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"Given that f-actin formation in isolated human CD4-positive lymphocytes is an important mechanism in cell polarisation during cell migration xref , xref , we next investigated the effect of GLP-1(9-36) on f-actin formation in isolated human CD4-positive lymphocytes using flow cytometry analysis."

"It remains to be elucidated whether the hinge region glutamate residue in VpuC contributes towards binding to BST2 and/or CD4, and whether it is involved as a part of an active trafficking signal."

"This protein–protein interaction varies according to the particular viroporin analysed; for instance Viral Protein Unique (Vpu) interacts with CD4 receptor and tetherin (BST2), thereby facilitating the budding of virus particles."

"Mechanistically, tetherin blocks HIV-1 particle release and, therefore, leads to the formation of aggregated viral particles at the host cell membrane, while Vpu mediates interaction of either CD4 or BST2 to BTRC (βTrCP-1), a substrate recognition subunit of the Skp1/Cullin/F-box E3 ubiquitin ligase, leading to their ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation [ xref ]."

"Additionally, considering the importance of the structural configuration of Vpu for targeting both BST2 and its other host protein target CD4, as well as the roles of disordered regions in modulating structural orientation or affording structural plasticity that facilitates interaction with target proteins, we further examined whether these conserved hinge region residues orient Vpu in such a way that binding to BST2 and CD4 is favoured."

"Mechanistically, tetherin blocks HIV-1 particle release and, therefore, leads to the formation of aggregated viral particles at the host cell membrane, while Vpu mediates interaction of either CD4 or BST2 to BTRC (betaTrCP-1), a substrate recognition subunit of the Skp1/Cullin/F-box E3 ubiquitin ligase, leading to their ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation [XREF_BIBR]."

"Taken together with the BST2 binding data, the results demonstrate that the E28/L33 residues are essential for optimal binding to both BST2 and CD4."

"To investigate whether our assay allows to map interacting domains within proteins, we analysed a variety of previously described Vpu mutants xref for their capacity to bind CD4 and CD317 ( xref )."