to the activation of p53 transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, MDM2 can directly bind to p53 to inhibit its transcriptional activity; quickly enhance the ubiquitination and degradation of p53 through ubiquitin-E3 ligase; and promote p53 degradation by blocking p53 's transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."

"P53 can upregulate the Mdm2 gene, while elevated levels of p53 can signal Mdm2 downregulation of p53 via ubiquitination and proteosomal degradation maintaining normal p53 steady state levels through a negative feedback loop [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by LRRK2 increases p53 nuclear localization, expression of p21 WAF1 and CIP1, cleaved PARP level, and cytotoxicity in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells and rat primary neurons."

"In response to DNA damage and other types of cellular stresses, sensor kinases are activated and mediate the phosphorylation of p53, which releases MDM2 and promotes p53 stabilization."

"Aurora-A phosphorylates the tumor suppressor p53 on Ser 215 residue, abrogating the DNA binding and transactivation activity of p53 that results in the inhibition of the downstream target gene p21 involved in the control of centrosome duplication."

"Acetylation of p53 at Lysine 373 and Lysine 382 has been shown to enhance stability and pro apoptotic activity of p53, while increasing sensitivity to cell stress XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"Complementing this, small peptides derived from the IRF-1-p300 interface can bind to p300, stabilize the binding of p300 to DNA bound p53, stimulate p53 acetylation in trans, and up-regulate p53 dependent activity from the p21 promoter."

"Recently, our group has shown that RUNX3 promotes the phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 and therefore enhances the p53 dependent apoptosis during a DNA damage response [XREF_BIBR]."

"Further, both IR and UV light can induce phosphorylation of p53 on Ser-20, for ATM and ATR can phosphorylate p53 on Ser-20, which mediates stabilization of human p53 in response to DNA damage."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15 and Ser20 and acetylation of p53 at Lys382 inhibit the degradation of p53 mediated by MDM2 [24, 36]."

"The Hsp90 inhibitor 17-DMAG induced the expression of P53 in those cells (mean value: 1.88), while H O suppressed this endothelium defender (P53) (mean value: 0.41)."

"The phosphorylation of p53 on Ser15 was demonstrated to prevent p53 negative regulator MDM2 binding and to result in the accumulation and increased transcriptional activation ability of p53.35 These results indicated that aforementioned apoptotic response was induced by a p53 dependent endogenous apoptosis pathway."

"PRMT5 mediated p53 arginine methylation stimulated p53 dependent G1 arrest upon DNA damage, but it did not affect the p53 dependent apoptotic response."

"Researchers have recently found that ionizing radiation (IR) induces a pulsed pattern of p53 expression, whereas ultraviolet (UV) irradiation induces a sustained pattern of p53 activation."

"Indeed, phosphorylation of p53 activates the release of cytochrome c and caspase-9 via target genes such as Bax (BCL-2 [B-cell lymphoma-2] associated protein), Bak (BCL-2 homologous antagonist and killer), Noxa (damage), and PUMA (p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis) [XREF_BIBR]."

"Expression of USP7, the target protein of EBNA1 and ICP0, however, effectively promotes increased levels of p53 by antagonizing proteasomal degradation of p53 through deubiquitination (Li et al., 2004)."

"Acetylation of p53 enhances p53 stability, and transcriptional activity."

"P53 is a major sensor of stress stimuli, including OS, and p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 was dramatically induced on human or mouse satellite overexpression, or in response to OS exposure, suggesting p53 activation (XREF_FIG and Fig."

"In this species, part of the DNA-binding region of p53 is deleted in all but one of the TP53 gene copies, which may result in the formation of dysfunctional p53 tetramers, thus presumably modulating p53 transcriptional activity in response to stress [71]."

"In turn, IGF-IR signaling induces p53 phosphorylation and inactivation, thus relieving p53 suppression on Oct-4 and Nanog."

"This reduction in VRK1 is accompanied by a decrease in p53 phosphorylated in Thr18, and thus also the initiation of a reduction in total p53 protein due to its accessibility to the accumulated Hdm2 (XREF_FIG)."

"Induction of DNA damage initiates a cascade of signalling with p53 activation (phosphorylation at Ser 15 and Ser 20) and subsequent transcriptional activation of p53 response genes (including p21, GADD45, BAX, PUMA, Bcl2 and NOXA), thus provoking cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis [ xref ]."

"GADD45 stabilizes phosphorylation of serine 15 of p53 providing a positive feedback signal in activation of the p53 pathway, Plk3 phosphorylates p53 on serine 20 and enhances p53 stabilization, and p53 dependent activation of Plk2 prevents mitotic catastrophe after spindle damage."

"Of particular interest, the human papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein inhibits the acetylation of both p53 and nucleosomal histones to repress p53 dependent transcription from a chromatin template."

"A mutant of the Hdm2 RING finger domain that fails to ubiquitinate p53 does not cause export of p53 from nuclei to the cytosol."

"Several lines of evidence indicate that AMPK positively regulates p53 phosphorylation (Ser 15) and causes accumulation of p53 protein as well as its downstream targets p21 and p27 [37]."

"At low H 2 O 2, Sirt1 mediated p53 deacetylation promoted p53 destruction via MDM2 dependent ubiquitination [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], and Sirt1 overexpression inhibited p53 mediated nuclear transactivation and blocked oxidant induced apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"Our immunofluorescence assays using the p53-conformation-specific antibodies PAb1620 and PAb240 to monitor the folding state of p53 clearly showed that PK7088 significantly increases the amount of correctly folded p53 in HUH-7 cells, thus potentially restoring p53 function."

"Figure S2 p53 Dependent Apoptosis Induced by the p53 Wild-Type (p53) and p53 Acetylation Mutant (p53KR) p53 null cells (H1299) were transfected with p53wt, or p53 KR mutant."

"Mechanically, SSBP1 activated DNA-PK to induce p53 phosphorylation at serine 15 (S15) to promote the nuclear accumulation of p53, and thereby inhibited expression of ferroptosis regulator solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11) in high fructose-exposed podocytes."

"Mechanistically, we found that CPT2 overexpression can increase p53 expression by activating p-p53, leading to p21, Bax, cleaved caspase-9, cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved PARP activation and Bcl2, MDM2 deactivation, thereby inhibiting tumor proliferation and promoting apoptosis."

"In some way, these signals enable hSir2 to reverse in part the damage induced activation of p53 by deacetylating the K382 residue of p53."

"Following DNA damage, p300 and p/CAF acetylate p53 increasing p53 's sequence specific binding capability and thus its ability to drive target gene transcription, ultimately resulting in a fully activated repair response [XREF_BIBR]."

"The p300 and CBP mediated acetylation of p53 significantly potentiates p53 mediated transactivation and growth inhibition."

"As expected, co-expression of MDM2 and p53 produced a ladder of ubiquitinated p53 (Ub-p53) products upon MG132 treatment."

"The phosphorylation of p53 disrupts its binding with HDM2, blocks ubiquitination and proteolysis, and results in a rapid increase in p53 protein levels, allowing p53 to enter the nucleus, bind to DNA and induce expression of DNA repair and cell cycle inhibitor genes."

"Although E2F-1 alone induces moderate levels of p53 and treatment with drugs markedly increased p53, the deleterious effects of etoposide in E2F-1-overexpressing cells were independent of p53 accumulation."

"Importantly, derepression of PUMA upon CTCF depletion occurs without p53 activation or activation of other p53 target genes."

"Activated ATM and ATR phosphorylates p53, which helps inhibit p53 degradation."

"Indeed, inhibition of ATM 1 h prior to irradiation completely abolished the early-phase increase of p53 levels and prevented p53 dependent upregulation of Mdm2 (XREF_FIG)."

"The function of wt p53 is extremely complex and, of course, has to be explained within the context of the expression of distinct p53 isoforms, levels of p53 induced micro-RNA and a complex network of p53 interacting proteins."

"Acetylation of p53 can increase the stability of p53 and play an important role in the activation of downstream target genes."

"In HPV positive cells, HPV oncoprotein E6 represses p53 activation by directly binding p53 and inducing its ubiquitination and degradation through E6AP, an E6 associated protein and an ubiquitin ligase [ xref , xref ]."

"Our results clearly indicate that p53 overexpression is not sufficient to elicit p53 humoral response in ovarian carcinoma patients."

"These data indicate that site specific acetylation of p53 increases under physiological conditions that activate p53 and identify CBP and p300 and PCAF as the probable enzymes that modify p53 in vivo."

"P53 AAbs are developed in patients with tumor p53 accumulation, but accumulation is not sufficient for the generation of an immune response, as over-expression of p53 in tumors induces humoral p53 specific immunity in only a minority of cancer patients."

"Our studies show that NORE1A inhibits the proapoptotic phosphorylation of p53 on S46 and inhibits p53 proapoptotic signaling."

"P53 phosphorylated at S20 or at S392 dramatically increased, suggesting an increase in the stability, accumulation and activation of P53."

"Acetylation of K382, as well of additional lysine residues in p53 upon genotoxic stress activates sequence specific binding of p53 to DNA resulting in transcriptional activation and stabilization of p53 protein levels [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"In an in vivo model of cisplatin nephrotoxicity inhibition of p53 activation by a p53 inhibitor suppressed transactivation of the caspase-6 and -7 genes and prevented renal failure."

"Additional p53 phosphorylation at Ser46 enables p53 to activate expression of proteins which mediate apoptosis [XREF_BIBR], in particular pro apoptotic Bax and Bak [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Interestingly, overexpression of the p53 binding domain of Parc (residues 1-770) alone is not sufficient to induce cytoplasmic retention of p53."

"The protein product of TP53, p53, is a very well studied tumor suppressor and is involved in different biological processes such as cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis [36]."

"Besides, AMPK can also initiate cell cycle arrest through persistent phosphorylation and activation of p53, which leads to accelerated p53 dependent cellular senescence [XREF_BIBR]."

"Being different from these, we report that ceramide can restore the expression of wild-type p53 and induce p53 dependent apoptosis in deletion-mutant cancer cells."

"Overexpression of NMI upregulates p53 protein level and increases the transcirptinal activity of p53 targert gene, such as p21, Bax and PUMA in A549 cells."

