

AKT activates COPS6. 5 / 6
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"We previously showed that S60 of CSN6 has an Akt phosphorylation site [XREF_BIBR] and that Akt increases the steady-state expression of CSN6 [XREF_BIBR], which in turn will be translating into E6AP stabilization."

"Our mechanistic studies showed that EGF and Akt mediated CSN6 S60 phosphorylation and subse quent stabilization of E6AP thereby causing p53 downregulation and promoting cell proliferation, cell transformation as well as tumorigenesis."

"For instance, Akt can positively regulate CSN6 by phosphorylation."

"Mechanistic studies show that akt causes csn6 phosphorylation at ser 60, which, in turn, reduces ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation of csn6."

"Hence, this study has further strengthened the significance of the MDM2-p53 pathway on tumorigenesis through a novel link of Akt mediated CSN6 activation."