"Generally, N-terminal phosphorylations of p53 induced by DNA damage help to up-regulate activity of p53 through blocking its export from the cell or by favoring other modifications to p53 (such as Ser[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Splicing modulation by E7107 treatment reduced full-length MDM2 production due to exon skipping, generating a consequent reciprocal p53 increase in TP53 WT cells."

"These studies (mostly performed in other, mainly immunological contexts) frequently show (similar to virus infections) : (a) interactions with components of the PI3K and Akt signaling pathway as well as inhibition or promotion of phosphoinositide synthesis, (b) reduced p53 gene expression, inhibition of the activity of p53 protein, or induction of p53 degradation, and (c) activation of HIF-1 (mainly by stabilization of HIF-1alpha) (XREF_FIG)."

"P53 phosphorylation not only stabilizes and enhances the transcription activity of p53, but also regulates its subcellular localization."

"Acetylation of p53 at K373 by CBP and p300 leads to dissociation of HDM2 and TRIM24 and subsequent activation of p53 which in turn transcriptionally activates p21, miR-34a, and miR-145 (XREF_FIG)."

"In unstressed cells, USP10 is localized mainly in the cytoplasm where it deubiquitinates p53, enabling re-entry of p53 into the nucleus."

"Expression of MEG3 in tumor cells results in growth suppression, p53 protein increase, and activation of p53 downstream targets."

"Phosphorylation and acetylation of p53 stimulate p53 associated transcription factors [25,26], whereas ubiquitination, SUMOylation, and neddylation of p53 repress p53 related transcription factors and[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"MEG3 significantly increases p53 protein level and stimulates p53 dependent transcription [XREF_BIBR]."

"Previous studies have suggested that ubiquitination of p53 by MDM2 could induce the migration of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm XREF_BIBR."

"There is already some overexpression of p53 in the preclinical phase and during the onset of the arthritis, with an additional increment in p53 expression during accelerating and chronic arthritis."

"Accordingly, we have found that knockout of HDAC2 in Huh7 and HepG2 cells increased p53 acetylation at carboxyl-terminal lysine residues (K382 in Huh7 and K373 and K382 in HepG2) (XREF_FIG) which is known to enhance p53 transcriptional activity and activate its target genes."

"We also determined levels of p53 protein expression, as in normal cells p53 is a transcriptional activator of p21 WAF1 [XREF_BIBR]."

"These data demonstrate that wild-type p53 over-expression can both positively and negatively regulate life span independent of foxo, while at the same time they suggest that foxo acts in males to modulate (reverse) the tissue specific pattern of p53 life span effects, thereby producing sexually antagonistic effects of p53."

"To induce this death signal, JNK phosphorylates p53 at Thr81, allowing p53 to form a dimer with p73."

"May also phosphorylate multiple sites within the C-terminus of TP53, which promotes activation of TP53 by acetylation and enhances suppression of cellular proliferation.PYGLPhosphorylase is an important allosteric enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism."

"This is expected since P53 is activated by Chk2, and P53 is largely responsible for the rapid apoptotic response to DNA damage xref – xref ."

"Finally, introduction of PML into Pml -/- cells leads to increased P53 levels, recruitment of P53 and its acetyltransferase CREB binding protein (CBP) which mediates P53 stabilization to PML-NBs, and cellular senescence."

"We estimate that the amount of induced mitochondrial p53 in camptothecin treated ML-1 cells is about equimolar to induced nuclear p53, based on total mitochondrial to nuclear protein and volume ratios[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Since p53 phosphorylation at Ser15 has been shown to increase p53 stability and enhance its transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, our observations suggest that the higher p21 protein level in the Bat3-KD cells is unlikely to be due to increased p53 transcriptional activity."

"There was no significant overexpression of p53 in both cell lines and no change after irradiation with 2 Gy or 7 Gy."

"The data suggest that Hsp60 acetylation interferes with the formation of the Hsp60 and p53 complex and/or promote its dissociation, both causing an increase in the levels of free p53, which can then activate the p53 dependent pathway toward cell senescence."

"Consistently, in our study, knockdown of DDX3 inhibited mRNA expression of p53 target genes, p21, TP53I3, GADD45A as well as MDM2 and diminished the binding of p53 to p53 promoter."

"Besides, the JNK and c-Jun signaling pathway promotes annexin A2 overexpression that would suppress the expression of p53, and thus would decrease p53 regulated apoptotic genes [XREF_BIBR]."

"JNJ-26854165 (XREF_FIG, compound 13) is one of the first compounds found to induce p53 levels in tumour cell lines and activate p53 transcriptional activity."

"However, the treatment of cells with DNA alkylating agents methylmethane sulfonate and N-methyl-N '-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, which cause phosphorylation of p53 at Ser (15) and Ser (392), induced pAPCP promoter activity in HCT-116 (p53 (+/+)) cells."

"On the other hand, phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 has been shown to mediate the selectivity of p53 in favour of promoters which enhance apoptotic signalling, such as the p53 regulated apoptosis inducing protein 1 (p53AIP) [XREF_BIBR]."

"One of the functions of p53 acetylation is to increase p53 stability by competing against ubiquitination on lysine residues."

"We also show that co-expression of vRaf and p53 in NIH3T3 fibroblasts, potentiates the ability of p53 to transactivate a minimal promoter with a p53 cognate DNA binding site."

"XREF_FIG shows that coexpression of p53-luc and HOXA5 leads to activation of p53 promoter activity, whereas concomitant coexpression of uPA attenuates HOXA5 mediated activation of p53 promoter."

"USP10 deubiquitinates p53 and reverses MDM2 mediated nuclear transport and degradation of p53."

"In 2011, Wu et al. showed that UBE4B acts as an E3/E4 ligase that physically interacts with p53 and MDM2 to promote the polyubiquitination and degradation of p53 in brain tumors, thus decreasing the apoptotic activity of p53 tumor suppressor [XREF_BIBR]."

"The deletion of the lysine residue at position 164 and other acetylation sites in p53 blocked p53 mediated transactivation of p21 and inhibition of cell growth."

"Analysis of p53 chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments performed in HCT116 cells XREF_BIBR indicates the presence of a significant peak of p53 interaction in two independent experiments involving p53 activation induced by Nutlin3 or 5 ' fluorouracil (5FU)), at the same position, approximately 800 bp away from the GAS5 transcriptional start site (TSS), indicating that p53 directly controls GAS5 transcription."

"The E6 binds to the tumor suppressor protein p53 , which results in p53 degradation ."

"NAMPT overexpression also reduced the fraction of p53 that was acetylated on lysine 382, a target of SIRT1, suppressed an age related increase in p53 expression, and increased the rate of p53 degradation."

"In addition, acetylation of p53 at these sites also promotes its transcriptional activity by increasing the DNA binding ability of p53 or facilitates the recruitment of its co-activators (that is, p300) to the promoter regions of p53 responsive genes."

"For example, the tethering of Daxx and HIPK2 (homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2) on axin enhances HIPK2 mediated phosphorylation of serine 46 in p53, increasing the transcriptional activity of p53."

"On the other hand, a feedback is also clearly expected between p53 expression that triggers DNA repair proteins, damage reduction and switching-off p53."

"In cell lines derived from several solid organ malignancies, and chronic myeloid leukaemia, Tnv-6 increases levels of acetylated p53 and stimulates p53 dependent apoptosis."

"It has also been found that Ras signalling induces p53 N-terminal phosphorylation, enabling the interaction of p53 with activated SMADs and subsequent recruitment of the complex to specific TGF-beta responsive target promoters."

"There is a large overexpression of p53 in the Ad12E1B55K-expressing cells, as has been reported previously; this protein is transcriptionally inactive, presumably due to its association with Ad12E1B55K [52]."

"The N-terminal fragment of Notch1-IC, which can interacts with p53, inhibits p53 phosphorylation and represses p53 transactivation."

"Recently, acetylation of p53 by EGCG was also reported to increase p53 transcriptional activity by inhibition of class I histone deacetylases."

"Inhibition of p53 expression by its antisense oligonucleotide also attenuated nocodazole induced JNK activation in p53 +/+ cells."

"Consistently, qPCR and Western blot revealed that IPO7 overexpression induced a decrease in p53 levels in PANC-1 cells, while knockdown of IPO7 induced an upregulation of p53 in HPAC cells (Figures 5A,B)."

"For example, in breast cancer cells, JMJD1A can demethylate tumor suppressor p53 at K372 to inhibit p53 activity for the expression of pro-apoptotic genes such as PUMA, NOXA or BAX ."

"P53 plays a pivotal role for senescence induction; the DNA damage response activates ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) and Rad3-related (ATR) kinases, which in turn activate the p53/p21 axis by phosphorylation of both p53 and its ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, leading to the stabilization of p53 levels [51]."

"Many studies have shown that the inhibition of Thr 55 phosphorylation of p53 protein not only can prevent the p53 protein from CRM binding and nucleocytoplasmic transportation but also can enhance the sensitivity of cancer cells to DNA damage [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"9,10,45 This may be a result of loss of p53 through mutation or deletion, or amplification of the MDM2 gene, which functionally inactivates p53."

"Furthermore, p53 acetylation promotes p53 stability and accumulation XREF_BIBR."

"Thus, our data showed that restoration of p300 mediated p53 acetylation induces a sustained p53 reactivation and anti-tumor response in HPV positive HNSCC."

"As an E3 ubiquitin ligase, Mdm2 also ubiquitinates p53 and thereby targets p53 for destruction."

"After prednisolone withdrawal, there was overexpression of H2AX, CC3, and p53 in the latter group."

"Simple readouts for p53 activation under nucleolar stress conditions are an increased p53 protein levels (stabilization or accumulation following blockage of ubiquitin-proteasomal degradation), reduced p53 binding to MDM2/HDM2, increased p53 mRNA levels under a long-lasting stress, elevated mRNA levels of p53 target genes, typically CDKN1A (p21) and BAX, and corresponding cell phenotypes such as cell cycle arrest, autophagy, DNA repair, senescence, or apoptosis 89."

"Either E6 or BCCIPbeta inhibition reduced p53 ubiquitination and increased p53 concentration."

"It is considered that Cd induced accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 promote p53 transcriptional activity in HK-2 cells."

"XREF_FIG, MMP-2 activity and p53 expression increased in U87MG and U2OS cells wt p53 in proportion to the radiation dose, but these were unchanged in U251 and SAO2 cells."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at ser20 is an important event in modulation of p53 stability and activity in response to UV and irradiation [XREF_BIBR] and is shown to activate p21 in response to DNA damaging agents by enhancing transactivating function of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"The C-terminal phosphorylation of p53 by GSK-3beta at Ser 315 and Ser 376, on the other hand, directs the export of p53 from the nucleus and its subsequent degradation in the proteasome [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Our study demonstrated that phosphorylation of p53 at serine 15, which is important for activation of p53 [43], occurred after exposure to H O ."

"P53 and Neuroinflammation The immune response in the brain could be modulated by p53 ."

"Particularly, DNA damage induced and glucose deprivation activated phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 46 might trigger the p53 dependent apoptotic program mediated by pro apoptotic p53AIP1."

"33 In our system, either p53 induced by DNA damage or ectopic expression of p53 resulted in the upregulation of ULK1/ULK2 and autophagy, which can be attenuated by pretreatment with 3-MA, an autophagy inhibitor."

"It phosphorylates Ser15 in the amino-terminal transactivation domain of p53, thereby stimulating p53 activity."

"EP inhibited ROS generation (Figure 6D,E) and reduced the expressions of p53 and PEDV N (Figure 7C,D), suggesting that EP can inhibit PEDV-induced apoptosis by inhibiting ROS generation and p53 activation, thereby inhibiting PEDV replication."

"We found that JNK mediated phosphorylation of Thr 81 in the proline rich domain (PRD) of p53 enabled wild-type p53, as well as mutant p53, to form a complex with p73."

"Additionally, pretreatment of cells with these kinase inhibitors decreased IMQ mediated p53 up-regulation, Ser15 phosphorylation of p53, and up-regulation of p21 and Bax."

"Also, it was shown that DYRK1A directly phosphorylates p53 and leads to the induction of p53 target genes, attenuating proliferation of rat and human neural progenitor cells."

"Notably, methylation of p53 at K372 leads to increased stability of chromatin bound p53 and to the activation of p53 target genes, whereas demethylation of K372 has an inhibitory effect on p53."

"Aspirin acetylates p53 in EOC cells and subsequently activates p53 mediated downregulation of target genes."

"Thus, we speculate that changes in the levels of the p53 isoforms may contribute towards the immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection.In another example, p53 and isoforms have a major impact on influenza A virus (IAV)."

"Summarizing, the observed dysregulation of p53 expression in HD iPSCs supports the involvement of the p53 pathway in the early stages of HD pathogenesis."

"Loss of wild-type p53 by nitrosative or oxidative load during chronic inflammation may impair p53 mediated negative regulation of iNOS, thus enhancing NO production and subsequent promotion of NO depe[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"This question is particularly important because p53 acetylation at lysine residues is indispensable for activation of p53."

"PG and its structural analogue (compound R) are also proven to induce cell-cycle arrest by the expression of p53 target genes in p53 deficient cancer cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"In cellular assays EFP mediated p53 ISGylation increased p53 stability, while ISG15 or EFP depletion, or expression of K-to-R p53 mutants significantly decreased the DNA damage induced p53 responses."

"71 Recently a novel function of IAV NC in inducing host cell death was also identified via a yeast two-hybrid screen, the researchers identified RING finger protein 43, a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a novel interactor of NC and as an important partner of NC to modulate p53 ubiquitination levels, which causes p53 stabilization and enhances apoptosis level in IAV-infected cells."

"FACT, SPT16, and SSRP1 subunits, can bind to CK2 after CBL0137 is administered, and the SPT16-SSRP1-CK2 complex phosphorylates p53 at Ser and promotes p53 activation (2, 27) (Figure 1)."

"Cisplatin induced p53 dependent apoptosis and p21 (WAF1 and CIP1)-independent S-phase cell cycle arrest and 5-FU induced p53 and p21 (WAF1 and CIP1)-dependent G1-phase cell cycle arrest, not apoptosis."

"Finally,> 93% of tumours with a TP53 mutation exhibited greatly reduced wild-type p53 messenger expression, due to loss of heterozygosity or copy neutral loss of heterozygosity, supporting the concept of p53 as a recessive tumour suppressor."

"It has also been demonstrated that p38 MAPK directly phosphorylates p53 at the serine 15 and activates p53."

"In breast and colon cancer cell lines, FOXP3 expression is directly regulated by p53, and doxolubicine which activates p53 dramatically activated FOXP3 transcription in vitro ( xref )."

"Biochemical analysis suggests that the brain abnormalities in p53-KQ mice are in part due to activation of p53 target genes and subsequent induction of apoptosis compared to the wild-type mice, demonstrating that mimicking acetylation of p53 C-terminus leads to elevated p53 transcriptional activities."

"In previous study , P53 appeared to be involved in the BHV-1-induced apoptosis in MDBK cells because the p53 level and promoter activity increased after infection [ 9 ] ."

"Results obtained show that NM exposure of SKH-1 hairless mouse skin caused H2A.X and p53 phosphorylation and increased p53 accumulation, indicating DNA damage."

"Therefore, we investigated whether these relationships held true at even higher levels of p53, which we induced in irradiated cells by treating them with nutlin-3a (MDM2i) to inhibit MDM2 (Vassilev et al. 2004), the E3 ubiquitin ligase responsible for degrading p53."

"Fourth, both proteins inhibit MDM2 mediated p53 ubiquitination and increase endogenous p53 levels under overexpressed condition, but only RPS27L, upon siRNA silencing, causes p53 destabilization."

"DNA damaging agent such as etoposide results in the upregulation of p53 by phosphorylation of p53."

"Extensive studies have revealed that many HATs such as p300 and CBP, p300 and CBP associated factor (PCAF), hMOF and TIP60 acetylate p53 on different lysines to induce differential activation of p53 in addition to protein stability change 23."

"Thus, a decrease in the expression of positive p53 ITAFs or the overexpression of negative p53 ITAFs may cause reduced p53 induction and malignant transformation of cells harboring wild-type p53."

"Small hairpin RNA or a dominant negative mutant of Aurora A kinase efficiently disrupts LANA induced p53 ubiquitylation and degradation, and leads to induction of p53 transcriptional and apoptotic activities."

"The phosphorylation of p53 on Ser 15 and Ser 37 residues are known to induce p53 activity under DNA damaged conditions [48,49]."

"Under normal circumstances, both p53 and MYCN induce MDM2, but upon MDM2 inhibition MYCN mediated transcription of p53 allows p53 to accumulate and increases activity."

"A fraction of trajectories showed that indeed p53 levels continue to increase after inhibition, resulting in a full p53 pulse (30 min before inhibition, XREF_FIG)."

"The expression of p53(22Q/23S) induced intermediate DNA damage levels, i.e. less γH2AX foci accumulation as in p53-negative cells but still higher than in p53(WT) expressing cells (Figure 4D)."

"The results reported here are consistent with work from other labs demonstrating that MPP + can increase p53 levels and induce p53 dependent Bax upregulation and apoptosis in cell lines derived from the peripheral nervous system."

"The intimate addiction of cancer cells to the sustained activity of E6 represents an advantage for the development of anti-cancer drugs, since perturbing E6 activities can restore the intracellular levels of active p53 and reactivate p53 mediated pathways, leading to oncogene induced senescence and eventually apoptosis of cancer cells 20."

"p21 is a downstream gene of p53, activated by activated p53."

"There was no overexpression of p53."

"Thus, overexpression of these p53 isoforms likely increase some aspects of p53 function that reduces tissue function or regeneration which is consistent with an accelerated loss of stem cell functiona[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Previous studies have shown that dimethylation of p53 at Lys370 promotes p53 activated transcription but the mechanism for such activation is not known 4."

"There was no overexpression of protein p53."

"Through interacting with the viral oncoprotein LMP1, TRAF2 induced K63 linked ubiquitination of p53 and promoted p53 stabilization."

"It has been shown by DNA binding, transcriptional activation and tumor suppressing assays that the incorporation of a second mutation into oncogenic p53, referred to as second-site suppressor mutation, can rescue the normal activity of p53 as described later in the text for the current hot spot mutations."

"Moreover, the expression of p53 (S15) was downregulated in PC-3 cells, owing to p53 deletion (29)."

"Multiple of ligases are involved in the ubiquitination reaction, and MDM2 is a crucial ubiquitin ligase that promotes the ubiquitination and degradation of p53, thereby preventing the induction of p53 target genes."

"The phosphorylation of CHK2 and p53 was also increased by EEOM, indicating that activated CHK2 triggers p53 phosphorylation to increase the stability of p53."

"Upon binding the DBD of p53 and CREB-binding protein (CBP), SCARNA10 promotes the acetylation of p53, and activates p53-mediated transcriptional activation."

"If the HDM2 feedback inhibition of p53 is interrupted, an increase in functional p53 levels should augment the therapeutic effectiveness of such agents by restoring p53 functions that lead to apoptosis, or by reversing p53 associated drug resistance."

"P53 acetylation is thought to promote target gene activation by increasing the stability of the p53, p300, and DNA complex."

"Notably , over 70 % of osteosarcoma has structural variants or mutations in the TP53 gene , Ewing sarcoma is rarely mutated for TP53 due to EWS-FLI1 's inhibitory effect on TP53 , non-uterine LMS has a high rate ( ~ 50 % ) of TP53 mutation , and well - and de-differentiated LPSs are defined by amplification of MDM2 ."

"Nampt overexpression also reduced the fraction of p53 that was acetylated on lysine 382, a target of SIRT1, suppressed an age related increase in p53 expression, and increased the rate of p53 degradation."

"Further , we found that AS disruption in the sart3smu471 mutant included effects on the p53 repressor , mdm4 , which activated p53 ."

"At the molecular level, how does monomethylation of p53 at K372 activate p53?"

"7 Here, re-establishment of wild-type p53 expression in UKF-NB-3 r Nutlin10muM cells also re-sensitised this cell line to RITA further supporting a role of p53 activation in the anticancer activity of RITA in the investigated model."

"Acetylation and phosphorylation of p53 leads to activation of p53 related pathways."

"This is consistent with previous studies showing that p53 polyubiquitination and degradation primarily occurs in the cytoplasm, and that blocking p53 nuclear export using leptomycin B (LMB) results in decreased p53 polyubiquitination and degradation [31]."

"Acetylation of carboxy-terminal lysines on p53 competes for MDM2 mediated ubiquitylation and thereby activates p53; recently, acetylation of other lysine residues of p53 has been shown to activate p53 by blocking MDM2 binding 14."

"DYRK2 belongs to the class II DYRK subfamily, which mediates the phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 to potentiate p53-dependent apoptosis (Taira et al., 2007)."

"In fact, the Ser15 phosphorylation of p53 has been shown to stimulate the transcriptional functions of p53 through its increased association with p300 co-activator XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR and stabilization via disruption of binding to MDM2 XREF_BIBR."

"Intriguingly, C-terminal phosphorylation of p53 at both Ser 366 and Ser 378 enhances the association with BZLF1 protein and subsequent ubiquitination of p53 XREF_BIBR, possibly through the phosphorylation induced conformational change of p53."

"P53 overexpression led to a decrease in the p62 levels, an increase in the LC3-II levels, and reduced parthanatos, indicating that arsenic induces p53-dependent functional autophagy."

"Dithranol (1 microgram and microliter, n = 8), sodium dodecylsulphate (5%, n = 4), and retinoic acid (0.5%, n = 4), applied for 48 h, caused erythema, significantly increased p53 protein levels (p < 0.05), and also increased p53 mRNA."

"Here we report the first account of the dynamics of mutation induced structural transition of native p53 to an aberrant gain-of-function state, studying the wildtype (WT) and high incidence contact (R273C) and structural (R175H) mutant p53 (mutp53) through molecular dynamics simulation."

"Taken together, these data demonstrate that inactivation of Sirt3 significantly enhances p53-mediated ferroptosis upon ROS stress and this upregulation, at least, in part contributes to p53-dependent tumor growth suppression.It is well accepted that Sirt1 plays an important role in regulating p53-mediated transcriptional activation by deacetylating p53 (Zhao et al., 2008)."

"Next, we tested whether EPOs mediated p53 activation is involved in EPOs induced apoptotic cell death in proliferating VSMCs by using pifithrin-alpha, a reversible inhibitor of p53 meidated apoptosis and p53 dependent gene transcription [XREF_BIBR], and p53 siRNA."

"Our finding that overexpression of p53 triggers it to form a heritable prion in yeast with reduced transcriptional activity suggests that increased levels of p53 may likewise trigger prion formation and concomitant p53 inactivation in animal cells, leading to cancer."

"Expression of p53 was not altered in the two pancreatic cancer cell lines containing mutated p53, but was upregulated in the HepG2 cells containing wild-type p53."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at the C-terminal serine 392 may enhance the specific DNA binding of p53 in vitro."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 15 by ATM and at Ser 20 by Chk2 inhibits p53 degradation by MDM2, a RING finger E3 ligase which ubiquitinates and degrades p53 through ubiquitin mediated proteolysis."

"Recently, ATF3 has been found to interact with p53 proteins stimulated by genotoxic stress and prevent p53 ubiquitination and degradation, which consequently augments p53 function and results in enhanced apoptosis."

"In cancer cells, NRF3 upregulates assembly of the 20S proteasome by directly inducing gene expression of the 20S proteasome maturation protein POMP Interestingly, NRF3 knockdown not only increases p53 and Rb protein levels but also increased p53 activities for tumor suppression, including cell-cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis."

"Activated p53 (protein product of TP53) is a DNA-binding transcription factor that targets different proteins that are either involved in apoptosis (e.g., Bad, Bax, Puma, Fas, Apaf1, Noxa) or can induce cell cycle arrest (e.g., BTG2, CDNK1/p21/pRb/E2F1 pathway, GADD45) and activate DNA repair mechanisms (e.g., p48, XPC, PCNA, DDB2) after exposure to UV light, ionizing radiation or other DNA-damaging agents [17]."

"Cr (VI) was shown to increase p53 levels, induce nuclear translocation of p53 and promote p53 dependent apoptosis in human fibroblasts (Carlisle et al., 2000a, 2000b)."

"Normally, ATM and ATR, activated in response to DNA damage or stress, phosphorylate p53 and block Mdm2, which targets p53 for destruction."

"HBeAg and its precursors could disrupt p53-NUMB and HDM2-NUMB interactions and tricomplex p53-HDM2-NUMB formation, inhibit the acetylation and translocation of p53 from cytosol to the nucleus, promote HDM2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation of p53, and suppress p53 dependent apoptosis."

"Upon glucose deprivation, AMPK phosphorylates p53 at Ser15 and activates the p53 dependent cell cycle checkpoint to induce cell cycle arrest that allows cells to survive under metabolic stress."

"Acetylation of p53 increases the stability of the p53 protein and its antiviral to DNA damage, which is necessary for the detection of DNA damage and the activation of oncogenes [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Collectively, these findings demonstrated that ABL-L not only enhances p53 expression, but also promotes p53 functions to induce apoptosis.To confirm the relationship between p53 and cytotoxicity afte[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Phosphorylation of p53 at serine 15 directs p53 to centrosome where p53 exerts mitotic checkpoint surveillance during mitosis."

"P53 phosphorylation at the Ser 15 and Ser 20 sites promotes accumulation and activation of p53 and DNA repair, while p53 phosphorylation at the Ser 46 site closely regulates apoptosis after DNA damage [XREF_BIBR]."

"Results suggest that E2F1 stabilization might link MPO-induced p53 phospho-activation in HCT116 p53 WT cells or p14 ARF induction in HCT116 p53 -/- cells."

"FHIT and p53 expression were well correlated in squamous cell carcinoma, supporting the observation that FHIT regulates and stabilizes p53."

"In these ways, CP-31398 induces the expression of p53 responsive genes, such as p21, but also induces p53 independent cells death."

"Accordingly, enforced expression of wild-type p53 -- but not a well characterized transactivation defective p53 mutant 18 -- was able to induce Cdkn1a and p21 and increase the alphaKG and succinate ratio in p53 null PDAC cells (XREF_FIG - XREF_FIG)."

"In addition to this activity, QC is able to activate the p53 pathway and induce tumor cell death through Bcl-2-associated X protein (BAX) XREF_BIBR and seliciclib activate p53 by inhibiting MDM2 mediated p53 degradation XREF_BIBR."

"Notably, downregulation of p14ARF interferes with the proper p53 response, because p14ARF is a critical upstream regulator of p53 that activates p53 protein by blocking its Mdm2-mediated degradation."

"We also developed a UbV targeting USP10, a second DUB that deubiquitinates p53, and showed that the UbV promoted export of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (Zhang, Sartori, et al., 2017)."

"Similarly, phosphorylated-Chk2 (p-Chk2) phosphorylates p53 and the suppression of the combination of MDM2 and p53, causes p53 upregulation."

"Our data suggests that Jab1 mediated phosphorylation of p53 at Thr155 residue mediates nuclear export of p53."

"These findings provide evidence that activation of TP53 gene transcription by PKCdelta triggers TP53 dependent apoptosis in response to DNA damage."

"Mps1 and BubR1 mediated p53 phosphorylation are required for p53 activation to properly induce cell death in a p53 dependent manner in response to mitotic spindle damage [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"A similar pattern of p53 phosphorylation is induced upon exposure of cells to exogenous gamma irradiation, UV, and some chemotherapeutic agents, indicating that high concentrations of NO can induce DN[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Following our earlier demonstration that p53 functions synergistically with p300 and CBP, we show here : (i) that p53 is a substrate for the acetyltransferase activity of p300; (ii) that acetylation o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"It is tempting to speculate that the enhanced Mdm2 mediated ubiquitination of p53, driven by phosphorylation by Aurora A, might be mediated by the ability of Lats2 to bind all three players; Aurora A, Mdm2 and p53."

"Instead of acting as a dominant negative for p53 [84], Delta113p53 differentially modulated p53 target gene expression to antagonize p53 apoptotic activity after zebrafish embryos were exposed to fore[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"SETD7 methylates p53 at K372, enhancing p53 stability and its transcriptional activity."

"Forskolin increased Ets-2, p53 and MMP-2 expression significantly by 164 +/- 7, 125 +/- 12 and 162 +/- 13, respectively, and increased binding activity to oligonucleotides p53 and Ets in 6-8 w 1 st trimester trophoblasts, like previously found with JAR cells."

"If the MDM2 feed-back inhibition of p53 is interrupted, a significant increase in functional p53 levels will increase p53 mediated therapeutic effectiveness."

"In particular, SIRT1-dependent p53 deacetylation induces p53 inactivity and thus favors cell cycle progression (112)."

"Raf phosphorylates p53 in vitro and potentiates p53 dependent transcriptional transactivation in vivo."

"Furthermore, AMPK can phosphorylate p53 at Ser15, a site that enhances p53 stability and activation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Expression of p53 restores an appropriate activation of the p53 downstream signaling in p53 mutated tumor cells probably because p53 mutated cells often have intact p53-downstream pathways."

"Conversely, the inhibition of the HSF1 response imparted by these drugs was largely rescued by overexpression of mutp53 (XREF_FIG), underlining the importance of mutp53 in stimulating MAPK and PI3K signaling to regulate HSF1 activity."

"During DNA damage, p53 and MDM2 are phosphorylated, resulting in a decrease in p53-MDM2 interaction, thereby reducing p53 degradation, and together with a concomitant increase in p53 production result in a net increase in p53 (Cheng et al., 2009)."

"Treatments with apoptosis inducing agents induced significant elevation of the p53 protein but not p53 mRNA levels in mutant PS1 transfected cells."

"Importantly, we also found that PRMT5 knockdown reduces p53 expression and prevents p53 stabilization in response to DNA damage, leading to a decreased induction of p53 target genes MDM2 and p21."

"Mechanically, levobupivacaine up-regulated the expression of p53 and induced ferroptosis by regulating p53 in NSCLC cells."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR In a very recent publication, HRF and TCTP was shown to promote p53 degradation, and p53 directly repressed HRF and TCTP transcription."

"For example, dephosphorylation of tumor suppressor p53 (TP53) at Thr55 activates p53, resulting in the induction of the CDK inhibitor p21 (CDKN1A), and inhibition of cell growth."

"p38 MAPK phosphorylates p53 which causes the dissociation of p53 form Mdm2 and thus promotes p53 stabilization and accumulation."

"All p53 family proteins share the ability to activate p53 target genes involved in apoptosis and cell cycle control under stress conditions."

"Stimulation of p53 sumoylation requires a highly conserved region (102-116) encoded by exon 2 of ARF and correlates with the ability of ARF to target p53 to the nucleolus."

"We investigated the expression level of p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), myeloid cell leukemia-I (MCL-1), and p53 in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and para-carcinoma tissues, as well as their clinical significance."

"Rescuing the phenotype by mutating p53 brings the question of whether mutation or misexpression of Fam208a can similarly effect fitness of other cell populations, and whether such fitness defects are similarly " rescued " by loss of the tumor suppressor p53, leading to cancer."

"p300 also associates with PRMT5, Strap and JMY for arginine methylation of p53 which affects the promoter specificity of p53 and enhances p53 dependent cell cycle arrest [XREF_BIBR]."

"P53 phosphorylation at these residues activates p53 as a transcription factor [63,64]."

"Acetylation of K120 on p53 by Tip60 increases binding of p53 to proapoptotic target gene promoters, thereby driving cells preferentially into apoptosis XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."

"The sets are a collection of downregulated downstream targets of P53 induced by the overexpression of P53 or P21 genes in human ovarian cancer cell lines."

"HEXIM1 inhibits ubiquitination and degradation of p53 mediated by HDM2, and therefore, enhances the protein stability of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"The acetylation of p53 has been shown to enhance the activity and stability of p53, while deacetylation, predominantly caused by SIRT1, destabilizes and facilitates the degradation of p53 [19-21]."

"Since, p53 is well documented to have a role in apoptosis XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR we checked the expression of the genes associated with p53 signaling such as p53, phosphorylated p53, PUMA, BCL-2, BAX, BCL-xL by western blot analysis."

"MELK phosphorylates P53 on Ser15 in its amino-terminal transactivation domain, thereby enhancing P53 dependent activation of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest (Jiang and Zhang, 2013)."

"According to previous reports and our published data, p53 acetylation may increase p53 activity."

"However, ribosomal stress induced by actinomycin D treatment specifically leads to p300 and CBP mediated acetylation of both p53 and Hdm2, which in turn upregulates p53 transcriptional activity and inhibits Hdm2 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity."

"Acetylation of p53 at K382 increases the ability of p53 to bind DNA and the ability of E6 mutants to inhibit p53 K382 acetylation correlates with the ability of 16E6 mutants to resist interferon induced growth arrest XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"In addition, VE821 in combination with triapine increased p53 level and induced p53 target gene expression (CDKN1A, BBC3) in p53 wild-type Ewing's sarcoma cells."

"BTZ increases P53 protein levels by inhibiting the proteasomal degradation of P53, and subsequently activates the P53 signal transduction pathway, which emphasizes the importance of P53 regulation in the pathogenesis of MM."

"Moreover, p300 and CBP mediated p53 acetylation at Lys373/382 is highly conserved and preferentially induced in response to the various stress signals to mediate p53 dependent growth arrest and apoptotic effects."

"We hypothesized that AGGF1 increased p53 expression by enhancing the stability of p53."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at Thr 81 by JNK contributes stabilization and increased transcriptional activity of p53 XREF_BIBR."

"The acetylation of p53 at the C-terminus by p300 and CBP causes an increase of p53 transcriptional activity leading to growth arrest and apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"Because p53 acetylation increased p53 activity, we assessed the ability of p53 to bind to the NOXA and BAX promoters."

"To study the functional consequences of p53 activation by p53 pathway inhibitor silencing in A549 cells, we determined cell cycle distribution (Fig.  xref )."

"Consistent to our findings, Lain et al. 35 reported that inhibition of SIRT1 by a specific inhibitor causes p53 hyperacetylation and increases p53 dependent transcriptional activity."

"Previous studies have reported that phosphorylation of p53 modulates the functions of p53 and is causally related to apoptosis (Milne et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1994)."

"Clearly, these results demonstrated that CDR1as effectively inhibits p53 ubiquitination, therefore preventing p53 protein from degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway."

"p14 (ARF) does not phosphorylate p53, but inhibits MDM2 dependent p53 degradation through direct MDM2 binding."

"The p53 protein level can be negatively modulated by MDM2 and MDMX, two E3 ubiquitin protein ligases that mediate p53 protein degradation through ubiquitin dependent proteolysis [XREF_BIBR]."

"Acetylation of p53 by p300 and CBP or P/CAF can increase p53 protein stability in vitro, by blocking Mdm2 mediated ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of p53."

"In terms of aging, it has been shown that overexpression of SIRT1 in primary fibroblasts decreased acetylation of p53 and antagonized PML and p53 induced premature aging of cells in culture [109]."

"In the latter cell line (see the quantitation of protein bands in XREF_FIG), along with the solid tumor cell lines, the expression of p53 did not increase on stimulation with BM-H, thus confirming the p21 dependent, p53 independent mechanism of BM-H extract on all tested cell lines."

"Inhibition of p53 acetylation by INHAT subunit SET and TAF-Ibeta represses p53 activity."

"Altered transcription of p53 in response to such stress allows p53 to direct one of three responses : DNA repair, cell senescence, or cell apoptosis."

"Interestingly, p53 protein levels increased in samples from cells treated with either Ago-2 or PARN siRNA, supporting the idea that both factors might be involved in the same p53 regulatory pathway."

"To evaluate whether the p53 pathway was activated in these PIM1 containing prostate cancer cells, we carried out quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis of mRNA from cells expressing PIM1 at early and late passages (XREF_FIG), and examined the levels of three p53 activated genes, p53 inducible nuclear protein 1, DNA-damage inducible transcript 4, and p21."

"It is implied that p53 protein expression in keratinocytes, and not in differentiated cells, supports the potential role of p53 in preventing early carcinogenesis XREF_BIBR."

"We have recently reported that intracellular Abeta42 activates p53 mRNA expression and promotes p53 dependent apoptosis."

"However, the expression of p53 was only increased in U87-MG cells, suggesting that cell cycle arrest by AKBA was independent of p53."

"The expression of p53 was knocked down by its siRNA (siRNA p53; XREF_FIG G and XREF_FIG H) and was overexpressed by adenovirus expressing p53 (Ad-p53; XREF_FIG I and XREF_FIG J)."

"We found that although the total p53 protein level was not changed significantly, the nuclear p53 protein level was progressively reduced, and correspondingly, the cytoplasmic level of p53 progressively increased, suggesting an increase in p53 nuclear to cytoplasmic translocation after 4-12 h of LPS stimulation (XREF_FIG)."

"Antagonism of the androgen receptor with either charcoal-stripped media or casodex resulted in a p53-dependent activation of p53, p21, and PUMA that was enhanced with the addition of MI-219 (Supplementary Figure 4, A and B )."

"Lys / K-372 monomethylation of p53 / TP53 stabilizes p53 / TP53 and increases p53 / TP53-mediated transcriptional activation [ 44 ] [ 45 ] [ 46 ] ."

"The phosphorylation of p53 (Ser15) promotes both the increase in its level and enhanced activity of p53 under the influence of apoptosis."

"Moreover , the downregulated expression of TP53 significantly retarded ESCC cell migration and proliferation and might activate the mTOR signaling pathway and inhibit TP53 - dependent autophagy ."

"As expected, HSF1 significantly reduced clonogenicity, altering wild-type p53 target gene expression levels consistent with a role of HSF1 increasing wild-type p53 activity."

"This process is mainly controlled by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 which mediates polyubiquitination of p53 and promotes the association of p53 with the proteasome [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"In HD cellular models and human post-mortem brains, p53 is phosphorylated on Ser46, a modification that triggers the interaction with Pin1 and activates p53 apoptotic functions."

"These data together indicate that tamoxifen administration in the transplanted Mdm2 Tg p53 Neo and Neo CreER angiosarcomas restored expression of functional p53 that led to elicitation of gene expression downstream to p53."

"Although K48 linked polyubiquitination of p53 leads to its degradation, whether K48 independent ubiquitin linkages are involved in p53 activation remains unknown."

"Moreover, MGMT suppression was associated with p53 activation, and accumulation of p53 increased the cell response to alkylation agents [ xref – xref ]."

"P53 acetylation also increased the levels of p53 target proteins (BAX, PUMA)."

"MDM2 continuously ubiquitylates p53, thereby targeting p53 for proteasomal degradation."

"Our previous report also showed that nuclear ERK2 phosphorylates p53 and up-regulates the transcriptional activity of p53 [26]."

"Additional phosphorylation of multiple p53 residues combined with C-terminal acetylation enhances p53 transcriptional activities leading to upregulation of genes such as gadd45, p21 and PUMA."

"By analogy to Mdm2, where low ubiquitination leads to nuclear export and polyubiquitination results in degradation, it is tempting to propose that mono-ubiquitination of p53 by E6/E6AP may also signal[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Monoubiquitination of p53 triggers its nuclear export while the polyubiquitination targets p53 for proteasomal degradation [77]."

"First, it may alter chromatin structure through histone acetylation when targeted to promoter elements by the DNA binding domain of p53 [75 * -78 *], or it may directly acetylate p53 leading to increa[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"These results strongly indicated that Chk2 expression was crucial for p53 phosphorylation at Ser 20 and Ser15, which in turn increased p53 protein stabilization, and further led to apoptosis following Chel A treatment."

"Casein kinase II (CKII), which phosphorylates p53 at serine 392, induces the DNA binding activity of p53 [60]."

"Notably, DDX3 depletion suppressed the p53 expression and also suppressed the transactivation regulation of p53 (Figs XREF_FIG - XREF_FIG)."

"Thus, p300 mediated acetylation of p53 increased the stability of p53 and enhanced the transcriptional as well as proapoptotic activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Finally, co-immunoprecipitation studies suggested that Ser 106 phosphorylation of p53 decreases its interaction with MDM2 and prolongs the half-life of p53."

"These mechanisms likely explain how p53 methylation by SET7 resists E6 dependent p53 degradation through E6AP and ubiquitin."

"Both CHK1 and CHK2 phosphorylate p53, which causes p53 to dissociate from its inhibitor MDM2."

"HDAC3 phosphorylated by PINK1 binds to p53, decreases p53 acetylation and stability, and thus inhibits p53 mediated neuronal cell damage (XREF_FIG B), and HDAC3 deficiency abolishes the effect of PINK1 on p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, the pro inflammatory cytokine, macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) inhibits p53 function [152,153] whereas interferon-alpha and -beta induce p53 gene transcription, increase p53 [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The phosphorylation of p53 on Ser 15 and Ser 37 residues are known to induce p53 activity under DNA damaged conditions [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Chemotherapy or radiation therapy in p53-wild-type cells cause activation of p53, which participates in apoptosis induction when cellular stress exceeds levels compatible with survival."

"Our findings revealed that UBE4B negatively regulates the level of p53 and inhibits p53 dependent transactivation and apoptosis."

"Conversely, the deacetylation of p53 induced by sustained SIRT1 expression enhances the destruction of p53 through ubiquitin mediated proteasomal degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Expression of p53 and p21 increased in a concentration dependent manner in TP53 (+/+) cells after exposure to ellipticine."

"Desumoylation of p53 Modulates p53 Promoter Selection and Promotes Heterochromatin Mediated Target Gene Silencing."

"Acetylation of p53 is induced in response to stress, and p53 acetylation causes p53 activation and stabilization."

"For example, phosphorylation of p53 by PKC (protein kinase C) occurs in undamaged cells, resulting in masking of the epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody PAb421, and presumably promotes steady-state levels of p53 activity in cycling cells."

"Thus nutlin and doxorubicin combination generated p53 protein levels comparable to doxorubicin induced p53 in early passage cells and should restore both transcriptional and the apoptotic response if they are reduced due to lower p53 protein levels."

"P53 deacetylation at K382 by SIRT7 suppressed cancer cell growth by attenuating p53 activity."

"It is unclear how H1.2 translocation to the cytoplasm is stimulated, but phosphorylation of its T146 residue (H1.2T146-P) together with p300-mediated acetylation of p53 has been shown to block p53-H1.2 binding, allowing p53 to activate transcription of its target genes such as BAX and thereby promote cell death (Kim et al. 2012)."

"Because these ligands activated p53 to varying degrees, we found a direct positive correlation between level of Hey1 and p53 transcriptional activity, further suggesting that the induction of p53 acti[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"The p53 downregulation was mediated by p53 ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation."

"We compared the requirement for p53 protein activation of p53 target sequences in two major p53-regulated genes, p21/WAF1 (encoding a cell cycle inhibitory protein) and Mdm2 (encoding a ubiquitin ligase that targets p53 for proteolytic degradation)."

"The histone acetyltransferase (HAT) p300 is a p53 coactivator that acts by acetylating p53 and thereby increasing p53 activity."

"One interpretation of these results is that ubiquitination of p53 by MDM2, which can occur in the nucleus [33], reveals or activates the nuclear export sequence possibly by affecting the oligomerizati[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We hypothesized that both compromised ubiquitination of p53 and NS1 interaction may contribute towards IAV induced stabilization of p53, but the underlying mechanisms remained unveiled."

"The phosphorylation of P53 at Ser 15 blocks its capacity for association with MDM2 or blocks nuclear export of P53, thereby, stabilizing P53 and leading to P53 accumulation."

"Finally, ATM phosphorylates p53 at Ser15, which activates p53 transcriptional activity."

"Monomethylation of p53 by SET and MYND domain-containing protein 2 (SMYD2) at K370, which was shown to repress p53-mediated transactivation, decreases the binding of p53 to the promoters of its target genes, such as p21."

"In p53 positive LNCaP cells, pterostilbene caused G 1 cell cycle arrest by increasing p53 expression, while in p53 negative PC3 cells, pterostilbene treatment induced apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"The reduced degree of acetylation of p53 via the binding of E6 to the histone acetyltransferases, the CREB1 binding protein (CBP) and p300 (CBP and p300) and hADA3, all of which are p53 coactivators, further inactivates p53."

"Interestingly, upon the HMGB2 overexpression, the p53 protein level was significantly increased in HeLa cells, but not in HCT116 and MCF7 containing wild-type p53."

"The maintenance phase is initiated by Chk dependent p53 phosphorylation, which prevents p53 degradation by blocking the access of the Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase to p53."

"This indicates that p53 a.a. 378 hyper-phosphorylation leads to a higher level of activity than the hypo phosphorylated form, and suggests that the phosphorylation of p53 residue 378 might increase p53 mediated suppression of K14."

"Should repair be insufficient in the ensuing hours and the DNA damage signal persist, increased expression of p53, stabilized by BRCA1, would activates its p53 " gatekeeper " function to shut down transcription of BRCA1 and other genes and initiate programmed cell death."

"P53 is well‐recognized to play a key role in cell‐cycle control, DNA repair and cellular stress responses, and recent studies has reported that p53 activation of p53 can regulate apoptosis, cellular senescence and organismal ageing. xref SA‐β‐gal is an extensively utilized marker for cell senescence, and the β‐galactosidase activity can be detected at pH 6.0 in replicative or induced senescence cells but undetectable from proliferating cells. xref Levels of p53 often gradually increase during the process of replicative senescence, whereas the presence of SA‐β‐gal marker can distinguish senescent cells during cell passages independent of DNA synthesis. xref Thus, a time‐lag may exist between the time‐point of increased p53 levels and the presence of SA‐β‐gal activity."

"For example, USP7 regulates the stability of both p53 and Mdm2 and maintains p53 ubiquitination levels; 120 USP2 mediates the stability of Mdm2; 121 USP10 modulates p53 localization and stability; 122 OTUB1 abrogates p53 ubiquitination and activates p53."

"Recent studies revealed that HBZ, by binding p300 and CBP, inhibits p53 acetylation and decreases the p53 activity."

"It is widely accepted that MDM2 mediated p53 ubiquitination and induced p53 degradation XREF_BIBR."

"As ARF elevated p53 levels by repressing MDM2and increased gene dosage of p53 collectively with Arf, it resulted ina decline in cancer rate and improved overall survival."

"In this pathway CHK1 and CHK2, with ATM and ATR, phosphorylates p53 or Mdm2 to promote p53 stabilisation."

"It has been reported that the phosphorylation of serine 15 of p53 by the PI3-K family induces p53 activation [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Thus, DDR mediated p53 mRNA-MDM2 interaction may increase p53 mRNA in Sod1 -/- skin tissues (XREF_FIG)."

"Upon initial DNA damage, p53 is phosphorylated at Ser 15 and Ser 20, stimulating the binding of p53 to promoter regions of a subset of genes such as the G1 arrest genes p21, the DNA repair gene p53R2, and the p53 negative regulators such as MDM2."

"The regulation of p53 stability and activity involves many proteins, such as the antagonist MDM2 that binds the transactivation domain and also targets p53 for ubiquitination and degradation, or the kinases DNA-PK and ATM that phosphorylate p53 at several of its many sites for post-translational modification [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Taken together, these results demonstrate that down-regulation of p53 expression or inhibition of p53-dependent gene transcription enhanced chemoresistance to CDDP in MCF-7 and MCF-7 cells under both treatments, suggesting a key role of p53 in overcoming the chemoresistance of MCF-7 cells."

"The loss of p53 expression did not prevent Id3 siRNA mediated reduction in caspase-8 activation, especially in SCC25 cells, suggesting that Id3 mediated activation of caspase-8 is p53 independent."

"We also show that YB1 reduces endogenous levels of p53, which in turn reduces p53 activity."

"TACC3 depletion up-regulated the levels of p53 and p21 and induced the accumulation of p53 both in the nucleus and at the centrosome."

"These results suggested that PRMT5 mediated arginine methylation of p53 modulates p53 target gene specificity."

"Additionally, chk1 can phosphorylate and stabilize p53, thereby preventing p53 degradation."

"In contrast to TSA and SB, HDAC3 siRNA failed to upregulate p53 expression but promoted the interaction of p53 with PUMA promoter."

"Indeed, we observed that TNFAIP8 KD mediated the MDM2 downregulation and the p53 ubiquitination, thereby decreasing the degradation of p53 protein."

"Using mass spectrometry to identify nuclear and cytoplasmic CBP interacting proteins that regulate compartmentalized CBP E4 activity, we identified deleted in breast cancer 1 (DBC1) as a stoichiometric CBP interacting protein that negatively regulates CBP dependent p53 polyubiquitination, stabilizes p53, and augments p53 dependent apoptosis."

"Increased expression of transcription factor p53 and its downstream target protein p21 results in arrest of cell cycle, and increased p53 invokes a DNA repair pathway [XREF_BIBR]."

"Summary of programmed cell deaths in stem cell-based therapyPart I during the intrinsic pathway: During the intrinsic pathways, DNA damage, as a significant inducer, can stabilize and activate p53 by phosphorylation (for example, the phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 can induce the p53-dependent apoptotic pathway caused by DNA damage[137]), leading to p53 nuclear translocation[119]."

"SIRT1 limits inflammation by deacetylating p53 and p65, whereas inhibition of SIRT1 downregulates deacetylation and promotes activation of p53 and p65, leading to increased proinflammatory gene expression [14]."

"Phosphorylation of serine 18 (serine 15 in human) of p53 by ATM during the DNA damage response inhibits degradation of p53, thus increasing p53 stability."

"However, p53 phosphorylation by specific kinases, e.g., p38, following osmotic cell shrinkage, or ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated kinase)/ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3 related) following cisplatin induced DNA damage stabilizes p53 and hence ensures apoptosis and depresses cell proliferation."

"Phosphorylation of p53 by Cdk5 at Ser15, Ser33 and Ser46 enhances its stabilization and induces transactivation of p53 target genes."

"Our previous work showed that KIAA0101 tv1 suppressed the acetylation of p53 at Lys382 and inhibited the transcriptional activity of p53 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Knocking down OCT4 with siRNA increased the protein levels of p53 and p21 (a downstream target of p53) but decreased p63 levels in these cells (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Others showed that SUMOylation of p53 by the SUMO E3 ligase PIASy promotes nuclear export of p53 (ref."

"As 50% of human cancers inactivate p53 by mutation, current research focuses on reactivating p53 by developing drugs that target the p53-MDM2 interaction, which includes the binding of MDM2 and phosphorylation of p53."

"On the other hand, MEG3 significantly increases p53 protein levels and stimulates p53 dependent transcription [XREF_BIBR]."

"Silencing TRIAD1 expression in wild-type p53 (p53 WT ) cancer cells suppressed Nutlin-3a-mediated p53 activation and p53 target gene expression."

"BTK binds to and phosphorylates p53 and MDM2 , which results in increased p53 activity ."

"In cancer cell lines and normal fibroblasts endogenously co-expressing p53 isoforms, the overexpression of p53β induces apoptosis and cell senescence via the upregulation of genes such as BAX and p21/miR34 in a p53-dependent manner [56]."

"These data indicate that the combined loss of p53 mediated cell cycle arrest, senescence and apoptosis is not sufficient to abrogate the tumor suppression activity of p53."

"These findings demonstrate that TGF-beta1 rescued the p53 expression in CaSki cells but was unable to activate a detectable p53 response pathway."

"P53 phosphorylation on multiple serine/threonine residues increases the transcriptional activity of p53 by enhancing p53 stability."

"Various cellular stresses connected with defective metabolism, including atherosclerosis, trauma, hypoxia, and infections, are associated with p53 activation and phosphorylation of p53 at Ser 18 [ xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref ]."

"Expression of SPARC in melanoma cells was shown to reduce p53 expression and inhibit p53 induction in response to the cytotoxic drug actinomycin-D 9, 10."

"Cisplatin treatment of A549 NSCLC cells increased p53 levels and reduced Bcl-2 and miR-98 expression, a negative regulator of p53, and upregulated miR-98 suppressed p53, which is a crucial protein for cisplatin induced apoptosis XREF_BIBR."

"Thus, EBNA-5 inhibits P53 polyubiquitination in a concentration dependent manner and expediently impairs P53 activity."

"Increased expression of Mdm2 is found to reduce the steady state levels of p53 and decrease the stability of p53 without affecting p53 mRNA levels."

"Here, using yeast, we show that transient p53 overexpression induced the formation of p53 prion aggregates that were transmitted for> 100 generations, found in lysate pellets, stained with Thioflavin T, and transmitted by cytoplasmic transfer, or transfection with lysates of cells carrying the prion or with p53 amyloid peptide."

"One study indicated that phosphorylation of p53 by GSK3 at a different site enhanced the transcriptional activity of p53."

"For example, the phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 primarily activates p53-dependent apoptosis after DNA damage (Saito et al., 2002; Feng et al., 2006)."

"For example, acetylation of lysine residues in the p53 C-terminal domain promotes p53 activation XREF_BIBR, whereas ubiquitination and methylation in this domain negatively regulate p53 transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"P53 phosphorylation is generally considered to activate p53 and critical in determining p53 function and cell fate (4, 80, 90)."

"Through p53-p300 and CBP interaction, the p53 C-terminal domain gets acetylated and mediates p53 transactivation as well [XREF_BIBR]."

"In the present study, we consistently observed that ME2 depletion in A375 cells (harbors wild-type p53) enhanced AMPK activity, increased p53 levels, and upregulated the p53 downstream target p21, whi[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"CBP and p300 mediated p53 acetylation has been shown to increase p53 protein stability and enhance the binding of p53 to apoptotic gene promoters, such as BAX and PUMA 30."

"Over-expression of hepatic p53 and p63 was achieved by tail vein injection of adenoviral vectors activating p53 (SignaGen Laboratories, USA, ref # SL100,777), p63 (SignaGen Laboratories, USA, ref # 189SL100,865) and GFP (SignaGen Laboratories, USA, ref # SL100,833) (1 x 10 9 VGml -1)."

"However, ribosomal stress induced by actinomycin D treatment specifically leads to p300/CBP-mediated acetylation of both p53 and Hdm2, which in turn upregulates p53 transcriptional activity and inhibits Hdm2 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity (Carter and Vousden, 2009, Lee and Gu, 2010)."

"Unexpectedly, APAP stimulated phosphorylation of p53 at Ser15, Ser20, and Ser37, which usually elevates p53 content."

"N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), superoxide dismutase, and catalase mimetic attenuate UVB induced p53 stabilization without altering the transcriptional activation and cell cycle arrest functions of p53, suggesting a role for oxidative stress in UVB induced p53 stabilization and accumulation."

"ODQ prolonged p53 half-life, induced phosphorylation of p53 on Ser15, and upregulated the p53 dependent gene products p21, murine double minute-2, and the proapoptotic, p53 responsive gene product Bax."

"We found striking transcriptional similarities between our p53-driven mouse model and human TP53-enriched myeloid-dominant SPMS tumors, and similar enriched pathways within recurrent tumors of the PROTECT cohort."

"The outcome of p53 activation may depend on the cell type, amount of DNA damage, levels of p53 induced, different p53 post-translational modifications, recruitment of different co-factors to p53, and transcriptional activation of different sets of p53 target genes [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"ING4 enhances acetylation of p53 on Lys382 and upregulates p53 transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR."

"We treated 2-month-old Sesn2 +/− and Sesn2 −/− mice with DEN, which, upon metabolic activation in zone 3 hepatocytes, becomes a potent alkylating agent ( Buhler et al., 1992; Verna et al., 1996 ) [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Here we report that SENP1 deSUMOylates p53 and its knockdown markedly induced p53 transactivation activity and potentiated p53 activation and cell growth inhibition in resposne to DNA damage."

"Phosphorylation of p53 in response to several distinct types of cell stress promotes p53 stabilization."

"A significant body of literature exists on how stress activated signals result in the activation of p53 by phosphorylation of MDM2 and p53, and the consequential release of p53 from MDM2 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Acetylation of p53 on K320 promotes the transcription of pro survival (as opposed to pro apoptosis) p53 regulated genes."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at S378 and dephosphorylation at S376 create a 14-3-3-binding site and thereby increase the sequence specific DNA binding affinity of p53."

"After DNA damage, p53 is phosphorylated on Ser-15 and Ser-20, stimulating p53 to bind to promoter regions of genes subset."

"In cancer cells, the release of p53 from the complex with MDM2, controlled through protein–protein interactions and post-translational modifications, leads to the p53 accumulation and activation of downstream death signaling pathways ."

"8 The resulting rise in nuclear p53 levels stimulates p53 tetramerization, which masks the C-terminal NES that is strategically located within the tetramerization domain."

"To investigate whether this is a general phenomenon we analyzed the basal transcription of all p53 activated genes in control p53 +/+ vs p53 -/- cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Overexpression of HEXIM1 prevents the ubiquitination of p53 by HDM2 and enhances the protein stability of p53, resulting in up-regulation of p53 target genes, such as Puma and p21."

"Further, TUDCA protected PC12 cells against p53- and Bax dependent apoptosis induced by E2F-1 and p53 overexpression, respectively."

"Ubiquitination of p53 by MDM2 leads to export of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm followed by proteasomal degradation."

"MDM4 negatively regulates p53 in both MDM2 dependent and -independent manners; MDM4 interacts with MDM2 and promotes MDM2 mediated ubiquitination and degradation of p53, and also interacts with p53 to suppress the transcriptional activities of p53."

"Acetylation of p53 is reversed by Sirt1, inhibiting p53 transcriptional activity and facilitating its degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"P53 as A Decision Node for Cell Survival and Destruction Upon severe stress , p53 triggers cell death by transcribing genes involved in multiple death pathways ."

"On the other hand, almost all existing (biological and mathematical) models of the p53 dynamics assume that it is phosphorylation of p53 by ATM at Ser15 which enables p53 to escape from the Mdm2 depen[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"As DBC1 induced p53 acetylation promotes p53 dependent transcriptional activity and apoptosis, we examined the effect of Chk2 depletion on these events."

"In response to DNA damage and oxidative stress, SIRT1 directly interacts with and deacetylates p53, which promotes cell survival by specifically repressing p53-dependent apoptotic response and the possible effect in cancer therapy [133], [134]."

"These results suggest that DNA damage induced phosphorylation of p53 at Ser20 enhances the transactivation function of p53 for p21 and mdm-2 in vivo."

"While p53 overexpression increased p53 transcriptional activity approximately 5-fold, treatment with CORM2 significantly inhibited p53 transcriptional activity."

"In damaged cells, phosphorylation of P53 by protein kinases such as ATM prevents MDM2 binding and subsequent P53 degradation (Kussie et al., 1996)."

"Consistent with the downregulation of CD133 expression by ectopic p53 expression (XREF_FIG), Luc-P1 luciferase activity was severely impaired by ectopic p53 expression in NTERA2, NCCIT, and H1299 cells, indicating that P1 is a p53 target (XREF_FIG)."

"Knockdown of individual subunits of CK2 demonstrated a differential decrease of gene expression of not only NF-kappaB but also cell survival (BCL-XL) and cell cycle progression (CCND1) genes, whereas an increase of TP53 family genes known to promote growth arrest and apoptosis (p53 and Tap63) was observed."

"For instance, the phosphorylation of TP53 at S315, which could enhance TP53 transactivation potential through nuclear retention and promote MDM2-dependent proteolysis of TP53 , was increased dramatically in tumors (fold-change >10) (Supplementary Data 3c)."

"The initial study showed that acetylation of p53 C-terminal lysine residue at K370, K372, K373, K381 and K382 activates p53 and boosts the expression of p53 target genes."

"Previously, ME1 depletion was shown to induce p53 expression [XREF_BIBR], suggesting this off-target effect could cause p53 induction in HCT116 cells."

"Although macrodissection in this context is challenging, the clonal TP53 IHC expression in each TIC supports the use of the TP53 variant allele frequency (detected by NGS) to estimate tumor content and supports our approach."

"The phosphorylation of p53 and/or its negative regulator, the Mdm2 protein, activates p53 through three mechanisms : (1) by stabilizing p53 by disrupting the interaction of p53 and Mdm2; (2) by enhanc[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Acetylation in tissue culture systems activates sequence specific binding of p53 to DNA and its transcriptional activation activity and enhances the stability of p53, owing to the mutual exclusion of acetylation and ubiquitination."

"Similarly, we found that RGS6 is required for urothelial BBN induced p53 activation and caspase 3 cleavage as the transient peak in p53 activation (phosphorylation of S15) and in caspase 3 cleavage in RGS6 +/+ mice at 2-3 days following BBN exposure was significantly blunted in RGS6 -/- mice."

"Collectively, the present study demonstrates that P53 deacetylation predominantly mediates SRT2104 's protection against diabetes induced aortic endothelial dysfunction and highlights the pathogenic role of P53 in aortic endothelial dysfunction."

"Moreover, PIASy mediated p53 sumoylation causes activation of p53 target genes in human fibroblasts."

"For example, p53 acetylation at Lys 120 augments p53 dependent cell death [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], whereas its acetylation at Lys 320 promotes pro arrest gene transcription such as p21 WAF1 but not pro apoptotic genes [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"The Hsp90 inhibitor 17-DMAG induced the expression of P53 in those cells (mean value: 1.88), while H2O2 suppressed this endothelium defender (P53) (mean value: 0.41)."

"Nevertheless, our data showed that treatment with affibody Z 1235 could blocked the degradation of p53 by E6 and rescued the expression of p53, which in turn activated a robust p53-mediated transcriptional program and inhibited the proliferation of HPV16-positive cell lines."

"P53 phosphorylation by p25 mediated cdk5 activation was shown to increase p53 stability and activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"The class III histone deacetylase sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) represses p53 transcriptional activation by deacetylating p53 following DNA damage."

"From the investigation of protein expression p53 and p21 were greatly induced by cisplatin in TP53 (+/+) cells, with less expression in TP53 (+/-) cells and none in TP53 (-/-) cells, confirming that t[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Additionally, the combination of ALLnL and cisplatin potently increased p53 levels in cell lysates and stimulated the binding of p53 to chromatin."

"Unfortunately, it does not lead to any conclusions concerning prospective molecular drug targets.Among the parameters of the p53 signaling module, many are particularly important, including those directly affecting the level of p53 protein (synthesis of p53 mRNA, p53 transcript degradation, p53 translation rate) and its inhibitor, Mdm2 (synthesis of Mdm2 mRNA, Mdm2 transcript degradation, Mdm2 translation rate, Mdm2p protein spontaneous degradation, Mdm2 degradation by Chk2)."

"This helps to explain that through the interaction with the NEG region, HEXIM1 prevents p53 ubiquitination by HDM2 and enhances the stability of p53."

"There are also data reporting that EBV infection deubiquitinates and stabilizes the p53 negative regulator MDM2 (a function of EBNA-3C), XREF_BIBR or mediates p53 degradation independently of MDM2 (BZLF-1), XREF_BIBR thus reducing p53 expression."

"Furthermore, phosphorylation of checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2 promotes the phosphorylation of p53 and enhances the stability of p53, hence causing activation of CASP3."

"Furthermore, as a p53 selective E3-ubiquitin ligase, Mdm2 promotes p53 polyubiquitylation and targets p53 to degradation by the 26S proteasome."

"A recent study showed that cardiac glycoside drugs reduce p53 levels by initiating Src/MAPK signaling pathways and inhibiting p53 protein synthesis [19]."

"Similarly, p53 expression in rats fed CP-31398 resulted in a dose dependent enhancement of p53 in colonic tumors compared to those from rats fed a control diet (XREF_FIG)."

"Intraprostatic INGN 201 gene therapy is safe and can reliably result in p53 protein production and apoptosis."

"Ad-E2F1 in combination with AS-MDM2 enhances phospho-p53 levels, increases p53 transactivation leading to upregulation of p53 targets, increases levels of phospho-gammaH2AX and down-regulates Bcl-2 and AR in LNCaP and LNCaP-Res cells."

"Our results suggested that p53-related genes besides p53 gene were activated instead of mutated p53 [ xref , xref ] or p53 wild-type allele affected p53 activation [ xref , xref ]."

"Heightened expression of wild-type p53 resulting from DNA damage in the immediate post-treatment period is likely to have contributed to the high proportion of group A tumors exhibiting p53 IHC activity."

"We first ruled out p53, as DR5 and apoptosis was induced irrespective of p53 status (XREF_FIG, XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), an p53 levels did not increase by either agent in p53 WT cells (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"DCA induces p53 phosphorylation through AMPK, thus enhancing p53 effects on cell proliferation and metabolism."

"Transfection of p53 siRNA nearly completely abolished basal p53 expression and prevented TMZ- and fotemustine induced p53 up-regulation as well as p53 (Ser15) phosphorylation (XREF_FIG)."

"Furthermore, p53 suffer a phosphorylation cascade that first requires phosphorylation of p53 S15, which inhibits its binding to MDM2 and promotes subsequent p53 stabilization in cancer cells 40."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 upregulates the ability of p53 to induce apoptosis [XREF_BIBR]."

"It seems that a simple overexpression of p53 in cells is not sufficient to activate the p53 pathway."

"While phosphorylation of p53 at N-terminus is important to activate some of p53 dependent functions, none of the phosphorylation events are critical for p53 activation."

"Upon BPDE exposure, BPDE up-regulated the expression levels of lnc-HZ01 and p53, triggered this positive feedback loop, activated the p53/caspase-3 apoptosis pathway, and then induced miscarriage."

"Increased levels of p53 upregulate the downstream molecules p21 (XREF_FIG and XREF_FIG) and p27 in p53 wt and, at least some, p53 mut cancer cells, downregulating FoxM1, and leading to inhibition of cell cycle at G 2 -M. Currently, small molecules designed to inhibit HDM2 mediated ubiquitination are apparently only being tested in patients with p53 wt tumours."

"HIF-1alpha not only binds to the hypoxia response element 3 (HRE3) region on the p53 promoter to activate the transcription of p53, 12 but also enhances the stability of p53 13 and promotes the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of p53."

"In addition, PKM2 interferes with phosphorylation of P53 at serine 15, known to stimulate P53 activity by the ATM serine/threonine kinase."

"In support of this view, p300 acetylates p53 and stimulates sequence specific DNA binding of p53 (Gu and Roeder 1997)."

"For example, siRPL5 XREF_BIBR and siRPL11 XREF_BIBR reduce levels of p53 both basally and in response to stress, while siRPL23 and siRPS14 increase levels of basal p53 but attenuate the p53 response to ribosomal stress XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"In contrast, p53 family member p73 is rarely mutated in colorectal cancer and p73 activation elicits p53 like tumor suppression."

"The acetylation of p53 on some residues such as lysine373, enhanced the stabilization and activity of p53 and increased the susceptibility of cells to stress."

"These changes were accompanied by increased phosphorylation of p53 at the Ser-15 residue, which is known to contribute to the ATM pathway-dependent activation of p53 by DSBs [49](Fig. 7A)."

"Furthermore, targeting p53 null cells requires a different approach altogether, which can be based on the identification of synthetic lethality (increased sensitivity to inhibition of another pathway in the absence of p53) or induction of a p53 like response by the activation of the p53 family member s p73 or p63 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, putative p53-mediated mechanism of action of this compound is supported by quantitative analysis of TP53, MDM2 and PUMA genes expression, as well as luciferase-based p53 pathway activation assay."

"The time-course study supported ROS generation was the primary event which triggered p53 activation and activation of p53 in turn augmented ROS production through a feedback loop ( xref )."

"(Li-Fraumeni syndrome is genetically heterogeneous; in addition to the LFS1 form caused by mutations in TP53, another form, LFS2 [MIM #609265], is caused by mutations in the CHEK2 gene [MIM *604373], and a third form, LFS3 [MIM %609266], maps to a locus on 1q23."

"The generation of p53 dimethylated at Lys382 promotes the accumulation of p53 protein that occurs upon DNA damage but this accumulation is dependent on 53BP1 XREF_BIBR."

"In wtp53 tumor cells for example, HDACi induce p53 hyperacetylation that stabilizes and transcriptionally activates p53 for pro apoptotic targets."

"In this study, we further reveal a novel function of p85alpha as an upstream mediator for p300 mediated p53 acetylation at Lys370, which consequently enhances promoter specific p53 transcriptional activity to mediate the cell apoptotic effect in response to UVB."

"Although genistein treatment induced p53 phosphorylation and upregulated p53, its cellular effects were almost equal in both p53-null PC3 cells and wild-type p53 expressing LNCaP cells."

"In addition, acetylation of p53 on K320 by PCAF preferentially directs p53 to activate target genes involved in cell cycle arrest, whereas acetylation of p53 on K120 by Tip60 and hMOF promotes p53 mediated cell death."

"Phosphorylation of p53 at the C-terminal serine 392 (serine 389 in mice) may enhance the specific DNA binding of p53 in vitro [XREF_BIBR]."

"Over-expression of the p53 protein in tumour cells allows p53-derived pMHCs to be potential targets for immunotherapy ."

"According to the allosteric model, acetylation of p53 causes p53 conformational changes to activate the DNA binding domain and induce enhanced transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR], leading to activation of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis."

"m-NAD (P)-ME depletion in A375 melanoma cells (wild-type p53) enhanced AMPK activity, increased p53 levels, and up-regulated the p53 downstream target p21, which inhibits the cell cycle."

"Expression of dominant negative p53 inactivates p53 in NIKS."

"In contrast, SAHA increased expression of Caspase-3, p21 and p53 mRNA, and upregulated acetyl-Histones H3 and H4, Caspase-8, and p53 proteins."

"CsA failed to affect GOX-mediated p53 protein activation and transcription of p53 target genes, Bcl-2 and Bax."

"In most accelerated aging models, p53 levels are significantly increased, which is a key marker of p53 activation."

"Moreover, Aurora-A-mediated phosphorylation of p53 on Ser 315 residue will increase the affinity of p53 with Mdm2 that in turn will promote p53 degradation."

"Indeed, we found that p53 activation and expression of p53 targets p21 and BAX was much more robust after combined MLN8237 and (−)-Nutlin-3 treatment in comparison with single agent therapies ( xref )."

"The dominant negative p53 expressed from the SPC promoter will antagonize wild-type p53 functions in alveolar type II pneumocytes and some bronchiolar cells of the transgenic animals and thereby promote development of carcinoma of the lung."

"TIP30 protein might phosphorylate p53 C- or N-terminus to enhance the p53 dependent apoptotic pathway."

"Ubc13 elicits K63 dependent ubiquitination of p53, increases p53 localization to the cytoplasm and p53 stability, and decreases its transcriptional activity XREF_BIBR."